Untitled IV

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13 May 2003, 11:07 AM
Untitled IV
"Bloody hell - I love your clod hoppers!"
I'd never really taken the time before to look at them. They'd just always been there, at the end of my legs. Usually covered with scrunched down footy socks. At the moment, one was poked out of the side of the bed covers. This was the foot that had lost a nail after connecting with a foward's boot spike. The other nails just went about their business of sitting in a row, patiently waiting to be trimmed one day. One day soon, judging by their length. Not to mention their colour. It had been a while since I had dug the dirt out from under my toenails. How that muck ever got under there was a complete mystery to me. After looking at my foot, I failed to see anything she could love about it, or its twin.
"You're weird."
She shrugged.
"I just love everything about you."


EXERCISE: Describe your character's feet.
18 May 2003, 02:43 AM

LOL, okay I love that one. [Big Grin] Mainly because I'm someone who like...hates feet. With a passion. I hate mine, I hate my friends' feet, I hate my parents' feet, brother's, you name it, I hate it. Doesn't matter if to most people they're pretty good feet...but bleh, feet. The one hated passion. [Wink] But... I shocked myself when I loved Sara's feet. And her, I think. Neither of us could believe it. I guess it just goes to prove that with the right person, you can actually love the things you would normally dislike. And that's just one small example. [Smile]

Heh heh, feet. Sorry, I was amused by this one. [Wink]
