21 April 2004, 10:27 AM
ArgeauxMust See Xena Episodes
Whoosh! Readers' Choices
1. SINS OF THE PAST (unanimous choice) -- "An obvious choice--it's where it all begins." "Xena's first real step toward redeeming her past." "A beautiful dark woman searching for a way to redeem herself of the past and an idealistic village girl seeking to change her life and the lives of those around her."
2. A DAY IN THE LIFE -- "Shows the humorous side of Xena and Gabrielle's adventures and the creative nature of the show." "An excellent showcase of just how versatile the series can really be." "One of the best comic relief episodes, and a charming look at a typical day in the Xenaverse."
3. A FRIEND IN NEED -- "Another good example of how far Xena will go to set things right and how her quest for redemption was ultimately the driving force in both her life and Gabrielle's." "Just as Sins of the Past begins the series, FIN ends it. It's heartbreaking to see Xena go, but it's amazing to see Gabrielle's growth."
4. THE DEBT I/II -- "One of the first epic episodes of the show, plus we find out a little more about Xena's past." "The storytelling is great, the directing is amazing and it takes us back to Xena's past and shows us just how important Caesar was to shaping her character."
5. THE BITTER SUITE -- "As if this show didn't take enough risks, here comes a musical episode!! I think it was full of surprises; most of them pleasant (the fact that it did such a great job of solving The Rift) and others not so pleasant (the Gabdrag)." "The singing and Illusia." "First musical episode, closes up the Xena-Gab rift, outrageously cheesy but cute nonetheless."
6. ONE AGAINST AN ARMY -- "Absolutely breathtaking in their depth and scope of the portrayal of Xena and Gabs' trusting, loving relationship." " A great example of the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle as well as showing how much both of them are willing to sacrifice so that the greater good will prevail."
7. THE GREATER GOOD -- "[Shows the] basic motivation behind anything Xena (or Gabrielle) does." "The theme of the fighting for "the greater good" is important throught the entire series. It's important to know where that originates."
8. DESTINY -- "We see where Xena started to really go awry after her tiff with Caeser, and also we meet M'Lila, one of Xena's first mentors."
9. BETWEEN THE LINES -- "Shows us just how deep Xena and Gabrielle's relationship really runs. Also, Gabby starts taking real steps towards the whole 'way of love' lifestyle." "Confirmed what we...knew already: that Xena and Gabrielle are soulmates."
22 April 2004, 04:20 AM
SalemI'd pretty much agree with those episodes. I thought 'When Fates Collide' would have been in there somewhere though, at least tied for the last spot.
Also, I'd throw the Ring trilogy into the last spot as well, just because.

28 April 2004, 12:57 AM
Free MadnessI'm a longtime sucker for "Paradise Found" as some of you know.

The "Evil Yogi" concept; i can relate cuz i've been in a spot with a guy who pretended to be all enlightened and was...well...evil.
I just loved how Xena had to go real BAD to save Gabrielle...how ironic! Tap into the dark side to do war with the evil yogi! Too cool!
Keep the darkness alive and fighting, don't close it off....that's the opposite extreme of evil!
What a teaching episode!
Yeh i know, tho, the poor bunny.*sniff*. but it's just an actor,LOL

29 April 2004, 04:29 PM
KSenaI know. The scen with the rabbit is so cool... It really shows were that episode is going. It is a cool episode indeed. I most say that I am glad that my favorite two are in the list: The Debt I and II.

04 May 2004, 08:30 AM
Original-Gabrielle-ScrollerYeah I agreee with all of them - except the last ep. I haven't seen it yet - I daren't I would be so devistated to see Xena die. It's so....final. ALthough I don't know why, coz she's died before and come back. I still can't watch it though LOL
04 May 2004, 02:03 PM
Free Madnessyeh FIN is very sad. But i do love how in the end, they're still travelling together....xena will always be with Gabrielle in some form. i guess Gabrielle had to totally come into her own, and in that way, SHE had to end up with the chakram.

04 May 2004, 05:59 PM
Original-Gabrielle-ScrollerOooh Lyre Lyre hearts on fire and my favourite at the moment is Many Happy Returns