07 December 2004, 04:26 PM
WXFSig Pic help
I need to know how to get my pics to rotate. My webhost has changed and I have all my sig pics uploaded and in a separate directory but I can't figure out how to get them to rotate. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! WXF

08 December 2004, 09:00 AM
DitieSorry mate.
I`d help if I could but i`m a real blonde when it comes to all this `puter oojimeflipple.
Hope you gets it sorted real soon.
08 December 2004, 09:09 AM
WXFYeah for the beer! But I'll take popcorn with it! WXF

08 December 2004, 09:52 AM
baileyyou can use a hosting site, if you don't have one already. i use hostedscripts.com. just look for the random image link and then load up all your pics. hope that helps.

09 December 2004, 11:12 AM
WXFThanks! I'll try that! WXF

09 December 2004, 04:51 PM
WXFHosted Scripts is switching servers before they let anyone else sign up-but I'll keep looking! Thanks! WXF

09 December 2004, 05:24 PM
WXFTrying sig pic before I try a hosted scripts site. WXF

09 December 2004, 05:26 PM
WXFstill testing! WXF

changed the script to see if it will work now! WXF

11 December 2004, 11:57 AM
WXFWell I can't get it to rotate so I'll use just one at a time until I can figure it out! WXF

11 December 2004, 02:58 PM
beauTifully tragicfirst i upload my pics to a site that allows linking
then i use cgispy
http://www.cgispy.com/scripts/rimage.shtmlthere i tell them the urls of the uploaded pics
http://members.cox.net/tamoshan70/images/george1.jpgcgispy gives me a script like this:
http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=tamoshanand i put that in my sig between the image tags
[img] [/img]
12 December 2004, 09:55 AM
WXFThanks! I'll try them. WXF