Law and Order

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26 February 2004, 08:26 AM
Law and Order
I can't get enough of the Law and Order franchise. Just as well, really, as it's on here all the time on pay and free-to-air TV.

The original series is my favourite. I used to like SVU the best after that, but Goran has won me over, and now I look forward to Criminal Intent more than SVU (although I'll always have a soft spot for Olivia's character).

Anyone else watch this? Who are your favourites?

I think my favourite character of all is Lenny. He's a funny, smart, down to earth and (dare I say it) sexy dude. I used to like Abby Carmichael, but she's not on the show any more. My favourite District Attorney was Diane Wiest. She was tough yet empathetic.


Who did you think I would be? - HA! - well you got me instead.