21 August 2004, 12:38 AM
GabberWhat if ...??
What if you wish?

What if hehe?
21 August 2004, 12:41 AM
AmethystWhat if, ohh, new page?
What if, lately i have been making the last post on pages, not realising it was about to start a new one?
What if, no.. sweety darling.. YOU wish
What if, yeah maybe we'll leave the Salem part out of it ok?
What if, then i am all yours

21 August 2004, 08:19 AM
SalemWhat if, okay, now that I've calmed down from Believe Nothing, I can normally what if?
What if it sucks American Trio doesn't have Kath & Kim?
What if why must it be so hard for the foxiest ladies this side of Fountain Lakes to be seen in other countries?

What if don't worry Heitie, we'll see Kath & Kim someday?
What if sure we will Mr. Salem, sure we will *cough cough cough*?
What if gee I hope Heitie isn't really dying, of a cough apparently?
What if I'm currently watching Xena?
What if Many Happy Returns?
What if it's at the end, just before Gabby gets her present? ^__^
21 August 2004, 03:20 PM
SaraWhat if if you go to msn.com, you'll see the US Softball pitching squad there with a caption of "The Real Dream Team?"?
What if you're goddamn right they are?

What if I'm having my pants hemmed today?
What if cause I'm short and they don't make pants with short people like myself in mind?
What if so I'm having them hemmed?
What if I must gather my things and be off?
What if laters?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 21 August 2004, 05:59 PM
AmethystWhat if I have Jury Duty tomorrow?
What if, man i really don't want to do it?
What if all the times i had gotten the letter before i wan't needed, (you ring a number the day before and it tells you), but this time i am?
What if, why do weekends go by so fast?
What if, this time next weekend, i expect to have a hang over

What if, i'll what if more later.
21 August 2004, 06:26 PM
SaraWhat if woo hoo, I just got an email from my cousin Tina and she'll be playing in a softball tourney Sept. 3?
What if sweet, I'm gonna go see her play?
What if pants are hemmed, lovely?
What if I'm making a mix cd of ska and punk bands?
What if Save Ferris is on there quite a few times?
What if I'm hungry but have no idea what I want?
What if off to search for some food?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 21 August 2004, 10:34 PM
AmethystWhat if, i am becoming a harry potter freak?
What if i have hp1 on PC, harry potter 2 on PC ad GBA, and hp 3 on PC?
What if i have been looking for 2 on pc for ages, and got it today.
22 August 2004, 12:40 AM
SaraWhat if
Ame is just a freak?
What if but we already knew that?
What if @#^&$#@^&( Prince of Persia is giving me a hard time and I'm stuck?
What if I can't friggin' figure out where to go next damnit?
What if so I'm taking a quick break?
What if but I love that game, it's so mentally stimulating?
What if I'm contemplating lookin' up some cheats as I'm at the end of my rope?
What if I'm just waiting around for 1 AM so I can go watch the softball semifinals?
What if okay, back to the Prince?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 22 August 2004, 07:23 AM
SaraWhat if awwww yeah, US over Australia
again 5-0?
What if and the US cruises to the gold medal game?
What if the ERA for the US squad is 0.00?
What if Lisa Fernandez rocks my world?
What if I've only had 4 hours sleep?
What if I'm not staying up for the bronze medal game which is Japan vs. Australia?
What if the winner plays the US tomorrow at 8 am CST?
What if I'll be there cause I took the day off from work?
What if I'm a tired, happy, slightly delirious girl?

What if one of the players for the Aussies reminds me of
Argy with the way her hair is cut?

What if now I'm going to go stumble into bed with dreams of gold dancing in my head?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 22 August 2004, 07:29 AM
SalemWhat if Ame abandoned me for her Harry Potter game?
What if I'm all alone?
What if I'm watching Soul Possession?
What if nearing the end of my Xena DVD watching?
What if I might just go to bed after this episode is over?
What if I'll save A Friend In Need for tomorrow night?
What if I wish I had tomorrow off so I could play more Harvest Moon?
What if I'm half way through Winter of my first year?
What if pretty game?
What if I wish it would hurry up though so I can marry my beauty, Celia?
What if I feel like I'm having an affair though, the amount of time I spend talking to Nami?
What if it's not my fault she's everywhere I go?
What if I started another game because it lets you save 2 in the one file, and I'm going to win Nami's heart in that one?
What if, not any time soon though, it was just a test to see if I could save a second game?
What if tired tired tired?
22 August 2004, 12:56 PM
EmessisWhat if, uh... I'm back?
What if I intend to stick around this time?

What if, eek, moving into a dorm this Friday?! o_o
What if I think I'll be happy to have the Scrolls as a place to visit while attempting to avoid my homework?

What if, but don't worry, I
will do it?
What if, so...I missed a lot, huh?
22 August 2004, 05:17 PM
AmethystWhat if only Em has what iffed since Australia has been in bed?
What if that is a piss poor effort people... really
What if, dury juty BLECH
What if, i get empanelled on a jury, it's not one of them that last days and days?
What if, i really don't have time for this..lol
What if i better have breakfast, we probably can't eat anything.. ever..
What if i should get dressed too, the probably don't like pink pjamas with tweety bird on them?
What if i am gunna go sit in a corner and play my GBA until someone calls my name... hehe
22 August 2004, 10:59 PM
SaraWhat if here's hoping the jury duty skipped over
What if no work for me tomorrow?

What if I really want some Tang but that would mean going to the store to get some and I don't think I can be bothered?
What if but I really want some Tang?
What if ah well, on to watch my cartoons?
What if laters?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 23 August 2004, 01:54 AM
<madogis>what if O_O+

! to the dvd buying?
what if i wonder if salem bought that believe nothing dvd for me

what if i hug him and thank him and hug him again for buying my futurama dvds

what if, if my money could talk, it would say "i'm on my way!...or will be tomorrow"?
what if i've been very distracted and stressed lately...and also hungry

what if all this news of dvds has certainly bucked up my spirits some

what if i've been having issues with teachers trying to crush my gentle spirit again?
what if i've been singing "behind blue eyes" to myself over and over again

(sometimes the giles version)?
what if i've been working till my fingers almost bled, and still it is not enough?
what if they all suck?
what if i wonder if the nice people at sanity realise that they're in for weeks of me snooping around there dvd shelves in search of believe nothing?
what if excellent

what if i shant be online this evening as there is more back-breaking, finger-bludgeoning, soul-destroying labour to be done?
what if...goody

what if maybe i should go stop being hungry for a start?
what if fruity-bix bar here i come!?
what if i check the tv guide and see if robbie's on this afternoon?
what if, if so, so long suckers?
what if i kinda hope marty gets into idol (but not at the expense of dan or chrissie...or carlos o.o)?
what if there's always the wildcard?
what if *senses that people are getting suspicious as to her whereabouts in class - flees to avert imminent violence and childish name-calling*
what if *runs back to scrolls quickly, hugs salem* thank you salem

what if *continues fleeing*?
23 August 2004, 03:00 AM
SalemWhat if I hope Maddie's Quest for Believe Nothing is successful?
What if she harasses them until they get it in specially for her?
What if I don't know what I'm doing with the Futurama DVDs?
What if am I sending them to you and if so, is it safe for them to probably just get dumped at your door were theiving uni students can get their grubby mits on them?
What if I wonder if Ame is still sitting in the room waiting to be called?
What if it'll be like that Becker episode?
What if I wonder if they have a TV with a soap opera running?
What if they'll probably have the olympics on if they do?
What if it's good to see Emessis back posting again?
What if I hope she has an exciting time living in a dorm?
What if the player that reminds Sara of Argy really is Argy?
What if it would explain why she hasn't been posting?
What if softball was played on horseback?
23 August 2004, 03:24 AM
AmethystWhat if i sat there, went through the process of becoming a juror, watching an enlightening video, and even ut my hand up as one of those people who don't wanna swear the oath on the Bible

, and then didn't get picked?
What if, only 5 of us, in the end weren't?
What if i consider myself lucky?
What if, the case was..... well i can't tell you?
What if, since i didn;t get put on the jury I can talk about it, so i will tell you?
What if it was the rape of a 10 yr old, and the case was expected to last 1 to 2 weeks?
What if, 'your honour, can i castrate him'
What if i have no idea if he was guilty or not guilty, but thats what should happen to anyone who is a pedophile?
What if i have Hungry Jacks?
What if, i don;t see why they don;t call it Burger King, it all looks the same?
What if i took my GBA with me, but i never turned it on?
What if so back to the grind of work tomorrow?
What if, oh well, on day close to the weekend?
What if i get to see my favourite specil girl this weekend!
What if and we'll watch some Xena
What if, then we'll watch some more Xena... YAY
23 August 2004, 08:22 AM
zoomwhat if there was an Olympic swimmer from Australia that reminded me of
what if Tang the beverage is nasty?
what if that's not what
Sara was talking about?
what if wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
23 August 2004, 10:40 AM
SaraWhat if WOOOO HOOOOO baby, US over Australia 5-1?
What if the Aussies got that one hit, and I must say, it was a good one?
What if but Lisa Fernandez tearing it up?
What if two homers by Crystl Bustos and one by Stacey Nuveman?
What if WOOOOO HOOOO 3 times gold baby?

What if I am a happy girl?
What if now I'm going to go watch interviews and the like?

What if

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 23 August 2004, 11:28 AM
SaraWhat if maybe I wasn't talking about Tang the beverage?
What if, if you know what I mean, heh?

What if bastards, the USA network isn't showing the gold medal ceremony cause they're running a bit late setting up?
What if but they're showing it at noon on MSNBC right after the women's soccer game?
What if I already called KC and told her?
What if I was gonna go back to sleep but there's no chance in hell now, I'm too wired?
What if Fruit Loops first, cartoons, then gold medal ceremony?
What if I have to be social tonight with strangers and you can bet I'm going to be all decked out in my softball stuff?
What if cause my girls rock?

What if okay, breakfast?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 23 August 2004, 10:38 PM
xenacrazedWhat if this space reserved for a future what if?
24 August 2004, 01:26 AM
SaraWhat if today has been a good day?
What if I got all choked up watching the gold medal ceremony for the softball team?
What if when Lisa Fernandez teared up, I was all misty eyed too?
What if at that moment, I was proud to be an American?
What if they're starting a professional women's league, where the players actually get paid?
What if damn, I wished I still played softball?
What if I convince cousin Tina to try out?
What if at least someone I know will be on a team?
What if it's time for bed, work tomorrow, god help me?
What if but at least now I won't be waking up at freakishly insane times to watch my girls play?
What if ahhh, the sweet smell of victory?

What if night?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 24 August 2004, 03:40 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if its been 3 pages since I last what iffed..??
What if I was too tired to read the long What ifs & skipped the sports ones ...??
What if sports are just too anti-intellectual for the uppity likesa me..???

What if 2Towers started at 1AM so it will run till 4am..??
What if *whew* not tonite..thats too late?? LOL
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
24 August 2004, 04:33 AM
AmethystWhat if i have fish n chips?
What if calamari, prawn cutlets and tasmanian scallops?
What if, not i wonder what other ppl call them?
What if maybe just plain 'scallops'
What if, not the potato variety, but the seafoody variety?
What if it's 6.30 and salem isn;t online?
What if i call him with my hot chips?
What if and tartare sauce?
What if salem doesn;t get here soon, and i just go play my h2 game instead?
What if i almost choked on my dinner?
What if it got caught in my throat?
What if i am right now?
What if my fish is crumbed?
What if i bought some magnums for dessert too?
What if salem gets online 90 secs after i get offline to play harry?
What if i even turned msn on, in case he forgot to turn aim on, like he has been doing recently?
What if i just burped?
What if, at least the Aussies got the silver in softball?
What if my foot is itchy?
What if i might do something special for a scroller tomorrow, but they won;t know what it is, or who it is, until the specialness has been bestowed upon them?
What if it took me three attempts to write bestowed.. hehe
24 August 2004, 05:02 AM
ArgeauxWhat if there's a rumour that softball may be dropped from the Olympics?
What if I could see
Sara falling to her knees and weeping if that ever happens?
What if I call 'em Tasmanian scallops, as well?
What if they are yummy?
What if
Ame writes a thread about how she is going in her HP GBA game?
24 August 2004, 05:04 AM
SalemWhat if everything was turned off?
What if the only thing that made me put them on was me thinking "I wonder why Ame isn't online"?
What if I then saw I wasn't online hehe?
What if I'm now married in Harvest Moon?
What if and AND I have a son?
What if I don't know how I'm going to support them, I can barely support myself?
What if I've just been living off plants I pick from the ground as I walk by?

What if I need a few weeks off to play my games, because I have so many that need finishing?
What if it doesn't help that Team Sonic's song from Sonic Heroes just came on my play list?
What if not that I haven't finished that game, because I have, except getting all A ranks in things, which is just impossible for a poor fool like me?
What if *sings* we can make it if we all stick together, we won't split up not ever, it's easier with my friends by my side?
What if we all bring out the best things in each other, together we are stronger than anyone else can be on their own, so much better than alone?
What if hooray for cheesy songs!
