How to cure Sara's madness

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16 December 2004, 09:07 AM
How to cure Sara's madness
bingoze: OK, we'd like your co-operation to get rid of the madness.
SMC the Great: Okay
bingoze: You know how Livia is in to cutting things? Even herself ...
SMC the Great: Go on.
bingoze: We want you to arrange to cut yourself in the head, like Xena did to Gabrielle.
bingoze: Coz then the Furies flew out.
bingoze: We can help, if you'd like. Just leave an opening for us to do something with.
SMC the Great: What ep was that? I can do that though. Would you prefer in the story thread post or the diary.
bingoze: Doesn't matter. If you have any posts left it would probably suit the story thread better, because that's where we turned you mad.
bingoze: The ep was 'Motherhood' - the infamous Gabchak.
SMC the Great: I have 1 left. I was going to post sometime tomorrow.
SMC the Great: I thought it was! The ol' brain, it's getting cloudy with lunacy. Wink
bingoze: I don't wanna give you too many ideas, but your head could feel itchy/crazy with all the Furies in it ...
SMC the Great: Oooh! Ta, mate. I'll make a note here and reference it in somehow.
SMC the Great: I already referenced the tickle in the back of my head once and said I was going to use the shiny thing if it didn't stop
SMC the Great: this will work nicely!
bingoze: Aha! Brilliant!
SMC the Great: Smile
SMC the Great: I love it when it all comes together
bingoze: Plans are good.
SMC the Great: Indeed they are
bingoze: Zeus has OKed the bloodletting.
bingoze: Wink
SMC the Great: Excellent! It's a plan then.
SMC the Great: though I'll miss looney Livia
SMC the Great: but woo boy, does she have some issues
bingoze: Heh heh! Well, it's up to you when you restore her. You can keep her mad for a bit longer, if you want to.
SMC the Great: Depends on where the story is at tomorrow. Either way, the opening will be there accordingly.
SMC the Great: Thanks for letting me be insane, it was fun!
bingoze: You are most welcome! Smile Thanks for playing along, and not throwing a hissy fit.
SMC the Great: It was my pleasure! I had fun writing her, it gave me a chance to stretch my skills a bit. Smile


17 December 2004, 08:27 AM
I didn't have time to get rid of the Furies from Livia before bloody Xena stepped in, so I kind of had to write around our original plan, a bit.

I also tried to put a stop to all these mortals getting godlike powers. Check out the story thread, if you like.
