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HARRY POTTER AND THE MYSTERY WITCH By Kate Quinn©2004 Chapter 1: Coral It was a hot muggy day on July 31st, Harry’s standard eventless birthday. As usual the Dursleys never celebrated or gave him anything or even wished him a happy birthday. This summer hadn’t been any different than the last fourteen he’d spent with them. Well—except for one thing. Neither Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia or even Dudley(known as Big D to his friends) had made one nasty comment to Harry throughout his stay with them. They wouldn’t look him in the face, they basically ignored him, but Uncle Vernon’s nastiness and threats were gone, even when company came, like Aunt Marge, who was here at this particular moment. Even Aunt Marge had been quiet with regard to Harry. In fact she behaved as if she were petrified of him and often jumped, startled, whenever he walked into the room, and broke into a cold sweat. It was typical of her to drop her drink whenever he came into a room, which caused the breaking of many of Aunt Petunia’s good glasses, a thing Harry knew they were aching to shout at him about—but never did. Yet what Harry had done to Aunt Marge last time she was at the house was not the only reason they all tiptoed around him now. Last time the Dursleys had seen anyone from Harry’s real world, the world of Witchcraft and Wizadry(this did not include Mrs. Figg, whom Harry had found out was a squib last summer during the unusual dementor attack on himself and Dudley), had been when Harry had arrived in London after the school term and been met by the Dursleys. Mad-Eye Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Arthur Weasley and Remus Lupin had in their own way made it perfectly clear to the Dursleys’ faces that if they ever so much as breathed wrong on Harry, well, they would know. And they would make sure the Dursleys regretted it for the rest of their lives. At first, the Dursleys had tried to be pleasant. Uncle Vernon had even tried to talk to Harry once and awhile, engage him in minor conversation. Nothing special, drills and all things important to Uncle Vernon. Occassionally he’d asked him how things were in the Wizarding World, and Harry just answered with a noncommittal, “Fine,” at all times. Once, Aunt Petunia had actually said she was sorry about Sirius—and that had almost been a disaster because Harry had nearly burst into tears in front of her. Luckily he masked it well, managed to say a quick “thanks,” and ran to his room, where he locked his door and cried on his bed. The tears came a lot more frequently now which scared him—and for very good reason. Whenever they came, not only were they loud and uncontrolled, everyone could hear him in his room—but they set off a lot of mishaps. Things fell off his desk and flew around his room, holes were blasted into the wall, and all manner of magical loss of control. Harry would often shiver, even as he wept, thinking of the time he’d sat there in the courtroom so long ago, it seemed—for fighting the Dementors last summer. He always feared it would happen again—but the Wizarding World seemed to be allowing this to happen, allowing him to process his grief and not fault him for the way it came out. The Dursleys never said a word. There was no mention of the tears or the magical mishaps, not even from Dudley. His friends ignored Harry now. If it weren’t for the fact that Harry knew they were petrified of the Order of the Phoenix, he might have been rather touched. Sitting here now, on his swing in the playground, Harry shook his head, laughing a little, despite himself. Those Dursleys couldn’t care less if he lived or died. Well—no one had said anything about being nice to him on his birthday or even nice to him at all, just that they didn’t give him a rough time. Strangely, the being ignored depressed Harry even more. And yet—something else also made his heart ache. He was dreading the return to Hogwarts. He didn’t want to go back. He wanted no part of it anymore, no part of being a wizard. Sirius’s death had killed something within him, well, all the joy he had ever felt in his life. No matter what, he would always be alone, he was the one the Dark Lord wanted. He was the one the prophecy had been about—well him and Neville, but Neville would never have to face what Harry had ahead of him—Neville was not strong enough anyway. He would have to face the Dark Lord alone—with no one by his side—and live or die in the battle to rid the world of evil. Harry did not even want to see Ron and Hermione again. He wanted no part of his friendship with them the way he felt now. There was nothing in him but emptiness, and a great sadness no one could comfort. His exam results had come in, and he had recieved nine O.W.L.S, which was obviously not too shabby, particulary since the highest was in Defense Against the Dark Arts...but he really couldn't feel good about that either. Ron and Hermione did not understand him, no matter how they had tried. They, and Hagrid had sent him all manner of owls, as had Dumbledore and everyone close to Harry—but he had ignored them without responding. He didn’t even open the gifts they had sent him on his birthday, even the cake Mrs. Weasley had always sent to him. No one understood. There was no point in talking to any of them, their sympathy only made Harry want to lash out in anger at them. They had parents, loving families that had always looked after them, and they had always been treated well. Harry had never been loved until he came to Hogwarts, and never truly looked after until Sirius. Dumbledore had tried, but he was too busy with everything else. Sirius however—Sirius had always had time for Harry even while he was trying to escape the Minister of Magic and Azkaban. The Weasleys—they had given Harry the best they could but there were so many children there already—and Harry would never be able to stay with them throughout the summer because of the safety issue and that bloody protection spell his mother had put on him. Harry had to stay with Aunt Petunia, because her blood protected him from Voldemort, even though Petunia had no love for him. Lily, Harry’s mother and Petunia’s sister had been the one who loved him, and had placed a spell on him that her blood would always protect him. The only living relative she had was Aunt Petunia. So Harry was stuck there until the powers that be decided he’d had enough for the summer and could go live somewhere else until school started. Harry was actually dreading this. Sooner or later, the Order of the Phoenix would come and take him away. Harry did not want to step anywhere near the House of Black ever again. He sighed, hung his head, and looked at his hands. Tears formed in his eyes and fell onto his hands as he rocked back and forth in the swing. Harry swallowed his tears as best he could; it was out in the open and if he set anything off out here—no, he didn’t think even Dumbledore would forgive that one. He wiped away the tears and concentrated on thinking about nothing. He began to swing on the swing, and concentrate on the back and forth movement. If this didn’t work, he was going to go for a long walk, maybe even a run. Harry had lost a lot of weight—he was skin and bones in fact, thanks not only to eating very little, but to running and walking a lot, just to take his mind off things. Once even Dudley had said something akin to concern—Harry had nearly burst out laughing at the look on his face. “You look like a concentration camp survivor, mate,” Dudley had said. “Here—want a biscuit?” He had offered Harry his last biscuit, and Harry had taken it with a nod of thanks, and gone right upstairs where he ate and then laid down and cried again. No one else would ever come into his heart again. Sirius's death had closed it up. Now, Harry stopped swinging, as suddenly, voices could be heard from one of two figures that stood across the street. He squinted his eyes, and for no reason he could think of—he forgot about all of his problems, as Mrs. Figg’s shrill voice could be heard screaming and yelling at— The most beautiful girl Harry had ever seen. She didn’t look like she cared a lot about herself, well it was obvious Mrs. Figg had dressed her—she wore clothes that did not match and they were all wrinkled and much too big for her. And yet—somehow her beauty showed through, even under all the rags. Her hair was long and golden, with deep red highlights that sparkled in the sun. Her face was pale, and right now, it was inclined toward the ground. It was too far away to see her face fully—but somehow Harry knew she was beautiful. Maybe it was an inner beauty shining through as well? He didn’t know. He had to find out what was going on. Getting up slowly from the swing, he stuffed his hands in his pockets, and drawing himself up, he walked across the street to where they both stood. Harry stood next to the young girl, who upon seeing him, shrunk into herself even more. “Excuse me,” Harry said, his deep voice resonating. “What is going on here?” Arabella Figg had been about to say something but her mouth stayed open as she looked at Harry in amazement and bewilderment. “Why—Harry,” she said, rather slighted, it seemed, at his interruption and yet in a way rather flattered by his interest in her. Harry had never been interested in Mrs. Figg, save for when she admitted she was a squib and knew about the Wizarding World. Yet this summer, he had not been at all interested in talking to her at all, had gone out of his way to avoid going outside when she was there—her very presense reminded him of what he so desperately hated to think about. “Well,” Mrs. Figg said, drawing herself up angrily. “No sooner had I gotten my precious Agatha home from the vet—her poor bladder again, you understand—than CORAL here opened the door at the WRONG time—and she got OUT!” Coral shrunk in on herself as Mrs. Figg raised her voice. Without thinking, Harry put his arm around her and faced Mrs. Figg. “I’m sure it was an accident, Mrs. Figg,” he said as tactfully as he could, although he was seething with an anger he longed to express at someone. “Oh SURE it was an accident!” shouted Mrs. Figg. “No, Harry, never mind, I know what a good person you are. But don’t let Coral fool you. I took her in at the behest of my sister, who found her in a muggle orphanage, totally useless. She may look so vulnerable and innocent, completely harmless. But she is—“ Suddenly Mrs. Figg looked at Harry with great fear in her eyes. Coral herself looked up at Mrs. Figg, her whole body tensing up. “She’s what?” Harry asked defiantly. Mrs. Figg collected herself. “Never mind,” she said, her lips thinning. “I think it is probably best—that she tell you herself.” She glared at Coral. “I’m going back in for some TEA!” She shouted. “I DESERVE some, don’t you think? You,” she snarled at her, “will FIND Agatha—Harry will help you as he is very good with finding cats—and BRING HER HOME!” She then turned and stomped into the house. Coral turned to Harry, who no longer had his arm around her, but now they stood face to face. Coral was maybe a couple inches shorter than Harry, but her whole demeaner made her look smaller. She looked at Harry briefly, then cast her face down to the ground. “Don’t do that,” Harry said softly, lifting her chin up to make her look at him. “Let me see you.” Coral reluctantly looked up at Harry. Her eyes were a deep greenish blue. Her face, pale and creamy, was square jawed with high cheekbones. Her lips were so red they were almost the color of a rose. “Why would you not want me to see you?” Harry asked. “You are—more beautiful than anyone I know.” The words just came out of him as if they were second nature. He was not used to talking to girls like this—they normally made him nervous and uncomfortable, especially after the regrettable Cho Chang experience. But—there was just something about this girl— “No,” Coral said, shaking her head. Tears welled up in her eyes. “No—don’t—“ “Here, now,” Harry said, taking her in for a hug. Now THAT he had never seen himself doing in a million years with a girl. Normally, he HATED when girls cried. And yet— Something about Coral’s pain was very real to Harry, very—familiar. It was not even remotely about being shouted at by Arabella Figg. No—this was much deeper. This—was something Harry could relate to. Coral melted into Harry’s embrace and let herself weep on his shoulder. Her sobs were powerful and gut wrenching. Harry himself wanted to cry with her but he forced himself to be strong. She cried and cried until Harry’s shirt was soaked, and she had no more tears left. Finally she pulled back, took out her handkerchief and wiped her face and nose with it, sitting down on Mrs. Figg’s step as she did so. Harry went and sat next to her, waiting while she composed herself. “She never should have taken me in,” she said, shaking her head and looking ahead of her. “Never.” “Why do you say such things?” Harry asked, feeling the lump rise in his throat again. “You were in a—well, she said a muggle orphanage—you know what she means by—muggle I take it.” “Harry,” Coral turned and looked at him knowingly, “I am a witch. Or—I will be. I’m coming to Hogwarts this fall.” “You are?” Harry did not mean to sound so happy, but it was too late to mask it. He flushed and looked away, but Coral had given him the first smile he’d seen on her. Harry looked back at her, unable to resist. She had such a beautiful smile. Harry wanted to lose himself in those eyes. All right, he thought. Get a grip, Harry. “You’re going to Hogwarts,” he said evenly, “which means—you went somewhere else before.” “Durmstrang,” said Coral, looking ahead steadily. “I—hated that place, hated it. Never did very well. And—then—they threw me out.” Harry put his hand on her shoulder. “What happened, Coral?” “No,” Coral said, her eyes growing cold, as anger settled into them. “Don’t ask, Harry. Don’t. It’s too soon.” “Durmstrang,” Harry said, swallowing bial as memories haunted him. “No, Coral. Hogwarts is much better. Believe me.” “I never would have a hope of finishing my education,” Coral said composing herself, and speaking casually now. “Never. But then—“ she turned and looked at Harry. “Mrs. Figg came, and she gave me a home—and she sent an owl to Dumbledore. That same day—I received my acceptance letter to Hogwarts.” Coral smiled, this thought bringing her joy at least. Harry smiled back. “So you see, I owe a lot to Mrs. Figg,” she said. “Even if she does—yell a lot. She’s right too, I am very bad with the cats.” She smirked then, and burst out laughing. “I hate how she keeps them cooped up in the house, Harry! Cats should run free! Get some fresh air!” Harry joined her in the laugh. It felt amazingly good. Coral had a wonderful laugh, infectious, musical. “I will introduce you to my friends at Hogwarts,” Harry said decidedly to her. “you’ll like them—Ron and Hermione. And Hagrid is a half giant but he’s really a good man. He’ll look after you.” Coral was smiling again, and the weight that seemed to be on her shoulders seemed suddenly lifted. In fact, Harry himself felt lighter than he had all year. “I’ll look forward to it,” Coral said. “When are you going to get your books, Harry?” “Oh—“Harry stopped, suddenly remembering that the Order of the Phoenix would no doubt come for him soon. If he was any judge of the past, probably tonight. “Listen,” he said suddenly deciding. “The Order of the Phoenix is coming for me soon. Probably tonight. Coral—I want you to come with me.” She stared at him. Harry felt suddenly strange. Why would he invite her after only meeting her once? She’d been in Durmstrang, Mrs. Figg was frightened of something in her—was she some kind of dark witch’s daughter? Oh please, Harry thought. I don’t care if she’s Voldemort’s daughter, such things are not her fault! And—there is not a bad bone in Coral’s body. “Do you think—they’d want me, Harry?” Coral asked softly. “I’ll tell them I want you to come,” Harry said. “I doubt they will refuse. There’s no reason why they should really.” Coral looked down a bit, seeming to decide something. Harry waited patiently for her to make up her mind. Finally Coral raised her head, and smiled, a smile that fully reached her eyes. “Okay,” she said softly. “I’ll go with you.” “Excellent,” Harry said, and without thinking twice, he gave Coral a hug. It felt like something he’d do with Hermione, completely natural. Well—with a little something added to it. Easy, Harry boy. Take it slow, now. “Well,” he said as they both stood up and Coral pocketed her handkerchief, “guess we’d better look for this cat, hey? Before we both get shouted at!” Coral giggled at that, and he joined her in much needed laughter. The two of them went down the street, calling for Agatha as they went. Chapter 2: The Fellytone Call They found Agatha in a tree not far away. She sat there, hissing at them for a moment, but then Coral coaxed her with a soothing voice, and slowly she made her way down to her. Finally, Coral picked her up and held her close. The cat purred loudly. Even the cat didn’t bother Harry when Coral held her, although he’d never been particularly fond of cats. He walked back to the house with her, the two of them not talking at all, just enjoying the silence and the soft purring of the cat. When they got to the house, Mrs. Figg was standing in the doorway. “Well, THAT was quick,” she said surprised. “She found her all by herself,” Harry said to her rather sarcastically. Coral giggled, and put the cat in Mrs. Figg’s arms. Mrs. Figg looked from Coral to Harry again, and suddenly grabbed Coral’s hand and pulled her into the house. “Er—thank you, Harry. Now, you should probably go home…it’s getting late!” With that, she slammed the door right in Harry’s face. Harry stood there, dumbfounded for a few moments. Then, furious, he pounded on the door. “Mrs. Figg!” he shouted, “let me back in, please!” He had no idea why he was being so irrational. He’d only met this girl today. And something about what Mrs. Figg had said about her…well… Still, he continued to pound on the door. However short their meeting, Coral was the first thing that had taken his mind off his woes in a long time. “HEY!” It was Dudley. Harry looked around, and saw him, walking briskly over to him. “Why are you pounding on HER door?” Dudley demanded, sneering. Harry ignored the question. “What do you want, Dudley?” “Some girl on the phone for you,” Dudley smirked. “She won’t hang up, she says it’s important!” He grinned. “What’d ya do, break someone’s heart at that crazy school of yours?” He chuckled. Harry sighed, and fell into step beside Dudley. It was the first time he’d said anything to Harry that resembled teasing or snickering. At least things were somewhat back to normal, even if not exactly pleasant. Harry hadn’t given Coral his number…but then Mrs. Figg had it. But it was a little soon after Figg had slammed the door in his face for Coral to be calling him. Right now, Mrs. Figg was probably yelling at her, telling her never to see Harry again. It could only be Hermione. She knew how to use the telephone from being raised by Muggles, but she’d never called him before. What was so urgent? And why did she send Dudley all the way to Mrs. Figg’s house to search for him?? Harry burst into the house, nearly forgetting that Dudley was there and closing the door on him. Dudley cursed a bit, but didn’t say anything else. Harry snatched the phone out of Aunt Marge’s hand. Aunt Marge gave him an affronted look, but didn’t say anything else. “Hermione,” Harry gasped into the phone. But the voice that spoke was not Hermione’s. “I vant a vord,” said a voice Harry had never expected to hear speaking into a telephone. Viktor Krum? It was impossible. Then again…. He and Hermione had kept in touch and were apparently quite close. It would make sense that she’d show him how to use the telephone, or “fellytone” as Mr. Weasley often called it. Of course the idea of Viktor Krum at a Muggle house, even if Hermione was in it…that just seemed—wrong somehow. Ron will not be happy about this, thought Harry, wanting to laugh, despite the situation. “Viktor,” Harry said evenly, taking the cordless phone upstairs, ignoring the stares he got from the Dursley family. He walked into his room and closed the door, sitting down on his bed. He felt tense all over. The beginnings of a headache were starting in the back of his head. “You met her,” Krum said bluntly. Harry’s blood ran cold. Then he remembered. Durmstrang. He felt his face flush. “If you mean Coral, yes I’ve met her,” he said in a hard voice. “What about it?” “She iss a dangerous creature,” Krum said fiercely. “She iss—NOT to be trusted, Harry.” “Oh? And what would you know about it?” Harry demanded angrily. “She was at Durmstrang with you, eh? Got thrown out did she? I suppose you think YOU are so much better!” “I haf done nothink to you,” said Krum in a voice that sounded almost hurt. Harry swallowed his anger with an effort. It was true. Krum was strange, but he wasn’t exactly bad. He’d never hurt Harry or anyone close to him. “All right. Forget I said that,” Harry said evenly. “But—what is so bad about Coral? Why was she thrown out of Durmstrang?” “She vas expelled for misconduct,” Krum said. “But—that iss not vy I am varning you.” “Why, then?” “Herm-on-ninny found out who her mother iss—from me--and iss very vorried about you. She iss too upset now to talk about it.” Her mother… “But I thought she was found in a Muggle Orphanage.” “She vas.” “Then why is her mother still alive? Did she give her up?” “She ran away.” Harry’s blood ran cold again. Ran away… “Her mother must have been horrible then,” he said. “She iss not a good woman. But—I still don’t trust that girl. Vy vould she vant to talk to you? You must not let her get close to you!” Harry didn’t like this. A knot twisted in his stomach. “Right,” he said to Krum. “Who’s her mother?” There was a loud CRASH—then suddenly the line went dead. “Viktor!” shouted Harry into the phone. “Blast it—Viktor, where’d you go?” There was no dial tone. Harry threw the phone against the wall, where it crashed there and left a hole in the wall. Harry’s blood ran cold. It wouldn’t take much to fix the hole with his wand, but he was not allowed to use magic outside school. He sighed. The Dursleys’ wrath wasn’t pleasant, but being tried at a criminal hearing for using magic when he was not supposed to…was even worse. Harry decided the hole in the wall was a better alternative. Excited voices sounded downstairs. Uncle Vernon’s booming voice could be heard shouting about not only the breaking of all Aunt Petunia’s good china, but the shorting out of the the phone line. An all too familiar voice was apologizing. “I’m sorry,” Tonks was saying miserably. “I don’t know how I managed to short out the phone line...but I’ll replace the china.” “And WHERE will you find priceless china like THIS?” Aunt Marge was now booming. “Figures YOUR lot would do something like this!” Aunt Marge had recently been told the family secret. Uncle Vernon had had to tell her so she would have a plausible reason for not treating Harry poorly. The original story about him being “violent” as someone from St. Brutus’s may be, didn’t wash with Marge. She was stronger than Harry, after all, and not afraid to take a cane to him if need be. She’d borne up remarkably well after being told of Aunt Petunia’s “disgraceful” sister. Although she did not need any prompting not to treat Harry poorly, especially when she was reminded of being blown up by him that fateful day. Any other wizard apparently, well especially Tonks when she was being clumsy…didn’t phase her as far as being rude to them. However she seemed to shrink like a violet when Moody descended on her. “It WAS an accident,” Mad Eye said darkly, as Harry walked down the stairs with the phone. Aunt Marge was silent, as were all the Dursley’s. The only sound in the house was the sound of Aunt Petunia, quietly sobbing over her china. “Ah! Wotcher, Harry!” Tonks said, brightly, turning to face him. Harry took in her appearance. Her hair was platinum blonde, and it traveled to her waist. She grinned wickedly. “You ready?” “I will be,” Harry said, glad to see them despite being cut off as Krum was about to reveal something important. He’d find out from them. They had to know. “No matter,” Tonks said, and with a flourish of her wand, all of Harry’s things, packed into his trunk, appeared in front of him. Hedwig sat in her cage, looking disgruntled at the sudden change of scenery, but nevertheless anxious to go somewhere. Harry picked up his broom, which lay on top of his trunk. Mad Eye came over to him, and put the chameleon charm on him, as the Dursleys gasped.. All of the wizards now wore the same charm, which Mad Eye also put on Harry’s things. Mr. Weasley and Lupin each got a hold of the end of the trunk. They carried Harry’s things out of the house, heedless of the stunned look on the Dursley’s faces. It was dark outside now, and all the street lamps were out, seemingly with a put-outer. Harry turned to face Lupin. “Er,” he said. “Coral’s not coming with us,” Lupin said sadly, but with an edge of worry. “Dumbledore doesn’t think it’s a good idea.” “Why? Who is she?” Harry demanded. “Not here, Harry,” Lupin said tiredly. “But—she can’t stay here—“ “It’s the safest place for her,” Lupin said. “We will fetch her when it is closer to school term.” “But—“ “No more arguing,” Moody said fiercely, coming out of the house, where he’d just finished modifying the Dursley’s memories. “Come on, before someone pokes their noses out, wondering what all the noise is! Arguing on a muggle street. Are you two MAD?” Lupin sighed, but gave Harry a look that warned him not to say anymore. After Tonks magicked his trunk to his broom, Harry mounted it, and with a final wistful look towards Mrs. Figg’s house…kicked off and flew after the others. The trip was not different than last time, and Harry was every bit as cold and not happy that he’d forgotten a jacket. He’d been too worried about Coral to think of his own comforts. After what seemed an eternity, they were finally at the Black House. The words were said to bring number 12 Grimauld place into view…and the four wizards and wizard student, entered, tired and cold. Molly Weasley greeted them at the door, looking worried, as usual. “Harry—so good to see you,” she said, and hugged him hard. Harry stiffened. A terrible feeling of sadness overcame him as he entered that house. A feeling of emptiness so profound, he could scarcely breathe, overcame him. He did not want Mrs. Weasley to hug him now…any time but now. He only politely returned the hug, then straightened up, biting his lip and swallowing hard. At least Sirius’s mother’s portrait was covered up. If that had gone off at this time…Harry would not have been able to keep his emotions in check. Mrs. Weasley seemed to understand perfectly well what he was feeling. “Harry, you remember where your room was,” she said evenly. “You can go freshen up…you can get your things later. Ron and the others are downstairs.” “Right—thanks.” Harry adroitly left their company and headed upstairs. He found his old room, that he had shared with Ron, and went inside, closing the door. Thankfully, Mrs. Weasley was right...Ron was nowhere in sight. Harry threw himself down on the bed and clutched the pillow to his chest. Tears burned down his cheeks, and his body shook with suppressed sobs. The bed rattled, but aside from that, nothing else happened. Harry felt like something was controlling him, keeping him in check. He hated the feeling, and yet…if he’d set off a bunch of terrible mishaps, he’d never live down the shame. He let himself cry softly, curling up into a ball as he did so. Sirius’s house, he thought sadly. He was not able to leave for so long…and all those horrible memories. The last time he was able to get out, was the best time. At least he was free, and fighting. Too bad…. Harry wrapped his arms around his head, letting his tears soak into his sleeves. Forgive me, Sirius, he thought. If I hadn’t let Pettigrew escape…this might never have happened. Wormtail. One of these days, Harry was going to personally see to it that he did the very thing he’d stopped Sirius from doing years ago. He would destroy Wormtail…slowly…and take great pleasure in doing so. And then, he would destroy Voldemort. Lying there on the bed in the throes of pain and grief, Harry was unaware, completely unaware, that he was being watched….This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | ||
Scroll Obsessive![]() |
Argh!!! Talk about cliffhanger! You write very well. ![]() And on a second note, it is nice to see fanfics here, mostly poetry otherwise. ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
Kate, Good on you for writing. While I'm not a Harry Potter fan by any means, I have a suggestion. ![]() Spacing between paragraphs would be lovely. Huge bodies of text are never easy to read and it's easy to lose your place when it's all there together. Again, just a suggestion. Having read many a fan fic and written 'em, the rule seems to be that spacing is a fan fic reader's best friend. ![]() Keep on writin' the good write. ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
Thanks Moonshade! Yeah, i'm workin on the third chappie now. Thanks for readin! And thank you too Sara that means a lot that you read and replied cuz i know you're not a Harry Potter fan. ROTFL, funny you should mention spacing, a psychology professor got on me for the exact same thing when I wrote a term paper for her class...lol you'd think I'd have learned from that but oh well--you don't have to be blonde to have a short attention span. ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
Harry Potter and the Mystery Witch by Kate Quinn (c) 2004 Chapter 3: The Scandal Moody’s magical eye rolled back around and settled. No need to watch the boy overlong…he needed his space after all. He just needed to make sure he didn’t set off any magical mishaps. The last thing that boy needed was Kreacher, the lunatic house elf, screaming at him for “destroying his poor mistress’s house.” Mad-Eye sighed inwardly. Harry had never learned to express his emotions as a youngster…grew up too fast, he did. Now they were all coming out of him in a way that was NOT healthy. If he didn’t get a handle on them soon, they could even destroy him. Moody shook off his reverie and turned back to his half eaten dinner. It seemed that Harry would probably eat later. Around the table, Fred and George were talking excitedly about the Joke Shop, which they took no pains to hide from their mother now. It had been an enormous success in the past year. Ron was sulking, not saying much. Moody knew he wanted to go talk to Harry, but was giving him space. Vaguely, Moody wondered what was bothering him so much. The source of his displeasure came sooner than expected. Hermione Granger’s shrill voice could be heard at the door, arguing with none other than Viktor Krum…and someone else whose voice Moody didn’t recognize, but was nevertheless suspicious. Ron bristled, and got to his feet, his eyes narrowed in fury. “Why are they letting HIM in here?” he snarled. “Who?” Ginny asked him, frowning. Ron flushed. “Nothing. Nevermind.” He looked away, his face almost as scarlet as his hair. Ginny was smart, however, she knew what he was so upset about. She smirked, but said no more. Moody wanted to say something to comfort Ron, but right now he had other things on his mind…such as finding out who this third person was. He’d been expecting Krum to bring Hermione to Headquarters, but not…this other one, not for awhile. Moody stormed out of the kitchen just as Molly Weasley AND Sirius Black’s mother began screaming in unison. “OF ALL THE IRRESPONSIBLE THINGS! USING MAGIC RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A MUGGLE STREET! DON'T YOU KNOW ABOUT THE REASONABLE RESTRICTIONS FOR UNDERAGE SORCERY?? AND THEN RUNNING AWAY LIKE THAT…” “I HAD NO CHOICE, HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME!” “BLOOD TRAITORS! MUDBLOODS! FILTH! SCUM!” The third person shouting was none other than…the young girl Harry had been arguing with Lupin about. Moody came around to them, furiously slammed the curtains shut on Mrs. Black, and put his hand up to stop the shouting. Molly fell back, acquiescing to him. As for Coral, she looked at him rather defiantly, but stopped shouting as well. Footsteps pounded down the stairs. Harry stood there, shocked. “Coral!” he gasped. “You—you’re here!” “I had to come, Harry,” Coral said softly, almost apologetically. "I used my broom...well Professor Dumbledore helped me out, apparated into Mrs. Figg's house and...oh, it's a long story." As Hermione snorted, Coral turned and glared at her. “Look, Dumbledore sorted all the mess with the underage sorcery, so it’s not like it’s a big deal or anything! Fudge knows by now that Voldemort's back, and that he could attack anyone even an 'underage' wizard...look, Voldemort tried to kill me, all right? He turned up on the street…” “WHAT!” Harry roared, nearly making the house shake with his anger. He ran to Coral, put his arms around her and then released her quickly, his hands on her shoulders. “What did he do to you?” Mrs. Weasley looked stupefied and crestfallen. “This is something I dind’t know about,” she whispered. “Nor did I,” Hermione said sheepishly. “Not the Voldemort part anyway. I thought you were just showing off!” “Well you weren’t SUPPOSED to know he was there, were you?” Coral snapped at her. “Voldemort’s clever, isn’t he? Do you really think he’ll show himself to people? No, he was in disguise, he was trying to make me choke on my sandwich…you know, an accident. He was disguised as…oh what the heck’s that stupid Dursley kid’s name?” She wrinkled her nose. “Dudley,” Harry said in a cold voice. “What was he disguised as him for?” “Trying to chat me up,” Coral said, shrugging. “He’s done that before.” “Oh?” Harry said in a hard voice. “Yes, the stupid git, if he knew what I truly was, he would run screaming for the hills,” chortled Coral. “Anyway, it wasn’t hard to figure out who he REALLY was. So—I pulled out my wand and did the Expelliarmus charm. I mean…he had his wand out where only I could see it and was using it on me. So…I made it leave his hand. Well—unfortunately that was when this snoopy neighbor, ALWAYS snooping around, but I never got her name…decides to look over. She sees me with my wand in her hand…and is, well, you’d think I’d have put the Stupify charm on her.” “How do you know these spells?” Harry asked her, curiously. “I didn’t think you used the same kind of spells we used…over at Durmstrang.” Coral shrugged. “My brother goes to Hogwarts. Before I ran away from home, he used to use them on his ‘weaker’ friends. I always thought the Hogwarts spells more effective anyway. Part of why I was thrown out of Durmstrang.” She curled her lip. Hermione’s face was a pale white. “Your brother?” For his part, Viktor Krum was seemingly stupefied. “Oh, right. You think my mother is Bella Lestrange, that’s right,” Coral drawled. Harry, despite himself, released her shoulders as if they were covered in filth. Coral looked at him, rather hurt. “Look. I’m NOT proud of where I came from, all right?” she said to him darkly, tears welling up in her eyes. “They were SUPPOSED to think it was Bella—because of, well the scandal of it all. Plus, she was safely locked up in Azkaban..for awhile.” Coral curled her lip. As Harry continued to stare blankly at her, she went on, a slow tear rolling down her face. “Look where—S-Sirius came from,” she said softly. “HIS mother…oh, Harry, don’t judge me, please don’t!” Harry felt awful suddenly. He’d once said to himself that he didn’t care if she even turned out to be Voldemort’s daughter. It wasn’t her fault. He took her in his arms, and held her close. “I’m sorry, Coral,” he said softly. “I don’t judge you. Even if you are—Bella’s daughter.” “I’m not,” Coral said in a tremulous voice. “I’m Narcissa’s.” Harry let her go and stared at her. “Narcissa—Malfoy?” “Yes,” Coral sighed. “NOT Lucius’s though. THAT is the scandal I was talking about.” "But wait--if you were at Durmstrang--but lived with the Malfoys..." Hermione looked confused. Coral sighed, exasperated. "The summer months, Hermione." "But the rules...underage sorcery..." "Since when was Draco one to follow rules?" Coral snarled. "His father never did. All the coverups HE had...of COURSE he'd be getting his son out of whatever scrapes he got into." Hermione nodded slowly, taking this all in. "So all those charms..." "Well he didnt ALWAYS practice them, he mostly just talked about them to his friends. Not knowing I was listening," Coral said, smiling a little despite the situataion she was in now. Harry put his hands on her shoulders again. “Your father—“he began. “I have no idea,” Coral sighed. “All my life I was afraid—afraid it was Voldemort, you know? I know HE thinks it is!” She turned and glared at Viktor Krum, who glared at her fiercely right back, along with Hermione. Mad-Eye and Molly were also looking at her with serious distrust on their faces. Harry had had enough of this. He put his arm around Coral and faced them squarely. His voice held strong conviction as he spoke. “I don’t care WHO her father is,” he snarled at them all. “NONE of this is her fault. And so help me—if anyone mistreats her because of it—they will have ME to answer to!” Even Moody stepped back, suitably impressed. Molly Weasley looked sadly at him as if he was under the Imperius Curse or something. “Harry,” said Hermione, timidly, “I hope you know what you’re doing.” “Oh, I know perfectly well, Hermione,” he said simply. “I am going to help her. I’m going to be her friend. If you and Ron want to join me, feel free. If not? Well,” he shrugged, “That’s up to you. But not a WORD will be spoken against her in front of me. Do I make myself clear?” He glared furiously at Viktor. “Yes,” Krum finally said grudgingly. “But I varn you—“ “Oh, shut up about your warnings!” Harry snapped. “I’m not stupid, I’ll look into it. WE will look into it, right, Coral?” He turned to her. Coral wiped away the last of her tears and met his gaze, putting her hand into his. “Yes,” she said. “Always.”This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter Four: Snape and Cho The next several days were spent talking and arguing, mainly amongst Hermione and Krum, and Ron, Coral, Ginny and Harry. Fortunately, Ron and Ginny, as well as the twins, were on Harry’s side with regard to Coral. Harry had mixed feelings about that, being that the twins were rather taken with Coral, or so it would seem. Hermione of course had no problem pointing out that fact. It infuriated Harry, but Ron was rather keen to talk about it, well anything to keep Hermione off the subject of his O.W.L.S Ron had recieved only five. Hermione had of course recieved twelve. If Ron was jealous that Harry had gotten nine he didn't say and Harry was happy not to discuss it. Although the furor over Coral was getting old fast. The meetings continued on, the “adults” kept to themselves except to tell the “children” what to do, and what not to listen in on. Coral had certain abilities, however, and she was very good at keeping them from others. Harry, however, she told everything to. She could astral project from her body, a thing most students never learned to do until their final year of their education. However, Coral was adept at it. She was also quite adept at hiding herself, even from the likes of Moody, which took some doing. So, she was able to keep Harry informed of everything that went on at the meetings. Snape had not been in a good mood since Coral’s arrival. He didn’t say much, although he was one of the first to question the validity of Coral’s statement that it had actually been Voldemort who attacked her. Moody, like many others, believed that it was another dark wizard, possibly a death eater. “Why would Voldemort attack like that in broad daylight?” Snape often said at the meetings. “No, it makes no sense. It has to be someone else. Someone who is not very intelligent. Really—Coral has amazing abilities, one only needs to be aware of them. And, like Potter, she is not afraid to use them whenever—and wherever.” Harry could only imagine the venom with which Snape had said this. He didn't even need Coral to tell him. He still did not trust Snape as far as he could throw him. It didn’t matter what he had done for the Order. “Coral did not do anything but the Disarming Charm,” Lupin argued with Snape. “She could have used the Death curse if she was of a mind.” There was silence. “Would she have done that?” Arthur Weasley had said. “COULD she have?” “I think so,” Snape said darkly. There was even more silence. There seemed to be a lot of talk about Coral, which bothered Harry. A lot of people in the Order were suspicious of her motives, much like Krum still was. He didn’t want them to be all worried about Coral. He wanted them to focus on Voldemort and HIS actions. “It’s so unfair!” He stormed, walking around in the room that he, Coral, Hermione, Ginny, Krum, Ron, and the twins had been decontaminating after yet ANOTHER doxie infestation had happened while they were away. “I mean….what, is CORAL the Dark Lord now?? Have they all decided she IS Voldemort’s daughter, and have COMPLETELY written her off?” Harry kicked over a wastebasket that had been burping up owl droppings earlier. “I tell you now, if they give her ANY grief at Hogwarts,” he said passionately, “I have NO idea who the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is…but SO help me--“ “Are you quite finished, Potter?” Everyone froze at the sound of the cold voice. Snape stood in the doorway. Harry snarled at him. “I suppose,” he said darkly. “What do you want, Snape?” “PROFESSOR Snape,” Snape growled, walking up to him and standing in front of him. “Potter, I am only here to warn you. NO grief at Hogwarts—from YOU. You have endangered more people than I care to name at the moment. DO not do it—with Coral.” Something about the look in his eyes made Harry’s blood run cold. “Listen,” Harry drew himself up. He was not afraid of Snape anymore. “I have been through more scrapes than most wizards your own age. I have fought Voldemort FOUR TIMES, Professor Snape. I know more about Defense Against the Dark Arts than Umbridge ever dreamed about—“ Snape chuckled wickedly at this. “I DO not have anything in mind other than conquering Voldemort if need be. And believe me. If there is a way? I will do it.” “Well, Potter,” sneered Snape, “you will certainly have your share of Defense Against the Dark Arts. First subject? Occlumancy.” A cold calculated smile appeared on his lips. “No,” Harry said as Hermione, beside him, gasped. “Finally,” Snape said, whirling around, and looking over his shoulder, “you students will get some REAL teaching of the Dark Arts—and how to defend yourselves against them!” With that, he swooped out of the room, leaving them all rather dumbfounded, mouths hanging open. When the time finally came to board the train at platform 9 and ¾, Harry held Coral’s hand as they walked. People stared, and whispered amongst themselves. Harry ignored them, as did Coral. However, not everyone could continue just standing back and staring. Luna Lovegood, her long golden brown hair shining, came swooping over to them, her eyes wide and staring. “Oooo,” she said, her eyes fixed on Coral. “They say you are You-Know-Who’s daughter and that you have Harry under the Imperius Curse. They say a lot of things. But I don’t believe them. I believe you’re kind and good.” “Thank you,” Coral said warily. Harry squeezed her hand and eased her away from Luna. They were just about to get on the train, when the person Harry had been expecting to have something to say, met them at the door. Crabbe and Goyle flexed their fists at his side. Draco’s mouth was curled in fury. “That’s my sister, Potter.” “I’m well aware of who she is, Malfoy,” Harry said darkly, putting his arm around Coral and hugging her close to his side. Seeing this, Malfoy’s eyes widened in fury. He took out his wand, and held it on Harry. At that point, Coral laughed. “Aren’t you breaking the rules, Draco?” she drawled. “I thought you liked to look the goody twoshoes on the train. Harry is the one with the temper, right? HE gets in trouble, not you!” “Listen you half breed,” snarled Draco, advancing on her. “you have NO business being here, do you understand? My father is in Azkaban because of this boy! And you—“ Harry pushed Coral behind him and stood, facing Malfoy, whose wand trembled in his hand. Draco looked rather frightening in his anger. However, he was clearly out of control. “Malfoy,” said a cold voice behind Harry. Harry saw Draco’s eyes widen then his face fall in shame. Slowly, he lowered his wand. “That’s better,” Snape’s voice said curtly. “Now—get on the train, children.” “Hang on!” Harry whirled around and faced him. “Aren’t you going to take points from him?” Snape’s lip curled in a slight sneer. “Points from my own House?” “That never stops Professor McGonnagal!” Harry roared. “Get on the train, Potter,” Snape said coldly. “Five points from Gryffendor.” “Boy, he really is a piece of work, isn’t he,” Coral said ruefully, as Harry, too furious to speak, stowed his Owl and his trunk in the compartment they found. Ron and Hermione joined them presently, and they all sat glumly, looking at each other as the train took off. “Half breed?” Hermione said, frowning. “Why did he call you a half breed, Coral?” “Because he doesn’t believe my father’s a wizard,” Coral said dully. “Actually he’s pretty sure I’m half—well as he would say—mudblood.” She pounded her fist into her palm. Hermione frowned. “Why on earth would he think that? Does he know something you don’t?” “If he does, he’s not telling me anything,” Coral said, looking out the window, a miserable expression on her face. “Personally, I’d rather my father be a muggle than ANYTHING like my mother. Any day.” “Me too,” Harry said, taking her hand and holding it. “It’s all right, Coral. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Coral looked at him, gratitude in her eyes. However, Ron whistled low, and Harry was suddenly aware of a shadow over him. He turned around and looked. There she was, Cho Chang. She’d cut her hair short, which only made her even more attractive. She was not very happy it seemed with the state of things. “Cho,” Harry said to her, nodding. “Hello, Harry,” Cho said softly. Her lip quivered a little. “So—you’re going out with this half breed?” “Looks that way, and don’t call her a half breed,” Harry said darkly, squeezing Coral’s hand. “Better than You-know-who’s daughter isn’t it?” Cho said flippantly. “I would love it if no one would talk about me as if I’m not here,” Coral said coldly. Cho, at the sound of her voice, looked a bit unnerved, almost frightened. Hermione and Ron pretended to busy themselves in their books, but Harry knew they were listening. Hermione’s body was tense with anticipation. “I don’t know who’s daughter I am, and I really don’t give a brass razoo,” Coral said evenly. “I just want to DEFEAT Voldemort. If he’s my father—so much the better that at least I can do my part in stopping him.” “But can you?” Cho said darkly, recovering from cringing at hearing the name. “I mean—with his blood—doesn’t he have a certain amount of control over you? He can control Harry and he’s not even of his blood.” “He can’t control Harry anymore,” Coral said through gritted teeth. “He killed Cedric,” Cho said evenly. “Harry saw this and was powerless to stop him. How did you, a half trained witch, stop him in Little Whinging?” “Dunno,” Coral shrugged. “I did the same thing Harry did. How’d HE stop him all this time? Is he Voldemort’s son?” “Oh, stop saying his name as if you’re bragging that you’re so brave,” Cho snapped. “How irritating!” “Cho, is there something else you want?” Harry asked her politely. Cho looked hurt, sighed, and turned away. Harry watched her go, feeling a little bad about how it had ended between them, but otherwise, feeling a sense of rightness. Cho was not the one for him. She’d been a nice dream, a fantasy. Coral, however…. Harry turned and looked at her. He really hadn’t solidified it in his mind, what they had. However, when Cho showed up and asked him…it all just seemed to fall into place. It fit. “Harry,” Coral said softly, “you said—we were going out, or it looks that way. Er—are we?” Harry ignored Ron and Hermione, and took Coral’s face in his hands. He placed a tender kiss on her lips, then took Coral in for a hug and stroked her hair. “If you want,” he said, heart pounding in his throat. The feel of Coral’s head, slowly nodding up and down as she rested it on his chest—was perhaps the greatest sensation he had ever known in his life.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
eep! i totally missed this thread! O_O *scurries back to read it from the top* -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
ok, read it - and want more!! ![]() who needs the 6th book eh? very intriguing indeed ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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Ta, Maddie. ![]() I'm workin on Chapter 5, will have it up soon. ![]() Rereading the fifth book...hmmm I wonder who they'd get to play Umbridge? PATRICIA RUTLIDGE! They'd have to ugly her up a little bit but she'd be funny as fark. ![]() Anyway ta again for the reply. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter 5: The Sorting Ceremony “Firs’ years over here—firs’ years over here—“ “No, Coral, you’ll come with us,” Hermione said as Coral started to head over to where Hagrid was. “It’s so confusing,” Coral said, shaking her head. “I have to have the same orientation the first years have because I’m new here. But I’m obviously not a first year.” “No, you’re not,” Harry said, pulling her close to him. Suddenly the atmosphere changed yet again as Draco and his friends, along with Pansy Parkinson, descended upon them. “So! Coral,” Pansy said sweetly. “I guess we’ll be seeing you quite soon.” She smiled, and actually held her hand out to Coral. “People with your background—you need to be associated with the RIGHT people, you know.” “Hang on,” Coral said, narrowing her eyes at her. “Draco believes I’m half mudblood.” She glanced at Hermione, hoping she hadn’t hurt her feelings. Hermione smiled assurance. “No he doesn’t, silly. Snape straightened him out,” Pansy grinned. “What?” Coral squeezed Harry’s hand. “You are FAR better off without Potter, you know,” Pansy said, wrinkling her nose. “Stick with me, and I’ll find you a REAL man.” “Uhh—I think I’ll pass,” Coral said, clinging to Harry. Draco started forward, rage in his eyes. “Careful, Potter,” he snarled. “You hurt her, I swear—“ “You, the son of a Death Eater, telling Harry how to treat girls? Don’t make me laugh,” Hermione snorted. It happened before anyone could blink. Suddenly, Hermione was laying on the ground, having been slapped hard in the face by Malfoy. Ron rushed him and within moments, he and Malfoy were rolling around, kicking and punching each other Crabbe and Goyle leaped on Ron, as Pansy stood back and screamed in delight, urging Draco on. Harry stepped in and pulled Crabbe off of Ron. Coral pulled Goyle off. “Filthy—mudblood—filthy—“ Draco was saying as he punched Ron. “Malfoy--give it up!” Harry pulled him off Ron. Suddenly Draco turned to look at Harry. Tears stood in his eyes. Harry let him go. He’d not been expecting this. “Come on,” Hermione said, now on her feet. She pulled Harry back, and beckoned to Coral, who had just let go of Crabbe. They were just about to head over to the carriages when Professor Snape descended upon them. “So,” he snarled. “Who began it? Potter? I thought so. Twenty points from Gryffendor!” “DRACO began it,” Coral snarled at him. “He slapped Hermione in the face and knocked her down!” Snape looked hard at Coral. Harry had a difficult time reading his expression. The silence was deafening. “Ten points from Slytherin. Now get in the carriages before they leave. NOW.” Harry grabbed Coral’s hand, and he, Ron, Hermione and Coral ran to the carriages. As Harry settled into a seat behind the two thestrals pulling the carriages, he felt his head spinning. If he hadn’t been mistaken—was that a look of fear in Snape’s eyes as he told them to get in the carriages? Coral snuggled up to him. He held her close. “Those things give me the creeps,” she whispered. “What things?” Harry asked. Then, his blood ran cold. He knew what Coral was talking about. “Oh,” he said, swallowing a sudden lump in his throat as he followed her gaze onto the thestrals. “You can see them too then.” “I hate it,” Coral said in a trembling voice. “I know, love,” Harry said comfortingly. “I do too.” He didn’t ask her about her experience with death. He would do that later when there weren’t so many people around. For now he just wanted to hold her as they headed over to Hogwarts, the Sorting Ceremony, and the feast. “Harry,” Coral finally said softly. “Yes, love?” “If I—if I—“ Coral’s body began to shake. “Listen,” Harry said, taking her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes. “Even if you get put in Slytherin—that won’t change a thing, understand? We’ll still see each other.” “We—we will?” Harry smiled. “Of course we will,” he said. “I mean—last year, the Hat even sang a new song, wanting all the Houses to get along.” He forced a smile as he said this. Deep down inside he dreaded Coral going into Slytherin. He’d barely get to see her. They had some classes together, that was it. And—if Draco’s gang got her alone— Still, he remembered Draco, the tears in his eyes. He must have been greatly affected by his father being put away. Still— Harry didn’t trust Malfoy as far as he could throw him. No. It wouldn’t do. Coral could not go to Slytherin. “If you really don’t want to go to Slytherin,” he said to her, “You don’t have to.” “I would rather die than go to Slytherin,” Coral said darkly. “But the hat—“ “The hat almost put me in Slytherin,” Harry told her. Coral’s jaw dropped. “No.” “Yes,” Harry said grimly, remembering it as if it were yesterday even though it was a hundred years ago. “I kept thinking, ‘not Slytherin, not Slytherin.’ That was when the hat put me in Gryffendor.” He smiled. “Dumbledore once told me that it’s our choices, what we want that get us placed.” “OUR choices?” Coral cried. “Are you SERIOUS?” “I don’t think everyone knows what they want so early in life,” Harry said thoughtfully, feeling weird at how calm he’d felt lately about things. “I just knew I didn’t want to be in Slytherin. Hagrid told me Voldemort was there. That was enough for me.” He curled his lip. Coral leaned against him. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” she said softly. “Let’s just enjoy the ride. We may not have much time left—if I’m placed there.” “Coral, you won’t be,” Harry said strongly. “Tell the hat you don’t want it. The hat won’t make you go there if you don’t want to.” “I hope not,” Coral said, trembling again. “I truly do.” Once in the Great Hall, Harry took in the decorations and the rain in the windows. The room was warm and inviting, as it always was after a long summer away. Harry felt good, better than he had in awhile. He actually enjoyed being here at Hogwarts, even with Snape as the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. After Umbridge—anything would do, even Quirrel. Harry shuddered. What am I thinking? He thought. No way. No one affiliated with Volemort—or Umbridge. He held Coral’s hand as they sat together. Others at the Gryffendor table stared at them. Finally, Neville cleared his throat and said what everyone else seemed to be afraid to say. “Harry are you—going with her?” Harry smiled, rather smugly. “Yes, I am.” Neville’s eyes widened. Everyone at the table stared. Seamus seemed to be deciding between congratulating him and disparaging his choice of girlfriend. “Ummm—Harry—what if she—she—“ Neville gulped. “I don’t care, Neville,” Harry said darkly. “She’s her own person. She’s not a Death Eater, she doesn’t even have the mark!” “Well, she’s a little young,” Dean Thomas chuckled with everyone there. “I DON’T care!” Harry said angrily, thumping his fist on the table. “She’s not on the Dark Side. Even if she is his daughter, she’s on the side of good, and that’s all I care about.” “Harry—be careful,” Neville whispered. “I mean—you know.” “Believe me,” Harry said darkly to him, “I know what I’m doing.” “If I wanted to be bad, I could be, Neville,” Coral said quietly. “I could be anything I want to be. But the fact is—I really don’t appreciate people who hurt others for personal gain or any other reason. I grew up with the Malfoys, Neville. I threw up almost every night. That is how much of a NIGHTMARE it was.” There was silence. Neville seemed to be struggling against tears. “I—“ he said, looking at Coral rather entreatingly. “No, it’s ok, Neville, I understand,” Coral said, nodding to him. The door swung open. In walked Professor McGonagall, leading a group of rather timid-looking first years. All of Coral’s calm resolve faded when she saw what Professor McGonagall was carrying. A rather beat up looking old wizard’s hat, darned and patched, with a wide rip near the brim, and a stool in the other hand, which the professor placed on the floor. She put the hat upon the stool. Coral sighed and fell into Harry, who held her and stroked her long golden hair. “Shhh,” he comforted. “Shhhh, it’s all right. Remember what I told you.” “Harry has gotten better at compassion, it seems,” Parvati whispered to Lavender. “Padma told me he was horrible to Cho.” “Shhh,” Hermione snapped at her. Harry just ignored her and continued to stroke Coral’s hair. He felt an ache he was not used to feeling, in the pit of his stomach. It was strange—he’d felt that same ache when Sirius died, but—that was different. There was deep pain associated with that ache. This ache had no pain. Yet it hurt. It was odd, very odd. Harry wished there were someone he could talk to about this. Now that Sirius was gone…. Don’t think about it, he told himself. There was silence that felt like ice. Finally, the hat opened the rip above the brim—and began to sing. The song was the same as last year’s song but for an extra added verse which went like this: Those who question judgements Made by those who know Thinking that somehow they Know just where to go I would not have lived Inside this hat this long If I did not know What was right and wrong. Do not think the Sorting Hat Will put you in the wrong place That would be breach of confidence Extreme loss of face. With that said, remember And do not question me Where I place you you belong Now let the sorting be! Harry’s blood ran cold. “What was that about?” Hermione said in a loud whisper. “Dunno,” Ron said frowning. “Maybe too many people were trying to influence it.” “Maybe,” Hermione said, looking worriedly at Harry. Harry felt a rush of hatred for that stupid frayed hat. So help me, he thought, if it tried to put Coral in Slytherin…. McGonagall looked severely at everyone in the room a moment, before bending over a piece of parchment in her hand. “Ackman, Sean.” A tall, blonde boy, who looked like Ron when he was young, except for the hair, walked slowly and tremulously up to the hat. He placed it on his head. No sooner had it hit his head than the hat shouted, “HUFFLEPUFF!” The boy stumbled off the stool, and started over to the Hufflepuff table. McGonagall clapped her hands, and he stopped. She yanked the head off his head with a sigh of exasperation. Sean walked sheepishly over to the Hufflepuff table as snickers sounded, particularly from the Slytherin table. Coral buried her face in her arms and began to shake with silent sobs. Harry ignored the others who went up to the hat and were sorted. He knew Coral was despairing, and he himself didn’t feel very hopeful. He just put his arm around her, and kept his head bowed, so that no one would see how upset he was. “Black, Coral.” Harry froze. He slowly took his arm off of her, as she lifted her head. “Coral,” he whispered. “It’s Narcissa’s maiden name,” she said softly, her eyes streaming tears. “I—I would rather have that name than—than—“ Harry couldn’t help himself. He took her face in his hands and gave her a long passionate kiss. It lasted a good minute before McGonagall stamped her foot. “At your convenience,” she said darkly in Coral’s direction.. Flushing furiously, Harry let her go. Coral suddenly clung to him. “No,” she cried desperately. “No. I can’t.” “Coral it’ll be okay,” Harry said softly, holding her, and swallowing hard on a lump in his throat. However, he couldn’t bear to let her go either. “Just get it over with. It’s okay.” “I can’t,” Coral was sobbing. “I can’t go there, I just CAN’T.” Suddenly, McGonagall was standing next to Coral, putting her hand on her shoulder. “Come,” she said softly. “It’s all right. Truly. Come, Ms. Black.” Coral looked up at her. “Come,” McGonagall said briskly. “Come. It’s all right.” Coral squeezed Harry’s hand. “Whatever happens,” she whispered, “I won’t let it come between us. I swear.” “I know,” Harry said in a choked voice. Slowly, Coral rose to her feet. She wiped her eyes, deliberately, looking at everyone around her. Slowly, very slowly, she walked over to the Sorting Hat. McGonagall followed close behind her. Harry noticed how her hair spilled down her back, and her clothes, which Hermione had lent her, looked much better on her. They clung to her form. She had rather a nice figure. Not too skinny, but not too fat either. Just right. Harry caught Snape’s eye. Snape looked very smug, sitting at the table. You’re not getting her, Harry thought at him. I don’t care what that bloody hat says. You are NOT taking her. Coral sat down with the hat in her hand. Slowly, tremulously, she placed the hat on her head. She looked at Professor Snape, fixedly. Harry held his breath. Beside him, Hermione was squeezing Ron’s hand. Harry spared a glance for them out of the corner of his eye. Was it his imagination? Coral turned to look at McGonagall. Then, a loving look at Harry, “I love you,” she mouthed. “GRYFFENDOR!” Harry gripped the table in front of him. The room was silent, absolutely silent. Hermione breathed an incredible sigh of relief. Suddenly the silence was broken, as Draco leaped to his feet. “NO!” “Malfoy, sit down!” McGonagall said, exasperated. “She does NOT belong there!” Malfoy shouted angrily. “She DOES not belong there!” “SIT down, Draco,” Dumbledore said sternly. You could have heard a pin drop. Malfoy sat down heavily, grumbling under his breath. Coral, grinning broadly at McGonagall, rose from the chair, and put the hat down. She strolled over to the Gryffindor table as the largest cheer took place. Harry jumped up on the table along with Neville and Ron, stamping their feet and shouting loudly. It felt great, it came from right down in his belly. It was a needed release. Finally, it all died down. Harry jumped off the table, lifted Coral up in his arms as yet another cheer took place. He kissed her passionately, and carried her over to the table, sitting down with her in her lap. She rested her head on his shoulder. “It didn’t speak for awhile,” she whispered. “Then—when I looked at you and said that—I knew it was true--“ “I love you, Coral,” Harry murmured. Strangely, he knew it was more true than anything he had ever known in his life. He had no idea why he was so calm about it. Something like this should have scared him to death. And yet—as he sat there, holding her in his lap, he’d never felt more brave in his life. Finally, the cheering died down, and— “Crumbie, Helena!” The Sorting continued. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter 6: The term begins Draco sat in the huge plush armchair in the Slytherin common room, listening to Pansy rattle on incessantly about the new Potions teacher. Draco himself had not been expecting it, but didn’t quite know what to do or think about it. “I mean—can you believe it? I didn’t even see her sitting there until Snape moved out of the way.” “I know,” Draco said dully. “Well—it’s good news, isn’t it? Draco?” Shut up, he wanted to say to her. But he didn’t have the heart. “I thought Snape would keep both jobs,” he said evenly, stretching. “Then again, Mum doesn’t tell me everything. Never did.” The edge of bitterness to his voice was unmistakeable. This silenced Pansy considerably. When Draco had first learned Coral was not his full sister, the rage and pain he’d felt knew no bounds. He’d always felt safe with his mother. She’d always been good to him, and good to his father. He thought for sure that she was loyal. It had been the summer before Forth Term that he’d found out. That school year, Harry Potter had made that snide comment about her looking like she had dung under her nose. That had been the worst timing in the world. But he’d held himself back with force of will. He’d been thinking that Potter was right. His mother hated him. Never loved him, never wanted him, never wanted his father. She’d rather be with that Muggle nutter she’d met long ago. On a trip, where she needed “time alone.” God knew where she’d gone. But to hear his father talk about him…. “He’s fat, sloppy, and he’s a MUGGLE,” Lucius had snarled, drunk at the time. “He has no real money—AND HE IS A MUGGLE!” Draco never let on to his friends, or his family. But he’d been so hurt and devastated he’d cried himself to sleep that night. And yet, his mother denied that the Muggle was Coral’s father. But damned if she would tell WHO the real father was. She looked frightened though, whenever Draco asked her, demanded it of her. She had changed the subject, but when Draco wouldn’t let it go, she beat him. She had a mark, the Dark Mark. Yet—now— Now, she seemed to be turning away from the Dark Lord. Great, thought Draco. Now what, would she be killed and all? He knew Professor Snape had been spared—and yet— Snape. Draco didn’t trust the way they had looked together, sitting side by side. Snape and his mother—no. Draco couldn’t get his head around that. They’d never met much, thanks to the fact that Snape seldom hung out with Death Eaters—but there was something sinister about the way he presided over her. She actually looked a bit fragile…Draco wasn’t used to seeing her like that. She looked like she didn’t want to stand up when the school half-heartedly clapped for her. The only good thing about it all, as far as Draco was concerned—was the stupefied and unhappy looks on both Coral’s and Potter’s faces. Draco sighed. Dumbledore would not appoint a known Death Eater to Hogwarts, it just wouldn’t happen. That could only mean one thing. That his mother, like Snape had done, was leaving the Dark Lord for good. Draco did not know how he felt about that. Then again, Draco did not know how he really felt about—the whole thing. The Dark Lord. Crabbe and Goyle’s fathers were Death Eaters. His parents were Death Eaters….until his father had gotten locked up. After that, his mother seemed to change. Coral had run away, and she’d just deteriorated. Draco remembered nights where she just sat around, drinking firewhiskey and eating Honeydukes chocolate. She’d gained a bit of weight in fact, and didn’t shower as much after Coral and Lucius left. Had the Dark Lord visited her at all? Draco did not know. Oh, he wanted Coral to think she belonged in Slytherin, it was the only way she would be close to his mother. Draco knew that Coral’s absence had pushed her over the edge. She was at Hogwarts—largely to be close to Coral. Draco was not blind. She loved Coral’s father more than Lucius. Draco swallowed a lump in his throat. His mother had always tried to defend Coral, only to be bullied into silence by Lucius. But secretly, Draco had always known she’d been on Coral’s side. Did Coral even know how it had broken her heart when she left? Would she care? “Draco?” Pansy asked sharply. “Draco, are you even LISTENING to me?” “Oh—yeah,” Draco lied. Pansy never talked about anything deep. He had done this with her thousands of times, pretended to listen to her. “You think Potter is Voldemort’s son?” Pansy was glaring at him. “Uh—what? No!” Draco said indignantly. Quickly, however, he drew himself up. “Although, it wouldn’t surprise me.” Pansy sighed, gustily, and leapt to her feet. “That’s it, I’m out of here!” she shouted. “When you’re ready to tell me what’s on your mind, Draco—you know where to find me!” She flounced out of the Slytherin common room. Draco looked over at Crabbe and Goyle, who were engaged in a game of Wizard Chess. He rose, nodded once to them, and stormed out of the room. He ran up to his four poster bed…and flung himself down on it. Pulling the covers tightly closed, he curled up in a little ball—and wept silently. Too much had happened. Too much WAS happening. Draco felt confused, very confused. What was it about Coral that made her so strong? Surely it wasn’t Potter. It was something else. What? Why hadn’t his father resisted the Dark Lord? Or his mother? Why was Draco afraid when he’d never been afraid before? It didn’t make any sense. Then again, nothing would ever make sense for awhile. He knew he didn’t have to be a full grown wizard—to figure that out. ***************************************** “You know,” Hermione said to Coral as they sat by the fire in the girl’s dormitory, “you’re pretty good at that.” “Good at what?” Coral frowned, looking at her. Then, she saw Hermione’s eyes, focused on her knitting. “Oh, THIS,” she chuckled, holding up the half scarf she was knitting for Mrs. Figg. “Mrs. Figg taught me, my first day staying with her. It just kind of helped—pass the time away.” Coral shrugged, but was rather uneasy. Hermione looked pensive for some reason. “Hermione—something on your mind?” Coral asked sharply. “Well, all right,” Hermione said, looking Coral squarely in the eye. “But—do me a favor, don’t tell the boys I asked you, all right? Harry will never let me hear the end of it. And Ron—“ She sighed and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Hear the end of what?” Coral laughed. “Oh—this,” Hermione said, fishing in her school bag and pulling out a couple of rather small clothes. There were a few hats, and a sweater, and a couple of what looked like baby booties. “Hermione,” Coral said soberly, “you don’t have a baby—do you?” Hermione burst into uncontrollable giggles. Seeing this, Coral burst into giggles. The two girls just giggled together until tears rolled down their faces. Several girls stared in their direction, only to roll their eyes and turn away. “Oh—that is funny,” Hermione said, wiping laugh-tears from her face. “But no. I DEFINITELY do not have a baby, Coral!” She said this so loud, that Lavender Brown, looking on, said, “Well, I’m glad to hear that, Hermione.” Hermione smirked, as several girls laughed. Hermione wasn’t the most popular girl in the Gryffendor girl’s dorm. “This is for S.P.E.W.,” Hermione said proudly. “Oh, NOT that again,” Parvati said, rolling her eyes. “Shut up,” Coral said to her, simply. Parvati stared at her, but did as she was bid. Hermione, ignoring the exchange, went on. “It’s short for, the Society for Protection of Elvish Welfare. In other words, it’s the prevention of slavery of house-elves.” Coral turned, and looked hard at her. “All right,” Hermione said, sagging a little. “I didn’t think you’d approve. But I had to try.” “Hermione, is this about what I think this is about?” Coral asked sharply. “The—the freeing of house-elves?” “Have you EVER heard of anything so ridiculous,” Parvati Patil said to Lavender, laughing merrily. Coral couldn’t help herself. She leapt to her feet—and stormed over to Parvati. “Have you ever had a house elf?” she snarled. “Yes—why?” Parvati demanded. ”They are treated with more disrespect than rats!” Coral shouted. ”They have no rights, no say in anything, they are just there to be—kicked—like the slaves that they are!” Parvati hung back, rather frightened. For her part, Hermione just stared, as if not sure how to react or what to think. “How DARE anyone have a house elf!” shouted Coral. “They should be—HUNG, yes they should!” “OUR house elf is treated with the UTMOST respect!” Parvati shouted. “ALWAYS gets to sit and eat with the family. NO other house elf gets that respect!” She whirled around and faced Hermione as she continued. “The problem with SOME people is—they are TOO busy listening to that—Dobby--to realize that NOT all house elves are abused. Do you think Dumbledore would allow his house elves to be abused? They are so happy, I hear! WHY would you want to take that happiness away from them?” Coral fell back a step, totally stunned. “D-Dobby?” she asked blankly. Dobby was dead. Surely he was. She remembered as if it were yesterday, her thirteenth birthday, listening to her stepfather, Lucius, recount to his friend McNair and his wife, how he had mutilated and destroyed the disobedient Dobby. The little elf who for years had been abused at his hand, was finally destroyed by him. So Coral had thought. Hermione jumped to her feet, at the expression on Coral’s face. “Dobby,” she frowned. “Surely YOU remember him, Coral.” Coral sighed. “I do.” She sat down. “I remember abuse like you never want to know. I saw it all. But—he’s dead. Lucius killed him—“ “NO, he did not, WHAT did that liar tell you?” Hermione demanded, furious. “Harry FREED him! Lucius was HUMILIATED, that’s probably why he lied about it!” Coral jerked her head up to face Hermione. “Harry—freed him?” “He put his old sock, the one the Dursleys gave him, into Tom Riddle’s diary. He gave it to Lucius, Lucius gave it to Dobby and thus—Dobby had clothes. He was free.” Hermione said this with such pride, that for a moment, Coral was very jealous. But she shook it off. “Harry freed him,” Coral walked over to the window, and looked out. “Unreal. Harry—Harry saves everything doesn’t he?” Parvati narrowed her eyes in Coral’s direction. She was extremely jealous of the Black girl—she’d fancied Harry since her first year. But alas, there was nothing to be done. “You didn’t know,” Hermione went over to Coral. “Draco never told you.” “Of course not,” Coral said bitterly. “He kept everything of relevance from me, didn’t he? And now, Mum is the new Potions Master….” “Oh, Coral,” Hermione put a hand on her shoulder. “It will be all right, truly it will.” Coral swallowed hard. She didn’t want to go to pieces again, she’d been doing that too much lately. She was sure Hermione would think her some kind of basket case. No, she had to be strong. Shaking off her reverie, she turned and looked at Hermione. “You and Ron like each other, don’t you?” she asked conversationally, forcing a smile. Hermione smiled back. By then, Parvati, Lavender, and the other girls had gone up to their beds. “He doesn’t know, nor does he want to, I think,” Hermione said, looking out the window. “But one day—I hope—he asks me—“ “Oh, come on now,” Coral said, punching her playfully on the shoulder. “You are not SERIOUSLY waiting for him to ask YOU out, are you?” Hermione looked at her indignantly. “It’s the way it’s done,” she said heartily. “I mean—Harry asked YOU out, didn’t he?” “But Harry is Harry,” Coral said, shrugging. “Ron is Ron. Hermione, everything I see of him tells me—he needs a woman to take the lead.” She smiled. “Look at his mother.” Hermione sighed and turned to look out the window again. “I don’t want to hurt Viktor,” she said in a sad voice. “But—I always kind of knew—he wasn’t the one, you know?” “Hermione,” Coral put a hand on her shoulder. “You need to be honest about what you want. Be honest about what you want to be. I mean—I’m not an expert, but I know THIS much, you know?” Hermione looked at her. “Do you really think so?” Awe was in her voice, respect. “I know so,” Coral said strongly. “Harry wasn’t my first, you know. In fact, I—well, you know—“ she flushed and turned and looked out at the storm. “NO!” Hermione cried, scandalized but intrigued. By that time, Ginny, who’d been hanging out in the Ravenclaw Boy’s dorm with Michael Corner, had joined them. “Yeees,” Coral grinned, amused at the scandalized look on both Ginny and Hermione’s faces. “It—well let’s just say it was nothing to send an owl home about.” “WHAT WAS IT LIKE?” Ginny cried. “WHO WAS IT WITH?” “Oh—it wasn’t much at all,” Coral shrugged. “Just—a bit of heavy breathing and all over.” She grinned and looked out the window. “Was it at Durmstrang?” Ginny demanded. “No. At home.” “WHO?” “Ginny, for Heavens’ Sake, you probably don’t even know him,” Hermione snapped. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. At least Coral can teach Harry a few things. If—in fact they get that far.” “HERMIONE!” Ginny cried, scandalized. But Hermione had broken into peals of giggles. Coral couldn’t help herself, the giggling was contagious. She found herself infected by Hermione’s innocence. Even with all she’d seen—she was still incredibly innocent, as was Ginny. For the time being—Coral needed that. The three girls shared a hearty giggle, and sat down by the fire, to gossip some more. ***************************************** “So you’re sure about her?” Ron asked Harry. “DEAD sure?” Harry frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “Harry,” Ron said softly. No one was paying attention to them as they sat together in the Gryffendor common room. “Ummm—how do you know—when you’re sure? I mean when someone is—the one?” Harry knew what he meant. He’d really wanted to think Cho was the one, but unfortunately she hadn’t been. “Well—it’s just something you feel around them,” he said, feeling weird, like he was showing his private diary to Ron. “I mean—when you can be—their friend as well as their—you know.” He flushed, then looked into the fire. “Yes,” Ron said, sighing with relief. “That is exactly it.” Harry looked at him. He’d never dared to say this to Ron, for fear of mortifying him. But now, the time seemed to be right. “Ron,” he said softly, “Hermione—“ “But she’s with VIKTOR now, isn’t she,” Ron snarled. “She seems rather—cozy with him.” “I’m not so sure about that.” Ron stared at Harry, stupefied. “What?” “Just a feeling,” Harry shrugged. “Coral has it too.” Ron looked like he wanted to sink into his chair. Harry suddenly regretted being this honest. He’d gotten used to speaking his mind when he was with Coral. He’d forgotten it wasn’t quite as easy with Ron. “Game of Chess?” Harry said forcedly grinning. Ron looked up at him—and grinned. “I’m white, you’re black,” he said fiercely. If it was one thing Ron was at all sure on—it was Wizard Chess. Harry grinned, and rose to get the game set up. “Harry?” “Yes?” Harry turned to look at him. “What do you think of Narcissa anyway?” Ron looked rather confused. “I mean—there was something about her today, something I couldn’t put my finger on.” “I may not trust Snape,” Harry snarled, getting the game down and setting it up, “But I trust Dumbledore. He wouldn’t hire a Death Eater.” “He hired Umbridge.” “She wasn’t a Death Eater, she was just stupid,” Harry snarled. “Anyway—I mean to have a talk with that woman whenever I get a chance. I just want to get a few things straight.” Ron looked alarmed. “Like—what?” Harry set up the chess game and looked pointedly at Ron. “How to treat Coral,” he said simply. “And—what is going on with Voldemort If indeed she will tell me.” Ron whistled low. “I will say this for you, mate,” he said, choosing his pieces, “You are gutsy as hell.” “Hey,” Harry grinned. “Beats humongous spiders, doesn’t’ it?” Ron grinned. “That it does.” They shook off their reverie and began to play.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
yay! i finally had time to read it! ![]() more malfoy please ![]() ![]() sorry. i need professional help. carry on ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
rotfl thanks Maddie. ![]() Glad you're enjoying it. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
<bryn> |
hey that is truly awesome you could be a famous writer | ||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
hey thanks, bryn! I have to try to finish the next chapter, i've had a bit of writer's block for a while but it's coming back now. Thanks again. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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(*Thanks for your patience all who are reading...I think my writers block is finally gone...bleeh, tricky little bugger that is. Thanks to all who read and/or reply--enjoy!* ![]() Chapter 7: The Madness Within Remus Lupin walked alone near the shrieking shack in Hogsmeade. Just outside of it, they had set up a gravestone for Sirius, even though his body had fallen behind the veil and no one could recover it. This was the place Sirius had been most happy, aside from Hogwarts, and at James’ house. There was no way Remus would allow them to set up a grave near Grimauld Place. Narcissa, on learning of his death had reacted as Remus rather thought she would. She was upset, but more to the point, she was ready to admit that she’d been living a lie for years. Then Coral had left…and that threw her into a deep depression. Shortly after that, she had severed ties with Voldemort. Snape was protecting her. Voldemort had so far left her alone. Dumbledore, in the end, had agreed to take her on as Potions teacher, even against his better judgement. But Hogwarts had always been a safe place. Only in very tricky ways, had Voldemort managed to enter there. He could not enter there now while he was in his full body. Snape did the rest with regard to protecting Narcissa. Then again, Severus always did have a soft spot for Narcissa Black Malfoy. So much so, that… Remus felt sick, as he stared at Sirius’s grave. Coral must never know the truth. Not for awhile. It wasn’t safe. Meanwhile, she had to endure the others at Hogwarts wondering if she was Voldemort’s daughter. Thank God Harry at least, for all that he was so young, was clear and strong when it came to Coral. He was even able to overlook the fact that she COULD be Voldemort’s daughter. Such a thing was not a child’s fault. Harry had shown amazing maturity when it came to Coral. Nevertheless, Remus felt very worried about them getting too close, too fast. Harry had never allowed himself to go there with a girl, there had always been too many distractions in his life. Now that he was sixteen years old, same as Coral, there was no doubt in Remus’s mind that they would try to make up for lost time. When James and Lily finally admitted to each other how they felt about each other…they were virtually inseparable. Lily’s grades actually dropped considerably, she was so wrapped up in him, and she had been a lot like Hermione. There were bigger dangers for Harry now than there ever had been, thanks to the prophesy that Voldemort had never heard. Eventually he would have to face down the Dark Lord himself, and either die or triumph. And Coral? What would her role be in all of that? Remus feared for her safety, feared for her affiliation with Harry causing her to become a pawn. What if Voldemort killed everyone Harry loved, picking them off one by one until the two finally faced each other down? Remus squatted down by Sirius’s grave, which was after all, next to James and Lily’s. “Sirius,” he said in a husky voice, “What would you do?” “Me?” said the familiar voice in Lupin’s mind. “Oh, I would lurk in the background, and help Harry when he needs it. But aside from that, it’s up to him, Remus. Always was. That’s where I made my mistake.” Remus sighed. No one, not even Dumbledore, knew that Sirius had been speaking into his mind, telepathically. He would never tell. He could hardly believe it himself. Sometimes spirits did that, however, when there was cause to do that. It had never happened with James, or even Lily, but then again Sirius and Remus had had a connection few knew about, even James. Neither of them had actually admitted it to each other, as if giving voice to it would somehow diminish it. So they kept an unspoken agreement to say nothing about it, not even to each other. Just revel in the feeling of what existed and what had transpired. Tears filled Remus’s eyes. He’d never see his friend’s face again, although in his mind, that voice would ring true forever. “I never left, you know,” Sirius said softly, “there’s no need to grieve, not really.” “Have you—“ Remus coughed and swallowed hard. “Talked to Harry? No, not yet. I’m waiting for the right moment. He took my death worse than you did.” “True,” Remus said grimly. “It would scare him. Well old friend, you have proved Molly Weasley wrong. You never tried to replace James with Harry. He was simply the son you never had.” “Still is,” Sirius said fiercely. “I rather think he is a son to both of us in more ways than meets the eye. Remus,” he said, in that meaningful way that made Lupin uncomfortable. “You know what I’m about to say.” “If you think I’m going back to Hogwarts and asking Dumbledore for my old job back,” Remus laughed, “You’re mistaken. It would cause too many complications. And now, with Severus…” “Snivellus,” Sirius said darkly. “I CAN not believe Dumbledore appointed him.” “No one else wanted it,” Remus shrugged. “Snape always wanted it, however. Finally Dumbledore was tired of fighting it.” “But that woman…” Sirius sighed. “She doesn’t belong there.” “You still think there’s no hope for her, don’t you,” Remus said evenly. “She may have a chance, but her presense will cause BOTH Harry and Coral to have trouble from Voldemort,” Sirius said angrily. “Her presense there, at the one place Harry is safe…that is—I could kill Snivellus for this.” “He loves her,” Remus said softly. “Apparently,” snarled Sirius. “He’s a little late, however.” “Well, perhaps not,” Remus said, shaking off his reverie. “I still think you should go there.” “And do what?” The last thing Remus expected to hear from Sirius came from his voice. “Talk to Narcissa.” Remus gasped. “What on earth would I say to her?” There was a pause. Then, Sirius swore creatively. “I have to go, Remus,” he said grimly. “I think—Wormtail has discovered me.” “No!” “Please don’t underestimate him, Remus. That again was a mistake of mine…” “SIRIUS!” Lupin stood up, but the familiar presense was gone. He felt himself begin to panic. He remembered that he needed more of his potion…the moon was going to be full tonight. “Missing him?” snarled a voice behind him. Remus whirled around. There, walking toward him, with a large smoking cauldron, was Snape. “Missing your head lately, Lupin,” Snape growled. “I was just at Grimauld place, to bring this to you. But they said you’d gone. I might have known it would be here.” He dipped a goblet into the smoking cauldron, and, having filled it, handed it to Lupin. “Drink, right now. It’s almost dark.” Lupin drained the cup, wincing at the disgusting taste, but grateful all the same that Severus had found him. If he had transformed and not had the potion…with all that was going on in his mind right now… “Thank you, Severus,” he said tiredly. “You can leave that cauldron in the Shack. I will probably be here for the next couple of days. Oh, and Severus…” “Yes?” Snape said, narrowing his eyes. “Keep an eye on Wormtail if you can—I will be indisposed, as you know,” Remus said bitterly. “I have a feeling he is up to something—something sinister.” Snape looked at him suspiciously. “You have been coming out with rather odd bits of information lately,” he said. “One would think—you were getting it from someplace. Perhaps your mind? The Dark Lord?” Remus shivered inside. If Severus found out… “I think Sirius’s death has adled your brain slightly,” Severus continued. “You might want to revisit your old Occlumancy lessons. The Dark Lord, as we all know, can disguise himself in many ways.” So he did know. But he thought it was Voldemort, not Sirius. “I’ll have a think on that,” Lupin said softly. “Meanwhile…” “Oh, I will tell Potter nothing,” Severus smiled, rather sinisterly, reading Lupin’s mind, as anyone skilled in Legimancy could do. “We both have rather—sensitive secrets, do we not?” He curled his lip menacingly. “Yes we do, Severus,” Lupin said evenly, meeting his gaze with quiet anger. “Yes we do. Thank you again for the potion.” “Anytime,” Severus said, bowing rather mockingly. “I will be off now.” He went into the shack, placed the cauldron on top of a table, and—CRACK! Disapparated out of sight. • * * ******************************************************** “He’s creeping me out,” Coral said at breakfast the next morning. “Who?” Harry asked sharply, looking up from his eggs and bacon. “Snape,” said Coral darkly. “I mean, he looks like he hasn’t even slept all night. And he keeps—staring at me.” Harry met Snape’s gaze. Indeed, Snape looked rather old, worn out, like he hadn’t seen his bed all night. There was a look in his eyes akin to sadness. It was, as Coral said, creepy. “So,” Harry said in a low voice, to Coral, daring to ask about what he’d been avoiding asking since they got there, “What do you think?” “What do I think about what?” Coral asked sharply. Harry looked at her earnestly. Hermione and Ron were engaged in an argument about Narcissa…Ron wanted to skive off Potions and of course, Hermione wasn’t happy about that. Harry ignored them and concentrated on Coral. But before she could answer his question, someone else showed up, intent on her. “Hello, Coral.” Harry’s blood ran cold at the sound of the voice. He’d never heard it before…but it was so much like Coral’s, it was unmistakeable. He turned around. There she stood, Narcissa, looking a little heavier than last he’d seen her, a bit older even. He took in the sadness of her gaze, and her eyes, which were Coral’s eyes. Finally it was Hermione who broke the silence. “Good morning, Professor—“ she hesitated. “Black. Professor Black,” Narcissa said in a businesslike way. Harry felt his blood run cold. There was something in her eyes, some kind of dark pain…he had felt that pain and yet… “Coral, wonder if I might have a word with you, when you get a chance,” Narcissa said. “Uhh, sure,” Coral said, squeezing Harry’s hand. Harry glared fiercely at Narcissa. “Right. Well, perhaps after class. Who’s Neville Longbottom?” Narcissa frowned. Several Gryffendors turned to face Neville, who stared, wide eyed at Narcissa. “Right. Neville, I’m told you’ve found Potions to be very challenging. Hopefully, you’ll find it less so in my class. Well—I’ll see you all later.” With a sweeping gesture, she turned and flung her robes around her, stalking out of the room. The Gryffendors all began talking at once. “What was THAT all about?” Dean Thomas asked, frowning. Ron just frowned in the direction of the doorway Narcissa walked out of. “I don’t trust her,” he said sullenly. “She’s Malfoy’s mom after all.” “You think that was weird, you should have seen her letters to me,” Coral said slowly. “I mean—it would seem she’s uhh, well trying to better herself…but then she turns around and abruptly leaves…just like she did then.” “In trouble already?” The sneering voice was Draco Malfoy’s. Harry turned and stared him down, as he stood there with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson. “She was just introducing herself,” he said pointedly to Malfoy. Malfoy curled his lip. “YOU might believe that, Potter.” He snorted on a laugh. “Draco, go away,” Coral drawled, almost in a perfect imitation of him. Draco narrowed his eyes and started toward her, only to be elbowed out of the way by Katie Bell, who had risen and walked purposely over to Harry. “Don’t forget Quidditch practice at four o’clock,” she said fiercely, but with a smile. “I'm the new Captain by the way. And Harry...I don’t think we’ll be having a repeat of last year, right?” She winked. Harry winked back and grinned broadly. “It’ll be great to get back on the field, Katie--congratulations on being the new Captain!” he said. Draco, looking affronted at having his confrontation of his sister so rudely interrupted, stomped out of the room dramatically(he’s been doing that a lot, thought Harry absently) followed by his cronines. Coral turned to him and grinned. “Wicked—I can finally see you play, Harry!” Katie focused on her a moment. “You know,” she said, “We need two more chasers and two more beaters, now that Fred and George are gone. You aren’t built very big, but I don’t know…I never subscribed to that belief that size matters in respect to that.” Coral flushed, but Ron suddenly said, “Wicked! Coral, you should go for it!” “Ginny already wants to try out for one of the chasers...but we really could use two more beaters,” Katie said. “We just HAVE to replace those other two, they just weren’t cutting the mustard.” She shuddered, as if the memory of last year brought her physical pain. Truth be known, it brought Harry that same pain. Harry turned to Coral and caught her gaze. “What do you think?” he asked her. Coral smiled shyly. “Well,” she said, “I used to play at home with THEM…” she jerked her head towards the doorway where Draco and his friends had departed, “not that they ever played fair, but I wasn’t bad…” She turned to Katie. “I’ll go for it then. What do I have to lose?” Several cheers sounded from nearby Gryffendors. “Wicked!” Harry held her tight. “You’re in!” “Careful, Potter, she’s not in yet!” Katie cried, winking, before sauntering off to join several of her seventh year friends on the way to class. Harry rose, gathered his books and took Coral by the hand as he, Hermione, Ron, and the other Gryffendors headed off to Potions. He did not notice the pair of eyes that watched him…eyes that no one knew were there.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter 8: Narcissa and Ron save the Day “Save us seats,” Harry told Ron and Hermione. “We, uh, have to go see Narcissa.” He rolled his eyes, and Coral giggled a bit. Hermione gave them a supportive smile and Ron gave a sympathetic grimace. “Don’t drink anything she gives you,” he warned. “There could be veritaserum in it.” Coral snorted. “What would she get out of us? She already knows Voldemort tried to kill me.” Several nearby students winced at hearing his name. Coral completely missed the meaningful looks Ron and Harry gave each other, but Hermione didn’t. She narrowed her eyes at Harry, who suddenly became very interested in turning to Coral and taking her hand. “Right. Come on, Coral, love, let’s get this over with.” “Coral, sit next to me when you’re done!” Hermione called. “Uh, right,” Coral said over her shoulder. She turned back to Harry and they both walked into Narcissa’s office. It was not QUITE as obnoxious as Umbridge’s had been…no horrible kittens…but it was damned close. There were knit doilies all over the place, and several porceline knickknacks that looked oddly like those horrible muggle ones Aunt Petunia kept around, were placed on various shelves. “Right,” Narcissa said. “Sit down…two chairs right here.” She waved her wand and two plush chairs appeared out of nowhere. Harry and Coral tentatively took their seats as Narcissa sat behind the rather obnoxious desk. “Thank you for coming, Coral,” she said softly, then, her eyes fell on Harry and they narrowed. “Umm, does he have to be here?” She frowned, but Harry drew himself up and tightened his arm around Coral. “I want a word with you anyway,” he said fiercely. “But I’ll listen to what you have to say to Coral first.” Narcissa gave him a look that vaguely resembled the one she’d worn at the Quiddich World Cup, the one where she looked like she smelled dung. “Severus isn’t wrong about one thing. You are arrogant,” she said flatly. “Although I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt because Albus expressly forbade me to give anyone a hard time who didn’t deserve it. He’s testing me, of course, not that I blame him. All right then, Harry,” she said darkly. “I will express this to both of you then, shall I? This is really a family matter you know…” “Harry is as good as any ‘family’ I ever had,” Coral said darkly. At that, Narcissa looked like she might burst into tears, indeed her lip quavered a bit, but she bit it instead and closed her eyes before finally getting her composure and speaking. “Right. Well, beginning at the beginning. I made a terrible mistake,” Narcissa said evenly. “Right, in having me,” Coral said sullenly. Narcissa glared at her. “Manners, child. No, not in having you, Coral, in—well you know. This is rather delicate. In--“ “DAMMIT, Mum!” Coral burst out, clenching both her fists. “WHO IS MY FATHER? WHY won’t you tell me? Do you know what they’re all saying about me, Mum? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SAYING?” “Yes, daughter,” Narcissa said, her eyes softening. “They say you are Voldemort’s child.” There was a silence that cut like a knife. “You said his name,” Harry said evenly. “You’re not afraid to say it.” “No—not anymore,” Narcissa said and drew herself up. “That does NOT mean, however, that I am closely acquainted with him, Harry.” “No?” Coral burst out. “Well WHO is it, Mum? Come on, I have a right to know after all this time—after what YOUR SON put me through for years, and your HUSBAND--” Narcissa looked at her, her eyes filling with tears now. “I can’t,” she said softly. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, Coral because I do. Honest, I do.” “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!” Coral exploded. “AND I DON’T CARE WHO HEARS ME OUT THERE! YOU ARE A PITTIFUL EXCUSE FOR A WITCH AND A MOTHER! YOU GAVE YOUR SOUL TO VOLDEMORT AND LUCIUS…AND THEN STEPPED OUT ON BOTH OF THEM! DIDN’T YOU? DIDN’T YOU?” Narcissa sat in stoney calm and silence as Coral finished her diatribe. Harry took her in his arms now…he wanted to make sure she didn’t do anything foolish like fly at Narcissa and possibly get herself in trouble with the school. The very last thing that needed to happen was for Snape to have an excuse to report her to Dumbledore. “Easy, love, easy,” he said into her hair. “Calm down, it’s not worth it…” He turned, and glared at Narcissa, who gave him a stoney stare right back. Harry was rather overwhelmed at how calm she was. In that state of mind she reminded him strangely of Professor McGonagall. Coral relaxed in Harry’s arms. Finally, after a long time, Narcissa spoke. “Well, you’ve needed to get that out for a long time,” she said softly. “I don’t blame you a bit, Coral, honest I don’t. I behaved like a fool for many years. Letting Lucius vent his spleen on you to get back at me. Letting Draco do the same. Coral—Coral, I can’t take it back, but I can only ask your forgiveness. I was a fool. Yes, I was a Death Eater. Lucius bullied me into it but I went along with it and for that I will never quite forgive myself. Oh several people tried to talk me out of it at the time…Remus, James, Lily, but I wouldn’t listen, no, not I, I was too young and in love…” Harry’s blood had run cold and Coral straightened up, looking at him at this revelation. “Hang on,” he said to Narcissa, quietly. “Yes—I thought that would get your attention, Harry,” Narcissa said tiredly. “I knew James and Lily well, for all that we were in different Houses. They were—actually quite good friends of mine. Oh, Sirius and I always had a tempestuous relationship…my family you understand, I was hell bent on pleasing them. Sirius was the rebel. He tired to get me to go against them, be more like Andromeda, but I hated her for her arrogance, so I persevered. And yet, James and Lily…and especially Remus….I kept my friendship with all of them a secret. Even Sirius didn’t know how close we all were. They tried to help me. Especially Lily. She was like that, you know, she tried to help others in need. It was her idea to get Wormtail into the group…” She shuddered suddenly. Harry went cold at hearing Wormtail’s name. “I hated him for what he did,” Narcissa said, looking ugly as she said this. “Even though I was a Death Eater, I thought Wormtail was the most cowardly, pathetic…oh, who am I to talk?” She sighed and buried her face in her hands. “Lily tried to help me, she was determined that I was not beyond hope.” She lifted her face and looked at Harry as if forcing herself to look at him. “Remus trusted her judgement even after James gave up on me. I’ll never forget the way he looked at me, Harry, the day he finally told me it was useless, I was beyond hope. He looked—almost exactly as you’re looking now.” Coral suddenly looked at her hands. Tears welled up in her eyes. Harry felt like his heart had been ripped from its socket. It was almost the same feeling he’d had after seeing his father torment Snape in the pensieve all those years ago. A sick feeling he wished he didn’t have. “He did this after—well, after I showed them the Dark Mark on my arm, and tried, once again, to seduce all of them over to the Dark Side. Voldemort wanted them all, but James was not, and never would be, interested. Lily, at one point, thought she might…and Wormtail of course—“ “YOU’RE LYING!” Harry roared at her, snapped out of his stupor by the audacity of what she’d said. Narcissa rolled her eyes as if she’d been expecting this. “MY MUM NEVER WANTED—HOW DARE YOU!” “It was a momentary bit of madness,” Narcissa said patiently. “She was young, she’d had a horrible fight with James, and she was pregnant with you. It was all very hormonal, really. She was rather distraught. So she came running to me, and asked me if she could join up. But I—told her to go back home.” Harry couldn’t take this. He leapt to his feet, and ran to the wall, clenching his fists against it. He dared not destroy any of her possessions…he did not have the understanding with her that he did with Dumbledore…but the temptation was there. It was only for Coral’s sake that he was even remotely able to keep it together. His mum—tempted? And Narcissa—Narcissa Malfoy, Draco’s mother, sending her HOME? Making her see SENSE? It was too much to take in, entirely too much. “Harry,” Coral said softly, and he could feel her hand on his shoulder. She’d risen and was standing behind him. “Harry—it’s all right.” “ALL RIGHT, is it?” He whirled around, and glared, not at her, but at Narcissa. “You tell me this—all this—and you expect me to just sit back like oh, sure it’s all just routine? You mess up Coral’s life, won’t even tell her who her FATHER is, and I’m supposed to thank you for—for giving my mum back? What next? Snape put a protection spell on me as well as Mum did?” “Coral was eight months old at the time,” Narcissa said softly. “Actually, while it was I who kept telling Lily to go back home…she finally did when Coral suddenly crawled into her lap and looked up at her…just looked, like Coral is looking now.” Harry slowly turned, to look at his girlfriend. Coral’s bluish green eyes seemed to glow in that moment…to literally glow. Suddenly he could bear it no longer. All Narcissa had just said, Coral’s eyes, the mixed messages about both his parents…Wormtail, Voldemort, and Sirius…Sirius…. He fell onto Coral’s shoulder, and crumpled into silent sobs as Coral held him tightly. Narcissa rose to her feet, quietly and adroitly and walked around to their side. “I’ve said enough,” she said softly, patting Harry’s shoulder. “I’m going out to teach my class. Take all the time you need--both of you. If you have to miss—you can get the assignment from Miss Granger. Take your time, Harry. It’s a lot I gave you to think about.” She left then, leaving Harry and Coral alone with the confusion and grief that threatened to paralyze him. “It’s all right,” Coral said softly, stroking his hair. “It’s all right. I won’t let anything happen to you, love. You have my word—whatever we go through, we’ll face it down--together.” It took the better part of the class to calm him down. By the time he felt calm enough to face the world(Coral had used a charm she’d learned at Durmstrang to remove the traces of tears, the blotchy puffy cheeks, red eyes, all of it), the class was just congregating toward the door, Slytherins and Gryffindors alike. Draco, seeing them, curled his lip, as Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy surrounded him. “What were YOU two doing in there all this time?” “Making mad passionate love, Draco, what of it?” Coral quipped. “Harry! Coral! You two have GOT to see this!” It was Neville, and he sounded more excited than he had in a long time. Ron, Hermione and Ginny were at his side, beaming at him. Harry steered Coral over to him, leaving Draco open-mouthed and furious at again being denied a confrontation with his favorite foe and his sister. Neville was glowing from head to toe. “LOOK, Harry!” He held out a flask of clear liquid. “My first ever proper potion! Professor Black gave me TOP MARKS!” “Well done, Neville!” Harry smiled, clapping him on the shoulder. “What is it?” “Veritaserum,” Neville said, grinning wickedly. “I thought I’d give this to YOU, Coral, and you could interview Snape at your convenience.” He winked, slowly. Coral smiled slowly back at him. Harry felt a sudden rush of gratitude for this often forgotten but loyal friend of his. “True—Snape WOULD know who my father is, since he and Mum are so close,” Coral said, and took the flask. “Thanks, Neville! I’ll have to learn to make this myself too, I suppose…” “Oh, it’s so easy!” Neville beamed. “I never thought I’d be saying that about a potions class. Hermione didn’t even help me once, did you, Hermione?” “Nope,” Hermione said with pride. “Neville did it all by himself. Of course it helped that Professor Black PROPERLY explained what to do instead of writing it on the board in a scrawl…” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Honestly. She actually seems very nice. Truly, she must have done a lot of soul searching. WHAT she sees in Snape, however…” “What was that, Miss Granger?” said a cold calculated voice behind Harry. “Oh, nothing,” Hermione said, smiling warmly at him. “Good day, Professor!” Snape seemed rather taken aback with Hermione’s lack of acquiescence toward a teacher. Hermione seemed to be a bit changed this year, however. She carried herself with an air of maturity that she’d never shown much before. “Oh, Professor Snape—might I have a word with you after our class this afternoon?” Coral asked him earnestly. She’d hidden the veritaserum in her robes. Snape frowned. “Sure—I suppose I could—fit you in.” “Thanks,” Coral said and inclined her head in his direction. “Well—Harry, Hermione, all—shall we?” “Coral, I want a word with you, later,” Hermione hissed in her ear as they all set off for the next class, which was Charms. “Sure,” Coral said. “Can’t you tell me now?” “No, not now!” Hermione said impatiently, blushing a shade darker than Ron’s hair. “Oh—right.” Coral looked at her apologetically. It was hard, being so open with Harry, to remember that there were boundaries other boys and girls had about speaking openly in front of each other. Coral wished Hermione would know that sometime in her life. It seemed like she needed that. Would Ron be the one to give that to her—at any time? Coral looked absently at the wide eyed red haired Weasley boy. He seemed to be very overwhelmed, and he kept avoiding Hermione’s gaze, although from time to time, she tried to catch it. Finally, Charms let out and they all headed toward the class they’d been looking forward to least…Defense against the Dark Arts. Coral sighed inwardly. It was going to be a day of deep conversations. First her mother, then Snape, then Hermione….she could not wait to get out on the Quidditch field and try out for beater…she hoped she got it. She needed something light and happy to take her mind off things. And yet, when the class neared the door which had opened up to so many different classrooms, it was locked. “What kind of trick is this?” yelled Dean Thomas as everyone groaned. “Is he taking a mickey?” Seamus asked. “Wait—shhh!” Harry put his ear up to the door. “There’s voices in there.” “Extraordinary,” Dumbledore’s voice said mildly. “I know I saw him myself…as you did, Severus.” “I never would have believed it,” Snape was saying darkly. “Never. But then—“ “Never mind, Severus, we all believed many things that turned out to be false. That’s neither here nor there.” “Hang on!” Seamus yelled. “that’s LUPIN!” “Shhh!” Coral said entreatingly, holding her finger to her lips. “He’s in the bloody castle,” Lupin was saying. “Now…it’s just a question of…” “OH MY GOD!” Everyone turned, gasping and crying out in surprise. Ron suddenly dropped all his books and scrambled around as if trying to find something he dropped on the floor…and… “HA! HA!” Ron stood up. “OUCH, you slimeball! I got you now, you little slimy GIT!” Harry, Hermione, Coral and the entire class of Slytherins and Gryffindors looked on…as Ron, triumphantly held up the rat, the balding rat that had once been Scabbers. Wormtail had been captured. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter 9: Justice is Served Wormtail squirmed around in Ron's arms. "Bite me again you git, and I'll rip your head off!" Ron snarled visciously. Coral suddenly pressed against Harry, shaking violently. He held onto her tightly, but was not keen to tell Ron to cool it. He'd watched this man bring Voldemort back to life, he'd betrayed his parents, and probably watched them die for all Harry knew. Sirius had gone to Azkaban for Wormtail's crime and died a useless death because of having to hide out over Wormtail's crime.... He'd give anything to be clutching that rat right now...squeezing the life out of him... The door swung open. Dumbledore purposely walked over to Ron, took the rat out of Ron's hands, and carried him into the room. He showed no expression but Harry knew him well enough now to know that he was probably furious. "Everyone stand back," Snape said fiercely. "No one is allowed in." Harry ignored him and started in. "Harry," Lupin said tiredly. Harry suddenly noticed that Coral's shaking had gotten very violent...indeed, her eyes were rolling into the back of her head. "Coral?" Harry said sharply, holding her by her shoulders. "Coral! What is it?" He turned and stared fiercely first at Snape then Lupin. "What the hell is he doing to her? STOP him!" he roared. If Wormtail was messing with Coral’s mind…. "Dumbledore will take care of Peter, Harry," Lupin said flatly. "You need to take Coral to the hospital wing. Now. I'll meet you there later." "I'll go with Potter," Snape muttered. Harry's heart sank but strangely, Coral relaxed a bit, even stood up some when Snape said that. Harry ignored this revalation and put his arm around her. Coral leaned her head on his shoulder and let him lead her out of the hall toward the hospital wing as Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville followed him. Snape walked on the other side of Coral, occassionally putting his hand on her shoulder. What Harry had been trying to ask Coral for days suddenly seemed to dawn on him in that instant. He caught Snape's eyes and held them with his gaze. "It's you," he said softly. "Isn't it, Professor?" Snape averted his gaze, his face going white. If Harry wasn't mistaken, he had sensed a bit of fear in Snape's face. He'd never shown Harry anything but anger and malice so this was new. "Oh, my God," said a panicky voice behind Harry. Snape turned around. "Oh, what is it, what's happened now?" "It's all right, calm down," Snape said, speaking very gently as Narcissa, shaking, fell into step between him and Coral. Narcissa caught Harry's eyes. Harry was suddenly struck by how much like Coral she actually looked in that moment. "What happened, Harry, what happened?" Narcissa asked, desperately. "Easy, love," Snape said very kindly, putting an arm around her and drawing her away from Coral. "Listen, come with me, we'll catch up to those two later. I'll explain it all to you. Come." He pulled her away. She gave one last desperate look at Harry and then turned to go with Snape. Harry exchanged a look with Hermione, then Ron. He had never seen Snape be kind to anyone before. Then again, he had never seen Narcissa behave like that before...so helpless, so much like Coral... At that moment, Draco came running over just as they neared the hospital wing. "She all right?" he asked sharply. There was no sneer on his face whatsoever. What, was everyone dropping their masks now? "She'll be ok I think," Harry said evenly, holding her tighter. "Now that she's here." He debated telling Draco about Wormtail, then decided against it. Draco's eyes looked absolutely crushed as he looked at his sister. "I should have--" he said, then broke off. His lip was trembling. "Are you all right?" Hermione asked him softly. Draco seemed to come back to himself in that moment. His face contorted in anger. "Don't EVER speak to me, Mudblood!" he snarled. "EVER EVER EVER!" Ron lost it then. He rushed at Draco and began pounding on him. Draco actually screamed in pain. "Ron, NO!" Hermione wailed. "Just leave it! Oh, Harry, go, get her to the wing, we'll sort this out, GO!" Ginny was shouting at Ron now, words Harry never heard her say as she and Hermione tried to pull him off Draco. Neville was no help, however, he was also trying to pound Malfoy. Things were very on edge right now, Harry couldn't help but notice. "Right, get her in here," Madame Pomfrey said evenly, her face taut. "This is not good. Oh, good, Professor McGonnagal, YOU can sort that lot out. I have enough to do here...come on, girl, don't be afraid, take my hand now...." Coral let out a blood curdling scream then and fell to her knees clutching her head. Sobs racked her body. Harry went to his knees and held her tightly. Madame Pomfrey also supported her as they lifted her to her feet. They led her to a bed and she fell down on it, suddenly unconscious. "It's all right, I used a sleeping charm under my breath," Madame Pomfrey told Harry. "She's had a rather nasty shock I'm afraid. Professor Dumbledore will tell you all about it...when it's time." "What do you mean when it's time?" Harry demanded. "Don't tell me he's pulling that malarchy again!" Professor McGonagal now stood in the doorway. She slowly walked in. Behind her, his eyes actually red, was Draco. He sported one black eye. There was no sign of Hermione, Neville or Ron. “Potter,” McGonagal said softly, “You’ll have to sit down for this one.” By the time they had finished their story, Harry felt like nothing new could phase him. Coral had met Wormtail before. He had gone there after he escaped from Lupin after he turned into a werewolf. He was trying to reach Lucius to tell him he’d escaped but Coral met him instead. Lucius had been out with Draco and Narcissa to see some show somewhere. Coral had been left behind. They’d fought, apparently. Coral had been placed under the Imperious curse and the Cruciatus curse. But somehow she’d overcome them and fought him enough to drive him away. She’d never seen him again after that. Draco had told Harry all this…he spoke in a deadpan voice as he did. Not a trace of the old enmity. Professor McGonagal merely sat there and watched them. Only when he finished his story, did Draco flare up in anger. “You should have let him die,” he snarled. “you should have let them kill him. He’d never have done that to her then! She was in a right state when we got home. Sure she drove him off, he was a coward, but he…” He rose then, and walked over to the window, shaking as he looked out of it. Harry wanted to flare at him that had Wormtail been killed, Lucius’s precious Master would never have been reborn. He started to speak, but stopped at the look on McGonagal’s face. “There are things you have not been told about Coral, Potter,” she said evenly. “Things only Coral herself can tell you when she’s ready.” “Who is her father?” Harry blurted without thinking. “In due time, Potter,” McGonagal said evenly. “But one thing is certain, it is not Professor Snape.” This came as such a shock to Harry, he didn’t even notice as Hagrid suddenly burst into the room. Only his booming voice made him stop and look up. “Good news!” Hagrid roared. “Dumbledore sent me to tell yer. Wormtail, that slimy coward confessed. He’s gone to Azkaban.” He grinned at Harry then. “All righ’ Harry? Coral looks a little peaky but she’ll sleep it off. She’s made of strong stuff, Harry.” Harry fought off the urge to hug him then and cry for hours. He stood up anyway and grasped Hagrid’s hand. “I’m glad he confessed,” he said softly. “Will he be kissed by the dementors then?” “Oh, piffle, Harry, the Dementors don’t guard Azkaban anymore,” Hagrid said, grimacing at the mention of their name. “They’ve all joined up with You-Know-Who, ain’t they?” “Well,” Harry said, “whoever the new guards are….” “I hope they squash that git and ask questions later,” Draco said darkly. Hagrid turned to him, frowning a little, but studying him. “You all righ’, Draco?” he asked in the same tone Hermione had used with him. Draco looked quite lost, indeed. He looked at Hagrid, this “oaf” whom he’d always made fun of and tried to get sacked, and it looked like he wanted to spill all his guts to him. But he also looked angry, very angry to be in this state, in front of people he’d always seen as his enemies. “I hate all of this,” he finally said flatly. Then, without another word, he turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. “Poor lad,” sighed Hagrid, pulling up a large chair and sitting beside Coral. “He’s confused, he is. Saw it coming, yes I did.” “We all did,” McGonagal said sadly. “Well—I have to go, I have a class to teach. Potter, don’t forget, Quidditch tryouts are tonight Katie wanted me to remind you.” “Wait, Coral was going to try out for the team!” Harry cried. “Can you get Katie to postpone, professor? Please?” Normally, McGonagal would have snapped at him that she could not give anyone any special privileges, no matter whose House they were in. But this time, she looked earnestly at Harry and said simply, “I’ll try.” Then she turned and walked out of the room. Hagrid sighed with relief and pulled out a bottle of something. “Thought she’d NEVER leave,” he said, winking at Harry and handing him the bottle. Harry looked at it. It was some kind of alcohol, that much was certain. “Go on,” Hagrid said, winking. “You need it Harry. I won’t tell a soul.” Harry grinned, despite himself, opened the bottle and took a long slow swallow. It burned. He made a face, and handed it back to Hagrid. “Firewhiskey,” Hagrid said chuckling and taking a swig himself. “Got it special. I keep some around for special occasions. That,” he said, indicating Coral, “Is quite a lady you got there. She’ll be an excellent auror if she ever gets through this intact.” He whistled low and shook his head, as if to clear it. “What do you mean ‘if?’” Harry demanded, sitting down on the opposite side of the bed. “Of course she’ll get through this, Hagrid. I’m not letting her down, and now that Wormtail is in prison…” Hagrid looked at him sadly. “There are things yeh ain’t been told,” he said in a trembling voice. “I want to tell yeh in the worst way, Harry, but I can’t. Promised Dumbledore I wouldn’t.” “Hagrid,” Harry said, reaching for the bottle. Hagrid grinned and handed it over. “Shouldn’t be doing this, Sirius would skin me alive if he were h—oh, sorry,” he said, his face falling. Harry took a long slow swig. “S’allright,” he said evenly, handing the bottle back to Hagrid. “Wish Coral was awake. She could use some of this…where do you get it, Hagrid?” “Now, don’t yeh be getting any ideas!” Hagrid said sternly. “It’s not for you to make a regular habit of, don’t yeh forget it! Hey,” he said softening. “Heard yeh got nine O.W.L.S. Not too shabby. You could be an auror with that many.” He grinned. “Yeh, well I think Dumbledore must have pulled a few strings,” Harry said grimly. “I don’t think I did too well in Potions, or in History, or Astronomy…..” “Oh, yeh did all right. You’re in Potions again this year, aren’t yeh?” Harry frowned. “Well…that’s because there’s another teacher. I think….” “Well yeh notice that she has all of you back, those who were in Snape’s class last year. She wants to give you all a chance, well…Snape’s been…shall we say…coming around a little. Cissa’s been helping him. She’s a good lady, Harry, really she is.” Harry reached for the bottle again and took another swallow before handing it back. “I don’t know what’s going on with people anymore,” he said, shaking his head. “Snape, Narcissa…Draco….I don’t understand any of it.” “Knew it was comin,” Hagrid said, nodding. “I knew it. Draco was angry and confused all his life, Narcissa was trapped…well. Just goes to show yeh. And then what Wormtail did to Coral, Draco carried that around for a long time.” Harry shuddered, thinking of Bella Lestrange and how she’d tortured Neville back in the Department of Mysteries. He wondered how long Wormtail had held Coral under that curse. Poor Neville’s parents had gone mad from it. “Draco came back and found her like that. He blamed himself,” Hagrid said. “He broke one of his mother’s precious stones, clean in half, and blamed Coral. She was furious, used that stone for spells, she did. That was why Coral had to stay behind while they all went out.” Hagrid looked sad. “the things parents do to their kids just to prove a point…still, all things happen for a reason I reckon. Cheer up, Harry,” he said, grinning. “She’ll be all right. She did drive Wormtail away, after all.” “Yeh, well Voldemort hasn’t only been after me all this time,” Harry said darkly, handing the whiskey back to Hagrid. “He’s been after her too. But…for some reason, it was all kept secret. Until now.” There was a long pause. Harry sat down beside Coral and pushed a lock of her hair away from her face. Hagrid finally got up, and pocketed the bottle in one of his large pockets. “Gotta go,” he said. “Look after yourself, Harry. Take care of her, too. Oh! By the way,” he said, as Harry turned to say goodbye, “Olympe and me are tyin the knot soon.” He grinned broadly. Harry found it hard not to grin back. He was feeling rather light about everything, even despite all the drama. “Hey, that’s great, Hagrid!” He said. “You’ll have to let us know when it is!” “Oh, I’ll letcha know all righ’!” Hagrid said, then, weaving a little, walked out of the room, as steadily as he could manage. Harry suddenly had to laugh. All of this was too strange. He’d just sat here and gotten drunk with Hagrid of all people, drunk for the first time, Draco had talked to him like a human being, well a bit, Narcissa, Snape, Ron, everything seemed upside down all of a sudden, not even real anymore. Harry almost expected Voldemort to walk through the door wearing a kilt. Harry stretched out beside Coral and closed his eyes. Hagrid was now twirling around the room with Madame Maxime, both of them wearing tutus while thestrals sang a strange haunting melody. Draco suddenly burst in wearing Ron’s old dress robes from his fourth year, yelling something about how they are growing at a rapid pace and no one can stop them. Rita Skeeter burst in, her whole body that of a beetle, half human, half beetle and said, “Slow down, Draco I can’t find my Quick Quotes Quill!” “Harry?” He woke up. Coral was looking at him, her greenish blue eyes very haunted, but earnest. Harry traced a finger down her face. “Coral, it’s all right now.” She smiled sadly. “I know. He’s in Azkaban. And you,” she said, smirking comically, “have been a bit norti, Harry.” He shrugged. “Had a bit of firewhiskey. No big deal.” He grinned. “I mean, you didn’t leave me any, you git,” she said, then winked. Harry would have said more, done more, but just then the door flung open. Ron and Hermione walked in, arm and arm. Ron sported a black eye. Hermione looked triumphant but weary. They both stopped, looking at them, and were about to turn around and walk out again but Coral held up her hand to stop them. “No, it’s all right. Listen,” she said, sitting up. “What time is it?” “Coral, what on Earth—“ Hermione began, as Harry got up abruptly, averting Ron’s wide eyed stare. “No, it’s just, I was supposed to try out for Quidditch tonight,” Coral said. “QUIDDITCH! Of all times to think about something like that!” Hermione snapped. “Anyway, tryouts have been postponed til tomorrow night. There was a notice placed on the board.” Harry was having a very hard time sitting down. The chair looked really big, then really small and he couldn’t seem to get it together to have a seat. Ron was chortling at him but for some reason, Harry didn’t mind. He rather thought it was funny too. “Harry, WHAT on earth are you doing, SIT down…what is wrong with you?” Hermione snapped. Then she frowned. Everyone was laughing except her. “Oh, Harry, well—he’s feeling no pain it would seem,” Coral grinned, as Harry finally managed to get into the chair. “The git didn’t leave me any though. I’m not kissing him tonight.” She pouted, and Harry looked crestfallen. “What—WHAT have you done, Harry?” Hermione cried, running over to him. “He’s DRUNK!” Ron roared with laughter. “Where’d ya get it Harry?” Harry did not have the heart to tell them. He knew Hermione would never let Hagrid hear the end of it. “Oh—nicked it from Filch’s office,” he lied. “I was looking for a letter he swiped from me from Lupin and found that. Guess I was a bit stressed. Can you blame me?” he shrugged. “I hid it in my robes until McGonagal and Hagrid left and then…just had a few sips. There wasn’t much left in there so I threw it away.” “A few sips,” Hermione said crossly. “Harry, I don’t buy that for a second. You’re gone, you’re out to lunch. You’d better not make a habit of this! Look, if anyone gets wind of that, not only will you be expelled, but your name will be all over the Daily Prophet again. You DO not want that, especially with nine O.W.L.S and a future ahead of you….” “Hermione, give it a rest, I made him promise he wouldn’t do it again,” Coral said sincerely, turning to Harry and glaring at him significantly. “Didn’t I, Harry?” “Yes, dear,” Harry said, sighing in a long suffering way and looking at Ron. However, Ron was not paying attention at all. He was looking at Hermione, in a kind of bewitched way. “I love it when she gets like that,” he finally said. Harry couldn’t stand it anymore. “What—all right, you two,” he grinned. “What’s going on, eh?” Hermione sat down, kind of pensive. “All right umm…” “You did it,” Coral said smiling at her. “You took my advice.” “I broke up with Viktor. I had to. I mean…it wasn’t fair on him, was it?” Hermione said, rather flustered. Ron came over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Well. Then Ron saw me after I read his letter back and…well you know.” She blushed. “It just sort of…oh, stop grinning, Coral!” she snapped. But she was grinning too. Everyone in the room was grinning then. Suddenly Harry was hungry. He looked at Coral. “How are you, love, you hungry?” “Starved,” she sighed. “Let’s eat…please!” She rose, just as Madame Pomfrey came bustling out of her office. “Ah, ah, ah…where do you think you’re going?” she demanded. “Food,” Coral said. “thank you, but I’m feeling much better.” She grinned, and bowed adroitly. The four of them giggled. “Honestly. Teenagers…Potter, you’re weaving, you look ill. Are you sure you….” “He’s starving to death, he needs nourishment,” Ron said. “Come on, mate, let’s go down to the feast.” They all walked out of the room together, leaving Madame Pomfrey looking rather bemused and baffled. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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CHAPTER 10: More Mysteries Months went by at Hogwarts and not much changed. Coral did make the Quidditch team as beater, alongside Ginny, who became almost as good a friend to her as Hermione was. Coral was pretty passionate about SPEW, mostly because she'd seen firsthand how Lucius Malfoy had treated Dobby, and she wanted an end to such slavery. She and Harry had come to odds a couple times over that, for Harry was of the opinion that if Dobby had been treated well, he'd have been happy to be a house elf all his life. "See, Coral, they are BRED to be the way they are, serving humans." "But what happens when they want more? They're living breathing flesh!" "Look at Dobby. He doesn't want more. Oh, he works for pay of course...but not much. He's happy working for Dumbledore because he's treated well, as are all of Dumbledore's elves!" They never could agree on that, but that was all right. Harry and Coral never argued long enough to cause concern, although Ginny, for one was getting a little tired of seeing how close they were. A part of her never got over Harry, even if she'd only been eleven when she fell for him. Still...there were so many men, so much of life to explore! Ron and Hermione were getting along quite well, although Hermione had recieved quite a few letters from Viktor Krum, who wanted her back. This caused a bit of drama, although not nearly as much as when Remus Lupin came back to Hogwarts, announcing that he would be helping Narcissa with Potions lessons. More than ever, HArry wanted him back in Defense Against the Dark Arts...but Lupin seemed determined to stay away from SNape for some reason. Although, him and Narcissa were talking quite a bit of late, and HArry wasn't quite sure why. Coral too was suspicious, although of late, her stress level seemed to have gone down quite a bit. Perhaps it was the Quidditch...she really was a good beater, and it did seem to allow her to let off steam...but she wasn't as stressed or prone to tears as she'd been when she first came to Hogwarts. In fact, she hadn't cried since Wormtail had been captured. Something had strengthened her. Harry wasn't sure what, but one way or another he'd find out. Meanwhile... Late at night, he'd put on his invisibility cloak and follow Lupin. Something just struck him that he shoudl do that. Lupin never went anywhere that surprised him, although it was hard to sit through. Lupin had built a shrine to Sirius in his office. He usually spent time there, or outside, under the moon, usually half full or a quarter of the way. Full Moons...well, Harry never saw him then. THis night, however, Halloween... Harry lurked in the shadows, in his cloak. Lupin sat under the half moon, talking in a low voice that Harry was determined to hear this time. ONly... A shadow came to Lupin. And, for the first time, HArry could actually hear everything that was said. That shadow had never appeared before.... "Remus, are you sure?" "I am, Sirius. Narcissa is, too. I know who Coral's father is. But I can't say it out loud." "Why?" "Because Harry's nearby. He's been watching me ever since I came back here. Leave it to him, so curious...I wish I could tell him, Sirius!" "You know what will happen if you do." "I know. Dumbledore will turn me out and never let me back in." "He'll have no choice. If this gets out..." "WHAT ABOUT SEVERUS?" "What ABOUT Snivellus?" Sirius's voice sounded so real, Harry could almost believe he had never died. "He's caused enough mayhem for one lifetime, and what he's doing to Narcissa is no differnt." "But..." "Remus," Sirius's voice said from the shadow, "it is time to go to Dumbledore with what you know." "He'll KILL me!!" "No he won't. He'll be very angry but he won't do that, you know that, Remus." "Sirius..." "Remus, one day I will return. And this whole mystery will be put to rest. Until then..." "Yes...I know..." Lupin sounded close to tears. "Remus...always remember..." "SIRIUS!" "POTTER!" Harry was jerked back by none other than Snape himself. "WHAT the hell are you doing out of bed?? GET back to your dormitory...AT ONCE!" Snape was very angry but Harry was too shocked at his lack of detention or any other discipline to question him. Ignoring the pounding in his head at the revelation his eavesdropping had brought him...he ran to his dorm at top speed.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter 11: Mysteries Unraveled "Harry, it is NOT up for discussion any longer." Lupin was fierce...Harry knew he was angry but he did not care. He stood rooted to the spot, his arms folded, glaring at the teacher he had admired for so long. Shortly after Snape had pulled him back from what he'd overheard, Harry had gone back to his dorm to look for Coral, or at least Ron and Hermione, and found no one. He'd sat on the window seat, shaking for a moment, then made up his mind. No more mysteries! He was going to talk to Lupin face to face and demand some answers. "I'm not leaving," he said in a voice that trembled with convicion. "TELL me what you know. If not?" Harry shrugged. "I could always go to Dumbledore myself with what I overheard." Lupin's eyes narrowed. He looked positively dangerous. Suddenly Harry was aware of the moon, just outside the window. It was starting to get pretty full. Harry took a step back. "You wouldn't dare," he said in a smoldering voice. "Oh, I would," Harry said darkly. "Trust me, I would." "Harry," Lupin said, and now he seemed to lose his strength, his body sagging under the weight of his stress. "Please....don't." Harry couldn't bear to see him like this, so he backed down, just a little. But only a little. "Well, at least tell me about Sirius," he said in a voice that broke now as he said the name. "Why didn't you tell me he was still alive?" "I didn't know myself," Lupin said, and his own eyes filled with tears. "Not until the night before I came back here." He blinked hard on the tears and shook his head as if annoyed with them. "It's not easy for me to talk about, Harry. Sirius and I...well. It's just not easy is all." He turned away, hands shaking, and began to fix himself a drink from his cabinet of licquor. Harry was getting an idea in his head, something that had never occured to him before...but he wasn't ready to voice it just yet. "How can he be alive?" he asked in a low voice, going over to a chair and sitting down on it. "How? I mean I saw him die, Professor. You and I BOTH saw him die." "We saw him fall through the Veil," Lupin said impatiently. "I never knew what that Veil was anymore than you did, HArry. Well, for some reason...he came back. He hasn't given me all the details...but one thing is certain, Harry. It's him. It's NOT Voldemort or any of his Death Eaters in disguise...it's him, Harry. Sirius is alive." Harry looked down at his hands, blinking hard against tears that filled his own eyes. Tears of anger, of resentment and remembered grief. WHy hadn't Sirius contacted him if he was still alive? Why?? "You're angry with him for not contacting you," Lupin said, sitting down next to Harry, placing a hot cup of tea in front of him. "I understand, HArry, which is why I never told you. I knew you'd be angry at Sirius, and I of course understood why." "YOu were the one he contacted...not me," Harry said, turning to look at him, slowly. Lupin looked away, a look of fear on his face. Finally, Harry couldn't stand it any longer. "Professor," he said, cupping his hands around the hot cup of tea as Lupin, hand shaking, drained his drink, "I think...I think I understand. You...and Sirius...." he coughed. Lupin cleared his throat. "You are, aren't you?" Harry said directly. "You are...in love." A tear slowly glided down Lupin's cheek. "Yes," he said in a shaky voice. "Yes...always." Harry didn't say anything for awhile...just sat there and took it in, while sipping his tea. A thousand thoughts were racing around his head. Thoughts that went as far back as his childhood with the Dursleys. Once, when he was four years old, the Dursleys went out without him. Mrs. Figg was supposed to babysit for him but she had been late. Harry, left on his own, went exploring around the house, and ended up going through some of Aunt Petunia's things...her clothes, and her makeup. Mrs. Figg had not shown up, having gotten the wrong day. Harry had had such fun playing "dress up," he never knew what he was doing was apparently "wrong,"...at least not until the Dursleys came home and he was severely beaten and locked into his cubbord for a week. The things Uncle Vernon had said to him...the words he used...Harry didn't quite understand...but one thing he said to Aunt Petunia when Harry was locked up in his cubbord now came back to haunt him. "Bloody fairy, he'll turn out to be. Just like those pixie friends of his father's!" "Harry," Lupin finally said, "Say something. Please." "I'm not shocked or upset about it, if that's what you're thinking," Harry said, looking at him directly. "If anything...I"m happy. I used to worry about Sirius, all alone in that house, no one to keep him company...but you, you were there. He wasn't alone." He felt a weight lift from his heart. "It may not be...conventional...whatever that means...but I don't see anything particularly wrong about it." He frowned. "Apparently it's frowned on in the Wizarding world too as well as the Muggle world. Why else would you...be secretive about it?" "Yes," Lupin said bitterly. "Why do you think Sirius was convicted? There's ANOTHER reason, you know." Anger tightened around Harry's heart. "I'm sure." "Wormtail always hated us for it," Lupin said darkly. "I remember when we first...told them. Wormtail, and Lily and James. James was disappointed because he had a couple women in mind for us, and one of them was Narcissa. He could be a right little matchmaker, that one. But he wasn't upset about it. He accepted us, as did Lily. Wormtail...could not." Lupin's eyes were cold then. Harry turned away, wishing he'd been able to get his hands on Wormtail before he was captured. "I know the real reason, as did James and Sirius. Wormtail...Harry, Wormtail was no different than Sirius and myself. He fell in love with all three of us at one point or another. Well, James was the one he really wanted, the only thing was...James was heterosexual. That broke Wormtail's heart. So...he hid his feelings, and masked them with disgust...for our preferences. And he told people, people that did not want to understand. That, combined with my being a werewolf...ruined me. And Sirius...well, you can imagine, with his temper, how he responded to that." "Damn him," Harry said through gritted teeth. "Wormtail...what a BLOODY coward he was!" "It wasn't just him, Harry," Lupin said in a hard voice. "Now, I saw THAT coming," Harry said darkly. "Snape. Don't tell me. Him too?" "Well, Snape has always been bisexual. I have no doubt in my mind that he loves Narcissa, always has. I think at this time it's safe to say his heart is in the right place now. Sirius has a hard time forgiving him...but. Well. Snape did fall for me. And, just for a brief time, back in your third year, Harry...we were intimate." Harry looked at him darkly. "I don't wonder why Sirius has a hard time with that one." He thought about how he'd feel if Coral ever went with anyone else or if anyone tried to take her from him. He'd want to rip their throats out. "I hated myself," Lupin said. "Severus...I never felt for him what I feel for Sirius. It was...dishonorable, HArry. I used him. I was lonely. I also felt incredibly betrayed by Sirius...how I could possibly have doubted him...that haunts me to this day." Harry thought about how he'd feel if someone managed to convince him that Coral was on the wrong side...and she ended up in Azkaban in later years. What would he do? How would he feel? Would he do the same thing? "It must have been horrible," he said slowly. "To live in that time...no one quite knowing who to trust...so many people overcome with the Imperius Curse...and to have a mess like this on top of it all. Professor...who convinced you Sirius was guilty? Was it Snape?" "In a word, yes," Lupin said, but he would not look Harry in the eye. Harry understood...but he still dared, nevertheless. "Professor," he said evenly, "who is it? Coral needs to know, craves to know." "I'll tell you at the end of the year, Harry," Lupin said softly. "I promise. Now...if you don't mind...I am weary. The full moon is in two days and I must rest." Harry looked at him. He looked so down, so sad. He only hoped that with Sirius being alive, he would cheer up in time. He dared one more question before he left. "Sirius..." "All will be revealed in time, Harry," Lupin said evenly. "Sirius will come out...now that Wormtail was kissed. Right now, he has his own reasons for staying hidden." "I should very much like to see him again," Harry said. "And...I want him to meet Coral." "He's talked of very little else," Lupin said, managing a smile. "Yes, I will speak with him, Harry. You will have your wish soon, I wager. Sirius...well you know how daring he always was. Still is." Lupin sighed. "Please, Harry. I must rest." Harry nodded, and rose, leaving Lupin to lay down on the couch, clothes and all.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Chapter 12: Waking the Dead Lucius Malfoy prowled through the Forbidden Forest in the Dog disguise he'd worked so hard to perfect. Black's dog...Padfoot, his name was. "Snuffles." He wasn't quite sure he'd gotten the tail right...was it supposed to curl more? But he didn't have time to worry about that. It was enough of a miracle that he'd escaped from Azkaban in the first place. Of course the Dementors were long gone, having gone to serve the Dark Lord...but still, the guards that Fudge had protecting the prison were no less formidable than the Dementors had been. In a word, Lucius was lucky to be alive. There were many things he had to do. Many. But first...he HAD to find Coral. Potter would have told her about Padfoot, he was sure...and of course, from what he'd heard from Draco's many simpering letters, they were inseparable. Potter would see him in his dog disguise and...well. He wouldn't question a sweet innocent stray, would he? Especially if said stray was his late godfather... Catching Potter off guard would be just the thing. Then Lucius would transform, knock Potter out, and.... Coral would be his. And with that, vengeance.... There was information she had that would serve him. Information that would serve the Dark Lord. If Lucius failed again... He swallowed hard against the fear that knawed him, thinking of his capture, and the Dark Lord's voice in his head: "Just make sure you stay there, Lucius. It's safer that way." If I could just do this one thing for him, thought Lucius, he will forgive me. He forgave Bella, after all... He was just nearing Hagrid's hut when the stroke of luck was upon him. A tangle of golden hair could be seen in the moonlight as Coral headed toward the great oaf's "home," probably looking for Potter. Was he there? The place actually looked deserted. Where was Hagrid? Coral knocked at the door several times, but no one seemed to be home. She stamped her foot several times, obviously frustrated. Now is my chance... Lucius headed out of the forest and loped up to her. She turned at the sight of him...and gasped. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him...obviously she was thinking...yes, she'd heard of one who looked just like him, hadn't she? "It can't be," she said softly, very tentatively approaching... That was all he needed. Lucius transformed. Coral's mouth opened, as did her eyes, very wide. "Scream," Lucius said quietly, holding his wand on his stepdaughter. "Just once. And regret it, Coral, worse than you regretted Wormtail." He quirked an eyebrow. He'd gotten her right where she lived. Coral's whole body sagged with defeat. She slumped against Hagrid's door, completely spent. "There. That's better," Lucius said, satisfied. "Now. Are you at leave to come into the forest with me, daughter? We need to talk." "I'm not your daughter," Coral said in a flat, subdued voice. "You'll BE my daughter as long as I wish you to be," growled Lucius, going to her and seizing her by her robe. "Now COME." "Let her go." The voice surprised him so much, he did let Coral go, and she slumped again against Hagrid's door. The voice was not Potter's, or Hagrid's. It was no one Lucius ever thought he would meet again. "You," he said, his wand hand starting to shake, just a bit. Sirius Black stepped out of the shadows. He was, as usual, a mess, with matted black hair and a long trenchcoat. But his eyes held nothing but sanity and ferocious anger. Lucius didn't know what to think. "You're dead," he said, trying to keep his voice conversational. "Or...you're supposed to be dead. What's the matter, did James and Lily reject you in the otherworld?" "Uncle Sirius..." Coral began. "Be quiet, Coral," Sirius said. "Lucius. YOU, and I will go into the forest and TALK. Coral...I believe you need to go...in there." He jerked his thumb toward Hagrid's hut. "But--" Coral began, her strength renewed at seeing the return of her Uncle, who was supposed to be dead. "Alohamora!" Sirius shouted, holding his wand toward Hagrid's door. It opened, and Coral, not wanting to argue anymore, went inside and closed the door. Lucius saw his chance. With his wand at the ready... "Avada--" he began. "EXPELLIARMUS!" Sirius disarmed him in a flash. Lucius not only felt his wand fly out of his hand, but all his strength drained out of him...in an instant. "Oh--" he began, but it was no use. He fell to his knees. Sirius strolled up to him and seized him by his arms, bringing him to his feet. "Come," he snarled. He half-dragged Lucius into the forest, and sat him down on a nearby rock, the size of a small stool. Lucius put his hands to his head to stop the forest from spinning. Sirius just stood there looking down at him, smug, as he always had been. Fierce... Lucius did his best to calm himself, but his anger and fear were threatening to get the better of him. Anger at his own weakness, and fear...fear at what was obviously some kind of... Trick? "Who are you?" he demanded in a thick whisper. "You can't--you can't be--" "I'm Sirius Black, you git, you saw me killed before your very eyes," snarled Sirius. "So--naturally I am very much alive and standing before you." He giggled in rather a mad fashion. Lucius just stared at him. None of this...NONE of this made sense... "Of COURSE it doesn't make sense, you fool," said Sirius, leveling his gaze upon him. "It doesn't make sense that I fell through the Veil only to be brought back to life. Bella did indeed curse me with death, even if she didn't utter the phrase out loud. Why me? After all, only HARRY POTTER has survived such a Curse." He seized Lucius by the shoulders and met his gaze with his own. "Perhaps it's the Dark Lord's doing? Perhaps he has plans for me? It wouldn't surprise me. Remus Lupin has been asking me this for months on end. Driving me to distraction really. However...." Sirius let go of Lucius and dropped his hands to his side. He lost a bit of his ferocious control and his face became grave and sad. "I don't think that's the case," he said softly. "I--in fact--know that's not the case. And you--" He held his wand on Lucius, "You are not going to find that out. Not for your Dark Lord...or for anyone. I tell you true. You are NOT to know." "I know more than you think, Black," Lucius snarled, deciding on a bluff to try to throw this blowhard off balance. "I, after all, was there the day James and Lily were murdered." Now THIS wasn't something Black was expecting. For his own part, Lucius was surprised. He thought at least Black had been told this by Dumbledore. After all, even Snape knew this. "It wasn't supposed to be me. It was SUPPOSED to be your wretched brother, Regulus," snarled Lucius. "Only...he...got into a bit of trouble with the Dark Lord and was thereby indesposed. So, I got the job of babysitting Wormtail while the Dark Lord did his work at the Potters.' NOT that I didn't alREADY have a babysitting job!" Black did not have any of the control in his face that he'd had at the start of their meeting. Seeing this gave Lucius some needed strength. "The Dark Lord needed Wormtail there because his physical presense was necessary to locate the Potters. After all, he WAS their Secret Keeper." He reveled in the wince Sirius made at that word. "I wonder, Black, had you kept your job as Secret Keeper...had they not suspected you...but then again, who WAS it that suspected you? AFter all, so many knew...of your...perversions...tell me, Black, are werewolves REALLY as good as lovers as they are legended to be?" Black let out a cry of anguished rage and charged at Lucius. THIS gave Malfoy the strength he needed. Now, he was the one who threw Black down onto the rock while he stood over him with the wand. "Coral was on my back the day they were murdered," Lucius said coldly, as Black shivered. "I had her in a harness on my back...she watched them die. I wonder if she remembers this? Seeing them die in anguish, seeing Harry...deflect the Death Curse with his mother's...love..." Lucius pretended to retch upon saying the word "love." Sirius blinked rather rapidly, but anger was written all over his face. "She saw the Dark Lord die too," he hissed at Lucius. "She saw Voldemort meet his end." "And POTTER saw him come back to life," Lucius laughed musically. "Fitting. Isn't it?" "Very," said Sirius, raising himself now, his wand out. He and Lucius faced each other squarely, now both of them at full strength. "I took Coral away after that unfortunate incident. Wormtail...was rather useless. I figured he'd just die on his own. He was no use to anyone after that." "Except he didn't die," snarled Sirius. "Of course he didn't," Lucius grinned. "Far from it. Resilient things, rodents. Well...up until recently." Black suddenly grabbed him and threw him against a tree, knocking his wand from his hand. "Coral," he snarled. "Tell me." "I took her to the river," Lucius said evenly, keeping his eyes fixed on Black. "I took her there, intending to throw her in. AFter all, SHE was no use to me. I thought the Dark Lord WAS her father. He TOLD me he was, after all. But with him GONE..." Sirius's lip curled dangerously. Suddenly, Lucius had a revelation. "You..." he began. "You?" Sirius let out a laugh, a bitter laugh like the barking of a dog. "Me," he snarled. "Me, who hate my family worse than Voldemort, you or even Snivellus." "They say that love and hate are intertwined," Lucius said through gritted teeth. Now, strength renewed, he pushed Black away and stood, holding his wand upon him. "Speak," he snarled. "WHEN?" Sirius only laughed. "WHEN?" shouted Lucius. "WHEN did you do it to her?" Sirius actually looked sick. "Give it up, Malfoy," he snarled. "You want information only Coral can give you. Only there's this little PROBLEM, see. She's bespelled not to GIVE that information. Not even to Harry." He fixed Lucius with a look of triumph. "Not even the most SKILLED of Legimens will get it out of her! NEVER! You lost, Lucius. Go report to your Dark Lord. I'm sure he will...be WAITING for you!" He laughed again. "You and Wormtail will be reunited again. Of this? I am sure." Before Lucius could attack him again, Sirius transformed. The great black dog loped away into the forest. Lucius almost went after him...but a hand on his shoulder stopped him dead in his tracks. He turned, frightened, knowing that he was face to face with the one man he had wanted to meet...yet in his heart, he knew that this man would bring about his end. Coral's father stood looking back at him.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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