24 May 2006, 06:09 PM
zoomWhat if ...??
Originally posted by lila997:
What if it's always the "let's-eat-some-cow-eye-worm-foot-spider-intestine" challenges?
What if the same thing tends to happen to me with particularly graphic CSI scenes too?
what if
House is good for that too?
what if last night's ep particularly so?
what if

are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 May 2006, 06:58 PM
SaraWhat if I've no idea what I missed?
What if so err...yeah?
What if

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 24 May 2006, 07:56 PM
Madogiswhat if my back hurts?
what if i just wasted an hour bitching about various aspects of home and away, instead of doing my assignment, which i now have no non-class-skipping time to do?
what if i think i'll feel bad all day if i don't go to the class i have first?
what if the lecture after that.. well.. i really don't think i'd be too intertested in immigrant photography anyway..?
what if at least i learned how and where to get overhead projector sheets from, AND how to use them?
what if, but i haven't exactly written anything to go with all the picatures?
what if this is going to be an interesting presentation...?
25 May 2006, 01:34 AM
SalemWhat if Maddie let's us know how her presentation went?
What if it doesn't and she just hides beneath the coats when it's her turn?
What if Kath is an adorable name for a cat?
What if it developed a tizzy perm?
25 May 2006, 02:26 AM
Madogiswhat if, i'm not perming the cat..
what if re my presentation, gather round children, it's quite the tale...
what if as you know, i worked out the overhead projectory things, so i had the pictures, but i had nothing to go with them! what ever did i do, i hear you cry!? well, i did go to my first class and therefore did not feel bad all day, i did however run into the teacher whose lecture i was intending to skip. i told her that i may not be ready in time, and she said that there are only a couple of weeks left - there's no time not to do it now!! so then i said, okay, i'll try to get the presentation done but there's no way i'm going to be able to hand the essay in today. she says to me she says, well the essay's not due for another week. so i says, what, the essay to go with the presentation (because there is another essay due soon) and she says, yeah, you give the presentation and then you have a week to do the essay?
what if... o___________o!?
what if, free from the bourdon of the essay, i was able to slap together some random quotes and references to guide me through a speach of indeterminate length?
what if it was meant to go for 20 minutes, but when i got there, i was told that the other people that were meant to be presenting hadn't turned up, so i was it!?
what if, assuming that the teacher had nothing but speaches planned for the whole hour, i was able to take all the time i needed to deliver everything i knew and even answer questions throughout?
what if i only lost track of what i was saying 3 or four times?
what if, before you say "that sounds like a lot for a 20 minute speach," well wait til i'm done ya presumptuous bastards! my speach went for the WHOLE hour!!

what if and it was all informative too - with discussing stuff and and i knew things and stuff!?
what if, even though i'd managed to keep the class 10 minutes later than normal (

), some people actually thanked me for giving such a wonderful presentation ^_^?
what if ah the glory, mine! all mine!!!?
what if it was so good too, cause i got to sit down for the entire thing. i was still out the front, but there was a chair with the projector one side and a table on the other side, so it was like a little fort, which gave me shelter and confidence not to suck ^_^?
what if i was barely even nervous ^_^ ^_^?
what if ^_^ ^_^ ^_^?
what if, told ya it'd all work out somehow

25 May 2006, 10:52 AM
ArgeauxWhat if ... nah ... I've got nothing?
25 May 2006, 01:53 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if my cat is coming down this weekend?
What if I still haven't figured out the best spot for the litter box, but I'll finally have my kitty?
What if she's going to be mondo pissed off?
What if five hours in a car?
What if she hasn't done more than fifteen minutes or so for the past three years?
What if this will be a rude awakening?
What if she's going back to being an indoor kitty after finally working up the nerve to
cross the street?
What if hopefully the big windows and birds that hang out on the ledge will be some consolation?
What if meow?
25 May 2006, 03:14 PM
FahrenheitWhat if if I ever have to present something or make a speech I want a little fort?
What if I demand it!!!?
26 May 2006, 02:14 AM
SalemWhat if is anyone else picturing Maddie delivering her speech wearing a little war helmet?
What if hehe?
What if awesome news though, I wouldn't have lasted an hour?
What if I also would have dropped my notes?
What if Helena Bonham Carter is replacing Helen McCrory as Bellatrix Lestrange in the Order of the Phoenix movie?
What if the other lady is going to be too pregnant during filming or something?
What if Helena will be cool for the role?
What if I'm pleased?
26 May 2006, 03:33 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I like Helena, too?
What if I thought she was particularly good in
Wings Of The Dove?
What if I enjoyed her in
Fight Club, too?
26 May 2006, 04:02 AM
Smirk MorganWhat if I've decided to be more discriminating about how I use the term bitch?
What if because I am a bitch and there are some people out there who are just not in my class?
What if there are women who attempt bitchiness?
What if they just don't have that special something to pull it off?
What if I need a new derogatory phrase for the stupid wanna-bitches out there?
26 May 2006, 07:51 AM
zoomwhat if...bitchlettes?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
What if I've been having scroll problems lately?
What if anyone else?
What if this is the only site that makes my comp freeze up?
What if that makes me sad?
What if it keeps me from visiting as much?
What if I need to mow the lawn and tidy up the house?
What if I've been a lazy biatch?
What if time to get off my bum?
28 May 2006, 12:29 AM
AmethystWhat if
Shiloh Nouvel Jolie PittWhat if i swear the names these people give their kids are getting worse...
What if i can't even imagine what Gwen Stefani is gunna call hers when she has it...lol
28 May 2006, 03:17 AM
ArgeauxWhat if slags, moles, tarts, sluts, scrags?
28 May 2006, 06:11 AM
SalemWhat if throw fugly in front of any of those words?
What if I think I found a way to change the region code on my DVD player?
What if I don't have any non region 4 DVDs to test it though?
What if the machine does say it's set as Region Free at the moment though?
What if, if it worked there are so many dvds I could have?
What if blasted country not releasing things I want?
What if Amazon is selling season 1 of Hercules on DVD for like $14?
What if, is that right?
What if it seems awfully cheap..?
What if, coz I'd get that, and even if it didn't work, it's not like I'd have wasted much money, and then I'd have it for when I had something that did play them?
What if, help?

28 May 2006, 09:04 AM
ArgeauxWhat if you should get it?
What if any Herc is worth having?
What if I got Season 5 recently, myself?
28 May 2006, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by The Many Faces Of Amethyst:
What if Shiloh Nouvel Jolie Pitt
What if i swear the names these people give their kids are getting worse...
What if i can't even imagine what Gwen Stefani is gunna call hers when she has it...lol
What if I can't stop picturing Brangelina's baby as an adorable little beagle?
What if
this Shiloh was a male, even?
What if I thought I heard that they had a girl baby?
What if I considered naming my beagle Shiloh since her story is similar to the movie but I did not?
What if I did not becuase my dog is a FEMALE?
What if apparently that matters not in the entertainment world?
28 May 2006, 12:10 PM
zoomwhat if i knew a female horse once named Shiloh?
what if Shiloh is like a Chris or Pat of the animal name world?
what if and now, apparently, the human world as well?
what if i have a Neil Diamond song stuck in my head now...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
28 May 2006, 01:21 PM
lila997What if I thank
zoom for the earworm?
What if I wish I'd had an imaginary friend as a kid?
What if I just wish that because it would make for some fun stories now that I am an adult?
What if I had to edit this post because I am apparantly incapable of correctly typing the "au" diphthong?
What if 'diphthong' is one of those words that
sounds dirty but does not particularly
look dirty when written?
29 May 2006, 06:37 AM
SalemWhat if well, I ordered Hercules?
What if, I'll probably only get the cover of one of them or something, because it just seems too cheap?
What if it'll take ages for them (it) to get here though, Amazon takes a while

What if I can't remember what I got from there before though, but I know it took a little while?
What if yes, I'm aware I live far away?

What if *sits by the mail box anxiously*
What if I love watermelon?
What if I cut some up today?
What if it's best when it's cold, in my opinion?
What if we went and got two new fans last night?
What if we now have a total of five fans?
What if and it's still hot?
What if I've become a wuss since I moved from Texas?
What if to tell you the truth I've always hated the heat?
What if even more than the cold but not more than snow?
What if thank god it's supossed to go back down to the seventies the rest of the week?
What if ahhhh.....cool rain?

What if my silver lining?
What if I changed up My Space and then I realized I took off my link to my space off my sig?
What if so it's back?
29 May 2006, 07:39 PM
FahrenheitWhat if it's ok, I watered the lawn and all my flowers to make sure it would rain?
What if this is the hottest May weekend I can remember?
What if I had watermelon today, too?

29 May 2006, 10:39 PM
Madogiswhat if *deep breath...* I GOT MY KITTIES!!!!!

what if we picked them up on the weekend and kimmy looooves me ^_^?
what if he sleeps on my bed and all?
what if he was letting me hug him while he slept ^_^?
what if i'm not used to this kind of placidness?
what if the other one, "sasha," is more what i'm used to?
what if she spends most of her time hiding under things and hissing at kim?
what if i hope she doesn't have any firecrackers..?
29 May 2006, 11:18 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i can't stop looking at danica's belly button?