IM Chat

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16 December 2004, 06:54 AM
IM Chat
bingoze: Oi!
bingoze: How ya doing?
AAmethyst27: oi.. not too bad
AAmethyst27: and you?
bingoze: I'm doing well. Getting on top of things, finally.
AAmethyst27: cool
AAmethyst27: so i have to say, caesar becoming a god shits
bingoze: Oh yeah. I haven't caught up with stuff for a day, but that DID shit me mightily.
bingoze: I've got a few race ideas to throw at you, but you should read this thread, first:
AAmethyst27: k
AAmethyst27: which part in particular?
bingoze: Well, the last post I put.
AAmethyst27: putting them in their place
AAmethyst27: well they need it
AAmethyst27: what ideas do you have?
bingoze: OK, for next week's task, to make it a little easier, here's what I was thinking.
bingoze: We'll set up a Solstice thread, like you said. People need to give one of the items they found for this week's task to one of the other characters, as a present, say why they chose to give them that. If someone has already been given a present you can't give them another.
bingoze: Should encourage people to post earlier, who wait for the end of the week to do the task.
AAmethyst27: oohh good idea
AAmethyst27: make em get in early
bingoze: I was also thinking that we should do a double dispatch, at some stage. We could set it up so that I say something to you like 'My love, I'm feeling bored. What can we do to make things more ... interesting?' and you offer to do a double dispatch.
AAmethyst27: i reckon this week then.. hehe
bingoze: The last idea I had is that we should swap 'bodies' amongst all the characters, one week.
bingoze: Make them post as someone different, for a week.
AAmethyst27: ooohh, now i like that idea
bingoze: Naw, let's save double dispatch for after the holidays.
AAmethyst27: ok
bingoze: Coz we've skaken up so much stuff this week.
AAmethyst27: well, they need their asses
bingoze: Well, that's true ...
bingoze: But Minya needs her arse kicked the most, and she's got immunity this week.
bingoze: I'd hate to see two others booted while she is still in the race.
AAmethyst27: i know!! bah
AAmethyst27: good point
bingoze: Also, I reckon we should give Sara a break and take off her madness next week. It'll get tired after too long.
AAmethyst27: thats why i gave her the offer of giving her body to me sexually, since zeus will do and i;d take the furies off her
AAmethyst27: she said no
AAmethyst27: maybe she'll say yes to a
bingoze: You want me to have a crack?
AAmethyst27: sure
AAmethyst27: she aimed me and said
AAmethyst27: i am not sucking zeuses dick to lose the furies..LOL
bingoze: Heh heh!
bingoze: Have you seen Nanzar's web site? It's truly a masterpiece.
AAmethyst27: no, i haven't
AAmethyst27: i'll have to check it out later
bingoze: It must have taken her AGES!
bingoze: No, Livia won't go for an advance from Hera, either. She doesn't want to be seen as a, how did she put it, 'slut bag ho'.
AAmethyst27: hehe
bingoze: How shall we rescue her from madness?
AAmethyst27: oh, and the new chakram someone 'made' annoys me too
bingoze: I don't mind a third chakram. Depends what they do with it. Is that in the story?
AAmethyst27: well, i was hoping she'd do something to make the furies leave.. al la gabby
AAmethyst27: caesar i think made one to give to livia
bingoze: Ah, cut herself open somewhere? Can I hint that to her?
AAmethyst27: sure
bingoze: Bloody Caesar again ... things aren't looking good for him.
AAmethyst27: no
AAmethyst27: i feel we need to put the furies onto everyone to stab him
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: when he dies
bingoze: Shall we do our points threads tomorrow in the secret forum?
bingoze: Ooooo, I like that!
bingoze: Smile
AAmethyst27: well, has sara done the thing for this week? i dunno about anyone else, but i thought she hadn't yet
bingoze: Nope. But she's planning to.
AAmethyst27: i hate it when you have NO idea what to have for dinner
AAmethyst27: ohh ok, is she the only one left? if so, then yes..
bingoze: No, 'Xena' hasn't posted, either.
AAmethyst27: k
bingoze: Oh yeah. That happens to me ALL the time. I usually do a curry if I really can't think of anything. Or chops and vegetables.
bingoze: Or pasta.
bingoze: Or vegemite on toast. Smile
AAmethyst27: hehe
AAmethyst27: we were thinking cheese on
bingoze: Yay!
bingoze: You can do it fancier with a bit of tomato, or such.
AAmethyst27: well, i was thinking red salmon, with cheese melted over it
bingoze: Yes! We have a winner!
bingoze: Do you have any spaghetti?
AAmethyst27: dunno
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: Coz salmon is nice mixed through pasta with a bit of cracked pepper and some herbs, like parsley.
AAmethyst27: brb, gunna check the pantry
bingoze: OK.
AAmethyst27: oohhh
bingoze: And maybe a bit of butter, to make it not so dry.
AAmethyst27: we have pasta
bingoze: You don't need to cook the salmon - just crumble it through.
AAmethyst27: yeah
bingoze: You don't even need the herbs, if you don't have any. A bit of lemon and/or butter would do the trick.
bingoze: Livia's gonna cut her head open, so the Furies can escape. That OK with you?
AAmethyst27: sure
bingoze: You've made me feel like salmon, now.
bingoze: Bitch.
AAmethyst27: hehehe
bingoze: I have some in the cupboard, too.
AAmethyst27: woohoo
AAmethyst27: brb now
bingoze: K
bingoze: Hey, we should do something to another racer next week, like we did to Livia.
bingoze: I have cheese.
AAmethyst27: can we make minya immune to alcohol?
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: or take away caesars godly powers
AAmethyst27: ok, we have decided on....... drum roll
bingoze: Or make Minya fall in love with Caesar?
bingoze: Wink
AAmethyst27: red salmon, onion (in rings over it) then cheese
AAmethyst27: heheh
bingoze: Noice!
bingoze: Let's turn Minya into an ant.
AAmethyst27: hehe
AAmethyst27: a squirrel
bingoze: Yeah!
bingoze: Let's make Alti send Caesar back to the underworld.
AAmethyst27: i still like the one where everyone changes souls, or how ever you worded it
AAmethyst27: so they become someone else
AAmethyst27: hehe salem just said to me, cause i gave him an idea
AAmethyst27: SalemXWP: you're not just a pretty face Wink
bingoze: xc has gotten so FUNNY!
bingoze: Yeah, we'll still do the soul swap.
bingoze: I was more thinking of something to do to Caesar and Minya, like we did to Livia.
bingoze: But we don't have to.
bingoze: Zeus: I told them the truth about what happened to Ares. Ares last words were "Lets see if my Ares-Energyball-of Badness, can get Gabriel from this distance." It couldn't. It fell back on him and beheaded him. People will blame me, they will blame Eli, the mythmakers will write their own interpretation but that's the truth as I'm now telling it. People will contradict it, I don't care as long as the protests are over.

AAmethyst27: yeah i read that
bingoze: Energyball-of-badness seems to have caught on! Smile
bingoze: Geez, 'Caesar' assumed that Eli was dead. Pity.
AAmethyst27: i have an idea
AAmethyst27: i am gunna open a bottle of wine
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: then brain storm
bingoze: A REAL bottle of wine?
bingoze: Aren't you about to eat dinner?
bingoze: But, that does sound kinda good ...
AAmethyst27: yes
AAmethyst27: real
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: and yes, dinner
bingoze: Shall I open a bottle as well? Just for brainstorming, of course. Not because I am a lush, or anthing.
AAmethyst27: well... we're both lushes.. but SURE!
AAmethyst27: online drinking..
AAmethyst27: the salmon and cheese melt is niiicce
bingoze: Yay! Glad the salmon cheese melt worked.
bingoze: OK, I'm gonna hunt down a bottle. brb
AAmethyst27: goes well with wine too
AAmethyst27: hehe
AAmethyst27: okies
bingoze: Good one, Argy. Try to open a screw cap with a corkscrew ...
AAmethyst27: LMAO
bingoze: OK, ideas?
bingoze: Henske, Tilly's Vineyard. 2003.
AAmethyst27: i'll check what mine is when i fill my glass again
bingoze: White or red?
AAmethyst27: white
AAmethyst27: how's about..............
bingoze: *just reading the bullshit about the new chakram*
AAmethyst27: they have to ally themselves with somone, secretly (but we know who, cause they have to tell us)
AAmethyst27: i dunno why yet
bingoze: That's weak.
AAmethyst27: has another sip
bingoze: That's cool, I was thinking about alliances, too.
bingoze: Let's not give them too many choices, though. I prefer us setting up stuff and them having to deal with it.
AAmethyst27: ooh ok
bingoze: So, let's tell them who their alliances are, but they can't tell anyone else.
AAmethyst27: so we ally em with the person least likely
bingoze: Yeah.
bingoze: So, say, Minya with Alti.
AAmethyst27: like... minya and livia
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: ok
AAmethyst27: caesar and livia
bingoze: Yeah, Minya with Livia. Hell, Minya with just about anyone!
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: And how about Caesar with Xena?
AAmethyst27: if xena would get off her ass and do anything
bingoze: I KNOW!
bingoze: Some people SUCK at this game.
bingoze: Hey, instead of using Cupid as a wild card, how about bringing Xena back as a wild card, if she gets killed off?
bingoze: Giving her to our favourite dispatched person? That would make the story still work, too.
AAmethyst27: that could work..
AAmethyst27: xena's soul in the body of ares.. so they all think it;s ares
AAmethyst27: LOL
bingoze: And we could choose someone better to write her.
AAmethyst27: and make em join the scrolls again, so no one knows who is actually writing it
bingoze: Actually, if you put it in someone else's body, they will know who is writing it. How about just having her as Xena. Then they'll have no idea.
bingoze: But yeah, don't let anyone know which player it actually is.
AAmethyst27: yeah
bingoze: And they have to pick up in the diary thread, wherever it left off.
AAmethyst27: we could bring in xena's mum to do something with livia..
AAmethyst27: and it could be us writing it.. on a diff account of course
bingoze: Nora has done really well this week, I reckon.
AAmethyst27: yes, i agree
AAmethyst27: none of this bickering and bettering herself
bingoze: As have Sara, Nanzar and xc.
AAmethyst27: yup
bingoze: Alti has been as boring as bat shit.
bingoze: Should I be talking about this, with you?
AAmethyst27: this week minya and casear and their total story changing has shit me
bingoze: Or would you prefer to not chat about it?
AAmethyst27: we'll we won't change each others opinions i don;t think
bingoze: Oh yeah. Minya and Caesar have been pathetic.
bingoze: Xena and Gabrielle have been almost non-existent.
bingoze: Joxer has been quite good, though.
AAmethyst27: i think x or g need to go this week
AAmethyst27: even though m and c have sucked
AAmethyst27: at least they are playing
bingoze: Well, let's still give points and see what we end up with.
AAmethyst27: yeah
bingoze: Ephiny has been alright ... but he stuff in her diary is starting to get stupid.
AAmethyst27: non players should go before proper imagine how you;d feel if someone who had done the bare minimum stayed and you left
bingoze: Oh yeah, totally agree with you there.
AAmethyst27: ephiny not writing herself in the third person annoys me
bingoze: Yeah. It's a diary thread, hello?
AAmethyst27: stares at leathers
AAmethyst27: i think thats all xena did one day
bingoze: You can't just write more story outside the story thread. Defeats the purpose.
bingoze: I've decided not to write too much stuff for answers, now. Let them bloody well think about things and figure it out.
AAmethyst27: you can say stuf you did whilst other ppl were doing stuff (of you were watching on)
bingoze: Yeah? I must admit, I haven't even been reading Xena's diary.
AAmethyst27: or ellaborate on something you posted about
AAmethyst27: but continuing the story in your thread defeats the FF thread
bingoze: there's enough stuff to write if you put your mind to it. Look at Livia, Callisto, Aphro, Alit, Eli.
bingoze: Joxer, Minya.
AAmethyst27: if you have a mind
bingoze: Alti, even.
bingoze: Well yeah, there is that.
bingoze: I think the game will get better then longer people play it and the more they get used to what works and what doesn't.
bingoze: Most people have got it, by now.
AAmethyst27: esp those who realise they might be in the running to win
AAmethyst27: i reckon xc has gotten betetr this week, i hope he sticks with it
bingoze: Oh yeah, heaps!
AAmethyst27: glass refill brb
bingoze: I actually think it helped him us writing in his thread. Also telling him he was stuck with Dite.
bingoze: Amarice has been OK, too. Some decent story stuff from her.
bingoze: Heitie is writing Xena as though she doesn't really have a brain. Like she is just a brutal warrior. That's not the Xena I know.
AAmethyst27: matthew lang chardonney
AAmethyst27: doesn't even have a year
AAmethyst27: or she wrotes her like she is gabrielle
AAmethyst27: i so wish those 2 hadn't got x & g
AAmethyst27: wonders how to fix that
AAmethyst27: how about the first decent person who goes, gets to revivie x or g (hopefully they'll be dead)
AAmethyst27: and as you said, go from the diary thread and bingo
AAmethyst27: or shall i say
AAmethyst27: bingoze
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: does stu get time off over xmas?
AAmethyst27: or just the public hols?
bingoze: He gets from Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve. How about Mick?
AAmethyst27: we close over xmas
AAmethyst27: 22nd dec to 10th jan
AAmethyst27: but if ppl want to take all their 4 weeks, they can
AAmethyst27: 2 are, everyone else is coming back the 10th
bingoze: Yeah, that's what I meant. The first good racer who goes gets to come back as Xena.
AAmethyst27: except me, i decided on the 12th..
AAmethyst27: cause then i get 2 days to myself as jess goes back to preschool for the month of jan
AAmethyst27: LOL
AAmethyst27: and then school weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
bingoze: So, it looks like we are off to the Aquarium in January.
AAmethyst27: funnily enough, mick wants to go to the aquarium over the xmas break.. lol
AAmethyst27: i don;t think he;ll wanna come with us
bingoze: When Jess starts school maybe I could come up there on one of your days off and we could do another Pokemon swap or watch some Xena or something?
bingoze: Just invite myself up, why don't I?
AAmethyst27: he mentioned it today, when he saw a kids free voucher in the telegraph
bingoze: He always wants to do what we do. Copy cat.
bingoze: I STILL haven't beat the Elite Four.
AAmethyst27: brb.. i am trying to cook more toast and i just burnt 4 pieces (toasting the first
bingoze: Bugger.
bingoze: Hey, my kitchen is finally all finished.
bingoze: Caesar destroyed the story ... bitch.
AAmethyst27: woohoo to kitchen
AAmethyst27: btw i have a pic to show you
*** AAmethyst27 wants to directly connect.
bingoze: Dogs can smell you while they sleep. It is supposed to be comforting for them. That's why they like to be near you, even if they are sleeping.
*** AAmethyst27 is now directly connected.
*** AAmethyst27 direct connection is closed (couldn't send packet!).
AAmethyst27: hmm is closed
AAmethyst27: did you do that?
bingoze: Oops. I think I stuffed that up ...
bingoze: Sorry.
bingoze: Wanna try again?
AAmethyst27: k
*** AAmethyst27 wants to directly connect.
*** AAmethyst27 is now directly connected.
bingoze: OK, you're connected.
bingoze: Coming through ...
AAmethyst27: jess graduated today
AAmethyst27: LOL
bingoze: Aw, how cute.
bingoze: She's growing up.
bingoze: She's lost her puppy fat.
AAmethyst27: yeah, she has..
bingoze: Nice Christmas dress. Smile
AAmethyst27: mum makes her one every year
AAmethyst27: it was also a xmas concert, they sung xmas carols
AAmethyst27: that lil girl in the pic
AAmethyst27: we found out at big school orientation.. that 1.. well she goes to jess preschool
AAmethyst27: 2. she lives up the road, literally
AAmethyst27: 3 will go to jess big school
AAmethyst27: 4. her name is also
AAmethyst27: so they have become friends since
AAmethyst27: except its funny, my jess won't call her jessica, she calls her by her surname... dork that she is
bingoze: That's cool!
*** AAmethyst27 direct connection is closed.
bingoze: What's her surname?
AAmethyst27: McKenzie-Lamb
bingoze: Well, that's kind of a cool name for a friend.
AAmethyst27: we weew doing the walking around the street thingy looking at the xmas lights
bingoze: So, Jess says 'Can McKenzie Lamb come over to play?'
AAmethyst27: and we walked past J2's house
AAmethyst27: and jess yells out
AAmethyst27: hey, there;s McKenzie Lamb's house
AAmethyst27: and her dad was out the front (who i hadn't met yet) it was funny
bingoze: I think it's cool that you walked around the streets looking at lights.
AAmethyst27: esp when i asked him if he heard her say it today when i did meet him
bingoze: I went with my nieces to see Santa for a photo, the other day.
AAmethyst27: jess till won;t sit on his lap
AAmethyst27: i'll get her ther by hook or by crook
AAmethyst27: how was Olivia with him?
AAmethyst27: jess wouldn't go near him last year, or the year b4
AAmethyst27: this year she'll chat, but not sit on his lap
AAmethyst27: btw can we step in and make caesar someone elses son.. or minya;s secret brother or something
bingoze: Olivia sat on his lap but she sooked for her Mum when they were trying to take a photo and jumped off again.
AAmethyst27: or the 4th Joxer brother
bingoze: Keira sat on his lap. She said to him, 'I'm not afraid of you, you know?'
AAmethyst27: hehe
AAmethyst27: how cute
AAmethyst27: we have to ring micks mum on xmas day b4 we get there
AAmethyst27: she has wrapped a BIG box, that she intends on putting the puppy in mins b4 we get there
AAmethyst27: so she literally gets to unwrap him
bingoze: We could make Caesar Minya's brother, but that would mean Ares was her father. And she spent an awful lot of time having sex with him ...
bingoze: Aw, that's cute.
bingoze: Jake's got arthritis and cancer. The vet thinks he's only got a couple of months left to live.
AAmethyst27: but thats only cause dite didn;t want him, so said he wasn;t HER son.. doesn;t mean she was telling the truth
AAmethyst27: we ARE TPTB
AAmethyst27: oh no!!
AAmethyst27: how old is he
bingoze: These things happen.
bingoze: 14.
AAmethyst27: that is SOOOO sad'
bingoze: Old for a dog.
AAmethyst27: but still...
AAmethyst27: :-(
AAmethyst27: did you get him when you first got married
bingoze: He has to go some time. We're just trying to make him as comfortable as possible. Thanks for you concern.
bingoze: Close. About two years after we got married. He's my first dog.
bingoze: I wanted a dog all my life.
bingoze: Anyway, Stu is home and it's time for my dinner, now. Don't know if I'll be on again tonight. Might catch you tomorrow.
AAmethyst27: i had a dog growing up... Susie.. mum and dad basically got her when i was born
AAmethyst27: oz silky
bingoze: *waves* Thanks for sharing a glass with me. Smile
AAmethyst27: ok babe
AAmethyst27: talk to ya later then
AAmethyst27: toodle pip
AAmethyst27: if i have any ideas i'll post em over at maquarie writers
AAmethyst27: minya keeps mentioning the


16 December 2004, 06:58 AM
wow, that was a long assed chat

16 December 2004, 07:12 AM
Where is this 'ass' you speak of?


18 December 2004, 06:48 AM
This was even longer:

AAmethyst27: great timing
AAmethyst27: i just went to the Brothel and voted
bingoze: Aha!
bingoze: Just reading the story, then I will too.
AAmethyst27: literally like 60 sec ago
bingoze: But I think I already know who I'm gonna give 3 worst votes to.
AAmethyst27: hehe
AAmethyst27: i wanted to give more worst points...
AAmethyst27: but.. after my main two went.. i had to decide between 2
AAmethyst27: tell me when you have posted yours
AAmethyst27: brb
bingoze: K
AAmethyst27: i've also thought of a semi decent weekly task
bingoze: It's still Satuday in the US I think. So people have got a little bit more time to post.
bingoze: Ooooo, cool!
AAmethyst27: we find say 8 pictures. from the show... each person gets to put em in any order they like.... and make a story or something up, to go with them
AAmethyst27: or something along those lines
AAmethyst27: i don;t think sara has posted her 2nd lap either
AAmethyst27: and i wasn;t gunna post until tomorrow who ever died
bingoze: No one seems to understand that Xena was only being sarcastic when she said she had given her soul to Ares. Idiots.
AAmethyst27: dumbasses
bingoze: I REALLY like that task. Very cool.
bingoze: You've gotta keep reading these threads every day or you fall behind in this race.
AAmethyst27: yeah, tell me about it
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: Should get easier the more racers get killed off.
AAmethyst27: ok.. thats Lance
AAmethyst27: elite 5th coming up
bingoze: I can't beat the Elite Four yet. Dammit.
AAmethyst27: awww
bingoze: I think I have chosen sucky Pokemon.
AAmethyst27: what is your main team?
bingoze: I've got one on Level 68 and it STILL gets wiped out easily.
AAmethyst27: the elite 4 IS harder this time
bingoze: Charizad, Bulbasaur, the Blue Turtle, the Electric legendary, the Water legendary and an Onyx.
AAmethyst27: but you really need to beat em to unlock the rest of the isalnds.... so best be trading from sapphire
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: Yeah. I know. Dammit.
bingoze: OK, I just gave my points.
AAmethyst27: ok
AAmethyst27: goes to see
bingoze: Oooo, I wish I'd given Joxer and Eli some of my bonus points, after reading yours.
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: Joxer is actually doing quite well. He's not as dramatic as the others, but he's very true to character and the story.
bingoze: Oh well, at least we know who is definitely going ...
AAmethyst27: woohoo go gabrielle
AAmethyst27: literally
bingoze: Shall we kill Xena as well?
bingoze: She's shitting me.
bingoze: I had another idea about that.
AAmethyst27: and callisto wins!
bingoze: When it's time for Xena to go what we can do is kill another character in the story line instead - whoever is winning that week. Then we'll tell those two racers privately that we have in fact swapped them, but they aren't allowed to let anyone know.
AAmethyst27: hehe ok!
AAmethyst27: sounds great
AAmethyst27: cause xena does need to be cool
bingoze: So, if Heitie was out of it this week Nora would start writing for Xena, but Callisto would die in the thread.
AAmethyst27: yeah
bingoze: Heitie hasn't actually posted twice this week, yet. Neither has Nanzar, though.
bingoze: That lets us still have a Cupid wild card to use later.
AAmethyst27: yeah
bingoze: If we have to boot Nanzar this week we could stick her back in as Cupid. Seeing she wasn't among our worst picks.
AAmethyst27: sra better get her ass into gear posting her 2nd lap stuff
AAmethyst27: *sara
AAmethyst27: oohh i didn;t think to give ppl i had already voted for. bonus points too
bingoze: She swears she is going to. But - yeah.
AAmethyst27: i know she told me too
AAmethyst27: but still, she has a dead line
bingoze: I gave some of them bonuses because I was just so impressed with a lot of the stuff they had done.
AAmethyst27: so shall we kill gabby by
AAmethyst27: 1. taking off the fake head
AAmethyst27: or marinating her?
bingoze: Can you double check for me that Eli has only posted once this week in the story thread?
bingoze: I don't mind - it's your call! Smile
AAmethyst27: hehe jess just gave me a pic she drew of me.. in a tutu
bingoze: So, I'm going make next week's task the one where they have to give one of the things they found this week to another racer, as a gift, and explain why.
bingoze: Aw. How sweet!
bingoze: You happy that Sara is a mod again?
AAmethyst27: yup
AAmethyst27: yes
AAmethyst27: she was the best choice
bingoze: Tell me about it.
AAmethyst27: i woulda screamed if anyone else got it
AAmethyst27: i had to laugh
AAmethyst27: cora didn;t even vote for herself
bingoze: Yeah. What's up with THAT?!
AAmethyst27: dumbass
bingoze: You like saying that!
AAmethyst27: yes
AAmethyst27: it's my word of the week
AAmethyst27: hehe
bingoze: That would make an interesting thread. Ame's word of the week.
AAmethyst27: i hope no one abuses the chronos stone
bingoze: How good is that little evil smiley?
AAmethyst27: a la minya or caesar
bingoze: It seems Callisto is doing OK with the Cronos stone.
AAmethyst27: yeah
AAmethyst27: but if anyone abuses it, i shall have to smash it
bingoze: I've had a little chat with Caesar and Minya. Given them some ideas to, hopefully, keep them on track and out of trouble.
bingoze: Well, smashing it sounds good, too.
AAmethyst27: oohh ok
AAmethyst27: i did like how in one fell swoop you fixed everything
bingoze: Why thank you! Smile As I was writing I thought 'Hey, I could do more than just help Livia here. I could put a stop to this stoopid god powers bullshit.'
bingoze: OK, I've gotta go back to the gardening.\
AAmethyst27: ok babe
bingoze: Have fun killing Gabrielle tomorrow.
AAmethyst27: i did the back this morning
AAmethyst27: heheh i shall
AAmethyst27: don;t you worry about that
bingoze: I'll try to jump on so we can talk about killing off Xena, too.
AAmethyst27: ok then
bingoze: Sorry, I mean Callisto.
AAmethyst27: hehe
bingoze: That would also mean that Xena would have immunity, plus get an extra piece of story, which would work out nicely.
bingoze: She needs some story. *rolls eyes*
AAmethyst27: fuck yeah
bingoze: OK. Going now.
bingoze: Going ...
AAmethyst27: bye
bingoze: Going ...
bingoze: *gone*
AAmethyst27: waves
*** Auto-response sent to AAmethyst27: I am currently away from the computer.
*** AAmethyst27 signed off at Sat Dec 18 17:23:08 2004.
*** AAmethyst27 signed on at Sat Dec 18 20:21:02 2004.
AAmethyst27: poke
bingoze: Ha hah!
bingoze: I just popped on this second. Did you see me post?
AAmethyst27: i knew you were there
AAmethyst27: yes
bingoze: I have drunk ... a lot of wine.
bingoze: A lot.
bingoze: Wink
AAmethyst27: ooohh
bingoze: I didn't get everything done today that I wanted to, but I did get a lot done.
AAmethyst27: cool!
bingoze: How about you? What have you been up to?
AAmethyst27: jack shit
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: Looks like Nouchy won't be coming to the next Oz Scrollers day.
AAmethyst27: how come?
AAmethyst27: is it to
bingoze: I hate the way people say they CAN'T do something, but don't suggest anything else.
bingoze: Something to do with going away in January.
AAmethyst27: maybe we should just leave it as you and me
AAmethyst27: LOL
bingoze: Yeah. I was gonna say that.
AAmethyst27: we don;t want maddie, salem can;t make up his mind
bingoze: How about we just go somewhere, and if the others can make it, good on them.
bingoze: Wanna go to the movies instead of the aquarium?
AAmethyst27: yeah!
bingoze: That's what I wanted to do.
AAmethyst27: depends if there is anything on when we go
AAmethyst27: and sure
bingoze: Go and see a flick on George Street. And have a bite to eat. Gotta be SOMETHING down there we wanna see.
bingoze: Fuck 'em.
bingoze: Bastards.
AAmethyst27: kill em all
bingoze: Can we? With foil chakrams?
AAmethyst27: teehee
AAmethyst27: we need a xena movie
AAmethyst27: i reckon nanzar only reads what she wants
AAmethyst27: then ignores the stuff that doesn;t please her
bingoze: Yeah? What makes you think that?
bingoze: Her 'summary'?
bingoze: There IS no Xena movie. Dammit.
AAmethyst27: yeah
bingoze: Did you mind me saying we are best Scroll buddies?
AAmethyst27: we could make one..
AAmethyst27: next week's task
AAmethyst27: LOL
bingoze: Coz that's how I think of you.
bingoze: Time to go 'aaawwwww'.
AAmethyst27: well you ARE my brst scroller buddy
AAmethyst27: no one else is anywhere cool enough
bingoze: Yay! Big Grin *feels all special now*
AAmethyst27: awwwwww
bingoze: What, next week's task is to secure funding for a Xena movie?
bingoze: Plus permission from cast and crew?
AAmethyst27: do you realise it's almost been 5 years since mardi gras?
bingoze: Sounds good ... who do you think will win?
AAmethyst27: yeah, sounds like a good task
bingoze: Yeah? Geez, that sounds like such a long time.
AAmethyst27: and if they don;t complete it, i get to kill em
AAmethyst27: well i was preg with jess... and she'll be 5 in may
bingoze: We need to have a Xena-fes-- piss up at Leah's in the new year. I wanna make sangria.
bingoze: Wow. That's amazing, when you think about it.
bingoze: Tracy sent me a Christmas card, even though I haven't spoken to her since she broke up with Leah.
bingoze: I just keep forgetting to call her.
bingoze: Plus, I never really liked her that much ...
AAmethyst27: oohh
bingoze: But I do think Leah did wrong by her. Maybe I should call her this year? I dunno.
AAmethyst27: i don;t know the why's and wherefores of whay they broke up really
bingoze: Wine makes me chatty.
AAmethyst27: but i never clicked with tracey.. never knew why
AAmethyst27: i just assumed it was something to do with knowing her already..LOL
bingoze: I have to go. Dinner is served.
AAmethyst27: or maybe cause i was stright, who knows
AAmethyst27: oohh
AAmethyst27: everyone leaves me
AAmethyst27: cries
bingoze: Sorry to chat 'n' run.
AAmethyst27: no prob
AAmethyst27: if you come back, i should be here
AAmethyst27: mick is out
AAmethyst27: jess is half asleep
bingoze: Sorry 'bout leaving you.
bingoze: Frown
AAmethyst27: no prob
AAmethyst27: i'll find something to do
AAmethyst27: picks up SP
bingoze: You never clicked with Tracy because you are straight?
bingoze: Yay! Harry Potter?
AAmethyst27: i was rambling on reasons why we never clicked
AAmethyst27: since i never knew why
AAmethyst27: it coulda been just me.. she mighta really liked me
AAmethyst27: who knows..LOL
bingoze: I think she wasn't very good at showing her feelings.
bingoze: A bit cold.
bingoze: Anyhoo, I like you. And that's all that matters.
AAmethyst27: i smell fire
AAmethyst27: as in
AAmethyst27: bush fire
bingoze: Yuck. Frown Damn hot summer. Frown
AAmethyst27: yeah
AAmethyst27: ok
AAmethyst27: toodle pip
bingoze: OK, REALLY gotta go. Try and catch you tomorrow, if not later tonight. *waves*
AAmethyst27: waves
*** Auto-response sent to AAmethyst27: I am currently away from the computer.
bingoze: I have drunk more wine now. Lovely.
bingoze: Stu is watching U2.
AAmethyst27: teehee
AAmethyst27: oohhh
AAmethyst27: dvd or fox?
bingoze: What are yo doing?
bingoze: Fox.
bingoze: Foxtel.
AAmethyst27: playing pyramids on yahoo
bingoze: Music Mux.
AAmethyst27: waiting for mick to ring
bingoze: Max, even.
AAmethyst27: LOL
bingoze: Pyramids??
bingoze: That sounds ... kinda ...
AAmethyst27: solitaire card game
bingoze: Unexciting.
AAmethyst27: lol
AAmethyst27: it is
AAmethyst27: i need to better my monthly best score
AAmethyst27: mick is beating
bingoze: Basssssstard.
AAmethyst27: lol
AAmethyst27: so who can we mess with today in the game?
bingoze: Uuuummmm.
bingoze: Xena?
AAmethyst27: but she's boringggggg
AAmethyst27: LOL
bingoze: Yeah. Hence in need of meddling.
bingoze: How about Alti?
*** You have been disconnected. Sat Dec 18 21:33:34 2004.
bingoze: Sunday bloody Sunday.
*** You have been disconnected. Sat Dec 18 21:33:41 2004.
*** AAmethyst27 signed on at Sat Dec 18 21:36:15 2004.
AAmethyst27: having fun?
bingoze: Sunday bloody Sunday.
bingoze: Yeah.
bingoze: My Trillian disconnected itself, for some reason.
AAmethyst27: aww
bingoze: Trying to give that bitch, Sara, her stars.
bingoze: Not that she deserves 'em.
bingoze: Bitch.
AAmethyst27: lol
bingoze: Gee Jubilee was a good Scroll Guardian.
AAmethyst27: rivetting
bingoze: I need ice cream with caramel topping and chopped nuts.
AAmethyst27: oohh, sounds yummy
bingoze: Did you see which game got GBA game of the year on
AAmethyst27: a sundae bloody caramel sundae
AAmethyst27: nope
AAmethyst27: which?
bingoze: Heh heh!
bingoze: Sunday bloody sunday sundae. Too right!
bingoze: Streets With No Name is on right now.
bingoze: BAH, I HATE King Arthur.
bingoze: Stupid film.
AAmethyst27: brb
bingoze: K
bingoze: Mario Golf got game of 2004.
bingoze: Stu has it. He won't let me play it because he is always playing it. Smile
bingoze: Back.
bingoze: With ice cream.
bingoze: *wonders what Ame is doing*
bingoze: Has she discovered one of Minya's toys? With batteries?
bingoze: Mmmmm. More ice cream.
*** Auto-response from AAmethyst27: I am currently away from the computer.
AAmethyst27: damn ppl who ring me
AAmethyst27: i wonder if she forgot she rang my it was a 20 min phone call
AAmethyst27: well, i best we going, since mick was meant to ring at 9.30 ish, he probably tried to ring while i was on the mobi, and since i am also online, he had no chance in hell..
AAmethyst27: i haven;t figured out how to kill gab.. i'll hold out until the afternoon, and hopefully sara will have posted her 2nd lap
AAmethyst27: or ppl will complain
bingoze: OK.
bingoze: I will try to pop on tomorrow afternoon for a bit.
AAmethyst27: okie dokie
AAmethyst27: toodle pip
bingoze: Bye!
