16 July 2005, 03:42 AM
Lucia H BThe 10th Anniversary Collection
It seems that all the information you can get about it is on the official sites of Anchor Bay and Davis Anderson.
http://www.anchorbayentertainment.com/index.asp?p=MultipackDetail&SKU=DV12875&PriCatID=7http://www.legendaryheroes.com/s.nl/sc.10/category.34/it.A/id.2257/.fThe set will be out on July 26th. I don't think I'm going to buy it because I already have the "regular" six seasons collection with all the extras and everything, but I know that some fans will.
Now I'm curious about the people on this board.

Will you buy it or not?
16 July 2005, 04:03 AM
Discord ManI will buy it for sure because it has extras the others dont have. I also like collecting these dvds and i voted for a couple episodes, One against an army,Takes One, to know one, and motherhood so 2 outta 3 isnt bad....I wish the debt was in it! Still I am excited for these to come out. I love watching bonus stuff and who knows, maybe the movie will be mentioned! *CROSSES FINGERS*
16 July 2005, 07:58 AM
DM said. There are extras that the seasons don't have. So I will be getting it.

16 July 2005, 07:02 PM
Lucia H BI can see how those extras may seem attractive.

I think that even though I’m not that much into commentaries and interviews, they might sound very attractive to me too if it wasn’t for the language problem. My English just isn’t good enough for me to understand everything they say between little cries, laughter and whispers or when they decide to speak ten or twelve words per second in those interviews and commentaries.

If this set comes with subtitles in a language that I can understand, or with CC like the seasons four, five and six of the “regular” collection, then I think I may feel really tempted to get it when the price goes a little bit lower than it is right now.

Anyway, language problems or not, it will be better for me to wait until it’s out and hear what the fellow Xenites have to say about it before I decide if I should change my mind about buying it or not.
18 July 2005, 07:43 PM
xenacrazedi haven't decided whether to buy it or not yet. Deepdiscountdvd has it for $35.99. i was hoping for more and different extras- bloopers, a variety of interviews with cast memebers rarely interviewed or appearances by the cast on talk shows, etc. I wonder if the audio commentaries are the same as on the dvd sets. Anyhoo, still undecided.