What if, i am not very far through my HP2 GBA game yet?
What if maybe i will starta thread and post?
What if, we'll have to start a pokemon thread?
What if.. ame and argy and pokemon in the same thread?
What if maddie will be so proud?
What if, i wonder what differences ruby and saphire have?
What if i get addicted and then i buy one of the next 2 pokemons coming out soon?
What if, looks at salem for their names, and the date they are coming out on?
24 August 2004, 05:24 AM
What if Pokèmon Fire Red and Pokèmon Leaf Green, September 23?
What if I shall be picking up Leaf Green?
What if I have all the 'second' games in the series?
What if Blue, Silver and Sapphire?
What if I also have the special editions, Yellow, Crystal and I WILL have Emerald, but that's only just been announced in Japa so it will be a while before it reaches here?
What if Maddie has the 'first' ones?
What if Red, Gold and Ruby?
What if she's going to get Fire Red?
What if, coz if she doesn't...?
What if there aren't much differences between the two versions, like Ruby/Sapphire for example?
What if there's a handful of Pokèmon exclusive to each verison that you can only get in the other game through trading?
What if for example this little fella is only in Sapphire, while is only in Ruby?
What if yes, yes, start a thread ?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Salem,
24 August 2004, 05:27 AM
What if a HP thread?
What if, or a Pokemon thread?
24 August 2004, 05:31 AM
What if I meant Pokèmon?
24 August 2004, 06:01 AM
What if you got the thingy back to front on the top of the e?
What if ooohhh.. you know NOTHING about Pokeom.. NOTHING i say.
24 August 2004, 06:11 AM
What if oh alright, Pokémon, Pokémon, ya pack of chunts?
What if I know what I mean?
What if look at your ghastly spelling of the word!?
What if har har har!
What if I wonder what Pokémon Ame will start with?
What if Argy chose Treecko?
24 August 2004, 08:20 AM
what if i start abusing my modly powers to start editing Scrollers' post to add icons?
what if i go on a rampant abuse-of-power spree?
what if i paint a mustache on the Argo icon?
what if it already kinda looks like it has a mustache?
what if horns on the Gabby icon?
what if i change xc's name from xenacrazed to xeroxcopied?
what if i turn all Sara's posts orange?
what if pondering the possibilities makes me giddy?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 August 2004, 08:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by Salem: What if oh alright, Pokémon, Pokémon, ya pack of chunts?
What if that made me go "tee hee" in my head, when I read it?
quote:What if Argy chose Treecko?
What if that is correct?
What if I called him "Boyd"?
What if I'm not even sure why?
What if the game now says "Go Boyd!" every time I send him out to fight?
24 August 2004, 12:09 PM
What if those rumors are actual fact Argy they are debating about whether to let softball continue to be an Olympic sport after 2008?
What if but the chairman of the IOC was at the championship softball game and he was very positive about the game and it's continuance in the Olympics?
What if good otherwise I would have had to go and beat some sense into him?
What if cause softball rocks?
What if I'd like to see ZOOM go on a rampant abuse of power spree?
What if cause it'd be fun to see another Evil Genius at work?
What if and it's been far too long since the Evil Geniuses have done anything remotely evil or genius like?
What if so go for it ZOOM, I'll find it highly amusing?
What if bleh on work today?
What if I just need to survive this coming weekend and things should be okay?
What if alright, staff meeting time?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom,
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
24 August 2004, 06:24 PM
what if that felt supremely amazing, and made my spider senses go tingly?
what if the key will be to perpetrate my EG soon enough after a post is entered to remain invisible?
what if the invisibility edit mode won't apply to me, a third party editor?
what if...*lies in wait*?
What if I want to have plastic surgery to look like Anna Nicole Smith?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Amethyst,
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 August 2004, 06:31 PM
What if ya know...the pink...not cool?
What if them's fighting colors missy?
What if at least grant me the Evil Genius status of not having pink?
What if or else?
What if but your abuse of power did make me laugh, as I said it would?
What if go abuse on someone else now?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
24 August 2004, 06:38 PM
what if my lack of invisibility hinders this particular avenue of power abuse?
what if back to the evil drawing board?
what if my new hobby is coming up with Xena-related Roller Derby "stage" names?
what if Sue Nami?
what if Grate Her Good?
what if some non-Xena ones, too?
what if Towanda Jackson?
what if Bonnie Collide?
what if i met the evil-Shawn-twin roller girl last time i went?
what if we had a good laugh about her name, Patty Hurts, and number, M-16?
what if they now sell bic lighters with individual roller girl pics on them?
what if i know what everyone's getting for stocking stuffers this Christmas!
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 August 2004, 07:14 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if entire afternoon wasted?
What if 2 o' clock docket but we didn't get to go til 4:30?
What if then we lost?
What if client probably won't pay now?
What if blech?
What if got an answer to one of the divorce petitions I filed a week ago?
What if looks like OC is going to be a contentious dick?
What if he sent me a discovery request and I'm on page 8 of freakin' definitions?
What if the guy is making life awfully hard on himself unnecessarily?
What if bleah?
24 August 2004, 07:32 PM
What if they're here...can't you see them?
24 August 2004, 07:42 PM
What if it's them...who kidnapped zoomie and replaced her with you-know-who?
24 August 2004, 07:54 PM
What if that crowd... beckons you to join them and do to others as they did to Sara before it was cooooo-l?
24 August 2004, 10:53 PM
wat if the world has changes so much in my absense?
what if pokemon everywhere (notice i don't even try to do the little accent thingy)?
what if i forget what the starters are for fire red?
what if charmander, one assumes?
what if i also forgot i was supposed to buying a new game soon?
what if i really wish i hadn't bought that ruby-studded clown nose ?
what if modly powers frighten me, but i do like the idea of "xeroxcopied" ?
what if i had a dream that i was seto kaiba and i was flying around on some deadly mission on the back of a blue-eyes white dragon ?
what if i have no idea why, but gifthorse..mouth...?
what if i do believe that's the first time i've quoted lorne in aaaages?
what if marty of "my sister's friend marty" is back on idol for the wildcard round?
what if i have my sources...altough i have no other information to offer?
what if christie was robbed! robbed i say!?
what if thank the gods for dan though ?
what if (i would do this in the idol thread but there's no time damn it!>.<?
what if, gotta run, chow (i can't spell it properly. i'm sorry)?
what if *cloud of dust in the shape of maddie*?
25 August 2004, 06:17 AM
What if i had some reconstructive surgery, and it's called Chesty Forte?
What if hehehe hahahaha?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom,
25 August 2004, 02:59 PM
What if that was funny?
What if...really funny?
What if ow, my sides hurt?
What if so nice to see an Evil Genius at work?
What if busy today, bleh?
What if laters?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
25 August 2004, 10:32 PM
What if xc now stood for xeroxcopied?
What if xc was a xeroxcopy of someone's butt on the xerox machine?
What if xc has been sniffing too much toner?
What if the original copy from which i was xeroxed is out there having a fun time while i have to do all it's work & dirty laundry?
What if i see original copy someday & destroy him & take his place in life?
What if nobody notices this but then my dark xerox edges give me away as just a xeroxcopy?
What if i get shunned for being a xeroxcopied trying to live the live of an original?
What if i mixed toner in with eggnog & got a good buzz?
25 August 2004, 11:54 PM
Free Madness
What if, hello all, it's me after a long absense?
What if I had a great time in Massachussets?
What if it's so GREEN there?
What if there's all these sheep statues--colorful sheep, with pictures of people and mountain scenes on them?
What if that's so cool?
What if there was a pool at our motel?
What if it was sweet?
What if we're going again next year?
What if yeee haww?
What if laters for now, I'll play catchup tomorrow?
What if sleep tite?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
26 August 2004, 03:54 AM
what if i just finished a 4-page catch-up, seeing as how i've been skimming for days ?
what if it's thursday?
what if i skipped ceramics again ?
what if i'm sure i'd just be a 5th wheel?
what if *i* would make it my BUSINESS to be a 5th wheel?
what if i have futurama dvds ...well, not *have* have...soon?
what if that was inspired by that wonderful sign on the simpsons: "auditions for fall-out boy here...well, not *here* here...inside" ?
what if some things just never stop being funny ?
what if, speaking of, FUTURAMA!! ?
what if i'm still a little bit excited by the prospect ?
what if i kind of wish i was at home - my original home - and again, that i was 8yrs old?
what if, no, i don't need to be 8, i just need for my environment to be like it was when i was 8?
what if nothing truly spectacular happened when i was 8 but it seems to be the age i keep coming back to?
what if i guess it has something to do with the fact that i had no responsibilities, everything was a source of wonder and fun, and i had yet to understand what casual self-destruction was all about?
what if 8 is my favourite number also?
what if i sure know how to bring the mood down, don't i?
what if i lighten up a little by saying hi to emassis and 'ferrets - it's nice to see you again ?
what if, not that it isn't nice to see everyone else all the time too ?
what if inside idol is on tonight?
what if i expected someone to say more about the fact that australia was the ONLY softball team to score against the americans?
what if i'm sure it was mentioned, but i thought there'd be more hype?
what if i don't understand why there isn't women's baseball at the olympics?
what if there isn't women's boxing either, apparently?
what if i saw somewhere along the line that ame was trying to challenge my standards of long what ifs?
what if tut tut genlte ame, you cannot defeat the master ?
what if the secret is to lay low for days and then just explode in a what if of unbridled and unstoppable crap?
what if, works for me ?
26 August 2004, 04:43 AM
What if I missed the step when I went to get in the truck on the way home today?
What if I ended up hitting my head on the seat?
What if yay, glad to hear WP9 had a great time?
What if the sheep came alive at night?
What if don't worry Maddie, the DVDs will get to you and cheer you up soon?
What if casual hello?
What if sometimes I feel like going back in time to the start of high school?
What if I didn't know Maddie then?
What if we kept all our memories and became friends back then and rewrote history?
What if ah for the simple days of childhood?
What if where has my heart gone?
What if an uneven trade for the real world?
What if oh I, I want to go back to beleiving in everything?
What if Serena's grandmother in Neighbours is scary?
What if it would've been sweet if today was Friday?
What if I'm going on another shopping spree this weekend?
What if tomorrow is going to be a long day?
What if I should have it off?
What if my TV is being crazy?
What if the colours keep going brighter and darker?
What if I only just remembered today that I forst worked for the place I'm working at now when I was like 4 or 5?
What if I was in a commercial for the place?
What if I was the boy in the sad family who didn't have a sun room?
What if I'm tired?
What if maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away, we'll be lost before the dawn?
26 August 2004, 10:48 AM
What if I did mention that Australia scored and was the only one to score?
What if but the Americans winning overall was more important?
What if I feel rather awake this morning?
What if tomorrow is Friday, thank God?
What if I looked up passport info yesterday?
What if and also ETA info?
What if I have to send off for my birth certificate?
What if we're going to see Hero on Friday?
What if it'll be interesting seeing Tarantino and Li together?
What if moving day for Jerri and Todd on Saturday?
What if god help us all?
What if okay, work for awhile?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
26 August 2004, 01:25 PM
what if Tarantino didn't have anything to do with the making of Hero?
what if it's actually been out a while in Asia and Q is just responsible for bringing it over here cuz he saw it & fell in love with it & pretty much made its American distribution happen on his own?
what if hence the "Quentin Tarantino presents:Hero..."?
what if i thought the same thing at first, too til bloodyclownboy set me straight?
what if i just chuckled at the thought of bcb "setting me straight"...??