14 June 2004, 05:28 PM
xenacrazedWhat if ...??
What if i've hugged one scroller?
What if i've bugged all other scrollers?
What if i'm still bugging all other scrollers?
14 June 2004, 05:30 PM
xenacrazedWhat if i keep mistaking "/" for "?" at the end of my what if's, why not's & who cares if's?
14 June 2004, 07:52 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if time keeps on slipping, slipping into the future?
What if time seems to slip away from me at any rate?
What if those bastards at the County Law Library rearranged the shelves between my last visit and today?
What if the two volumes I'd been referencing were not on the shelf?
What if they didn't seem to be in the possession of any other patron either?
What if it's not a lending library, so I have no idea where those books were?
What if I found what I needed in a couple of other volumes?
What if I have no recollection of seeing them on the shelf before?
What if they are completely different volumes?
What if they didn't have all the forms I wanted?
What if nuts?
What if
xc has hugged more Scrollers than he's realized?
What if he doesn't remember that brief encounter in the Flying J showers?
What if he forgot about that Mudhen Team mascot in Toledo?
What if he forgot about even being in Toledo?
What if he'll never admit to that rendevous with the person in the monkey suit behind the rickety wooden roller coaster at that low rent amusement park outside of Gary?
What if poor
Madogis will have avert her innocent eyes from all of my posts because of her shock and horror at this one?
14 June 2004, 08:06 PM
FahrenheitWhat if the winter holidays come along with the extra winter?
What if yay!?
What if I take the kids to all the usual summer things in the spring and fall so everybody's happy?
What if we miss Paco's birthday, but get him extra presents for Christmas?
What if I insist xc take a bath with an earwig during one of his summers?
14 June 2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Smirk Morgan:
What if _xc_ has hugged more Scrollers than he's realized?
What if he doesn't remember that brief encounter in the Flying J showers?
What if he forgot about that Mudhen Team mascot in Toledo?
What if he forgot about even being in Toledo?
What if he'll never admit to that rendevous with the person in the monkey suit behind the rickety wooden roller coaster at that low rent amusement park outside of Gary?
What if xc avoids Flying J's as they play top 40 country over the intercoms?
What if xc drove through Toledo once & got lost?
What if xc is still lost...mentally?
What if Gary? Gary?

the armpit city of Indhickiana?
What if Gary, Indhickiana is where they dump all of xc's garbage since it's too toxic for regular dumps?
14 June 2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Heitie:
What if I insist xc take a bath with an earwig during one of his summers?
What if- what's a bath?

14 June 2004, 11:18 PM
Madogiswhat if "jane" is not maddie?
what if maddie thinks jane is cora with the french keyboard, but that's almost certainly inaccurate?
what if maddie's innocent eyes have no idea what nora's inuendo is all about, so she'll have to hide nothing?
what if i do however have to punch nora in the stomach for getting that DAMN "innocent eyes" song into my head

what if great, NOW i have a law suit on my hands

what if i spent my first night with ame on only our second date?
what if she woke up the next day and found me under the covers with her?
what if i spent my first night with salem as well?
what if neither of us did any sleeping though

what if i was in the middle of a salem/ame sandwich all night, and it's taken me two days to recover well enough to what if about it

what if hooray for subtext! woo!

what if innocent eyes nothing

15 June 2004, 12:59 AM
Madogiswhat if i just wrote an email to eric stuart and possibly his band?
what if i asked him to say "hi" to dan green and rachael lillis?
what if, what the hell do i think i'm doing o_o?
15 June 2004, 01:04 AM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by Salem:
What if I feel dumb for not even thinking of BB being abbrieviations of both Brucy Braless and Big Brother?
What if Salem should never EVER feel Dumb..??
what if in my LONG LONG years on this planet Ive encountered dumb...& its nothing like you,Salem..??
What if my monitors burning up sos I need to post this & turn it off to allow it to Cool..??
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
15 June 2004, 01:04 AM
Madogiswhat if there's no one online and i've just missed "just shoot me"?
what if, well that's just frickin' spectacular?
what if i've done no writing again and there's a sink full of dirty dishes that need my sucking-up to?
what if i have an inexplicable urge to go to narnia and look out over caire paravel?
what if i don't even know what i'm saying or hearing, but i can see what i'm talking about and that's good enough for me?
what if, ooh salem, i think i just did my telepathy thingy again?
what if i've been feeling like a name change for a while?
what if i settled on "so melodra-frickin'-matic", but now i don't want to go through with it, lest my true identity be lost for all time amongst the pages of the shrivelling what ifs?
what if i lost my train of thought?
15 June 2004, 01:10 AM
SaraWhat if I'm going to sleep?
What if the Gay Softball World Series is in August here in Dallas?
What if don't ask how I know that?
What if okay, sleep now?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 15 June 2004, 01:33 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if Argy wrote:
What if Brucy should continue his posting frenzy because Ame only just beat him to the most posts last month?
What if I cant recall when the last time anyone encouraged me to post MORE was ..??
What if I rather tickled by this..??
What if Thanks Argy..??

what if I wonder IF I can still beat Ame to 2000 posts as she has less than 10 to go rite now..???
What if I have to do only a bit over 1500 to win.??
What if I make a bit more effort to clean up my posts so Zoomy doesnt get to Wonky..??
What if My eyes go wonky trying to make stuff typo free..??
15 June 2004, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by Madogis:
what if i spent my first night with ame on only our second date?
what if she woke up the next day and found me under the covers with her?
what if i spent my first night with salem as well?
what if neither of us did any sleeping though
what if i was in the middle of a salem/ame sandwich all night, and it's taken me two days to recover well enough to what if about it
what if hooray for subtext! woo!
What if I have decided to become the scroll slut?
What if, unbeknownst to me, i already was the scroll slut?
What if the next 6 people to what if, in this thread (obviously) become my bitches?
15 June 2004, 02:27 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I am, and have always been,
Ame's bitch?

15 June 2004, 02:35 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if I tried to reply to the what if thread & *WHAM* it was stupefied & did nothing..??
What if I now know it was the fates interving to keep me from being poster #2 after Ames proclamation..??
What if Brucy Never was & will Never be Anyone's Bitch..??

What if the 'crackhead' who was working/robbing the carwash for Years & years once referred to Brucy in this way..??
what if hes not been seen or heard from in over 3 months now..??
What if *Evil

* .. I know nothing NOTHING..!!!
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
15 June 2004, 02:41 AM
Brucy BralessWhat ifI manged to save the text of my Stalled what if reply..??
what if it went something like this:
What if [B]Heitie wrote: What if ever shall I yearn for sparkly, sparkly stars? What if Heitie could get them by becoming a Scroll Guardian..?? what if she could also hide the fact that shes the Scroll Stalker then too..?? What if Im a wondering just exactly Whom shes been Stalkin..?? What if I am now also wondering if she stalks while concealing a Deadly weapon.. What if maybe something TRULY sinister like a freshly washed Earwig .??? What if a Buffalo NY winter might make her rethink hatin summer..?? What if 49 of them would DEFINITELY make summer seem Wunnerful..??? What if easily 200+ feet of snow has fallen on Buffalo since the day I was born..?? What if the REALLY heavy snowfall is south of the city .. in the Snowbelt..???[/B]
What if it posts this time..???

15 June 2004, 02:42 AM
Madogiswhat if i think my posts speak for themselves in regard to ame's strangelhold over me?
what if that sounded unwittingly kinky?
what if i already happen to be somebodies "bitch" though?
what if there's not a day that goes by where my roommate doesn't refer to me in this way?
what if i hope ame doesn't mind sharing - i know i don't

what if, completely off topic, i still really feel like being in narnia right now

15 June 2004, 02:48 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if yeah it did post but all con-fobbled together so its just ANOTHER indechiperable BrucY mess..??
What if its LATE & Im gonna leave it that way..??
What if you cant get Blood from a stone & you cant get anything that isnt Half-assed from MEeee..??

What if that called for a Smiley..??
What if I would gladly be Twin Xenas .. B- boy..??
What if all day EVERY day..???

What if because I seriously doubt they have ever even Used such a word..??
15 June 2004, 02:53 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if I fear for the Fate of this What if thread..??
what if because its gettin old quicker than a Date with me does.??
What if its already over 3/4 of the way to mummification.. & entombment..??
What if .."We all have our little excuses dont we..???"
What if I dont explain the reasoning behind that lil Quote..???
15 June 2004, 02:54 AM
AmethystWhat if this proves that Argy is my number one bitch?
What if it's now written in stone?
What if, well scroll?
What if i am wondering who my number 4 bitch will be?
What if people are refraining from posting because they don;t want to be my bitch?
What if i don't mind sharing you maddie?
What if, after our night together, you could never be anything less?
What if I already thought Brucy would give himself up to anyone that asked, now he has proved it

15 June 2004, 02:57 AM
Madogiswhat if, does this mean that ame is her own bitch o.O??
15 June 2004, 02:59 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if I ve crossed over & become a scroll nightmare..??
what if thats only a step away from becomin a scroll Ring-Wraith..??
What if 1 more post & Im off to Nitemare -land..??
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
15 June 2004, 03:02 AM
AmethystWhat if, nah it just proves something that we have all known all along?
What if, that just, I am a bitch?
What if I have hayfever?
What if i am sick of sneezing?
15 June 2004, 03:06 AM
Free MadnessWhat if, wow, so many subjects, which do I respond to first?
What if, in as much chronological order as possible?
What if hugging is good?
What if Narnia sounds good too?
What if--well earwigs are scary, but cockroaches are FARRRR worse?
What if being a slut is fun, but being a stalker I think I'll pass on?
What if I don't mind summer as long as I don't have too many bugs and have a nice working air conditioner and a pool?
What if, and a beach is really nice that way too?
What if, yay, I sorted my Sword problem?
What if, yay, I wrote a really good story?
What if Sara has the right idea about the sleep thing?
What if, yeah, think I'll go do that now?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
15 June 2004, 03:10 AM
AmethystWhat if WP9 is now officially my number 4 bitch?
What if, all is good.. :P
What if some people turn up after number 6 has been alotted, and ask if they can still be my bitch anyways?