31 July 2004, 09:55 AM
zoomWhat if ...??
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
What if i coulda sworn i saw "info_poop_" instead of "infopop" atop this here thread?
what if i've seen that too?
what if optical illusion or mutual hallucination...you decide?
what if i just had a
bjj flashback?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
31 July 2004, 02:57 PM
GabberWhat if ooh, I bet you're glad not to have those kind of shifts anymore,
Ame, that would suck?
What if unfortunately I don't have any leeway in being late 'cause I'm on the clock?
What if if I'm 5 mins or more late, I get 1/2 an occurance and I am only allowed 6 occurances each year (and those can add up just from calling in sick)?
What if right now, I am not a happy camper when it comes to my work?
What if a specific supervisor named Matt needs to be hunted down and maimed?
What if or just banished from my store so I never have to deal with him again?
What if he gets on my case more than anyone else because I won't put up with his crap, I'm the only one who'll stick up for myself, and he knows it?
What if he was Satan incarnate today?
What if and I was SO not up for his crap having just worked two weeks straight and not wanting to be there in the first place?
What if so I didn't put up with his crap and gave his attitude right back to him?
What if course, then he was on my case even more?
What if I couldn't even stand still for
15 seconds without him coming over the intercom and telling me to do something 'cause he was watching me on the cameras in the office?
What if and he tried to make me stay till 3pm even though David said I could leave at 10am yesterday?
What if I refused to let him do that to me though, and maybe that's why he was extra pissy with me the rest of the day?
What if he should know better because he was THERE when I asked David?
What if screw him, I'm tired of his crap and dangit, I'm going to enjoy my two days off?

What if work sucks, I want a vacation?
31 July 2004, 07:44 PM
AmethystWhat if we should be paid to not work..

What if we should be paid by AIM, and ICQ and Trillian to use their message programs?
What if that must have been a long xena marathon, i still haven't seen salem?
What if work tomorrow.. *sigh*
31 July 2004, 08:03 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if I accidentally stayed up till past 6AM this morning..?
What if I slept in til 5 PM..???
What if that truely sucks..???
What if Gabber is the same age as my daughter..???
What if Val rents an apartment with a LOT of friends & they live that way..??
What if all my daughter's friends are MALE..????

What if shes payin me back for teasing her years ago about datin her GFs when they get older..??
What if she told them all that & THATS why they have all moved way way way Outta state..???
What if *Grrr*???
31 July 2004, 09:03 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if Brucy's daughter is a clever young woman?
What if she has the gift of snark?
What if Brucy knows if he dated her friends that he'd pay for it dearly?
What if not as dearly as those "friends" though?
What if I was going to buy a new computer today?
What if they had a zero-interest for 12 months deal?
What if they only approved me for about half of what the price of the computer was?
What if they have now lost not only the sale of that computer, but the sale of any future CDs I might have bought, any routers, cards, printers, televisions, phones, dvds, etc?
What if I have Sara kilt 'em?
What if I think I'll just nurse along my old comp for a few more months?
What if damn?
31 July 2004, 10:10 PM
GabberWhat if I hate it when I'm not listened to?
What if I hate unwanted advice?
What if I don't get what's so hard about listening to a person vent...quietly?
What if I'm the type of person who feels better once I've vented and got it out, and doesn't necessarily need advice, just an ear, to feel understood?
What if you would think my parents would know this about me by now after 23 years with me?
What if apparently not?
What if and now I'm pissy all over again, if not moreso than I was before I vented?
What if yeeees,
Shelley, we SHOULD be paid to not work?
What if it'd save me a lot of headaches?

What if
Brucy, that's scary?
What if I said "snarky" the other day and my coworker Merry thought it was awesome?
What if I credit that influence to hearing Sara say it all the time?
What if I think I'm going to go get some of this aggression at my parents out?
What if I shut up now then?
31 July 2004, 11:10 PM
AmethystWhat if i am witing for a friend to ring, so i can pick up some dvd's and videos of mine she has borrowed?
What if i rang her 2 hrs ago, and seh said she was grocery shopping, and that she would ring me when she gets home?
What if i assume she must be more than grocery shopping because it doesnt take that long?
What if she has her evil spawn with her, and he could be the reason why?
What if i dunno?
What if i go play harry potter 3 while i wait?
What if i just watched LOTC and WFC?
What if LOTC is in my top 5 eps?
What if maybe even top 2?
What if i need to redo my top eps just so i do know what i like best?
What if i didn;t like WFC the first time i watched it, nor the 2nd?
What if, this being the third, and i still didn't like it?
What if sorry zoom.. it just ain't real xena to me?
01 August 2004, 01:10 AM
SalemWhat if I probably would have been home sooner, but we went to a bizarre Dutch shop before the boat thingy?
What if it was in the middle of nowhere, amongst all these factories, so I have no idea how you're supposed to know its there?
What if there was a cat in the shop, just sleeping on one of the shelves?

What if there was also an old lady there who reminded me of my late dutch grandmother and I wanted to give her a big hug hehe?
What if I too now have all of Xena on DVD, so yay me?
What if I was carrying around a bag full of Xena at the show all day, coz there aint no way I was leaving them in the car?
What if I started watching Season 4 last night?
What if right now I'm up to 'The Key To The Kingdom'?
What if I love the staged fight at the beginning with Meg as Xena and Auto and Joxer as the villains?

What if "now go away from this place, or suffer the wrath of Xener!"?
What if its been so enjoyable watching Xena, that hasn't been touched by the Channel 10 editors?
What if also the fact that I didn't tape some episodes very good?
What if I wish I had a week of work so I could watch the 4, 5 and 6?
What if I'm wondering if I'll get through all of season 4 by the time I go to bed?
What if there's probably 8 and half hours to go of the season?
What if so it'd be after 11 before it got done?
What if that's not factoring in the time it will take to change the discs?

What if I steal my dads laptop and take the DVDs to work this week and watch them and somehow create the illusion that I'm doing work?
What if oh well?
What if I enjoy When Fates Collide?
What if it's nice, it's different, it's unusual?
What if it would be in my list of favourite episodes?
What if I can't narrow it down to a top 10 list though?
What if a top 20 would be manageable?
What if I'd go start a top 20 topic but I'm in Netscape and it doesn't let me start new topics and I don't feel like dealing with IE at the moment?
What if SIGH?
01 August 2004, 02:54 AM
Free MadnessWhat if, how long has it been since I posted here?

What if, did i even welcome Wildy back? If not--WELCOME BACK!

What if, Keri I so feel you girl?
What if my parents, bless their hearts aren't very good at not giving advice either?
What if sometimes i just wanna scream too at people who won't just shaddup and listen?

What if i went out to dinner today and someone asked if i was EXPECTING!

What if that hasn't happened to me in almost a bloody year!!
What if it was probably this dress I was wearing but STILL!
What if time to get the steam roller out? lol, just kidding!

What if I saw a kitty cat in the window of a pet shop today, just hangin out with the supply displays?
What if s/he was all white and sooo pretty?
What if laters for now?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
01 August 2004, 03:34 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if there was a 'blue moon' tonite..??
what if...well you Know what that means dontcha....??
What if the above comments prove that women dont know Jack when it comes to men..??
What if I might be the bestest thing that ever could happen to a woman,no matter what her age..???

What if those who miss out will pay for it dearly..????
What if wisdom is just seeing how alotta seeming unrelated bits of knowledge all fit together..??
What if coherence ..??
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
01 August 2004, 06:12 AM
SalemWhat if it was Erik Thomson on Rove Live Radio, not Jay?
What if it was on again this morning for some reason, and my parents told me about it?
What if a girl on Australian Idol just sung an Evanescence song that isn't on the Fallen album, hehe?
What if 'Exodus'?
What if here in my shadows, I'm safe, I'm free, I've nowhere else to go but I cannot stay where I don't belong?
What if I got up to 'Between The Lines' in my Xena watching?
What if I'm not sure if I will continue to watch more after Idol finishes?
What if I'd probably get from 'The Way' to 'The Convert' if I did?
What if 'Between the Lines' would be in my Top 20?

What if my MSN isn't working?

01 August 2004, 12:54 PM
Wildywhat if I said thanks for welcoming me back?
what if I said that I was homesick?
what if I won the lottery and could travel between here and home as much as I wanted?
what if I won the lottery without even buying a ticket?
what if I said my boyfriend is drooling all over his pillow right now?
what if I thought that was cute?
what if he tickled me to death for posting that?
what if I said I was sick of poptarts, but they were the only thing I had to eat?
what if I almost accidentally posted a "why" question instead of a "what if" question in here?
01 August 2004, 03:03 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if summer has returned?
What if it was a cold July?
What if I didn't even have the a/c on for over a week?
What if I broke down and turned it back on last night?
What if it was probably because my cat decided she was going to snuggle with me so the extra warmth made it impossible to sleep?
Wbat if I turned on the a/c but the cat never came back to bed?
What if she came in at 4:30 am and wanted to play?
What if she got shut out at that point?
What if she goes nuts when I eat cantalope?
What if she follows me all around wanting me to give her some?
What if I give her some and then she just wants more?
What if cats are very odd?
What if she also likes peanuts?
What if no more rhymes now, I mean it!?
01 August 2004, 04:59 PM
zoomwhat if no prob,
Ame--it's probably a "subtext" thang...?

what if we finally got to the "main course" in the painting of the outside of Pasta & Co. today?
what if the new color is...wow!
what if i post a pic when it's finally entirely finished?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 August 2004, 07:46 PM
<madogis>what if i've learned to speed read because i have 7 readings to read by friday

what if it also helps with what ifs

what if, though it i think it's limiting my conscious intake of information - all i'm getting is dvds and cats?
what if i don't think i remember anyone named rachael omen

what if i feel terrible about that?
what if salem's making the whole thing up to confuse me, but i doubt it?
what if it's the sive-like memory and not the speed reading that's affecting my recollection of things

what if yes, johnny depp is awesome in "from hell"

what if it's a very very cool movie and i'm glad to have it on tape

what if everyone on tv is starting to look like that brooke trollop?
what if the girl from the maccaroni and cheese ad (with the microwave) and also the girl from the cornetto ad with the crazy sushi man o.O?
what if i sware i saw her on neighbours the other day as well - she was one of the distractions at the tennis court?
what if everywhere i go i see her face because what she is doing to kim is just so terrible that i want to kill everyone?
what if i'm scarred for life because of it?
what if i aim to be online this afternoon so i hope salem's msn is working by then?
what if i have to present my project proposal to my ceramics class in about half an hour?
what if, but i'm hungry and forgot to bring food

what if this isn't going to end well at all?
what if i want dillon back damn it!?
what if it wasn't enough time *cries*?
what if robbie had bett-er be on tonight or there'll be hell to pay?
what if, but i am still reminiscing about him and kim on the couch...alone...talking about, you know what

what if the shot of robbie's butt in the air for a full 3 seconds didn't go astray either

(did i mention that before?)?
what if i don't really have much to say about anything right now, but i ask you to pray for my soul when it's my turn to present my proposal?
what if i have a history of doing everything wrong when it comes to these things

what if there's also a nekkid chick in my work, so that should be an interesting round of questioning?
what if, speaking of the nekkid chick, i've left her all unattended at my desk - people are probably staring with their eyes?
what if i should have put a sign on her neck saying "you can look but you can't touch...in fact just back off altogether"?
what if my wolf skull got fired and survived in one piece

what if no one seems to want to fire his paws though

what if jeez, just 'cause they might explode and shatter everything into a million pieces...?
what if, did anyone watch playschool on friday morning?
what if big ted and one of the bananas in pjamas seemed to be engaging in acts not suitable for children's eyes?
what if i'm not at liberty to describe it in detail in a public forum, so you'll just have to use your imaginations?
what if i can tell you that it ended with the banana having to wash his pjamas and the host saying "that was exhausting"?
what if, and they thought that little story about the lesbian couple was controversial?
what if, speaking of lesbians, my first english tute went well?
what if the above seemed to be a hot topic of conversation when it came time to create our own hybrid genres?
what if ours was called "amazonia", which was (supposedly) a combination of militaristic, femanitst, migrant, and erotica o.O?
what if i referenced xena as a possible example

what if i wrote a breif "amazonian" scene (because it was in the form of a script) that ended up looking like the beginnings of a really bad porn movie

what if i leave you with that thought running around in your heads and scuttle off to ceramics?
what if goodbye

01 August 2004, 08:08 PM
SaraWhat if I'm home?
What if I'm tired?
What if I've actually found a sig pic I like?
What if now I've got to use my rusty brain and try and remember my homestead account junk?
What if blast, it was simple when I didn't have a sig pic?
What if ah well, things change?
What if I'm hungry so I'm going to eat?
What if new Dead Like Me tonight?

What if sweet?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 August 2004, 11:17 PM
SaraWhat if I'm posting again?
What if to see if my sig pic works?
What if thanks to
Ame for hosting it for me?
What if I think it rather suits me?

What if here goes?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 August 2004, 11:36 PM
AmethystWhat if sara needs to change her sig pic to the THIRD one she got me to upload for her, since she couldn;t make up her mind.. *S*
01 August 2004, 11:37 PM
SaraWhat if shaddup?

What if I like this one best so I'm staying with this one?
What if George is my AIM icon now?
What if yes, I have a new obsession, go me?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 August 2004, 11:38 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I have been drinking?
What if it numbs?
What if that's silly, putting a B in numbs?
What if I'm used to it in thumbs, but I'm not sure I've ever typed numbs before?
What if I like my scroller people and I wish we all lived in the same town and/or area?
What if I just thought to myself "I need another drinky-poo"?
What if I'm a crack-up?
What if I'm just maintaining a low buzz because I don't know what my alcohol:vomit ratio is?
What if I do not wish to find out?
What if, in fact, emphatically not?
What if I like to dream that Willow somehow loses her powers, possibly giving them up to bring Joyce back in an interesting yet farfetched scenario, and realizes that Kennedy's yicky and I get to meet regular, nerdy yet hot Willow?
What if oh...was that out loud?
01 August 2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by apparently, there are new limits:
what if i just had a bjj flashback?
What if oh my, I misunderstood that for a second?
What if I'm not used to spirits?
01 August 2004, 11:44 PM
AmethystWhat if Kennedy is yicky?
What if heck i'd do willow, just to get rid of kennedy.. hehe
01 August 2004, 11:47 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I just flew into a jealous rage which consisted of raising my eyebrows?
01 August 2004, 11:48 PM
AmethystWhat if i wonder if there is a limit?
01 August 2004, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Heitie:
What if I just flew into a jealous rage which consisted of raising my eyebrows?
What if you made me spit my drink on the keyboard?