14 July 2005, 12:46 PM
The TrollVisit my collection of photos and poems
Light, Shadows and WordsThe above link goes to my web page displaying some of the items I've been working on for an upcoming show. I'm interested, as always, in your critical comments (please- if you find any mistakes let me know!) And also just wanted to share them with you. Some of you may recognize a few of these pictures, because I have shown them before, but not quite in this current form.
Also, I will be leaving home soon and spending the second half of July off on an artist vacation in Vermont, Maine and Canada, so this is a note to say farewell for a while.
Bye for now!

14 July 2005, 10:03 PM
Free MadnessI love them, Nanzar. Really beautiful combination of imagery and poetry. That one with the tribute to your brother was very moving. Also I LOVE the Hoard....too true.

Have a great trip, do come back soon! Take care.

15 July 2005, 12:22 AM
Brucy BralessWow
Very nice..
I especially like the atmosphere of the the bare trees in the fog.
Almost surreal... just like life....LOL
15 July 2005, 12:12 PM
The TrollThanks you guys.
Kate That picture was one of those freak things. It was taken exactly one year after my brother died. I didn't know if I was enhancing the photo or making it too personal with the poem. I finally decided to put the poem on a separate piece of paper near it, with the title "Anniversary Sunrise."
The other one you like, also a freak thing. It looks posed but it wasn't; just one of those moments that you see something interesting and quickly snap it.
Brucy That picture was a very late addition to the collection so I'm glad to hear that you liked it. I was running through about a hundred pictures I took that foggy day and came across it only recently. I agree that it is a good representation of life sometimes. We don't really know much about what it has to hold, do we? It just comes, and we take what we get.
I'll voice my own personal concerns here about my art. There seems to me to be two important things missing from my art, 1- a political statement, you know, something that really teaches or at least comments on the world as it is and tries to change things and 2- a personal statement, something that talks about what I've been through, what I know to be true for me, and what I think is important.
In other words, sometimes I wonder why I make art at all. If it's not going to make the world a better place, shouldn't I just find something else to do? Anyway, these are the thoughts in my head lately. Probably only because I'm about to show my work, and maybe partly because there is so much pain in the world and I can't reconcile the two things.
15 July 2005, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Nanzar:
I'll voice my own personal concerns here about my art. There seems to me to be two important things missing from my art, 1- a political statement, you know, something that really teaches or at least comments on the world as it is and tries to change things and 2- a personal statement, something that talks about what I've been through, what I know to be true for me, and what I think is important.
In other words, sometimes I wonder why I make art at all. If it's not going to make the world a better place, shouldn't I just find something else to do?
I disagree. First, there's soul in your work. You're sharing the highest part of yourself. Just because you aren't making an outright statement doesn't mean that it isn't speaking. It speaks of stillness and nature. IMHO, you can't get any higher than that. To make it political or ego statement-y, would lower its vibration. I think you are contributing quite well. I think that as artists though, our egos can make us believe that sublety isn't good enough. I think with subtlety, you are less likely to illicit resistance to your message. It enters people on a higher level and their egos are not engaged in the process.
You are giving to the world from a place of love. That's the highest gift there is!

15 July 2005, 08:40 PM
The Trollquote:
I think that as artists though, our egos can make us believe that sublety isn't good enough. I think with subtlety, you are less likely to illicit resistance to your message. It enters people on a higher level and their egos are not engaged in the process.
Wow. That is just really powerful. Thank you
Chiana. You have really got a deep understanding of human nature. I guess that it's true that I peddle in safety rather than in shock or absolutes.
I'll definately take your perceptions to heart the next time I get to deep thinking about making the kind of art I make.