02 August 2005, 09:00 AM
ShawnWhat if ...??
What if big wheels keep on turin'?
What if Proud Mary keeps on burnin'?
What if... Rollin'!?!
What if... Rollin'!?!
What if... Rollin' on a river?
02 August 2005, 09:09 AM
ShawnWhat if cool, I've started two new pages?
02 August 2005, 09:14 AM
FahrenheitWhat if dang ol' talkin bout that's awesome, man?
02 August 2005, 09:16 AM
FahrenheitWhat if FX has been running a lot of King of the Hill?
What if it's rubbing off on me, tell ya what...but not in a John Redcorn way?
02 August 2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Heitie:
What if it's rubbing off on me, tell ya what...but not in a John Redcorn way?
What if I need a massage, shug?
What if everytime I hear someone say shug, I laugh?
What if, that's my purse! I don't know you!
02 August 2005, 11:30 AM
zoomwhat if i know where you live, sex-ed teacher lady?
what if how do you know my name, crane-killer?
what if oh man, what kind of leftist hootenanny is this...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 August 2005, 11:30 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I feel like playing Boggle?
02 August 2005, 11:54 AM
SaraWhat if Scrabble is good too?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 02 August 2005, 01:26 PM
GabberWhat if I hate my work right now?
What if too many hours this week and they never seem to remember that I have a hurt knee (thanks to them)?

What if however I am enjoying my new spiffy computer immensely?
What if especially because
Sara was right all along -- WoW is like crack?

What if must play the WoW?

What if but I also must clean up my room at some point soon?
What if because only 9 more days till my girl is here?
What if I can't wait?

What if we both SO need a vacation?
What if specifically with each other?

02 August 2005, 01:59 PM
SaraWhat if I hate your work too?
What if I hate mine as well?
What if the a/c in the office is out?
What if yeeeeah, in the middle of a Texas summer?
What if I stole a fan from a co-worker who's out of the office?
What if but when she comes back she's going to want it?
What if the temp is rising in here as it gets hotter outside?
What if sucktacular?
What if WoW is like crack, I'm so glad I got my girlfriend addicted?
What if I love playing and questing with her?

What if 9 more days?
What if thank God?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 02 August 2005, 03:55 PM
ShawnWhat if I call my dog Bobby?
What if cuz, "Dang it Bobby!"?
What if he only goes by his real name maybe a third of the time?
What if my dog has an alias?
What if Dale would find that cause for alarm?
What if
King of The Hill is one of my top 3 favorite shows?
02 August 2005, 05:00 PM
KSenaWhat if my love and I are being waaaay nerdy?
What if we like it?

02 August 2005, 06:49 PM
XF3What if I am feeling wayyy better now?
What if I was even able to eat a whole sandwich?
What if it was yummy?
What if that's Scrapbooking,
Chiana , my dear?
What if it's my life?
What if I think it's time for some contact solution?
02 August 2005, 06:51 PM
XF3What if I think we're changing Nut's name to Howler?
What if because that's all she does?
02 August 2005, 11:28 PM
<Heitie>What if Francine is two years old now and still has a little princess meow?
What if sometimes it's little more than a squeak?

03 August 2005, 12:42 AM
XF3What if if she wasn't purring half the time when she was howling I would think something was wrong?
What if I don't think I've ever had a cat this vocal?
What if it's kinda neat though?
What if I just had a horrible flash foward of her going into heat?
03 August 2005, 03:05 AM
ArgeauxWhat if my dog Daniel 'talks' to me with a deep-throated whine?
What if he sometimes gets called 'Whiner' as a result?
What if Suzie gets called 'Snappy' because she often snaps her teeth at us?
What if one of the best things about dogs is making up nicknames for them?
What if Suzie gets called Suzie Q, Missy Moo, Snappy, and Fluffy Dog?
What if Daniel gets called Daniel D, Cuddle Boy, Whiner, and Plush Puppy?
03 August 2005, 08:12 AM
zoomwhat if Stellaloo, Puppalish, Boonsie?
what if Buddy, Big Boy, Mr. Man?
what if i am notorious for spontaneous dog (and human...) nicknames?
what if sometimes
le doesn't like hers?
what if "Pooty"'s not so bad, is it...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
03 August 2005, 08:25 AM
ChianaWhat if my dog, Sara, gets called Sara Lee, Sugar Bear, LuLu, Collie Flower (she's a border collie), and Little Pig?
What if the last one is because sometimes she snorts at us when she wants to go outside?
What if sometimes she snorts at the cat when we don't let her out right away?
What if she thinks the cat can let her out?
What if it's so cute?
What if "Pootie" makes me laugh?
What if it makes me think of the movie Pootie Tang?
What if sadatay my damies?
03 August 2005, 08:51 AM
KSenaWhat if it is only 4 weeks left before we get our little kittens?
What if I am delighted about it?
What if I grew up and lived with cats my whole life?
What if these last 4 years I haven't had any cats?
What if I can't wait till they get here?
What if I jump up and down as soon as I see catstuff in a store?
What if my love thinks I am nuts?

03 August 2005, 08:52 AM
KSenaWhat if I actually found Boonsie to be a cute name for a dog...?
What if my love wants to name our cats Gin and Tonic?
What if I think it is idiotic?
What if those names grow on me anyway?
03 August 2005, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Drusilla:
What if my love wants to name our cats Gin and Tonic?
What if you name them Martini and Olive?
03 August 2005, 10:17 AM
<Heitie>What if Bolly and Stolly?
03 August 2005, 10:55 AM
ArgeauxWhat if
Ares has a nickname that he hates, but I can't say it on the Scrolls?
What if that's because, if I do, I know that
Ame will call him that the next time we all get together?
What if that's coz she's pure dastardly evil incarnate?

03 August 2005, 07:49 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if cats have lotsa names?
What if Friday was also known as Friday the 13th, Mister Friday, Herr Freitag, Freitag der Wunderkatz and the Iron Colonel?
What if Katie is also known as the Waco Kitty?
What if she has the fastest claws in the West?
What if Dodger was named as part of a pair?
What if he was the Artful Dodger and his brother was Twister?
What if the latest feline addition to the family was named Oliver Twist?
What if the only nick name ever given to me was "Killer"?
What if I forgot about "Divine one?"