What if I'm reminded of that show, "The Little Drummer Boy II?"
What if Money Money Money makes you poor or makes you rich?
What if hmmm, good idea for a sig?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
09 December 2005, 04:43 PM
What if i am ONLY what iffing to bump this sorry thread, which had sunk about 10 - 12 threads down?
What if Jessie had her concert last night, so we all slept in this morning?
What if i forgot to tape charmed on thrsday and wondered if salem did?
What if i hear they have moved the timeslot (and day this time) for charmed?
What if, my god i hate channel 10, it's reminding me of their xena days?
09 December 2005, 04:57 PM
What if I have to go make dinner?
What if I want to be lazy and not do it?
What if but Rachel has been asking me to make potato soup?
What if it feels good that she's requesting it but I still want to be lazy?
What if poor what if thread?
What if I feel guilty that I've been spending too much time with the "Every Now and Then you Gotta Say..." thread?
What if at least I have a Subaru now, so it's a little better?
What I have a Subaru too?
What if i (heart) my Subaru?
What if I am quite sure that it is the only reason that I *did* make it home?
What if it was the other non-Subaru-driving drivers that were the scariest part of the commute?
11 December 2005, 10:38 AM
Free Madness
What if John and I watched "sorcerer's stone" on family last night, and he liked it?
What if, but i think he has to see it on a day that he hasn't had three hours sleep?:P
What if he kept nodding off toward the end?
What if but oooo snape was sexy indeed?
What if there was an extended bit that wasn't in the movie in the theatre?
What if i got to hear him say, "Gryffendors...be advised that an extra five points will be taken from your house...for your classmate's cheek."
What if cute?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
11 December 2005, 10:41 AM
Free Madness
What if I feel guilty that I've been spending too much time with the "Every Now and Then you Gotta Say..." thread?
What if sorry what if thread?
What if I'm honored to have momentarily distracted at least one scroller from the what if thread?
What if...but of course, there is only ONE what if thread.
What if I decided to be rebelious and end that last what if with a period?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
what if "eaten by crabs" is on Oxygen this morning?
what if even in the dreaded Season 4, there are special moments?
what if...sigh...?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom,
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
13 December 2005, 12:40 AM
what if i'm back from my sister's house again?
what if, not that i think i mentioned i was going there...?
what if meanwhile, she's in hospital?
what if overnight observation even?
what if i was left alone with the child for hours (some people are SO inconsiderate )?
what if i threw pokemon at it and hoped for the best?
what if it worked out fine, except for when the father came to take the kid home, and it didn't like being taken away from the pokemon...tears ensued?
what if, also, i may have poisoned it with peanut butter (not a peanut allergy - there may have been dairy...but the back only said peanuts and vegetable oil - none of that comes from cows does it??)?
what if, at any rate, they'll think twice about leaving him with me again ?
what if, in other news, green day tomorrow woo! ?
what if, and salem's sig is pretty ?
13 December 2005, 05:52 PM
What if, oh well that is one charmed i'll have to wait to watch, till it comes out on dvd?
What if, it seems NO ONE i know that watches it, that normally tapes it, actuslly taped it last week?
What if that means charmed is on tonight!
What if i have period pain, so BLAH!
14 December 2005, 07:48 AM
what if it's 1 day til The Beaver?
what if approximately 40 hours til the party?
what if 35 of them i'll be working?
what if bringin' home the bacon, baby...?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
14 December 2005, 11:31 AM
Free Madness
What if I'm listening to the Pointer Sisters' version of "Santa claus is comin to town"?"
What if they are doing Springsteen's version which was actually the Jackson five version or whoever it was?
What if it's tons of fun?
What if so is this new recording/composing musical equipment i got?
What if i'm so stoked to be able to make quality music on the computer...WHOHOO!
What if one of the best christmas gifts ever?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
14 December 2005, 01:12 PM
what if i wonder if it's as good as Rupaul's version of "Little Drummer Boy"?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
14 December 2005, 05:10 PM
What if I can't believe how far the what if thread was?
What if tonight is the night I finish my christmas cards?
What if I don't want to have work on them all day tomorrow on my day off?
What if I got a massage at work today?
What if from a real massuse? (sp?)
What if it wasn't long enough?
What if I couldn't believe how I wanted to drop to the ground when he was done?