Originally posted by Anita Cocktail: what if Dr. Pepper is a Texas tradition and a fine, tasty, refreshing beverage that tastes nothing like cough medicine (prune juice, maybe. but not cough med...) and without which zoom's day does not start well?
what if okay, maybe it's my cough medacine that tastes like dr pepper?
what if i therefore find the taste truamatic?
what if, that, and the idea of having it served hot/warm, as someone in a movie once suggested *shudder*?
what if i don't care how it tastes, soft drink is a ..dish.. best served cold?
what if, but to be fair, it has been many a year since i've actually allowed myself to drink dr pepper, so maybe...no, i don't think i even want to risk it?
what if i'm sorry zoom, i really am, but i just don't think i can do it?
what if maybe some day i'll be brave enough to give it another chance, but today's not that day?
what if i'd have another jagermeister first?
what if at least that has fun side-effects ?
30 August 2005, 11:04 AM
What if Dr. Pepper's pretty good but Pepsi is better?
What if I have been known on occasion to get a craving for a ice cold DP?
What if 12, 2, 6, 10?
What if or something like that?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
30 August 2005, 07:14 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if Pepsi is an abomination?
What if Dr. Pepper is a grand ol' tradition?
What if Coca Cola is my favorite?
30 August 2005, 07:19 PM
What if you're all so cute talking about being peppers?
What if I haven't had soda in a while?
What if I drank too much soda so I decided to cut it out?
What if but now you're all making me want a Dr. Pepper?
What if jerks?
What if my hair-dryer broke today?
What if so I blew my hair dry on the way to work by sticking my head out the window, much like a dog?
What if I even took the highway instead of my usualy route of backroads?
What if I figured the faster speed would be better, though maybe a bit excessive?
What if I was mildly worried that many bugs would be caught up in my mane?
What if but alas, I was safe from the bugs?
What if and my hair doesn't look too terrible, it actually looks kind of pretty and natrualy wavy?
30 August 2005, 08:03 PM
beauTifully tragic
what if i have a barq's (a fine new orleans tradition) instead?
what if pepsi max claims to have maximum taste, no sugar?
what if i don't know about that, but it's not as sweet and throat-clogging as most colas seem to be, which is why i like it?
what if ditto diet coke, although the bubbles can burn on occasion, and it doesn't keep for long?
what if diet vanilla coke is some sort of godly beverage i say?
what if small bottles, consumed instantly, that's the way to do it?
what if i keep forgetting that i have m&ms lying around somewhere?
what if i go get myself a pepsi max and make short work of them?
what if healthy ?
31 August 2005, 02:07 AM
What if I think you're all just trying to make me get back on the sauce?
What if "the sauce" being soda/pop/soft drinks?
What if grrrr?
31 August 2005, 07:49 AM
what if a soft drink without sugar is an abomination?
what if the bastardization of Barq's is also an abomination?
what if my grandmother made us floats with chocolate ice cream and Barq's?
what if she called them "purple cows"?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
31 August 2005, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Anita Cocktail:
what if a soft drink without sugar is an abomination?
What if your sensitivity to those of us who NEED to drink that kind of soft drink is quite overwhelming?
31 August 2005, 10:22 AM
What if...what is this...sen-suh-tiv-itee you speak of?
What if I have to admit, I'm selfish and never think of people who HAVE to drink diet sodas and the like for health reasons?
What if I only know that since I don't have to, I usually don't?
What if though I really like caffeine free Coke for some reason, as well as caffeine free DP and caffeine free Pepsi?
What if but no diet sodas?
What if KC's Dad is a diabetic and he swears by Diet Coke sugared with Splenda?
What if I think it's cool zoom gave that fam food for free?
What if you's good people zoomie?
What if my eyebrow hurts?
What if ow?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
31 August 2005, 11:06 AM
What if I'm hoping that KC's Dad doesn't stick Splenda in his Diet Coke, coz that sounds very scary, to me?
What if it must be nice to be born without imperfection, so as to not have to think about the misfortunes of others?
31 August 2005, 11:51 AM
What if no, he doesn't stick it in there, it's flavored already by Coke?
What if I wonder if they have that in Oz, the diet Coke sweetened with Splenda, I mean?
What if I think of the misfortunes of others...just not when it comes to diet sodas and the drinking thereof?
What if ?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
31 August 2005, 12:59 PM
what if i'm sorry there are people who must experience the abomination of unsugared soft drinks?
what if personally, if i couldn't drink the real thing, i wouldn't drink soft drinks at all?
what if i'd rather have overwhelming insensitivity than say... an overwhelming smell?
what if now i'm off to take a load of groceries to my mom & her house-guest evacuees??
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 September 2005, 05:56 PM
What if the new girl at work is diabetic, so since we will be buting drinks for the social club fridge that are diet for her, maybe i could try cutting down on my soft drink consumption?
What if at least my leaded softdrinks, and try and find an unleaded that i like?
What if i hate anything pepsi, and really aren't fussed on D. Coke?
What if diet 7up, i think from memory is ok?
What if we're going to see charlie and the choc factory tomorrow?
What if this sunday is father's day in australia?
What if i can't remember what i was gunna what if about?
What if i need to fill in the XEC form for The Furies?
What if i shall go do that now?
01 September 2005, 06:25 PM
Discord Man
What if I think the XEC is one of the best ideas ever?
What if I watched the Furies from start to finish 2 times to fill out the answers?