19 July 2008, 11:57 AM
BrianThe XenaVerse Influence
On Saturday July 19th the Merriam-Webster Universal Crossword puzzle contains the clue for 33 Down as "Xena: Warrior Princess baddie."
Four letters, begins with "A."
Ares has been used in the puzzle before, but the clue is always "Greek war god" or a general mythological reference. This is the first time I've seen the clue contain the Xena connection.
Other XWP character mentions: Xena, of course, and Eve. I assume Gabrielle is too difficult to fit into a crossword.
Life is good in the Xenaverse.
25 July 2008, 10:07 AM
ArgeauxGood to see you're still keeping the faith.

28 July 2008, 03:15 PM
CallistoTheInsaneOneOw centaur poop why has it always has to be Alti that hag, cool hat tho