25 August 2005, 10:24 AM
I can't be what you want me to be
And I'm tired of trying
I'm sick of you expecting everything from me
Everything I can't be
I wish I wasn't perfect in your eyes
I wish you could see my flaws
See them, not just let them hit you in the face when you're too busy looking somewhere else;
Looking at this magical image you have of me
I can't live up to that - can't you see?
That person - whoever you think I am
She doesn't exist
I'm just me
When is that going to be enough for you?
When are you going to let the fantasy go?
When are you just going to let me be me?
I'm not perfect - I never was
I'm sorry
I'm human
Sometimes I don't want to be, but all of the time I am
Forgive me
25 August 2005, 10:38 AM
Free MadnessAwesome. Stated simply it says it all.
If we were all gods and goddesses, i don't think we'd ever die or get sick...right? lol, some people and their expectations crack me up.

25 August 2005, 11:20 AM
The Trollquote:
I wish you could see my flaws
See them, not just let them hit you in the face when you're too busy looking somewhere else;
This is such a powerful idea. Why is it that we don't really see? It's so easy to love a pretend person, but a real one? That takes guts.
25 August 2005, 11:23 AM
Free MadnessTremendous guts.
Thank god i kicked everyone out of my life that didn't love me for my flaws as well lol....
That also takes guts but it's good to do.

25 August 2005, 12:12 PM
XF3Damn if you didn't sum up the relationship I have with my dad. Beautiful job!