I liked this a lot. This is very personal, this hits home for me. I've had a couple really bad tests this past semester and it isn't fun. Especially if you're not prepared for it.
there will be a test tomorrow ever changing rules my grade… alienation and grief
set up to fail… i cannot pass what further ‘helpful’ punishment shall i reap?
Dread, like a heavy cloak. I totally hear ya there.
Well written. WP9
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
14 June 2004, 02:14 PM
beauTifully tragic
i was speaking more about relationship issues, but i'm certainly glad if the words touched something in you
I'm glad that I read your reply about the poem being about relationship issues first, because then upon first reading, I GOT it right away, hehe.
That said...wonderful poem. Truly wonderful. I love the ideas of it all-- the test and the grade, because it's so true. We always talk about how we test one another, but I don't know if anyone's ever really tried to write a poem about it. However, what I liked the most was the "grade" part...the results of taking the test. It's...(I'm not finding a better word)...sad. Why do we test each other when we can just be honest with one another about how we feel and what we're thinking? How much quicker would things be resolved then? I really wonder sometimes. What's sad about this though is that...it seems like the person is giving you tests that hardly ANYONE could pass. Then it just feels like you're doomed.
I really hope either that the tests stop for you soon or that you pass with flying colors one of these days. Thank you for sharing, it's wonderful to read a poem by you here.
05 July 2005, 04:27 AM
I got what you were talking about right away.
In this poem the narrator is being put to the test by someone they love, but they are failing to meet the unreal expectations. In return they are being handed a whole heap of negative emotions.
This poem is a winner.
05 July 2005, 07:20 AM
It is about relationships??? I didn't get that when I first read it, it just gave me the same feeling like I get when I do tests for school. Rereading it with the knowing that it is about relationships I see that to. Never measuring up, really. Intresting that you can see it both ways.