29 May 2004, 10:28 PM
xenacrazedWhat if ...??
Originally posted by Ame: Priestess of Ares:
WHat if i was xenacrazedcrazed?
What if that makes you xxc?
What if that means two xenacrazeds?
What if- TwinXenacrazeds?!?!
What if the TwinXenacrazeds battled the TwinZoomies and also battled the TwinXenas?
What if who would win?
What if you decide?
30 May 2004, 12:37 AM
zoomwhat if i fear
xc has been smoking lawn clippings...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
30 May 2004, 12:42 AM
Smirk MorganWhat if there's a storm coming?
What if I just turned on channel 8 and there's a tornado on the ground the next county over?
What if it's about half an hour away by car?
What if the projections are sending the storm south of me by a good ten miles?
What if in case, I'd forgotten about the holiday weekend, here's the storm to remind me that it's Memorial Day weekend?
What if all the stormchasers are talking over eachother to the weather anchor?
30 May 2004, 12:45 AM
zoomwhat if i could use a good tornado about now?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
30 May 2004, 12:46 AM
SalemWhat if I got the Prisoner of Azkaban soundtrack today?
What if I'm listening to it right now?
What if I'm on track 07?
What if it's really really
really nice?
What if so was the track before it?
What if I'm in love with the soundtrack?
What if I'm drifting off into a day dream?
What if I also picked up the Everybody's Fool single for $2?
What if I love Dick Smith, all their singles are $2?

What if hooray, there's an instrumental version of the song on there, so now I can sing karaoke?

What if the live version of Whisper is creepy?
What if, the start of it is anyway?
What if I wish June 10 would bloody well hurry up?
30 May 2004, 01:25 AM
SalemWhat if I must own
30 May 2004, 03:24 AM
AmethystWhat if, well i'll have this then?
30 May 2004, 03:28 AM
AmethystWhat if i think Salem should own both these?
What if the 2nd piccccccc is shoe laces?
What if salem got them, and wore them to work in the sex shop he works in?
30 May 2004, 03:31 AM
AmethystWhat if this t-shirt is only $4.49 (US)
30 May 2004, 03:39 AM
SalemWhat if I'm going to post the picture of the shirt I want now?
What if, because I know hardly anyone will click on the link?
What if

What if the shoe laces would make a good shirt?
What if, with "OBEY ME!" in giant letters?
What if that'd be a good shirt to wear at the sex shop?
30 May 2004, 11:20 AM
xenacrazedWhat if this morning it rained...and rained...
and rained...
30 May 2004, 11:24 AM
xenacrazedWhat if it kept raining...and raining...and raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining...and
raining...and raining...and raining
30 May 2004, 11:27 AM
xenacrazedWhat if uh did I mention that it rained this
What if it didn't just rain but it
30 May 2004, 11:31 AM
xenacrazedWhat if my basement be all wet?
What if it's all washed up?
What if xc is all washed up?
What if it never fricken rained again?
What if it was a drought?
What if it only rained lightly for a half hr twice a month between 3-3:30 am on a Wednesday?
What if I know this is a weather channel conspiracy?
What if there is more rain coming and probably tornadoes?
What if xc moved to New Mexico?
30 May 2004, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
What if uh did I mention that it rained this
What if it didn't just rain but it _FRICKEN RAINED!_?
What if haiku
What if xc drowned
in his basement on the comp
drowned in Lake What If?
30 May 2004, 11:54 AM
Smirk MorganWhat if I wonder if it rained in Indiana this morning?
What if I thought
xc was a little vague about what really happened in his post?
What if it rained rather a lot here last night?
What if the tornadic part of the storm stayed about 10 miles to the south of me?
What if I don't know what the damage was?
What if I did call my grandma and found out that she was not gone with the wind?
30 May 2004, 04:49 PM
GabberWhat if I got smoochies today?
What if it's not what you think – get your mind out of the gutter?

What if they were baby cousin Claire smoochies?
What if I went in for a kiss and she lol, opened up her mouth wide to kiss me back?
What if I was prompted to do it again but this time she stuck her tongue out to kiss me?
What if Claire's a french kisser?

What if suddenly she's very affectionate, shy, and cuddly?
What if she was all cuddly with me and then giggles and kicks her legs?
What if it's so adorable?

What if I can't believe she's going to be one year old soon?
What if on June 12th?
What if it feels like it was just yesterday when I was at the hospital all googly-eyed and falling in love with da baby?
What if I need to take more pictures so ya'll can see her cuteness, hehe?
What if I've written 5 pages out of the 10 for my play?
What if I'm going to work on the other 5 now?
What if the play is darker than I meant for it to be?
What if I forgot how dark of a writer I can be because my poetry hides it pretty well (poems are short)?
What if I shut up now and get to writin'?
30 May 2004, 09:19 PM
JubsWhat if people in my town don't react very much to tornado threats?
What if because we haven't had a tornado here since...uh....fifty six years ago?
What if and working at a hotel, I have to go through all the crap of getting people to shelter when the sirens go off, even though I know there will be no problem?
What if this annoys me?
What if they're all "oh so scared!" and I'm all "god this is stupid!"?
What if i am much too apathetic to be in a position of public relations during possible times of emergency?
What if but seriously, the thunder, hail, lightning and wind, it's just part of living here?
What if it's not my fault you're from Washington and even though it always rains you don't get storms like these?
30 May 2004, 09:34 PM
Madogiswhat if there's just no time for this?
what if yer all nuts?
what if i have an assignment to hand in that was due LAST FRIDAY

what if i must flee!?
30 May 2004, 11:13 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by Ame: Priestess of Ares:
What if sara went to a strip club last night, and got a lap dance off Brucy?
What if and Ulrich was offering blow jobs up stairs?
What if Ame has left me No Clue as to whether Im the Lappee or the Lapper ..??
What if Im Really pretty good at the Latter.???

What if we need more info as to whether Drunken Ully is offering to give or receive ...aforementioned Oral Employment..?????

What if Ame puts a bit more effort in to explainin her what ifs..???
30 May 2004, 11:21 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if Xenacrased is tryin to Scare me with what lousy used weather Im soon to receive??
What if its to start raing heeretomorrow..??
what if Damn I JUST missed the late news weather 4cast..???
What if my gardens alot work this year.. because of the Weather..???
31 May 2004, 12:57 AM
Madogiswhat if i fear i may have stumbled into fight club?
what if the what if thread is a lot raunchier than i remember it o.O?
what if i've read all of about 3 posts on this page, and all of them have been quite explicitly sexssual?
what if the whole world's gone to smut?
what if (and forgive me if this has been brought up and i in my haste have skipped right over it), that ruben guy on american idol was singing a song called "what if"?
what if i found it very very queer indeed?
"what if i had to call you from a payphone just to get my freak on? " O_o?
what if, maybe it makes sense to someone?
what if i wish for a bacon and cheese delux pizza thing or whatever it is from dominos?
what if someone very nicely granted my wish and brought me some right now?
what if *waiting....*?
what if ............fine! i'll get one when i go home?
what if home as in HOME home, where i shall happily be in ONE week

what if, then the world will be right again

what if the sooner i get things done, the sooner i can leave?
what if, so i'd better do that then?
what if....yes...o_o?
31 May 2004, 01:35 AM
SaraWhat if I feel especially dirty after reading the sentence with my getting a lap dance from
What if and even more dirty after reading
Brucy's sentence that he's a good lapper?
What if ew, ew, ew, ew, ew?
What if sorry
Brucy, but I don't get lap dances from guys who say they're good lappers?
What if cause if you gotta say it, it's just not true?
What if ahhh Godsmack is playing?
What if I need to finish my story?
What if but it's taken a turn for the angst?
What if cause I like making my characters miserable and in pain?
What if cause I'm evil that way?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 31 May 2004, 02:25 AM
xenacrazedWhat if there was a tornado about a mile from here Sunday afternoon?
What if there were a few tornadoes in Indy?
What if there hadn't been this many tornadoes round here since um 2002?
What if before the weather channel was created, there were fewer tornadoes over fewer years?
What if after the weather channel was created, there were more tornadoes over more years?
What if the weather channel did away with "sprinkles" cuz it's boring and replaced it with "heavy downpours" cuz it boosts ratings?
What if I won the lottery, bought the weather channel and stopped their bad-weather-creating- for-ratings plan?
What if tomorrow is beginning of fix-water damaged basement week?
What if at least it's not tornado damage thank goodness?
31 May 2004, 05:32 AM
SalemWhat if Angie was just on?
What if it was only for barely a minute but it was worth it?
What if *swoon*?