03 July 2006, 12:37 PM
XF3What if ...??
What if I like
Lila's siggy?
What if

04 July 2006, 12:58 AM
AmethystWhat if Jess's group didn't place?>
What if jess did her best and had fun, so therefore it i consider it successful?
What if she was able to keep her leg up for the full 16 seconds so she was quite happy about that?
What if it was interesting, since it was the first competition we'd been to?
What if some of the costumes were so cool looking?
What if bizarre was a word for a few of the others?
WHat if, a neck to ankles skin tight WHITE bodysuit type thing, with one HUGE black question mark on it?
What if, which from what i could tell had nothing to do witht he dance nor the song?
What if i should have taken photos before she left home, case we couldn;t at the thing?
What if, oh well?
WHat if, i still haven't posted my wedding photos and we've been married for almost 2 1/2 months?
What if, what a long time, and we haven't even divorced yet either?
04 July 2006, 01:23 AM
Madogiswhat if lol, at the question mark?
what if it was the child's own design to say "why am i doing this?"?
what if i stayed up til three am making a desktop callendar for next february, as part of a competition on that home and away site of mine?
what if it's not judged for another 13 days, and i need reassurance or i'll die?
what if
what if cutting around people's hair in Paint is a real bitch -__-?
what if i also post this, for my own amusement and possibly that of others?:
what if hehehe

04 July 2006, 07:19 AM
SalemWhat if maybe there was an unfinished subplot in the dance where the question mark child was actually the Riddler?
What if I was going to say it was some obscure promotional scheme, but it's a Superman movie that's out now, not Batman?
What if I guess it could still work, it'd just be even more obscure?
What if no one gave Maddie reassurance?
What if she died?
What if her calendar page is fancy?
What if, a little TOO fancy?
What if also, go Kel? ^_^
What if hey, my title has changed?
What if how long have I been needing therapy for?!
04 July 2006, 10:17 AM
lila997What if I do not know the actors or show in
Madogis' calendar thing but it looks nifty anyway?
What if I just noticed that my 3 year anniversary of posting has just passed?
What if it's just 3 years as THIS registration?
What if I have no clue how many years since the actual birth of
lila997 at the Scrolls?
What if I am guessing more than 5 but less than 10

04 July 2006, 11:49 AM
Madogiswhat if thanks lila, you've brought me back from the brink of death, like someone clapping to save an ailing fairy?
what if

04 July 2006, 01:37 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I think the calendar thingy is neat?

05 July 2006, 06:43 AM
SalemWhat if bah, House isn't on?
What if there's a Biggest Loser special on?
What if I thought there was a special last week??
What if at least I have Spicks & Specks to ease the pain?
What if Ame posted her wedding photo's?
What if she doesn't want to post them because she secretly had a cult wedding with a human sacrifice?
What if we should do a Scroller check?
What if I want to go to the Zoo?
What if maybe I will go and nobody can stop me, aaahaha?
What if *settles for looking at pictures of animals*
05 July 2006, 07:13 AM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i think i've learned what kind of doggie i have?
what if
carolina dog/american dingo ?
what if a lady at the dog park had an almost identical dog and pointed me toward the internet for research ?
05 July 2006, 01:22 PM
lila997What if a dingo ate my baby?
05 July 2006, 01:36 PM
zoomwhat if dammit you beat me to it...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
05 July 2006, 01:40 PM
XF3What if I'm glad the holiday weekend is over?
What if I didn't get to see any fireworks?
What if hopefully I will next year?
What if I have to birthday shopping for Rachel tomorrow?
What if I've hardly bought a thing?
What if I hate last minute shopping?
What if I end up panic shopping?
What if this usually ends with bad presents?
What if there's been so much going on lately that time is almost non-exsistant?
What if I would appreciate it if everybody sent me lucky present buying thoughts?
What if that would be nice?

05 July 2006, 02:19 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if it wasn't my dingo?

05 July 2006, 04:10 PM
Madogiswhat if, thank you heitie and salem, i needed that, i really did

what if i wish someone was online right now?
what if i've been drinking all night, but trying to sleep for the last four hours, but i woke up thirsty and now i'm kind of wired, so i thought i'd come on and see if anyone was around?
what if no such luck

what if i could use someone to talk me down?
what if at least being up at the wee hours (no pun intended, since i had to go to the bathroom as well) means that i'll probably get breakfast from my parents when they eventually wake up?
what if that would be neat?
05 July 2006, 04:36 PM
XexyWarriorWhat if testing, testing one, two, three?
05 July 2006, 05:26 PM
Madogiswhat if, lol ^_^?
06 July 2006, 01:08 AM
ArgeauxWhat if that was an excellent shot of Kel in Summer Bay?
What if that was an excellent shot of Xena and Gabrielle?
What if that dog really looks like
What if dogs rock!?
What if I'm looking for jobs on my laptop, in bed?
What if I'm sure any potential employer would be impressed ... not?
What if I'm about to give up and go and play some games?
What if I'll never get employed at this rate?
06 July 2006, 01:27 AM
AmethystWhat if, ok, i have two pics of jess to post?
What if one is her doing a straddle jump (splits in the air) and the other is of the leg mount thingy she had to do for those 16 seconds we discussed a page or so back?
What if i love the fact her dancing school has a website, cause then i can nick the pics of jess to show you?
What if there is other pics from an activities day they had yesterday, of jess, but these two are the best?
What if, oh ok, one more?
06 July 2006, 01:33 AM
AmethystWhat if well damn it, they didn't work, and i don't know why?
WHat if just cut and paste the urls then, which sucks?
06 July 2006, 01:49 AM
AmethystWhat if
06 July 2006, 07:26 AM
lila997What if
Jess is after my job as scroll cheerleader??
07 July 2006, 05:39 AM
SalemWhat if heh, Nintendo sent President Bush a DS Lite and a copy of Brain Age for his 60th birthday?

What if I wish Nintendo would send me things..?
What if
Lila and
Jess have a cheer off?
What if everything was solved with a cheer off?
07 July 2006, 07:30 AM
XF3What if hehe...the sticking out of the tounge is key?
What if how cute!?
What if its not even 7:30am and I'm about to go to the store and get stuff to make a cake?
What if I slept so hard last night?
What if I dreamt I was back in HS?
What if I was in art class and my supervisor at work was my art instructor?
What if it's so funny because that is so far from his personality?
What if and my GM was the principal I think?
What if that part was wierd and cool at the same time because in the dream I knew him like I know him now?
What if I've been working way to much lately?
What if I must have had to pee really bad because in the dream I could find a bathroom to save my life?
What if I ended up peeing in a bush?
What if that's pretty much where I woke up?
What if thank god?
What if hehe

What if the answer to you question is yes?
What if I made it to the bathroom?

07 July 2006, 11:59 AM
Madogiswhat if *i* dreamed i was in high school last night o_o?
what if me and elphie had the same dream?
what if, did yours have time travel, the end of the world, the ghosts of children, and mark furze in a torture chamber...?
what if you probably don't know who he is... did it have a hot young boy in a torture chamber...?
what if, or something about obtaining pamphlets so the customers at your hairdressing salon didn't get bored, even if that meant stealing the pamphlets and having to flee from the authorities on a bus, and while on the bus, have a priest and some other guy act out a play script you've been working on to pass the time???
what if i think it would be interesing to find out what these dreams mean?
what if, groving to david bowie songs in an autotune place?
what if, ooh! i just remembered that there were scrollers in the dream!?
what if yes, salem, ame and i had been invited to argy's country house, where she had a new dog - a big black one named sirius ^_^ - and me and salem were left in charge of the dog while ame and argy attended to jess in another room?
what if the dog, being big and new, was not yet allowed to play with jess, because it might have injured her or something?
what if me and salem on the other hand, no one cared if we were killed

what if salem let the dog get away, and i was all ready to rat him out to argy, but then the dog came back and we pretended like nothing happened?
what if, heh heh heh.. and she will never know

what if.... oh crap?
07 July 2006, 12:56 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I dreamed I was in high school a few nights ago?
What if it was one of the ones where I've forgotten my locker combination and have to get to class and can't remember which class?
What if I think I mentioned it thereby condemning the rest of you to have similar dreams by suggestion?
What if yep, that confirms it, it's all about me?