What if I can picture Salem looking awesome in black?
What if I used to have the black hair thing going too?
What if it was my Ann Wilson thing again...altho I didn't go as far as the purple and pink stripes she sported in the 80's.
What if actually my 2001 black hair was a tribute to Xena?
What if I loved my black hair but I also enjoy my highlights, which I have naturally so I decided to keep this color?
What if it's funny how the older we get the more we appreciate what nature gave us?
What if but it's fun to tweak things now and then?
What if when I work my stomach down to a flatter place I plan to get a tattoo there?
What if I feel the time will come in 2006?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
31 December 2005, 12:50 PM
What if Keri is here?
What if after all this time, my girl has finally come home?
What if I'm quite ecstatic?
What if hehe, she's actually in the shower now?
What if we're going to go pick her Mom up and get some NY Sub for lunch and show her around?
What if I'm quite happy she's here?
What if did I mention that?
What if I would go and finish Warrior Within Salem, but I got a beautiful woman in my house?
What if it's all about the priorities?
What if woo hoo?
What if don't mind me, I'm just happy?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
What if wish her a happy new year for me and take one yourself?
What if may this be the best year of both your lives...ya deserve it?
What if now I must go, I still got a gorgeous guy in my house and like ya said it's all about the priorities?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
31 December 2005, 09:56 PM
What if, fine, Sara, go be with your beautiful woman and spend many happy weeks together!
What if I'll just sit here with the Prince of Persia and.. uh.. yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this?
What if I wanna play the Two Thrones, but I'm frightened I'm getting near the end of the game and I don't want it to end?
What if I can honestly say it's the hottest day of the year so far?
What if, but even if it was still 2005, this day would be a strong contender for the title?
What if there's a hot wind outside, the kind that when you are exposed to it, it feels as though it's burning the flesh right off you?
What if, I would go for a swim, but I'd have to expose myself to the sun while running to the pool?
What if I could make a leap from the balcony, but I'm sure I'd miss and end up impaling myself on the surrounding spiked fence?
What if I should go take photos of my hair?
What if I just don't like posing for photo's for the sole purpose of showing something off?
What if I feel silly?
What if I have issues?
What if I'm melting into the seat?
edit: What if I think there is a bushfire somewhere, it smells a hell of a lot like smoke?
01 January 2006, 01:15 AM
what if there is indeed a fire?
what if my dad has got sprinklers on the roof, and mine and salem's houses are rather close to the action?
what if i keep hearing hellicopters over head?
what if kind of scary, kind of cool, kind of... i'm not sure how to feel just now?
what if i do hope no one dies?
what if i do hope no more houses burn down (particularly ours), cause one's gone already over in the next little town?
what if i don't think i've ever had to evacuate before, but there's a first time for everything (*has h&a tapes packed and ready to go*)?
What if she had it once before and she spent 2 months in hospital and 3 months living down with her mummy, until she was up to snuff?
What if, so far nothing they've given her is helping, but she's not getting any worse (unless she is lieing)
What if she has been sick since xmas eve?
What if i was curious if the bushfires over that way were anywhere near you guys :O
What if it got to something like 45 degrees (thats in celcius, so *45 degree Celsius = 113 degree Fahrenheit*.... to you yanks etc) :P
What if thats about the temp it was xmas eve too, i do believe?
What if i need a new sig pic, name and avatar?
What if time has gone too quick, and too much money has been spent, since we closed for work, and it's almost time to go back?
What if, mind you, we need the money, so hey, i suppose it's ok?
What if, it's good though, cause we used to close for 3 weeks, so the boss still gives you the option of having 3 weeks off, so most ppl won't be back, so therefore less ppl to notice me being online alot, since other companies aren't back yet either, so we are pretty slow most of january?
What if it will be nice to be back on a faster computer?
What if a neighbour is on holidays, and i am feeding her dog, so i have been *borrowing* alot of cds from her collection, and copying em hehe?
What if, yay argy just got online?
What if the first thing she asked was if me, sale and maddie were anywhere near the fires up here?
What if, i think i mentioned i'm not, but i know the other 2 are?
What if i am enjoying both my new FE GC game AND my FE GBA game (kisses to argy), its just hard to chose which game to play?
What if this what if is long enough for now?
01 January 2006, 03:29 AM
What if I hope Ame's mom is better soon?
What if I checked the Australian news and it said the fires are headed for the town Maddie lives in?
What if I'm sure Salem lives there as well, but not sure enough to make just one sentence out of it?
What if we all blow in just the right direction and turn the fires back on themselves?
What if a mighty wind's a-blowin' 'cross the land and 'cross the sea?
What if I'm a little queasy?
What if a queasy is some kind of creature in another language?
What if I hope it's something cute and/or elfin?
01 January 2006, 04:41 AM
What if bleh, it's hot?
What if yes, I do live in the same town as Maddie?
What if I'm not sure on the current situation of the fires now, but it's not as bad as it was before?
What if there's still a heck of a lot of smoke though?
What if it was kinda cool to see the big helicopters with hoses flying over head?
What if it's supposed to be around 15 degree's cooler tomorrow?
What if I hope it's true?
What if I said to Maddie last night I didn't like years that end with even numbers?
What if this year is off to a good start?
What if I hope Ame's mum gets well?
01 January 2006, 09:58 AM
what if 113 at Christmas is just wrong?
what if 113 anytime is wrong!?
what if unless of course there is a music festival going on?
what if i send good vibes for speedy recovery to Ame's mom?
what if as well as anti-fire vibes for Maddie & Salemtoo, if the winds blow his way as well?
what if let's see...evil weather...illness... fire (we're burning up over here in TX & OK as well)...isn't 2006 off to a lovely start?
what if pestilence can't be far behind?
what if i avoid contact with fowl, just in case?
what if oh yeah...Happy End of the Wor...uh... New Year!?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 January 2006, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by bowing to the absurd: what if pestilence can't be far behind?
what if there's been something chirping/clicking in my room all night...something *sinister*...?
what if thanks all for the anti-fire vibes - i think they might have worked (touch wood)?
what if i send similar vibes back across the pacific?
what if get well soon, mrs ame?
01 January 2006, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Madogis: what if there's been something chirping/clicking in my room all night...something *sinister*...?
what if...LOCUSTS!!!!!??
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 January 2006, 12:20 AM
What if hope Ame's mom feels all better soon?
What if hope all ye needin an end to the fires get it soon- wish i could ya the rain that's comin here?
What if uh what's that about the End of the World- what did Dubya do this time?
02 January 2006, 02:13 AM
What if I made chocolate chip cookies today?
What if from scratch?
What if first time ever?
What and yes I did want a cookie?
What if ?
What if other than that I got nothing accomplished?
What if despite my kitty cats' constant attempts to outdo each other?
What if lol, Cassandra won't even let Craela eat in peace without trying to steal her crunchies?
What if, gotta love territorial women, even in feline form?
What if I just shut Cassandra out of the computer room?
What if now Craela can enjoy?
What if This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
02 January 2006, 10:56 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if i just saw zoom on my tv?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Smirk Morgan,
What if eggnog and rum is a better combo than eggnog and brandy?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
03 January 2006, 07:22 AM
what if i'm doubting Smirk really saw me?
what if cuz i realized last night where i sat most all of last season was right next to a giant bank of lights, which i doubt they'll be shooting into?
what if i thoroughly enjoyed Rollergirls however?
what if Venus Envy often waits on us when we go to the Texas Chili Parlour (she's waited on Argy before, too!)?
what if it's way cool to see all the Austin shots & venues?
what if at some point in the series they show a rollergirl getting a tattoo from Karen, the local artist who's done work on me, Shawn & pj?
what if ?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
03 January 2006, 01:19 PM
What if I have a meeting before work today?
What if the meeting is at 2:30 and I have to work at 5?
What if so in between I will be playing Animal Crossing?
What if they cut my hours down to 18hrs a week?
What if but yet the lady that I work with is getting 6 days?
What if I hate her?
What if she always tries and steals mine and the other girl's days?
What if but it's not going to happen anymore?
What if my one new years resolution is to scrapbook more?