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OMG! I just finished the book. I'll admit it, I cried. I'm not gunna say anymore until i have someone else who finished it, so we can discuss it, especially the ending *blows nose again* And since this thread has spoilers ALL over it, you can discuss anything about the book to you hearts content ********************************* | ||
I REALLY need someone else to finish the book. waits impatiently. ********************************* | |||
I'll start.. something about chapter 2.. did anyone think that draco's mum was talking about harry to snape... like is that the way JK intended it, or did i just read it do fast i got confused? I'm gunna start re reading it tonight i think ********************************* | |||
COME ON PEOPLE!! lol someone else has to have finished it by now. Did this death bother you more that sirius's? maybe cuase of how it come about, or who did it etc? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Disciple |
i finished it yesterday. just thought to check here. i will admit, i cried like a girl..lol. i too read the second chapter that way, as though it was to harry that they were referring, it wasn't until after i finished the book and reflected, that it dawned on me. i'm clever that way...lol. everyone asks me 'how was it?' i respond...'it was horrible. good but horrible.' and that's how i feel. wasn't nearly as much going on as in the other books as far as action, but more of an informative look around. | |||
YAY, someone has finally finished it. ok, has Snape been evil all along? or did he only do it cause of the unbreakable vow? i know his hand twitched when malfoy's mum included that if malfoy didn;t succeed he had to do it, but if i remember correctly it wasn't a nice look on snape's face when he did it. How about Ginny & Harry... OR Hermoine and Ron...lol i'm trying to remember other stuff.. but i keep going back to dumbledore... it was just so huge.. well i thought. how about the note inside the fake locket? RAB, the only person i can sorta think of even though i don't know his middle name, is siriuses already dead brother. but who's to say he didn't fake his death, and they did mention him quite a few times in this book too.. Also, did you pick HIM to be the half blood prince eh? I know I didn't. ********************************* | |||
Scroll Disciple |
for some reason, unknown to me, i thought that the hbp was snape. i said it in line while we were waiting to buy the book. just a hunch. i knew for sure like 3/5 of the way through that it was him. here's my take on the death. dumbledore knew about the vow. that's what dumbledore and snape were arguing about outside of hagrid's cabin. i think dumbledore knew and that maybe he was really sick from destroying the piece of soul in the ring and he knew he was going to die. either way, i think he knew and i think he made snape promise that he would do it if malfoy couldn't, or to not allow malfoy to do it. i think this was something snape really didn't want to do, but dumbledore made him. and really, we all know snape is about self-preservation, and as unappealing as the option may have seemed, i think he agreed with dumbledore in the end. it's been said that in order to cast the aveda kredava curse, that you have to have some rage or anger for the person you are casting it against or it won't work, so i think that accounts for the look on his face when he cast the spell. old memories and such. also, i think that's why he got so angry when harry called him a coward. because it took great courage to do that, and now he's really on the run. from everyone, probably. not sure how clear that was, but it makes sense to me. lol. and even afterwards, he was still telling harry to close his mind when casting spells, and to not speak them. even after all that, he was still helping harry. he could have stupified him or something and carted him back to voldemort. hell he could have even fought back but he didn't. as for the rab. i think it is regulas black. remember it ootp when they were cleaning and rb was mentioned and they also said that they found a locket they couldn't open. i think it was him. i think it was probably kreacher that helped him, since it couldn't have been another full grown person in the boat, or the boat would have sank and the water would have detected a two person magic aura thingy. but here's the thing. black's house had been looted and the items were being sold off. that locket could be anywhere. ![]() harry and ginny was a bit of a given, and therefore, a slight let down. but if harry's happy, i'm happy...lol. ron and hermoine, now that was a total given and glad to see it finally taking place. k...that's what i got for now. ![]() ~b | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
God dammit all to f**kin hell. I'm pissed. That was no way for a hero to die man, all crouched on the ground, helpless. Jeez. I thought he deserved a MUCH better death than that. I mean Lily and James stood and fought, so did Sirius...but he died ridiculed by all these farkin death eaters, pleading with snape....sorry but that pissed me off. But then again...after reading your post Bailey, a lot more things make sense now. Dumbledore was dying anyway. He had to be. Perhaps he hoped he'd die on the island with Harry. He didn't tho. So....that would make sense, he asked Snape to do it, and not let Draco do it...jeez, now I don't know what to think, Maddie always told me JK hated Draco, wanted him to be evil thru and thru but he came off lookin pretty damn questionable...lowering his wand like that, he couldn't kill Dumbledore. But...did Snape have him under the Imperious curse? Who knows? Maybe he wanted to and couldn't do it. Maybe Snape farked with his mind too, confunded him or something. And Narcissa? Ame, you thought she was talkin about Harry? I didn't think of that but now that I look back, ya know...she came off pretty questionable too...she didn't want her son to kill Dumbledore. Why? I would thinnk being a death eater that she'd hate Dumbledore, want him dead, but you know...she didn't want Draco to kill him. Maybe the two of them have some hope of, as Dumbledore said, comin over to their side, who knows? As for Snape....yeh I get that about the Coward thing Bailey...and yeah he was still teaching Harry...and he didn't kill him. BUT....wait, he did tell the death eaters to leave him alone....the Dark Lord wants him. Voldemort wants that last confrontation just like Harry does. The Harry and Ginny letdown pissed me off too, but I do hope they get back together around Bill's wedding.... Hermione and Ron may be getting married then too lol. I feel another fan fic comin on.... ![]() I thought it was way cool that Grawp was at the funeral, patting Hagrid's head, and that Madame Maxim came over. And the bit about Umbridge skitting away from Ferenze...classic. ![]() Snape good or evil? It's hard to tell, altho the Half Blood Prince thing kind of shocked me, but then again, it makes the whole Sempaspectrum whatever(bleeh my mind is blank now) spell make sense...at first i couldn't believe Harry got off so easy for that. I thoguth for SURE Snape would have demanded his expulsion, not just given him detention! I did see the evil side in him, the way he looked at Dumbledore...but if you're right bailey he could be looking at him like that cuz he's pissed Dumbledore's dying anyway. So that made him able to do the curse. Still...bloody hell. That was harsh. Anyway...I hope book Seven brings all of them back together. Thanks for indulging me in my temper tantrum. Took me three days to read this book but it was worth it...even for that. At least Tonks is happy again! Altho Maddie may not like the match...oh well. ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
YAY, another person finished reading it.. ![]() i was starting to wonder if everyone else had put it down for a few wekes or something. I'm 3/4 through reading i again.. so after i cry like a baby (again) i'll post.. ![]() ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
I know, lol, i'm sitting here talking to Maddie last night while i was posting...thank goodness this thread is here, I needed an outlet and I couldn't let maddie know cuz lol she ain't done the book yet. ![]() I'll prolly pick it up again later...right now I'm still trying to shake off the upset...i had to put it away, couldn't even look at Dumbledore's face without wanting to burst into tears or pound the walls lol. Now I'm REALLY glad GOF isn't coming out til November lol. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
Oh man... I just finished the book and it all seems surreal to me. I didn't even tear up until the bit during the funeral where Harry thinks about Dumbledore not being around..I still can't greive for him yet like I did about Sirius. I need some time for this all to set in, I guess. I can't believe she did it.. I dont' know what way to think about Snape. I've hated him since the beginning, and killing Dumbledore..I don't think Dumbledore would have asked him to do an Unforgiveable Curse..but his behaviour toward Harry at the end was very curious... Oh Man...I don't know what to think.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
I hear you Jubs, it totally didn't seem real. It also did seem like Snape was cracking up in front of Harry in the end. Like he really was losing his grip, ya know? Bleeh, I can't believe she killed off Dumbledore that way, it still seems so unjust...grrrr....I kinda feel like so many people felt after Xena's decapitation...and even that didn't piss me off as much as this did. Ah well. Who knows, maybe it'll all be a bad dream in book seven. Wishful thinking. ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
One more note...RAB. It makes sense that it would be Regulus Black...can't think of anyone else it could be...unless...Rosmerta? After all she was under the imperius curse for some reason...it had to be something else other than jsut to give Katie Bell that necklace. Hmmm... "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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I finished it yesterday and: "Wow, what a read." There were rumours that one of the main characters would die but I never would have thought that it would be Dumbledore. As for the whole Snape-thing: Even when he did it I couldn't quite mark him as a bad boy. Its probably just like Sirus up there said: Dumbledore was dying anyway and this way made sure that the good guys have a spy among the trusted members of the Deatheaters now. The ending took a bit of getting used to. Sure, we know that there are supposed to be seven books but all the other ones had an ending in itself. This one really had "to be continued..." written all over it. _______________________ In the beginning there was nothing. God said: "Let there be light." And there was light. There was still nothing but you could see it a whole lot better. | |||
I keep hoping Fawkes will bring him back to life. Why didn;t he fly to him and heal him.. i reckon that's got something mysterious in it's self, waiting for us to read about in Book 7. IT IS SO GOOD, to see more people finishing the book..i found, and you will probably all understand now.. i went MAD waiting for someone else to finish the book.. Sure i coulda gone to chat at a HP forum, but i wanted to talk with my friends about it, not a pack of strangers. So, how about Malfoy being a death eater... what do ppl think about that? did voldemort do it, just for revenge on lucius or what? I liked dumbledore and harry's lessons too, always good to see a bit of background on things we know JACK about. Was anyone else upset about Madam Bones dieing, or what ever her first name was? although only mentioned for a second.. she was one of the nicer ppl when harry was in court, and susan's aunty. I'll come post again when i think of more things to say. ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
Axel that is so true. To be continued, man. No one knows if there will even BE a hogwarts next year. Good lord! And Harry walked out on Ginny... ![]() Ame, I kinda think Draco was raised to be a Death Eater...it was always understood that he'd become one. But...who knows about Narcissa, man? She seems like she was totally evil at first but then...when she first talked about this task that Draco must do she made it sound like it was some heinous thing that he could prolly die from. Like, say, the triwizard tournament or something harder than that. Then again Draco did live a very sheltered life. He never saw the things Harry saw, including death. HE couldn't see the thestrals in book 5. He even taunted Harry about it. Maybe Narcissa was afraid he'd be killed by Dumbledore in the event he'd have to defend himself...or killed by Harry, or someone else in the Order. No one guessed that Dumbledore would already be helpless by the time that Draco faced him.... His lowering his wand gives me some hope for him. I always kinda wondered whether Draco really knew what he wanted to be or not. He seems very swayed by the winds of fate...his parents death eaters, so he has to be one. But does he WANT to be one? I too hoped Fawkes would heal him, Ame. But you know the worst thing?? Hagrid. When Harry told him Dumbledore was dead, Hagrid didn't believe him. And...when he came to where Dumbledore's body was, he's like, "What's that?" Man, that was a heartbreaker. ![]() I so hoped the body would be gone....or that it'd turn out to be someone else on Polyjuice potion lol. Ugh. That funeral dragged everything out. It was all so tragic. But very well written. Like you, ame, I'm glad to see more people are finishing this book. It is kinda cool that there's all these loose ends...makes me wonder if she'll put out book 7 faster. Wishful thinking again. ![]() VIVA DUMBLEDORE! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
I kind of want Draco to end up on the good side. Though maybe that would be too predictable for JKR's taste? I also thought Hagrid's denial that Dumblebore was dead was very sad. He just wouldn't accept it, and Harry just gave in and didn't try to convince him, he knew Hagrid would have to see for himself. I thought it was incredibly sad that Hagrid carried Dumbledore's body (gods, I hate to even type that...body) up to the altar thingy. And crying the whole time! Poor Hagrid... I am interested to see what happens in the next book. If Hogwarts opens again, how Voldemort is finally destroyed, what happens with Harry and Ginny (they are meant to be, dammit!), if Ron and Hermione go with Harry on his journeys. It seems like Harry still has a lot of work to do before he can find and destroy all of the Horcruxes and eventually destroy Voldemort. I know it makes most sense, but I never imagined for a moment that Year 7 would not actually take place at Hogwarts. While it's going to be kind of sad to not be in Hogwarts, it'll be exciting to see more of the wizarding world. Gods...the end of the book is so sad! I still just can't get over it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
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I completely understand this idea. I was actually going to call one of my friends at 3am the other morning when I finished the book, but then decided against it. So I came to the place where I knew I'd find friends talking about it. Heh, another of my friends IMed me while I was online writing my first post in this thread right after I'd read the book, and he was just joking that HP was stupid and I kinda flipped out at him. I was emotionally distraught and just wanted to talk about what had happened, and then he came bashing HP. I apologized today and he was like "Geez, I didn't know you were such a HP fan. I'd better watch myself or you'll end up with my head on a spear in your front lawn as a warning" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
rotfl....god, Jubs i totally hear ya, that would NOT be good timing for me either--I came away from that book feeling so pissed and distraught...it was worse than Buffy s5 when she died and I sat there and cried for 20 minutes lol. i'm glad you sorted it out with that friend tho lol. Show HP some respect! ![]() ![]() I NEVER thought for a moment that book 7 would not take place at Hogwarts...I guess she decided to hit us with cold water...Harry is NOT a kid anymore, he can't do the normal teenage things either like go out with ginny...but I hope after Voldemort is destroyed that he has a chance to recapture that. As for Draco...yeh i see what you mean, JKR does not like anything predictable does she? lol. That's a good thing, of course...but damn, I do hope Draco turns out good. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
I can't believe Maddie is STILL on chapter 6.. she's such a pussy hehehe i can say that since it looks like it will be a while till she can come in THIS thread :P ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
oh REALLY ame, REALLY??? ![]() well let me first say that i didn't cry. that's right, i have a heart of pure, cold stone. i guess it was mainly due to the fact that anything less pointless than sirius' appaulling death would have been a plus for me, and so it was. i don't for one second (ok, maybe when i first read it, but not now) believe that dumbledore was pleading for his life. he knew that those death eaters could have finished him off at any second, and he didn't seem overly concerned about it. why then would he be all of a sudden stricken with the desperate will to live when severus shows up?? because, friends, there was occlumency going on in them there minds, and dumbledore was pleading for snape to do what he had to do to save draco - to kill dumbledore (because he was dying anyway). if snape hadn't have done it, quesitons would have been asked of draco - why couldn't HE do it? - draco would have been as good as dead. why was this prospect so irksome to dumbledore? well, besides the fact that he didn't want to see a relatively innocent child killed or have his soul all torn up by killing, i don't buy this whole "voldemort's ring made my arm go all gooey" story... the binding of the unbreakable vow interests me - fire encircling the hand...dumbledore's hand being all charred and black, obviously done by some deep, powerful magic... could he have sustained the injury while posing as snape to fool narcissa? (i also thought she was talking about draco facing harry - a deliberate misslead, i believe.) i'm wondering if that polyjuice potion didn't get more of a work-out than from just crabbe and goyle (hah! little girls ![]() i'm not sure what i'm trying to suggest here...i've been awake for a fairly long time...(damn peer pressure). either way, i'm not convinced that snape is with voldemort. dumbledore was willing to lay down his own life to ensure snape's safety amongst the death eaters as well as draco's - certainly a thing worth dying for, in my humble little draco-lovin' opinion. the most spine-tinglidingly thing for me was harry attacking draco. when he saw that draco was dying and was all "no..." ![]() ![]() (sidenote on "cursive" writing: morfin calling marope a "slut" - appropriate...?) i was most disappointed that snape was the half-blood prince, especially when it got to the "big reveal": "yes harry! it was i! i am the one who was - what are the odds?? - really really good at potions all along! hahahaha!" ........ anyway, all that aside, let's move on to the cringeworthy travesty that was...*sigh*...tonks and lupin... ![]() ![]() ![]() i don't think my innermonolouge has ever groaned so loudly. it was just so tacky and wrong. firstly, even if there had been any feelings to speak of (which, and this might just be my pro lupin/sirius mindset talking, but, i don't think there ever have been), what in the hell kind of time was THAT to bring it up?? it's not like they'd all just been in the battle of their lives, it's not like dumbledore had just died, it's not like bill had been savaged by a werewolf and lupin was going through some fricking bloody massive emotional trauma!! so, in front of pretty much every living person lupin cares about, tonks says "see? see?? SHE doesn't care that HE'S a werewolf...will you marry me now and let me bare your fluro-pink puppies???" *shudder*>.- i lied before. i did cry once...well, almost. when lupin was just sitting there listening to that love song on the radio... "oh my poor heart, where has it gone? it's left me for a spell..." i...i had to stop a minute and regain my composure ![]() all the reasons he gave for why he *couldn't* be with tonks - how about the ONE reason why he didn't WANT to?? "I AM GAY!!...oh, and my boyfriend's DEAD (don't mind this whole tragedy reopening those old wounds or nothing, i'm FINE) - thanks for showing your heartfelt respect towards him by moving in on his territory - JEEZ!!" holding hands at the end...what else is he supposed to do?? she'd already put him on the spot about it in fron of everyone, and it's a funeral; obviously he'd feel like a bit of a jerk if he didn't at least *look* like he was comforting her... maybe i'm missing the point of this book, but GOD!!>.< and speaking of cruelty to poor defenseless (and clearly harrassed) animals, what was with all the brutal slayage?? a cute little fox that was just minding it's own business got snuffed with an unforgivable curse, a snake got...*shudder* nailed to a door... and a bunny... a widdle itty fluffy bunny.... ![]() i suppose the rabbit did serve a ...certain purpose... i liked all the ventures into the life and times of tom riddle. i also liked harry's sudden inexplicable attraction to ginny - i thought it was very cute and it made me go "aaawwwwwwww ![]() i agree that R.A.B. is probably regulus. his death-eateryness was a trick i say! getting close enough to voldemort to learn the secrets of bringing him down. good little black ![]() anyway, all that said, the book was good. it was very good. it may have even been great, but it could have been better. (and made more sense...lupin and tonks...if i shake my head much longer it might fall off...). there were some OBVIOUS disappointments, and i mean that in every sense of the word, but all in all...i approve. i look forward to part two. ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Hoo-bloody-ray. look at that, hell has froze over... maddie finished the book. She subconsciously knew i called her a pussy and had to finish the book ![]() i still don't get if dumbledore was dieing..........why diodn;t fawkes help bloody pheonix ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
R-A-B: Remus And Black ![]() it'll probably be another thing like "oh look, snape's mother's name was prince. how about that?" so then, people with R names... (yes, i'm bored, leave me alone) regulus black remus lupin (woo!) rufus scrimgeour (my money's hovering over that) rita skeeter rubeus hagrid rosmerta...(barchick) ... well i'm already out of ideas. of course if you go by last names, i can't remember those borgin and bourke guys were called... i want to keep complaining about the stupidness of lupin with tonks, but it really does speak for itself!! ![]() then again, i may have once had a theory that he was bi...and what does it matter now? the love of his life is dead anyway, he might as well go with whoever wants him. ... *cries* -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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i like how you are still mourning his death, maddie. it shows devotion ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
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