What if ...??

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15 December 2005, 08:10 AM
What if ...??
What if I hope I get some crap? Smile

What if hooray for Maddie having a wild time at the concert?

What if I thought I had more to say?

What if I have sun burn?

What if I've been swimming again?

What if the other day I had the Rogue Traders CD blaring downstairs and the speakers at the door so it would be plenty loud down at the pool so I could swim and dance? Smile

What if I did check to seeif any of the neighbours were in their backyards but there were none?

What if but when I got out, I saw on of them sitting on their own balcony and I felt kinda guilty?

What if but damn it, I had the music on first!

What if today I had Bowie on? Smile


15 December 2005, 09:03 AM
What if I'm glad that Smirky's work situation got sorted out? Smile

What if it cool that XF3 has bested FFX?

What if I wanna get FFIV for GBA, when it comes out in Oz?

What if Miss Conduct looks ... intriguing?

What if I love a gal with piercing?

What if I've been enjoying my pool this Summer?

What if my niece came over for a swim, the other day?

What if we bought a lilo to float on?

What if Suzie kept putting her face over the edge of the pool to watch us?

What if I'm glad that Gabber's Dad is OK?

What if Ares got me AC: WW today, but I can't play it until Christmas?

What if I know that zoomy is ALL about the Beaver? Big Grin

What if it's exciting that Gabber and Sara will soon be together at last? Smile

What if I like Bowie?


15 December 2005, 12:28 PM
Free Madness
What if we take our new kitty to the vet today?

What if she's so sweet, we got her last week from my sis?

What if here's a piccie?

What if her name's Craela?Smile

What if we like unusual names that don't sound like "fido" or "fluffy?"Big Grin

What if I'm groovin on this vactaion?

What if i'm also happy Gabber and Sara will be together in texas at last?

What if hey that's worth celebrating?Smile

What if with that said, a toast, drunk with coffee?

What if laters for now?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

15 December 2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
What if it's exciting that Gabber and Sara will soon be together at last? Smile


Originally posted by Dances with Broomsticks:
What if i'm also happy Gabber and Sara will be together in texas at last?

What if thanks everyone, we're very excited and happy as well? Smile

What if the days are flying yet crawling?

What if we both still have lots to do but it'll all be done in due time?

What if but your well wishes and enthusiasm are very much appreciated? Smile

What if and actually Gabber's Dad is back in the ER, just today, with some more complications?

What if so any prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes you can send again, would be most appreciated?

What if thank you? Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
15 December 2005, 06:41 PM
Free Madness
What if blessings and strong positive vibes to Keri's dad?

What if I wish all the best for him and you guys during this time?

What if I love system restore?Big Grin

What if bye for now?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

15 December 2005, 11:16 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if I hope Gabber's dad will be okay?

What if there are wasps up in my tower?

What if I'm wondering how the heck they got up in there?

What if one was an active little bastard today?

What if it was rattling the blinds?

What if you really hear the wind up there?

What if it beats breathing in the diesel fumes that filtered into the dungeon we were working in just a few weeks ago?

What if all of my work references are prison metaphors?

What if I don't know what that means?

16 December 2005, 01:21 AM
what if my computer crashed at around 3pm?

what if it drew my attention to the fact that i had a phone message that was left at around 1pm?

what if it was my mother saying that my sister had gone into labour and that she (mother) was coming to pick me up and take me to broken bay (i think), possibly to look after the 3 year old?

what if there have been no messages or phone calls since, and it is now 5.30pm?

what if...hmm...?

what if i'm still planning to go to carrols in the domain tomorrow, if salem was wondering?

what if i shall just have to catch the train from brooklyn (i don't think mother will be coming...unless she wants to bring the kid...which i very much doubt she will...oh GOD what if she makes ME take the kid Eek...that's not going to happen...)?

what if, that's if mother is in fact still coming to get me...which...i don't think it takes 4 hours to do...but it might?

what if i dislike being left all up in the air like this, but what are you gonna do?

what if i should probably get off the net and free up the phone line too, but people need to be informed and i'm not sure when there'll be a chance later?

what if i'm hearing thunder...and IF mother comes, i will be expected to cross potentially rough seas in a boat?

what if i find myself to be very sleepy all of a sudden?

what if ah! ocean star tape!! *grabs/hugs it*?

16 December 2005, 03:43 AM
What if, geez, labour, some people are so inconsiderate? Razz

What if although, you just sayed on MSN that people are at your place now, unless they have come to all kidnap you..?

What if what time are we going to the carols tomorrow?

What if do we have to leave at the crack of sparrows, to ensure good positions and more time to stalk jason?

What if??

What if my cousins came over to go swimming today?

What if when I was crouched down playing with the younger cousin, the older one throw a bug at me?

What if and then his little friend came up behind me and put one down my shirt >.<?

What if I took care of him though, him and that friend of his..


16 December 2005, 04:22 AM
What if I've been researching Carols in the Domain?

What if, even though I'm sure Maddie has everything sorted..?

What if, I just wanted to know what train station to get out at?

What if and where the hell 'The Domain' was?

What if otherwise I'd just go up to a random stranger and say "I need to get to the Domain, I have this much money"?

What if, then they'd snatch it and say "Not anymore!" and flee?

What if whee, Melissa Doyle will be there at the 'celebrity' tent?

What if Smile?

What if I wish the Neighbours stars were allowed to go? Frown


16 December 2005, 05:17 AM
What if i better what if, so it doesn;t look like salem is talking to himself?

What if i am going to see Argy tomorrow?

What if wheeeee?

What if i bought fire emblem for the game cube, just for that very reason, so we could play it till our fingers bleed?

What if, and then we could be zombies on buffy if we have time left?

What if we were laughing, for almost no reason after a few drinks last time we played buffy, but looking back i know i found it hilarious!

What if jessie got her report card yesterday, and of course it was superb?

What if she got an award for school too?

What if i;m gunna have to get a bigger house to host all her medals, trophies and awards?

What if, and also more walls for her dancing, and sschool and santa photos Big Grin

What if it rains while they are at the domain (salem and maddie) and jason's clothes fall off cause they were badly made, and the stiching disintergrates? (sp)

What if i feel like i haven't what iffed in for ever?

What if we have been soooo busy at work, and we will be until we shut down next friday?

What if xmas is certainly rushing upon us?

What if we have almost done our xmas shopping (ie: jess is done, and she is the most important)

16 December 2005, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore:
What if it rains while they are at the domain (salem and maddie) and jason's clothes fall off cause they were badly made, and the stiching disintergrates? (sp)

What if, I'm not dragging Maddie around everywhere after she passes out?


16 December 2005, 08:13 AM
What if I'm hoping that Gabber's dad is doing okay and sending him well wishes?

What if I was very close to not playing Animal Crossing either until after Christmas if it wasn't for the fact that Rachel wanted to play it too?

What if we took out Panda's stitches last night?

What if she cried like a little girl?

What if litteraly?

What if I almost have all of my Christmas shopping done?

What if just a few more things for Rachel and one friend and one family member to buy for?

What if I don't feel like doing cards for work this year?

What if just a couple for my immediate co-workers in the pantry and that's it?

My Space

16 December 2005, 08:15 AM
What if I saw Hudson Leick on Seventh Heaven last night?

What if Big Grin?

My Space

17 December 2005, 08:50 AM
what if i've bloody done it again?

what if this makes 3 major pain events in 6 weeks?

what if i'm on crutches (well...supposed to be. as much as i can be on the busiest work week of my year)?

what if as we arrived at the loading dock of the office building where the Beaver event takes place, i stepped in an unseen slick spot on the fairly steep grade of the alley and did a terrible thing to my knee?

what if i probably would've broken my ankle if i hadn't decided to eschew fashion and wear my hiking boots?

what if as it was, the boot saved my ankle but screwed my knee?

what if i have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday morning?

what if much pain?

what if but i had to gimp through the Beaver gig, plus 12 hours yesterday, plus another 12 or so today?

what if tomorrow, the only thing i absolutely have to do is fry chicken for 70 people?

what if i could work another 12 though, thre's tons to do?

what if the staff has been great?

what if le, too?

what if i on the other hand am losing my mind over not being able to do what i normally can do?

smash smash smash smash smash

what if i quit whining & wish Gabber's dad well?


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

17 December 2005, 10:31 AM
Smirk Morgan
what if zoom has to change her name to Her Accidency, Guardian zoom?

What if she has to change her avatar to Gerald Ford?

What if at least this broke the pattern?

What if not being Sunday and all?

17 December 2005, 11:41 AM
beauTifully tragic
what if austin sounds like a rough town?

the same love she gives
she requires

i don't believe in miracles..i never read my horoscope
i don't like strangers touching me..i'm basically a misanthrope
17 December 2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore:
What if it rains while they are at the domain (salem and maddie) and jason's clothes fall off cause they were badly made, and the stiching disintergrates? (sp)

what if *imagines that pretty pink shirt melting away...drools...*?

what if, but it didn't rain, not while we were there. there was just a lighting strike along the train line as we were trying to get there, causing delays of over 2 hours?

what if, as a result, i didn't get to meet jason FrownFrownFrownFrownFrown?

what if, but i did get to stare at him from a short distance for about half an hour, so that was nice Smile?

what if me and salem met some other cool cats, so it wasn't a total waste of our time?

what if and then there was singing/screeching at the top of our lungs for hours and hours and hours Big Grin?

what if we weren't even drunk or nothin'?

(what if well, i might have been drunk on jason Wink?)

17 December 2005, 11:51 PM
Free Madness
What if I saw Hudson Leick on Seventh Heaven last night?

What if i just had a picture of Callisto on Seventh Heaven...and thought...YES, that's what that show needs?evilBig Grin

What if I'm thrilled that my kitty is in perfect health speaking of family stuff?

What if but she needs to get spayed so we're trying to find a place that does it somewhat cheaply?Razz

What if uhhhh 200 dollars to spay a cat? At the Holidays? AAAAAAAANOOOOOOO!Eeksmash

What if holy shit I said that and I think i actually finished all my shopping today without trying?Eek

What if I love it when that happens?Big Grin

What if I hope you heal up fast, Zoom, lotsa positive vibes your way too?

What if that was a strange full moon last night?Eek

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

17 December 2005, 11:59 PM
What if I think I am getting over a 24 hour flu bug?

What if I felt like crap?

What if I feel like a new person?

What if I'm still scared to eat anything?

What flashbacks from the last time I got sick keep coming back to me?

What if bad bad bad?

What if I only have three days on the schedule at work?

What if I'm kinda happy about it?

What if a WHOLE weekend without the brewery!?

What if YAY!?Big Grin

My Space

18 December 2005, 01:10 AM
What if...

Poor little Zoom
fell and went boom
we send her well wishes
hope you get better soon!?

My Space

18 December 2005, 09:12 AM
Free Madness
What if I"m going to see HP4 again with some friends I haven't seen in awhile?

What if that'll be fun?Smile

What if I wonder if I'll splurge on a cheesesteak?

What if I just love that movie?

What if I can't wait til john opens his gift?Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

19 December 2005, 04:32 AM
What if sheesh, I hope zoom recovers quickly?

What if the Carols on Saturday night were fun?

What if, except for the being trapped in a train for close to 4 hours part?

What if and Maddie not getting to meet Jason?

What if Sonic the hedgehog was there? ^_^

What if I didn't get to hug him though, or recieve a poster?

What if I find it funny that Maddie didn't complain about not being able to talk to Jason, while I pretty much bitched about Sonic for the rest of the night? Razz


19 December 2005, 08:24 AM
what if thanks for the well wishes?

what if the knee's about the same?

what if oh is pain, Princess?

what if anyone you tells you otherwise is selling you something?

what if i really wish i could sit propped up in front of the TV with pain pills & The Princess Bride today?

what if that ain't happening?

what if only five more days of holiday hell? smash smash smash smash smash


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

20 December 2005, 12:27 PM
What if I'm done buying and wrapping Christmas presents!?

What if don't be hatin'?

What if even for Rachel?

What if we had BBQ after shopping last night?

What if it was awesome?

What if we both took a box home?

What if I couldn't believe how much I didn't eat?

What if I will definately be back there?

What if my Panda is so cute when she's sleeping right next to me on the computer desk?

What if I'm ready to change my sig pic?

What if but to lazy to?

My Space

20 December 2005, 12:29 PM
What if I scrolled up and Maddie's sig pic scared the crap out of me? Eek

My Space