06 June 2004, 03:23 PM
xenacrazedKevin Smith in "Riverworld"
This was on a couple nights ago. I didn't realize they'd made a tv movie out of the Riverworld series let alone that Kevin Smith had a part in it. Was this the last completed film he did before his death? At first I thought it might not be him as his voice was dubbed! Why would they do that?
I didn't see the whole film as it was on so late but I did like the throne of skulls of Kevin's warrior character, Valdemar. It reminded me of Ares' throne, wish I had a screen cap of the scene where Valdemar sits sideways in the throne a la Ares. Anyone see the movie all the way through?
08 June 2004, 09:52 PM
xenacrazedNobody saw this? Here's the spoiler-less plot for the tv movie from the Sci-fi Channel site-
http://www.scifi.com/onair/scifipictures/riverworld/The Riverworld film site is down or gone or whatever and I couldn't find any pics of Kevin from the film. Don't when Riverworld will be reran. Don't know why they dubbed Kevin Smith's voice (unless it was a post-production thing and he was gone by then). Don't know if the film won the Saturn Award it was nominated for (Saturn Award site link didn't tell the winners which should have been named on May 5). But I do know I'm gonna tape this when they do rerun it. The Riverworld series no doubt doesn't translate well in a 2 hr tv movie but it's still interesting to see a first attempt at putting a great story to the screen.
01 September 2004, 10:09 PM
Daring DragoonIt's debatable which was his last film - he finished shooting this one, but then did Warriors of Virtue 2" and of course that was where he had his accident, on the day they finished shooting. Otherwise, I'm sure he'd have gone back to NZ and done his dubbing. Remember - most of his scenes were either out in the open with the roar of water in the background (and probably the roar of cicadas or crickets or whatever those things in NZ are) or in that gladiatorial ring, with the roar of the crowd going on. I gather main dialogue was almost always dubbed in again later on XWP and HTLJ in situations like that, so probably the same was true for "Riverworld."
I thought it was a decent movie, for Sci-Fi. Would have made a decent series, maybe. Sort of a low-tech version of Stargate, with them finding a new group of people each week as they headed up river.
There were lots of other Ren Pics people connected to it too. Like Sam's right-hand man, the muscular guy "Tane" with the Maori-ish tatoo on his temple - that was Patrick Kake, aka Kevin Sorbo's body double, and Mauser on "Cleopatra 2525."
13 February 2005, 08:09 PM
Daring DragoonThis is being aired on Monday night, 2/14, at 11:00 PM on Sci-Fi.
14 February 2005, 10:02 AM
KSenaI would love to see this movie!

Do any of you know if one can buy it on DVD or video?
16 February 2005, 04:18 PM
KSenaThanx! I'll have to check that out when I have more cash!!!

21 March 2005, 08:46 AM
Daring DragoonThis is going to be re-run on Tuesday night, 3/22, at 7 PM EST on Sci Fi in the US.