17 October 2005, 10:25 PM
Discord ManA Tribute To Gabrielle Part 2
I just finished my newest vid,"A Tribute to Gabrielle Part 2".(One more left to this trilogy)This is my darkest video Ive ever made. But I hope it is enjoyed.
On another note to Argy: I host most of my vids again so just like a pill is uploaded and ready 4 ya.
Please post your feedback and ENJOY!!!!!!!

23 October 2005, 12:23 AM
XF3Even though I haven't posted anything about it I really did like the video. I liked seeing the darker side of Gabrielle in that way. Nicely done!

28 October 2005, 06:49 AM
Discord Manthank ya! I will soon start on my tribute to Xena trilogy.
Any songs that you think would work for her lighter side video?
31 October 2005, 06:25 PM
ShawnHmmmm maybe Pat Benetar's
Hit Me With YOur Best Shot? It's a fun song anyway.
31 October 2005, 06:48 PM
Discord Manwell I would use that...But I have it for my Tribute to Morrigan Vid so Argy beat ya to the punch