What if thanks, Sara, my days have been somewhat better...only one thing, my internet is WACKO?
What if it cuts me off when it decides to?
What if I haven't had any time to call anyone about it?
What if hopefully it'll let me post this tho?
What if I've missed this place?
What if HI ALL!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
17 July 2005, 12:29 PM
Free Madness
What if...and if my HP book don't come tomorrow I'm marching over to a store and buying it?
What if I actually bought OOTP at my school book store?
What if it was more expensive than what i paid online?
What if ahhh what's the diff sometimes.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
17 July 2005, 02:19 PM
What if yay more Danica?
What if ?
17 July 2005, 11:06 PM
What if I get my wisdom teeth out tommorrow?
What if only two of them?
What if ?
What if I am going to be a hurtin' puppy?
What if the arrival of the new kitten will hopefully make me feel better?
What if I watched the first three episodes of S6 of Hercules?
What if that's the season that feels the most like Xena, to me?
What if it has both Morrigan and Nebula, who I love to bits?
18 July 2005, 09:05 AM
What if I hope Tara's wisdom teeth experience goes well?
What if congratulations on the 500.00, Keri?
What if I hope Kate's internet woes end soon?
What if Danica looks beautiful?
What if pretty soon X.C. will have to move to Utah with all these wives?
What if I wonder how Zoom's sister's tattoo went, and what she got?
What if seeing Ben Browder and Claudia Black together again on Stargate SG1 was kinda cool?
What if ?
18 July 2005, 12:45 PM
What if hope your internet stops acting up too Kate?
What if I'm the good twin, I don't stay for detention?
What if I have too many things to do and not enough time in which to do them?
What if so I'm off to start on the pile?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
18 July 2005, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Frida Killyou: What if I wonder how Zoom's sister's tattoo went, and what she got?
what if well...it went well and yet not-so-well?
what if she got a College Station Fire Dept. fire engine (long story...) but unfortunately, due to a communication error & post-tat excitement, the ladder was left off?
what if her tat area was too swollen the next day to do it so she'll have to come back for the lader addition next month?
what if by "she'll have to come back" i mean "i'll have to go get"?
what if what she did get looks great, if not somewhat RV-like...?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
18 July 2005, 02:29 PM
Free Madness
What if I know what my internet problem is now?
What if thanks Chiana and Sara for askin after me?
What if congrats on the check, Keri!
What if i actually have to use some arm muscles to deal with my computer problem?
What if yup, gotta move my computer over to the kitchen?
What if my bloody cable is too long?
What if yup, apparently that's the issue?
What if *touch wood* that is all it is?
What if in other news? WHOOOOOOO I got my book i got my book i got my book.
What if it came with UPS today?
What if I'm now gonna open to the first page and see what happens?
What if laters?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
18 July 2005, 04:38 PM
what if i went to bed at 2am, woke up again at 6am, and am now biding my time until "gosford park" begins on foxtel?
what if i'm determined to watch all the movies i can before my free allowance week dries up and i'm back to the basic package?
what if i might get to see chicago too today if i can convince my parents to watch rock start INXS 2 hours later?
what if i don't think that will happen though?
what if that's alright, there was only 2 movies i REALLY wanted to see anyway?
what if, turns out i misscalculated one of them and now it's on the day AFTER my free channels go away?
what if no jake for me ?
what if i still have johnny - twice (but sadly not thice, *tear*) - and that's the main thing...i guess...plus i just found out that a movie i wanted to see for ages but didn't have the courage to rent is on at 12.15 tonight so yay ?
what if okay, so it's "goodbye lenin" - you try suggesting a forein film when everyone around you is renting hilary duff and mandy moore - shawn of the dead was hard enough and that was only from england!?
what if almost time to rock 'n' roll?
what if my sister will be here to steal my computer from 8.30am to god only knows when, so i don't know when i'll be back online...should anyone be wondering?
what if...*someone* might also be interested to know that, while i haven't been able to erase my old wallpaper, i have managed to get it to not be all stretched out and weird, and thats a definite plus?
what if i'm betting it's still going to make my sister go "what in the hell...?" when she turns on the computer, but nuts to her?
what if i only wish it was a better picture?
18 July 2005, 04:49 PM
what if taping a go-go?
what if i turned on the tv to find richard wilkins looking almost fearfully at a clip from "charlie and the chocolate factory"?
what if, not that i'm complaining, but what's with all the johnny (he looks so pale...)?
what if 4 different movies of foxtel in the space of 8 days, and now this (...so so pale...)?
what if, and mother bought me "once upon a time in mexico" for no reason at all the other day ($5...still deciding if it's a good price....)?
what if it's like some kind of johnny depp conspiracy?
what if, now if only we could get it to be a NUDE johnny depp conspiracy, then we'd be in business ?
what if jason smith should have played charlie?
18 July 2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Heitie: What if *sigh* put UP photos?
what if the kodak.com one is free and easy but I dunno if you can host pics there or link to individual pics?
What if I go try?
18 July 2005, 07:11 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if I'm wondering if the Short Bike is like the Short Bus?
What if contrary to popular belief, I've never taken the short bus?
What if I won't let Sara have the crayons 'cause she keeps stuffing 'em up her nose and screaming "I'm SabreGabby!"
What if who needs that shit right after naptime?
18 July 2005, 07:15 PM
What if I am having trouble knowing who people are with their roller derby aliases?
What if everyone puts a hint in their sig pics like i did?
What if you all stop reading this and go on now, run along and do it?
18 July 2005, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Frida Killyou:
What if Danica looks beautiful?
What if pretty soon X.C. will have to move to Utah with all these wives?
What if that'd be really "big 'o me" to load up the mrs's and move to Utah?
What if Jen & Zhang & Danica oh my!?
18 July 2005, 08:02 PM
what if "is this your house? your house of sand and fog?"...what a weird-arse movie?
what if jen's eyes seem more glassy in it than usual - and they're usually pretty glassy - so they verge on terrifying me?
what if that boy sure is pretty though ?
what if my sister still hasn't arrived and it's almost 10 (well, past 10 now)?
what if i don't know what she's up to?
what if i should go arrange myself next to the heater downstairs and read harry whilst monitoring the "gangs of new york" situation?
what of god my hands are cold?
what if i think my blood is freezing ?
what if...hey...do i even have a tape ready for that movie...?
what if...uh oh o.o?
18 July 2005, 08:35 PM
beauTifully tragic
what if shawn suggested adjusting the fork and rear shock?
what if maybe this weekend i'll go look at the bike to see if it's ridable without modification?
Originally posted by feisT: what if shawn suggested adjusting the fork and rear shock?
what if i probably shouldn't have skipped the "adjusting" in that, or read it out of context?
what if i just put my naked ladies poster up in the loungeroom - should be interesting to see what kind of reaction it gets from family members and passers by ?
what if still no sister...?
what if i've felt nautious all morning...i don't know if that's related?
what oop, she's here now. catch ya'll some time later then i guess?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, 19 July 2005 03:27 AM
19 July 2005, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by feisT:
what if shawn suggested adjusting the fork and rear shock?
What if that is an option?
What if you need to be careful, though, because it can also result in a bike that bottoms out over speed bumps?
What if another option is to make or get someone to make you a custom seat with less height, or some of the stuffing scooped out?
What if it's surprising how much lower this can get your butt to the ground?
What if the best option is to take a test ride and actually see if you DO need the bike altered?
What if it's amazing how tall a bike you can handle, once you get used to its quirks?
What if I have only be able to put the balls of my feet on the ground for the last three bikes I have ridden?
What if that's never been a problem for my riding?