25 April 2005, 08:02 AM
oh my. that was fun, if not for the reasons the makers hoped. predictable, but fairly well done for a CBS movie, i guess. i don't usually watch CBS movies (which was reinforced by the commercials for the upcoming retarded Rosie O'Dennell movie...)
these are some questions i asked myself while watching:
why was LL's character married to a gay guy?
do we really have an Undersecreatary of Argriculture in charge of Voracious Insects?
do they drive around like storm chasers looking for voracious bug clouds and Citrus Festivals in dangerously close proximity?
did other Xenites think "gather all the mirrors in the village!" when they figured out the locusts like reflective surfaces?
all in all, great fun. even moreso i imagine had i been watching it with other XWP-heads...
25 April 2005, 09:02 AM
XF3It was kinda slow in the beginning for me but I did like it a lot. Made me realize how much I missed Lucy on the screen. When they were in the barn in Indiana my girlfriend yelled out "poison the grain!"...I was laughing hysterically...more later...gotta go face reality and go to work....blech!
25 April 2005, 11:01 AM
WXFI thought it was funny when they were in the helicopter and she grabbed that tool threatening to break the I guess it was hydraulic lines anyway she told the general-I'm pregnant, hormonal, and you don't want to mess with this mother"! I thought there's my Xena! WXF

25 April 2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by action lesbian:
these are some questions i asked myself while watching:
why was LL's character married to a gay guy?
lila997:I think she had some Perdicus-envy. (Perdienvy?)
do we really have an Undersecreatary of Argriculture in charge of Voracious Insects?
I think they are on the same payroll as the Deputy Lieutenant of the Fashion Police in charge of No Stripes with Plaids
do they drive around like storm chasers looking for voracious bug clouds and Citrus Festivals in dangerously close proximity?
I have no witty answer to this one but I just need to point out that zoomhas used capital letters in the last 2 questions and I fear that the world may be ending.
did other Xenites think "gather all the mirrors in the village!" when they figured out the locusts like reflective surfaces?
Totally.Thank the gods I was not alone on this one!
25 April 2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by lila997:
I think she had some Perdicus-envy. (Perdienvy?)
damn that made me laugh. know that the term has been irretrievably embedded in my vocabulary and will be used again in its proper time & place.
Totally.Thank the gods I was not alone on this one!
i knew it!
and rest assured...as long as my usage of capitals remains as random as it is in those two questions, the world is safe.
26 April 2005, 04:36 AM
Brucy BralessI was beginning to wonder if Iwastheonly one who watched this...
I made my comments in the other thread.
But I can add this.
I think this is a much more mature part than Xena was..
That kinda surprised me when I realised it.
I hadnt really thought of Xena as an outta control 20something before..LOL