Xena PlayStation game

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17 September 2021, 10:22 AM
Xena PlayStation game
I recently got my hands on the old Xena PlayStation game.

It is rubbish. Part of that is to do with the fact that I'm not actually using a proper PS controller to play it, but it can't all be blamed on that.

If I cast my memory back, the old GameBoy Colour Xena game was also pretty dreadful. I think I only played it for five minutes, and that was enough.


19 September 2021, 03:00 AM
Discord Man
I remember this one. Very clunky, I finished it, but it isn't too great and the voice acting was bad.

The game boy game was like a Zelda clone, but also a bit iffy. Not a lot of good Xena games. The fighting one on the N64 was my jam back in the day, but still has a lot of issues.

06 June 2022, 09:25 AM
I played the GBC game again the other day, and it better than I remembered.

A Zelda a clone for sure.

I have the N64 game. I should get Ares to play it with me. I don't think a fighting game would be much fun on my own.
