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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i think i'm going to lismore in 2 weeks? what if the thought only occured to me last night? what if peoples birthdays and such? what if i'm getting sick of being told to do things for uni, (eg readings, bringing things in to be discussed) only to find that no one else has done it, or if they have, they're all having much better things to say about it than i do, so i just have to keep my mouth shut and look like i haven't done what i was supposed to, even though i have!? what if it's quite discouraging? what if meanwhile, i think i either overdosed on pain killers or had some bad chilli chicken from the sandwich shop, because i'm sort of wanting to throw up right now? what if at least i seem to look as sick as i feel, because people were asking if i was ok? what if this brings leaniency on the falling asleep while supposing to watch a video in class? what if this is a good thing? what if i'm kind of not looking forward to the 3 hour wait in an icy computer room, messing around with powerpoint presentations (which i think gave me an awful eye irritation yesterday) while mother goes and has a meeting with a teacher i don't like? what if it's her own stuff - i haven't done anything wrong - what are you implying!? what if i think i'm going to sleep a heck of a lot tonight/tomorrow/til sunday? what if *wonders if there's a little throwing up emoticon...*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if poor Maddie and the Icy Computer Chamber ![]() What if I would like to sleep all day tomorrow? What if I have another driving lesson in the afternoon? What if I don't like them, they are awkward? What if that Canadian girl that was on Neighbours seems to be on the 'Friday Night Games' this week, threatening to kiss anyone and everyone? What if I wonder why they don't write her back into Neighbours so they can stick her and Sky together, leaving Dylan free to be with Elle? What if the Amazing Race is on tonight? What if the second part of the season premiere? ![]() What if stupid channel 7? What if it's someone I know's 18th birthday tomorrow? What if I'm watching Smallville? What if it said it was going to be 32 degree's today, but I didn't feel all that hot? What if, sure I was warm, but it seemed worse the other day when it was only.. 27 or something? What if, what kind of disease do you have when you suddenly can't spell words properly, and capitalize things for no reason? What if I had a shocking time trying to write a post in the Home and Away thread? What if, I'm not doing so well here either, but you all wouldn't know that, coz I'm catching them as they happen? What if it's just really bizarre? What if I'm getting kind of hot now? What if, not over the typo disease? What if in general? What if I can't think of anything else to say? What if I wish I was hungry, but I'm not? What if I want it to rain? What if, yeah, that was really worth the extra few minutes I spent trying to come up with some more What Ifs? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I don't like 'Lost' anymore? >.< ![]() ![]() ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if my driving teacher, when I were a wee lass, asked me if I had a boyfriend and, when I said "No", preceeded to stroke my thigh? What if I was a little green at the time and didn't know what to do ie. tell his employer and get him busted? What if I have prescription sunnies for driving, and I really like 'em? What if they didn't start off being prescription, but were my favourite pair for driving on a sunny day? What if they are classics - Dakota Smiths with silver frames and ... oh they are really just to cool to describe in detail - you'd have to see 'em? What if Ares and I were invited to the U2 concert in April, but it's now been postponed? What if he's spewin' coz he totally loves U2? What if my little Suzie girl seems to have chipped one of her lower teeth? What if those dogs play rough? What if I feel Smirky's pain for I have many useless qualifications and am too "old" and "quirky looking" to be given any jobs where I could interact with the public? What if I'd like a job doing something, just about anything? What if except youth work, which I can find about sixty millions job ads for and I am supremely qualified? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if, well, my instructor hasn't stroked my thigh, so that's a plus? What if I had to cancel my driving lesson today anyway? What if, I wasn't going to make it home in time? What if coz someone threw themselves infront of a train at Wyong Station? What if they did it about half an hour before I got there? What if the body was still stuck under the train when I got there though? What if icky? What if I didn't know what was happening when I got there, I just saw a heap of ambulances and police all over the place? What if I asked a lady on the station what was happening with the trains and she said there was a fatality? What if later on, some random guy filled me in (graphically) on what happened? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if oh my god, I can't believe how big of a cry baby bitch Bree is on the Friday Night Games? What if I never liked her on Big Brother, but she wasn't so irritating on this, until tonight? What if I really want to go on more about this, but it's just so trivial and the words I want to use would be frowned upon? What if I just had to let you all know how irritated I am? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if driving tests, i need to do that? ![]() What if I'm tired of not driving? What if I'm also tired of asking to be driven everywhere? ![]() What if my teacher can stroke my thigh all he wants, cuz it ain't gonna be anyone else but John? ![]() What if we're gonna have a Harry Potter marathon tonight? ![]() What if I'm greatly looking forward to it as I am now the proud owner of the Goblet of Fire dvd? What if sorry to rub it in, Aussies, I know you gotta wait til the end of march? ![]() ![]() What if I hope Maddie feels better? What if Argy, I hope you and Ares enjoy U2 when you finally get to go? What if I enjoy Bono's voice myself? ![]() What if young doggies do play rough? What if speaking of pet issues, I'm happy to report that Craela the cat is all healed up from the spay op, and the funnel is long gone? What if now i just need to fatten her up some more cuz she lost a bit of weight with that stupid thing on her head making it hard to eat? ![]() What if she's still a feisty, lovable trooper? ![]() What if ok more coffee? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
What if, look at me online on a weekend? What if, i don't know why i didn't think of it sooner, but I am online with the maC? What if, i got an Ipod yesterday? What if Micky boughgt it for me? What if it is only a nano, but so what? What if he refused to buy me a DS, so Ipod was next on my list? What if thats why i am on this comp, cause i am putting all (well some for now) our cd's on this comp, since mine needs a reformat? What if, i wonder if there is any better compatability with anything for itunes and the ipod, cause this is also an apple? What if i have some HUGE news and am deciding whether or not to start a new thread about it? What if i probably will? What if i need to get some sort of chat programs on this thing, i'll die with out that? What if i don't know if all are available for a mac?????? ********************************* | |||
What if i have been putting our cd's on this comp for the most part of the day? What if Micks dad gave me a thing so you can listen to your ipod through your car stereo, but it nust be only for a full ipod, cause it doesn't fot my nano? ********************************* | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I have a thing to listen to my iPod through any radio? What if I mostly use it in the car? What if that's cool, you having a Nano? What if they look sweet? What if we can swap songs via the 'net, now that you have joined the iPod family? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
What if xenacrazed seems to be the only other scroller around today? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I want an iPod? What if I just take Ames? What if I'm just stuck with my discman forever and ever? What if I saw Tales of Eternia for the PSP today? What if I held it and wanted to cry? What if it's not too long now until Tales of Phantasia is released for the GBA here? What if I should be able to hold out til then? What if then I'll be laughing, laughing from my grave? -_- ____________________ ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I have been playing Tales of Eternia almost non-stop since I got it? What if I LOVE it!!?? What if there's no WAY Tales of Phantasia will be anywhere near as good? What if that's coz the GRAPHICS, man, on the PSP, man, are totally mind-blowingly awesome for an RPG, man? What if I think it's almost my favourite handheld game ever? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guru![]() |
[quote]what if my pants used to call people sometimes before i got a flip phone? [quote] What if I used to have this exact same problem, except I had the additional problem of making calls while sleeping, becuase I rolled over on the phone? What if Tartarus, it's been a long time since I posted? What if please forgive? What if I started a Mythology class, and I love it? What if maybe I'll post my "original myth"? What if I cannot wait for my vacation? What if these 24 and 36 hour days are getting to be too much? What if I don't know what else to say, right now? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if salem can have my ipod thingy, cause i don't see when i'm ever going to use it? what if i hoard it until his 21st and then claim to be sending it with a lot of thought and love when really i'm just too lazy think of anything else? what if also, i didn't think you'd like lost anymore - those people really are awful to you ![]() what if this was not the way to win my affections for that disagreeably pushy girl who thinks she's hysenflay, but she's not hysenflay -_- what if that's not the rabbit's name at all, and if it is, i certainly haven't spelled it right? what if nevermind then? what if i got driven to uni today - score ![]() what if but the fact remains, i am at uni, on the boring day ![]() what if at least there is the precious precious internet *strokes the monitor*? what if i appreciate everyone's support in trying to bust out of my own little purgatory? what if here's hopin'? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if i never realised i wanted an ipod, till i got an ipod, and now i don't think i could live without it..lol What if, i wish though, i'd saved up a couple more dollars and spent a bit more on the gig size than just going, oh, that will do? What if i still love it, it would just make me love it more? What if i'll tell mick he can have this one, and he can buy me a 60gig? What if, not that i'd ever use it, cause my hard drive is only 80, and i refuse to fill it up with music..lol What if i found the prefect wedding shoes, and shall be buying em today? What if my friend works in said shoe shop, and rang me, and told me they were on special today and tomorrow? What if that sealed the deal on whether i wanted em or not :P What if deep purple is going to be my dress? What if shall i say... Amethyst...lol What if, actually a bit darker? What if i'll see if i can find a similar shade? ********************************* | |||
What if, sort of like 660066 in any html colour chart? WHat if i'll look for an image? ********************************* | |||
What if sorta this colour, but obviously, not the dress...lol What if, maybe the dress? ![]() ********************************* | |||
What if i just found some STUNNING pagent dresses (LMAO) ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i like the colour of ame's dress ![]() what if, if i choose to get married, i'm gettin one of those crinkly hippy dresses ![]() what if meanwhile, i was trying to find pictures from the buffy movie on google, and (aside from finding some nude pics of kristy swanson - great for uni o_o), i saw this: ![]() what if i think i want it, even though i'd be afraid to wear it, lest it draw inaccurate connotations? what if.. screw the connotations, it's pretty damn it!? what if crap, i still haven't taken things back to the library? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I believe the correct spelling is Hyzenthlay? What if I'm wondering why anybody would want to be a rabbit? What if not that there's anything wrong with that? What if I fully appreciate Hyzenthlay's leadership qualities and overall good sense? What if and the rabble rousing? What if I always wondered if the daddy of her expected litter when the Efrafans came to attack Watership Down was Thlayli/Bigwig? What if I know it wasn't really an important plot point? What if I think I misspelled Efrafans? What if I think I'm misspelling "misspell"? What if the next upgrade to EVE has spellcheck? What if that way the mistakes will be much more amusing? What if or infuriating? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm excited Argy has Tales of Eternia? What if *gets thief tools ready* What if I know, I know, Tales of Phantasia won't be as pretty as Tales of Eternia, but I have Tales of Symphonia for prettiness? What if Tales of Symphonia is one of my top three favourite games of all time? What if Tales of Eternia could possibly persuade me to get a PSP? What if I think I will wait until there are more games I want though? What if there is also Tales of the Tempest for the DS to look forward to, but that'll probably be 2 years before it makes it here? What if Maddie should get the shirt? What if, if I didn't buy shirts coz I worried what people would think, well, I wouldn't have Kiki now, would I? What if Ame should totally wear the second dress she posted? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i was going to not be bothered logging in, but when i hit reply, i had to anyway? what if oh well, i'm here now? what if i'm meant to be starting and finishing an assignment which is due in just over an hour? what if WHY do people hide assessment tasks at the back of course outlines, and then only discuss them in class when i'm deathly ill and therefore not paying attention!? what if salem had a new friend on the train to day? what if i felt usurped ![]() what if he's much too cool for me now :'(? what if *goes to sit by herself in a corner*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if usurper! usurper!!? What if shut up, Becky? What if I wonder if in the very olden days people had segments of fireside stories popping into their heads when they heard certain words? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I so need to find the Watership Down movie? What if I haven't seen that since I was a kid? What if all the blood was disturbing to my eleven year old mind but aside from that i remember loving it? What if i adored the book too? ![]() What if the last few days have felt longer than my life? ![]() What if I could use another vacation? What if oh hell, another birthday, another christmas, another valentine's day...AND easter, all in one? ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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