23 July 2022, 05:17 AM
CorXyIs XWP available to watch online anywhere?
I do have all the DVDs and even know where they are but no DVD-Player. I mean, I have one. Somewhere.
I'd have to go into the basement, rummage through a whole lot of stuff, hook it up,...
I've gotten old and really just want to hit a "play" button and enjoy.
23 July 2022, 08:17 AM
xenacrazedi think tubi.com still has it for free... maybe.
Not sure about youtube.
26 July 2022, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
i think tubi.com still has it for free... maybe.
Not sure about youtube.
tubi is only available in the US.

I found full episodes on youtube, but only in German.

I guess, I'll have to unearth that DVD Player and hope that I can connect it to a modern SmartTV.
I can't believe that it isn't on at least one streaming service... - such a shame.
Where do people see it nowadays? I've heard rumours, that there's new people getting infected with the Xenite-virus everyday...

26 July 2022, 01:44 PM
xenacrazedIt's been on the Sci-Fi network. Maybe Netflix, long ago.
When i see it, it's always on DVD.
Good luck finding it streaming.