13 June 2006, 09:41 PM
FahrenheitWhat if ...??
What if Salem frees it and then automatically says "sounds good cause it's free, shooot"?
13 June 2006, 11:34 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if
THIS ONE always cracks me up?
13 June 2006, 11:45 PM
ArgeauxWhat if he's kinda cute?

14 June 2006, 03:32 AM
SalemWhat if heh, I think the dog actually did break free when its owner's got home?
What if I saw it dart by across the road just after they'd opened their door?
What if I don't know if it went back?
What if it could still be running?
What if running while 'Born Free' plays?
What if, aw

What if holy hell I have a huge headache?
What if I feel like I could throw up?
What if that could be because of all the garlic bread I just ate though?
What if I go stick my fingers down my throat?
What if I bring back pictures for you all to see?!
14 June 2006, 03:55 AM
SalemWhat if oh GOD I'm bored?
What if I haven't double posted in ages?
What if Maddie is texting me?
What if she's drinking the tequila she scored from Argy's house?
What her cat Sasha is demanding to be fed?
What if the other cat, Kim, doesn't like me?
What if when we went to get Maddie on our way to Argy's, Kim was at the front door, clawing his way up the screen?
What if then he dropped and flexed his claws and started hissing repeatedly at me?
What if then he did this weird thing where he flopped onto his back and started dragging himself along with his front legs, somehow leaving his back legs behind?
What if cats are weird?
What if House isn't on tonight?
What if I'm not happy?
What if I'll continue my Xena watching instead?
What if I'm up to Devi now?
What if she's a devi?
14 June 2006, 03:56 AM
SalemWhat if your son is dead, ba lu fa yu?
What if hahahahahahaha! XD
What if sorry, anyone would think that *I* was the one drinking the tequila?
14 June 2006, 04:11 AM
Smirk MorganWhat if reading
Salem's posts made me wonder if I was drinking something stronger than Dr. Pepper?
What if Mad's cats just don't like the black hair?
What if, okay, cats don't really care?
What if I just remembered what I forgot to get at Wal Mart?
What if I forgot kitty litter?
What if dammit?
14 June 2006, 06:04 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I laughed out loud?
What if "your so' is dead, ba' lu' fa yo-ou"?
What if heh heh, I'd forgotten about that?

14 June 2006, 07:53 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I dreamed that I stumbled onto zoom's blog and it was called...wait for it..."The Droller"?
What if droll scroller, one presumes?
What if I've been dreaming about plays on words lately?
What if a few nights ago I dreamed my mother and grandmother got into trouble on a tour when they misread "Prop doors open." on the brochure as meaning they should try to open a lot of doors and prop them open, rather than the intended meaning that the doors to the prop room would be open so people could look at the props?
What if...I don't know...?
14 June 2006, 09:32 AM
XexyWarriorWhat if I've got no idea about this ba lu fa yu stuff?
What if Salem cracks me up?
What if that black guy in that commercial is only cute because he speaks with that ditzy voice?
What if ,however it reminds me waaaaayyy to much of an old ex to cute?
What if *shudders at the memories*?
What if blondes don't have more fun, they just think they are?
What if brunettes have all the fun laughing at them instead?
14 June 2006, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Heitie:
What if I dreamed that I stumbled onto zoom's blog and it was called...wait for it..."The Droller"?
What if droll scroller, one presumes?
What if I've been dreaming about plays on words lately?
what if...um, no?
what if, while ever so fond of a turn of a phrase, The Droller....um, no?
what if, thanks for dreaming of me though?
what if...i think...?

are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
14 June 2006, 09:49 AM
lila997What if today is the first day of my vacation?
what if I am doing something that I never do?
What if I am lounging in the air conditioned comfort of my bedroom?
What if it was very peaceful until about 4 minutes ago?
What if there's a scary man on TV?
What if it's not a clown?
What if it IS a clown?
What if it's just the president?
What if I'd prefer a red nosed, floppey-shoed rainbow wig-wearing clown?
14 June 2006, 02:04 PM
ShawnWhat if it's hotter than holy Hell here right now?
What if record heat in Texas?
What if I wish I was up North right now?
What if Canada sounds good?
What if I am Canadian?
What if a chapstick Canadian?
What if, ahhhhh the memories?
What if I ask how everyone has been?
14 June 2006, 07:46 PM
FahrenheitWhat if don't blame me, it wasn't my blog?

What if I feel that any subconscious word play is a step in the right direction?
What if it's better than the ones where I have to go to a class and I can't remember where it is and I've forgotten my locker combination *shudder*?
15 June 2006, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by XexyBeast:
What if that black guy in that commercial is only cute because he speaks with that ditzy voice?
What if to you, maybe?
What if not to me?
15 June 2006, 06:09 AM
SalemWhat if *I* go and start a blog named The Droller?
What if then *I* will be the one with all the recognition!
What if *I* don't know what my fascination with asterisk's are?
What if I feel all rushed?
What if I don't know what else to say?
What if there are two episodes of Family Guy and American Dad on tonight?
What if glee?
What if I love Roger?
15 June 2006, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by sHaWn:
What if it's hotter than holy Hell here right now?
What if record heat in Texas?
What if I wish I was up North right now?
What if Canada sounds good?
What if New England is lovely, if a little wet at the moment?
What if you stop there en route to the great white chapsticky North?

What if you bring Bluebell?
What if...ice cream soup?
15 June 2006, 07:35 AM
XF3What if Michigan is a little chilly as well?
What if it's an early morning chill?
What if we have Rachel's niece for the next couple of days?
What if Rachel took her short shopping yesterday and apparently no one was selling shorts?
What if we set up a kiddie pool up in the yard?
What if I bet the water is icy cold right about now?
What if I have to go to work this morning?
What if bleh?
What if there is mysteriouly no one scheduled for next thursday morning?
What if things are not looking up for not working next thursday morning?
What if I not say a word?
What if it won't make a differance because my bossy tattletale coworker will end up noticing it?
What if and there I'll be?
What if I wonder if anyone has lost interesting in my what ifing?
What if Rachel bought me a Hong Kong Phooey shirt yesterday?
What if I love it?
What if

15 June 2006, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by lila997:
What if there's a scary man on TV?
What if it's not a clown?
What if it IS a clown?
What if it's just the president?
What if I'd prefer a red nosed, floppey-shoed rainbow wig-wearing clown?
What if you imagine him wearing a red nose, floppey-shoes, and a rainbow wig?
What if not so scary any more, is he?

What if I saw him on TV the other day and he sat there for a good five seconds going, "uh...uh....uh...."?

15 June 2006, 08:04 AM
beauTifully tragicquote:
Originally posted by Elphie:
What if I saw him on TV the other day and he sat there for a good five seconds going, "uh...uh....uh...."?
what if at least he used "uh" in the correct context and didn't mispronounce it?
15 June 2006, 08:24 AM
zoomwhat if i saw a sign of the apocalype?
what if a commercial using The Who's
Magic Bus to sell minivans?
what if just shot me now...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
15 June 2006, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
Originally posted by XexyBeast:
What if that black guy in that commercial is only cute because he speaks with that ditzy voice?
What if to you, maybe?
What if not to me?
What if you scroll down and see that I later realized it wasn't cute at all?
What if LOL?
What if I think I'm the only one to ever escape the "Happy Birthday" torture thread?
What if HA HA, it's too late!!

15 June 2006, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Elphie:
What if I wonder if anyone has lost interesting in my what ifing?
What if I haven't, babe?
What if I enjoy hearing about your life, I just don't always have something to add?
Originally posted by Elphie:What if I saw him on TV the other day and he sat there for a good five seconds going, "uh...uh....uh...."?
What if I could imagine him doing that and it made me laugh and laugh?

Originally posted by Tickled:
what if at least he used "uh" in the correct context and didn't mispronounce it?
What if our Prime Minister seems to be able to with his "eeehhhmmm", or whatever the hell sound he tries to make?

What if, after reading back over my post, I pronounce myself the formatting Queen!!?
15 June 2006, 10:46 AM
ShawnWhat if Queen for a day?
What if I wait until October to head NE and see
What if Fall leaves?
What if Giant Indian Heads?
What if woo hoo the forcast is for a high of only 97 today?
What if that means 100 in Texan?
What if I watched HOSTEL last night?
What if it wasn't that scary, just really really dark?
What if horror movies tend to cheer me up?
What if I have indeed needed cheering?
What if that's why they call it the blues?
15 June 2006, 03:28 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i don't think i've seen a scroller in over 6 months?
what if inconceivable?