05 May 2006, 07:39 AM
SalemWhat if ...??
What if yikes, I just looked out the window and there's about a million people on the balcony of the house across the road?
What if okay, a million might be an exaggeration, but I don't want to stand in the window and actually count them all?
What if they'd be able to see me, coz they're all looking in this direction?

What if using my powers of deduction, I summarize that they are having a party?
What if I hope they don't party all night, otherwise I'll have to go over in a face mask and hair curlers and ask if they know what bloody time it is?
What if other than that I have nothing to say?
What if, well, I guess I could tell everyone I almost missed my train this afternoon?
What if it's a 15 minute walk to the station and I was only able to start the journey 15 minutes before my train left?
What if I leave you in suspense as to whether I made it in time, except there would be no suspense, because I already said I *almost* missed it?
What if, I put my long legs to use and managed to do the walk in roughly 8 minutes?
What if pretty good considering the walk is mostly up hill?
What if I'm wondering if Maddie has a new cat with unfluidable lungs yet?
What if I'm sure the old kitty is in kitty heaven doing all the things kitty's like to do best?
What if maybe she can hook up with my neighbours dog and they can form a little gang?
What if why am I imagining them in little leather jackets, leaning against a brick wall and smoking?

What if I never did find out how I cut my lip?
What if if I only had a film crew following me around, filming my every move for a documentary?
What if it will just have to remain a mystery?
What if *walks off chortling about zoom's tight end*?
What if disclaimer: I don't actually sleep in a face mask and hair curlers? ____________________
05 May 2006, 07:56 AM
zoomwhat if they're having a
Salem-watching party?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
05 May 2006, 08:11 AM
SalemWhat if I definately shouldn't have done what I just did then..?
05 May 2006, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if if I only had a film crew following me around, filming my every move for a documentary?
What if and you definitely don't....?
What if
heh heh...?
05 May 2006, 03:24 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I dislike large gatherings of people near my home?
What if it's more of a theoretical dislike since it's never actually happened?
What if there was a band of wild turkeys in my neighbors' yard a few weeks ago, but that was just exciting?
What if I wonder had they stayed longer if it would've become uncomfortable?
What if we'd go outside and try to give them hints like "oh, look at the time!" and yawning?
What if I'm curious about Maddie's new-cat status as well?
What if I wonder if anyone else is imagining Salem powerwalking to the train, like Kath and Kel?
What if hee...?
05 May 2006, 04:03 PM
zoomwhat if we had some wicked thunderstorms in Austin last night?
what if no tree damage to speak of at the house, but i hauled off 3 truckloads of limbs out of the yard of the shop this a.m.?
what if the bakery that supplies our bread lost power and had to close today?
what if we'd lost power, we'd have lost a TON of product?
what if a morning of downed tree banch disposal was a small price to pay?
what if and an opportunity to use power tools!?

what if
and the cherry on top was the fact that
bloodyclownboy had just cleared the entire shop yard of all sticks & leaves just yesterday and then had to help me do it all over again today?
what if, ahhh...must be birthday week?

are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
05 May 2006, 05:43 PM
AmethystWhat if i love this pic?
What if i know i still need to get around to posting wedding pics, but the files are huge and i need to find something to shrink them a bit?
What if i wonder if you can still d/l the PSP trial
What if hmmm..
06 May 2006, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by Heitie:
What if I wonder if anyone else is imagining Salem powerwalking to the train, like Kath and Kel?
What if I totally thought about that in my hurry, but I refrained from doing so?

What if I was thinking "No, not everyone watches Kath & Kim, they wouldn't understand"?
What if it would have been fun to do when I had to cross the road at the traffic lights with cars lined up waiting in both directions though?

What if heh, that's funny about bloodyclownboy clearing the yard, and then the big storm hitting?

What if and now, people can safely skip the rest of this post, just Sonic stuff to follow?

What if I finished Sonic Riders today?
What if and by finish I mean did the story mode?
What if I figured out how to do something, so it made controlling it slightly easier?
What if I don't think I'll ever be able to unlock the secret characters and tracks though, too much hassle?

What if I got Rouge though, so all is swell?
What if I saw a picture of the new hedgehog being introduced in the PS3 Sonic game?
What if he looks like he has a squid glued to the top of his head?
What if Shadow seems to be there, which I hope means Rouge won't be far behind?
What if it's looking like I'm going to have to get a PS3?
What if I also saw pictures of Sonic Rivals on PSP?
What if I think I'll need to see it in action before I pass final judgement?
What if, if it looks good, may god have mercy on us all..?
What if *nervously checks around for a film crew*
06 May 2006, 12:20 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if I have a home now?
What if I have no furniture?
What if the 'rents are bringing some down today?
What if because it's my family I don't imagine they'll leave until noon or later?
What if I rather imagine we'll be hauling my stuff up in the twilight?
What if I have an awesome view of the storms that have been hitting the area?
What if huge north facing windows on the third floor?
What if I noticed that there is a roller derby skating on Sundays around here?
What if tomorrow it's the High Seas Hotties vs some other non-piratical themed team?
What if it's flat track though?
What if I don't know if that's really inferior to the banked track?
What if I don't really have my internet connection yet?
What if the cable guy was supposed to come today, but I don't have my television or modem down here yet?
What if I do have a wireless card in this comp however?
What if it ain't war driving if I'm in my kitchen?
What if I had a all day headache yesterday?
What if and I almost got in a fight with a server?
What if I wanted to beat her down?
What if and yesterday was my birthday?
What if and to top it all off my father did not pick up the phone and call me?
What if and now that I think about it neither did my grandmother?
What if okay I'm done bitching?

What if on the bright side I did get lots of cool presents from Rachel?
What if and I might get my hair cut today?
What if I got an art book that made me cry tears of joy?
What if I love art?

07 May 2006, 09:59 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I'm rather fond of art myself?
What if I recently saw a portrait exhibition in the Art Gallery of NSW?
What if I caught a Pissaro exhibition earlier this year, and got the catalogue for it as well?
What if some of the highlights of my life have included visiting Le Louvre, the Met, the MOMA and the Van Gough museum?
What if one of the best days of my life was strolling around Auvers sur Oise and seeing all the vistas painted by the Impressionists who lived in that town?
What if I was just going to comment that it's fun hearing about everyone's lives, but
XF3's comment sent my train of thought off elsewhere?
07 May 2006, 10:06 AM
SalemWhat if I leave tomorrow?
What if don't miss me too much?
What if I'll miss E3 while I'm gone?
What if I find an internet cafe?
What if I fricken go to sleep?
What if so long, chumps?
08 May 2006, 10:16 PM
Madogiswhat if i don't miss salem at all?
what if i am glad he's gone?
what if *drops sandwich* ba-oh?
what if i'm already slacking in the taping department?
what if he picked a bad week to get me to tape his stories - i have three assignments due which are no where near finished and so i can't sit down and tape the ads out of things?
what if, at least having everything on tape, i can watch it later?
what if the dancing with the stars finale is going to clash horribly with my workload tonight

what if i hand in my assignment on fairtytales tomorrow and it reads something like: "fairytales are an important part of our culture. the fairytale ending is what we all strive for. grant denye had a fairytale ending last night when all his hard work paid off and he took out series five of dancing with the stars. also he danced that awesome paso he did to that black eyed peas song. it was very cool."?
what if fingers crossed that that information will at least be factual, if not relavant?
what if i bring news from the kitty front?
what if, well, not so much news as the knowledge that nothing is happening?
what if i thought we'd have a new one by now, but apparently we've bought a computer instead, and i probably don't have time to bond with a kitty just now due to the afore mentioned assignments and also taping duties?
what if maybe we'll get one next week?
what if strangely, i think i went to that same art exhibitiong that argy mentioned?
what if all i know is one of my teachers sent me there to look at a photo of a girl with boy bits, or possibly a boy with girl bits, but really, i was more interested in the series of life-sized photographs of hanging jackets?
what if i'm thrilling that way?
09 May 2006, 12:38 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if I have cable?
What if I have internet?
What if really?
What if I'm watching Magnum PI?
What if it's a crossover episode with Simon & Simon?
What if wackiness always ensues on a crossover?
What if the brothers Simon are adversaries to Magnum & Higgins?
What if Rick just stole a valuable Hawaiian idol that was supposed to be in the charity auction the Masters estate was hosting?
What if how ever will circumstance contrive to unite our heroes?
What if now I'm jonesing for the Magnum/Murder She Wrote crossover?
What if 'cause even if the plot is silly, Tom Selleck and Angela Lansbury sharing a shot can only make for fun viewing?
09 May 2006, 08:19 PM
Madogiswhat if, you know that eerie feeling you get when someone you don't know uses one of your old sigs as an avatar at a site you've never heard of, and then you just happen to stumble across it in an image search for werewolves?
what if i've got that feeling right now:
what if also, my lips are dry, what a day?
~what if *squinting at the pictures side-by-side...*
...well, now i'm not sure...the colour's different.. and it's it's reversed, obviously.. HMmm... did i reverse the original image i found? are the eyes in that avatar all glowy like mine? ..too small to tell... *remains scared, but less adamant about tracking this avatar having person down and stealing something of theirs...like their life...*?
09 May 2006, 09:22 PM
SaraWhat if my new job is kicking my ass?
What if actually the waking up at 6 am and driving for an hour both ways is kicking my ass?
What if bleh?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 10 May 2006, 03:00 AM
Smirk MorganWhat if it only takes me a couple of minutes to get to work?
What if at least to get to park?
What if it's another 5-7 to actually get into the building?
What if it's freakin' humid tonight?
What if my glasses steamed up when I got out of my car?
What if I really need to change my sig pic?
What if I haven't got paint shop pro on this comp though?
10 May 2006, 06:13 PM
AmethystWhat if it takes me 4 1/2 mins to drive to work?
What if i am almost always late?
11 May 2006, 03:15 PM
TiggsWPWhat if, WOW, it's been a long time since I've been scrolling?
What if, man, I've missed alot?
What if I look forard to catching up?
What if I'm exhausted, because I got caught up in not just one, but two shows last night, and didn't get nearly enough sleep? (Some western...and I'm not even all that fond of westers; and Law and Order)
What if I just found out that the plans I maid to move, and have been working on all year may have just hit a major roadblock?
What if I'm going to have faith, and know that everything works out for the best in the end?
What if, even knowing that, I'm still scared?
What if, Argy, I miss playin gpool, hopefully our schedules will start working out, agian?
What if, ok, I'm done for now, I'll talk to you all later?
What if
Tiggs sounds sleepy?
What if I moved my whole computer set up to the left side on the desk?
What if it was a lot of work but it's worth it?
What if more elbow room now?
What if I've been cooking a lot lately?
What if I made homemade Beef Veggie Soup?
What if MMmmmmmmmm?
What if sooooo good?
What if and cheesecake cupcakes for dessert?
What if I love to cook?
What if Rachel and I have been watching Buffy a lot lately?
What if I started reading Xena fanfic again?
What if I miss it?
What if the story I'm reading is a cookie cutter though?
What if I'm still enjoying it?

What if tummy's feeling grumbly?
What if what to eat for breakfast?
15 May 2006, 11:57 AM
ArgeauxWhat if the
Amestar and I watched quite a bit of Buffy on Saturday night?
What if she gave me early birthday presents?
What if they were all cool?
What if she left behind beers, which is always a good thing?
What if it was good to see her again?

15 May 2006, 01:25 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if I wanted beer yesterday?
What if I had bought a chair for balcony and some patio citronella tealights?
What if I thought sitting on the balcony with a cold beer would be a pleasant way to spend the one evening a week I get?
What if dealing with Wal Mart makes life difficult?
What if they didn't have a beer I wanted?
What if they were sold out of my choices?
What if I realized that they only stock about two six packs of any given beer that's not Bud, Coors, or Miller?
What if they don't replenish very often?
What if my tealights kept blowing out anyway?
What if that wind was just a little too enthusiastic?
What if I finally unpacked pots and pans last night?
What if I made up a batch of chili?
What if I sure would have liked a beer with it?
What if I get a shower and run over to 7-11?
What if I probably should hold off on the consumption until after work?
What if unlike some of my past jobs this one probably won't go better with a little brain lubrication?
What if the OFF tealight lamps work really good and the wind won't blow them out?
17 May 2006, 06:48 AM
SalemWhat if I'm finding it kind of weird that places are saying that Elijah Wood is voicing Spyro in the new game?
What if and David Spade voicing Sparx?!
What if I really disliked the fact that they suddenly made Sparx able to talk in.. 'Enter the Dragonfly' I think it was?
What if his buzzing was much more suitable?
What if and now David Spade? o_O?
What if apparently Gary Oldman has a voice role too?
What if this sounds more like some strange rumour?
What if I miss Tom Kenny as Spyro?

What if crap I missed the start of Spicks & Specks and Hamish Blake is on >_<?
17 May 2006, 08:32 AM
lila997What if the thought of a 7-11 or Walmart selling beer is a foreign concept to me?
What if you have to go to a liquor store to get said adult beverages around here?
What if some supermarkets in a neighboring state sell beer and wine but not every day of the week?
What if I am a wee bit jealous?