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Cupie snoopsie, just letting you know i'll be hangin' in Asgard awhile longer. Odin wants me to screen applicants for the love deity job, seems all three Rhine Maidens are tryin out for it. Freyia was also over war & wealth, so now i hear Odin may divide up responsibilities. Long as i dun have to deal with war applicants, nopesy at all, too durn serious for me. Bad news...*sigh*...i had to whoosh Bella back to earth. Apollo bout pooped his britches and nearly bit my wittle face off when he learned you'd whooshed her up here so soon after the ruckus with Cara. He was gonna kill her and ground you but i bargained him down. She has to stay on earth for a year of good behaviour (good in 'pollo's opinion) and you...um...er...you gotta sign in and out on the ledger everytime you whoosh to earth & back. This is just for 2 weeks. We don't want that Nigel reporter dude shootin his mouth off that another Dahokian was brought here. Athena would have your wings clipped so ssshhhhh! Keep Bella in your earthly temples- no where near 'pollos. Have her do heroic stuff. Apollo loves that stuff. Get Nigel to write about her heroic deeds. Maybe we can get Apollo to go light on her after a few months or something. Oh yeah, Cara's twin. Demeter thinks the twin could be that Xena lookalike that has her memory all twisted and calls everyone Gabby. Maybe Dahok altered the twin's appearance to look like Xena. Anyhoo, we don't know where this lookalike came from, 'less she poped up during a Xena-Alti time travel thingie. But- Hades wonders if the twin was your Jeremaiah. He has no record of where the soul went to after he was killed. Are you sure he was who he said he was? I had another one of them crazy dreams. I dreamt the Cara twin was this dude named Tom who in the future got on that internet thingamuboob and created a website thing about of all people- Xena. Is that crazy or whut? btw Cara's mom, according to 'pollo, was that Tara chick who once tried to bite off Gabby's ear. Now she's all white headed and vacant headed over the expierence with Dahok. Yada yada yada, i gotta scoot, made you some ambrosia meatloaf for din-din, it's in the fridge, just heat it up in the lighting bolt-wave. Please stay outta troub? And find them fricken arrows before poo-poo head Apollo does the inventory of Olympian weapons- or you will be grounded!!! | |||
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My head is truly spinning off now. But I'm cool...staying focused.... Wow. Well the first thing I did was sign that bloody ledger, gotta play by the new rules, *grumble grumble* but of course this is something Apollo wants. Bleh. After that, I whooshed right over to Xena's camp. She and Livia were sound asleep, snoring away in fact. Uncle Herc was up, sitting on a rock staring into the fire. He looked kind of bummed, actually. I saw no sign of Iolaus. I stood there for a good bit before he finally got out of his stupor and looked up at me. "Oh, hello, Cupid," he said dully. "Umm...they're over there." He jerked his head over to a place just at Xena's feet. "Oh. And WHEN were you going to bring them back?" I demanded angrily. "When Apollo GROUNDED me for not having all my weopons?" Herc sighed. "I've had a few things on my mind, Cupid. Sorry." I picked up all the arrows and harnessed them on me. THen I went and sat beside him. "What's wrong?" Hercules is concerned about Bella, what she will do now that she's not in my care. He's worried she won't behave if she's not properly looked after(I assured him that I would be signing the leger quite a bit--and checking in on her at EVERY opportunity....I'm not letting up on Bella this soon), not to mention Alti with that Lucifer freak. He hasn't seen Iolaus for a couple days and he's rather worried about him. Ever since he came back from the dead that time, Herc has been rather protective of him. I put my hand on his shoulder and told him that no matter what, Iolaus would always come back to him. He loved Herc after all, would always stick by him. As for Alti, I said, well leave that to me. And Mom, and all of us love gods. We have something to say about all the evil in the world after all. I must have made him feel better because Hercules actually smiled at me. "Sorry about Jeremaiah by the way," he said evenly. "You don't think--" "Don't go there," I said turning away, fighting my fury. It's really taking all my strength to keep from scrambling Hades's brain and making him sing 20th century Barney Songs. Now Herc put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't let it get to you," Hercules said, amused by my anger but sympathetic. "Maybe Hades is just scared. He panics from time to time, when, you know, souls don't come to him." "He's an idiot," I snarled. "Jeremaiah is NOT Cara's twin!" Herc consoled me a little more about that and gave me a bit of whiskey he'd swiped from the old Xena's time. We had a good time actually. And the two ladies continued to sleep. THe only reason I didn't run Livia through was because, well, I had to sign the damn ledger as it was, and I was already in trouble for the Bella incident. Apparently there is some plan for Livia....although a long time ago the gods wanted her dead. Confusing. Finally, I left Uncle Herc and went back to my temple. It's good to have all these damned Arrows BACK in their rightful place. PHEW! NO one is getting access to them again. I put them in the safe and put spells on everyone I know, gods, mortals, demi gods, everyone....if they even THINK about it, they get their brains scrambled...and they think that they are this WP9 person from the future. I heard this girl was so nuts she had a multiple personality....she thought she was Minya at first...then ME of all creatures...sheesh. Futuristic people...I guess we are pretty famous even in the future. I know Xena certainly is. Interesting ideas about Cara's twin....Tom? ![]() Well enough, I'm gonna go find Tara that's what I'm going to do. I think I know where to find her. Poor thing she may be as confused as Bella was, but I don't think I'll get in trouble if I whoosh her to my temple...well all right just to be safe, I'll whoosh her to an Earth temple. But she's mortal, she's not a Dahok spawn...she just carried a couple Dahok spawns. All right, I'll play it safe. ![]() Poor Bella! ![]() Jeremaiah. ![]() So much to do! So little time. Meanwhile Xena has a rather unpredictable daughter on her hands and the devil after her soul. Hercules will do all he can for her. But he can do so much where Xena is concerned, she's the independent type. Too bad about Gabrielle really.(sigh) Anyway, moving on. Very stressed out now, things to do, people to see! GOTTA FLY! Hopefully I'll make it home in time for dinner, Mom's meatloaf ambrosia is hard to resist! ![]() --------------------- "Those who love us...never really leave us."--some mortal dude from a 21st century movie ![]() Gotta love me! ![]() Come to my Corner! Xena's Private Tent ![]() | |||
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I am not a happy Cupid. ![]() I simply CAN not sit around and do nothing for too long. Maybe some will not understand that but I can't help that. Sorry. I'm certainly not a LAZY Cupid. But I have been signing the bloody ledger at least(sigh) ![]() I found Tara. But she's under a serious spell, even I can't get it off of her. Dammit! WHO is that bloody twin?? I've got to try to get this spell off of her, what do I do, thwack her and make her fall in love with my Mom? She'll kill me haha but I dont' know what else to do. Whoever this twin is, it's really bothering me. And Hades visited me today and was really insistant that it had to be Jeremaiah. There was even a hint that...Jeremaiah isn't dead? What does that mean? Well I had a bit of a freak out when I whooshed into Zeus's temple and got a look at the body. Well...it has not decomposed. I mean Zeus has kept it in a tomb and all....but it hasn't decomposed! Sheesh what is that about? Is Zeus keeping him from decomposing? Is he still considering my request even now? Or...does he WANT me to discover Hades is right? Does HE know something I don't??? Dammit. See I don't like not knowing things. That infuriates me to no end. I cannot, WILL not think of Jeremaiah as the twin. Forgive me, Jeremaiah...oh what am I saying? I'm confused. I DO not like being confused, that makes me angry. I think I'll make it snow in 21st century philly, they could use some snow. THat's a good way to blow off steam. ![]() --------------------- "Those who love us...never really leave us."--some mortal dude from a 21st century movie ![]() Gotta love me! ![]() Come to my Corner! Xena's Private Tent ![]() | |||
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Holy CRAP! WHAT am I going to do NOW???? Psyche. ![]() Bleh, well I guess not huh? SHEESH! NOW what? Bloody Hades. And WHAT am I going to see Xena about? I got my arrows...what more do I need? Oh...right. Jeremaiah.(sigh) I need to ask Livia if there was anything odd about him that she noticed. Not that I'm expecting any cooperation...but still. I'm furious that I have to do this. But it would at least ease my mind. Then I'll deal with Psyche...sigh. BLEH! A winged god's work is never done. ![]() --------------------- "Those who love us...never really leave us."--some mortal dude from a 21st century movie ![]() Gotta love me! ![]() Come to my Corner! Xena's Private Tent ![]() | |||
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I tell you I am very stressed out right now. If I were a goddess would this be pms? Sheesh do I have some odd hormonal problem or somethign? Don't wanna go there bleh. I didn't make it to Xena's camp--and you know there is another reason I'm going to see her but with all this crap on my mind I don't even REMEMBER! Dammit....I don't know. Psyche caught me mid whoosh..she's furious. Can't say I blame her sheesh I did cheat on her...quite a few times in fact, oops ![]() HEra tipped her off too. Well....takes one woman scorned to know another...bleh. Guess I really did take after Zeus and his...appetites. Well ain't this just dandy. WHAT am I ever going to do? What will I tell Bella? SHe's too fragile I can't jsut love her and leave her? Hey I never wanted to be monogomous not really...Psyche can have anyone else she wants....EEK she's giving me that evil eye, I can't even write my diary in peace! ![]() Bleh. I am so not a happy Cupid right now. Anyway...gotta run(sigh) she's saying I "owe" her, whatever that means....bleh this'll be a long night. AND THE RUM IS GONE!(sobs) --------------------- "Those who love us...never really leave us."--some mortal dude from a 21st century movie ![]() Gotta love me! ![]() Come to my Corner! Xena's Private Tent ![]() | |||
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I'm all in a fog...I keep dreaming...and puking. Gods aren't supposed to puke. Why am I sick? I feel such a great weight on my chest. It's hard to breathe...but gods don't breathe anyway. My dreams...they are dark and ugly. with strange music that someone is playing. A plaintive little song that dissolves into something dark and fearsome--something entirely new. Now I know I've got to get away I've got to get away From the pain you drive into the heart of me The love we share, seems to go nowhere And to make things right, well I toss and turn, I can't sleep at night Once I ran to you, now I run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly alllllll tainted love Why won't the muses be still? | |||
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Where's the boy? He's disappeared again. No doubt up to some mischief. I can't deal with him right now anyway. Does that make me a bad father? Ah well...I learned from the worst. Why is my chest so heavy? It burns...I know why it feels that way! well...I did. Why can't I remember? And why can't I forget? There's something there, but ti won't come up. If it won't come up why won't it go away? Daylight I won't care if it finds me With no breath in my body With no beat in my heart For I'm certain That now I know what happiness is Wish I'd known that From the start Touch me Is there no one to touch me It was easy to love me In my glamorous past As I leave you A shadow of the light I once was May my memory Sleep at last Someone is calling me to the temple. Who the heck is bugging me now? Iolaus. Perhaps I should just ignore him. Yeah... No, what am I a god or mouse? Clearly he's still alive, so he can't be too bent out of shape. I hope... | |||
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A nightmare! Thank the gods, it was just a nightmare! Oh I've got big balls I've got big balls And they're such big balls Dirty big balls (Where are my backup singers? ah...there they are!) And he's got big balls And she's got big balls But we've got the biggest balls of them all And my balls are always bouncing My ballroom always full And everybody cums and cums again If your name is on the guest list No-one can take you higher Everybody says I've got GREAT BALLS OF FIRE Oh I've got big balls...... | |||
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Where is everybody? I feel like my entire lineage is disappearing. Where have all my friends gone They've all disappeared Turned around maybe one day You were all that was there Stood by unbelieving Stood by on my own Always thought I was someone Turned out I was wrong But you brought me through And you made me feel so Blue, Why don't you stay behind? So Blue, Why don't you stop And look at what's goin' down Hmm..just what in Tartarus is going down? I haven't seen Mom in like forever. The brat--I mean the little blessing Bliss hasn't been around for ages. Not since he stole my arrows. Hephestus said he wouldn't make anymore for me either. Not since I made him fall in love with that mayfly...it was an accident. At least it was a chaste love arrow. Still a bitch when the object of your affection dies though. Vacation from the kid might be good. If I don't hear from him in a century or two maybe I'll get him out of whatever mess he's gotten himself into. Hehe...just think a century of not getting bugged! Happy days are here again The skies above are clear again So let's sing a song of cheer again Happy days are here again Altogether shout it now There's no one Who can doubt it now So let's tell the world about it now Happy days are here again | |||
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Whoa...what's that shakin'? There's something happening here And what it is ain't exactly clear Stop! Listen what's that sound? Everybody look what's goin down Holy mother of Zeus! That was freakin' loud! Better go and see... | |||
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