10 September 2004, 06:24 PM
Amazon Hippy
Argy your not wrong!
But hey it looks awesome...
Where in a home would you display your very own Chakram? ... on the wall? perhaps place it so it looks like it was thrown by Xena herself or something!?

~*~PEACE~*~LOVE~*~HAPPINESS10 September 2004, 10:10 PM
Sweet Merciful Heaven.... pinch me I must be dreaming!!!
Dam 2 Bad it costs so much! if it was like $200 hundred dollars cheaper I would have asked for it for my birthday next week.
*sigh* it would be so sweet.
11 September 2004, 01:47 AM
AmethystArgy already has her own chakram.. she'd have no problem finding a place for another one.
Do you have both Argy? i can't remember.
funny, we were only talking about this the other weekend.. have you mentioned it to besotted?
11 September 2004, 04:37 AM
Amazon HippyWow, it would be great to own a Chakram, but I'm afraid for now a coloured-in, cut-out paper plate is gonna have to do for the moment! hee hee hee

12 September 2004, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by High Priestess of the Temple of Argy:
Argy already has her own chakram.. she'd have no problem finding a place for another one.
Do you have both Argy? i can't remember.
Do you need to ask?
12 September 2004, 04:44 AM
AmethystGood point..
I don't need to ask..
and shortly, you will be owning 3 eh?
14 October 2004, 12:50 AM
ArgeauxIt's here.
It's the second most exciting thing I've ever held in my hand.
14 October 2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
It's here.
It's the second most exciting thing I've ever held in my hand.
i'm guessing gabris' crayons are the first most exciting thing!

17 October 2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
It's here.
It's the second most exciting thing I've ever held in my hand.
You bought it??!!??!

Now I officially envious!!!