29 August 2004, 11:43 PM
MadogisWhat if ...??
what if my crit went poorly

what if how the hell am i suppose to explain something that i created subliminally >.<?
what if, what do these people WANT from me?
what if WHY does EVERYTHING have to MEAN something?????
what if, even if it means something, they're too daft to understand it!?
what if i had one corner of the hanging stitched in red wool - ONE - and now they're saying "why don't you do a whole artwork just about red string?" ?
what if, if only i'd said that then

what if, fyi, there will be no red string "masterpiece". they can, as suggested, all go to hell, go directly to hell. do not pass go. do not collect $200?
what if, hm, that'd have to be the first monopoly reference i've seen in a while - whatever happened to that game?
what if i wonder if salem has sent those dvds (no pressure - i'm just going completely mad up in here...see?)?
what if i wonder if my $50 ever made it to salem

what if it hasn't been returneded to sender (i didnt need that song in my head) so i hope it hasn't just got "lost" in the mail - "ding ding ding! - dvd purchase!" o.o?
what if i'm fairly certian i'm supposed to be in class again?
what if we had an hour for lunch and that was an hour and 10 minutes ago?
what if wooops?
what if i'm cold again and i just had de ja vu

what if, and now my neck hurts and i have a craving for buttery corn, no butter >.<?
what if *i* know what i'm talking about and that's the main thing?
what if oh yeah, my tooth hurts as well for no good reason - this is the suckiest day ever!...well, not *ever*, but it still sucks?
what if i think the computer just made a crashing sound?
what if just great *stomach rumble*?
what if *closes eyes and rubs temples* homeandawayhomeandawayhomeandaway...?
what if ah senseless violence, eases the pain

~what if hm, new page again, must just be that kind of a day?
30 August 2004, 03:52 AM
SalemWhat if I got Maddie's monies?
What if, uh, I mean I didn't, you'll have to send it again?
What if the DVDs are on the way?
What if, well they should be, I had to leave it up to my mum to take it to the post office, so she probably dropped them on the road and reversed over them a couple of times because she hates you oh so much?

What if I'm choosing to ignore Sara's comments about bedrooms?
What if Ame isn't online so she must be dead?
What if when I got home I discovered I had 1 missed called on the mobile from Ame?
What if it was her dying plea for help?
What if also there was a message?
What if they had all been done hours ago, wanting my address because she was at the post office?
What if now I don't think I replied?
What if Ame is still waiting at the post office?

What if I should go reply?
What if it's too late anyway, they shut at 5pm?
What if I didn't hear the phone because I was loading the truck? o.o
What if today was extremely boring because there was only 3 of us there, one of them being the person I dislike?
What if I cleaned the truck for something to do and to hell with the water restrictions?
What if I only had a small bucket and a rag?
What if they were taking advantage of the obsessive compulsive disorder I didn't know I had until I saw the state of the truck?
What if you should see the truck now though?
What if it's so clean it gives off it's own light in a completely dark room?
What if now I'm hungry? >.<
What if I just remembered, my mum was telling me Leah and Robbie from Home & Away were lingering outside the new Sunrise studio this morning?
What if my mum said "I can see why [Maddie] likes Robbie"?
What if hehe?
What if I should go see about releasing Ame from the Post Office?
What if no Lady Z for me?

30 August 2004, 04:38 AM
Originally posted by Miss Amphipolis:
What if yesterday afternoon all of a sudden i got a strange excema like rash on the back of my right hand?
WHat if, it's even more strange because i don't get excema?
What if, it's even weirder, that i woke up this morning, and the same said rash is all up my inner arm?
What if, and it is itchy?
What if it sounds kinda like shingles?
What if, it's a pokemon related rash?
What if I was thinking the same thing!?
What if we've gone Pokemon crazy, oh dear?
What if i now own FOUR game boy games?
What if you let us know if you've played any of the others, in
WHat if my love for Argy will make you all question my sexuality?
What if that will make us all question your SANITY?
What if, Argy, my love, my life, all my dreams rolled into one?
What if, blows kisses at Argy?
What if you know that I feel the same way?

What if I had fun on Saturday night, even though we got so very, very drunk and sickly?
What if no one seems to give a shit about My Jess dressed as Xena thread, so i best go bump it?
What if I do, I've just been too lazy to reply?
What if I go and do that now?
30 August 2004, 06:24 AM
SalemWhat if I don't know what Ame's 4th game is?
What if I can only think of the Chamber of Secrets, Pokémon Ruby, and Oracle of Seasons?
What if Ame's illness is PokéRus?
What if Home & Away was quite interesting?
What if Rhys was a bastard as usual?
What if I never thought I'd say it, but Poor Hailey?

What if, if I was Hailey, I'd blame everything on Dani and Scott and move out?
What if she does seem to be slowly slipping into insanity though?
What if I don't think the original Vinnie will be back?
What if, what with him galavanting around in that new American show Summerland or whatever the deuce it's called?
30 August 2004, 06:50 AM
AmethystWhat if i didn't die?
What if you read the GBA thread you would know what my 4th game is?
What if jess has decided that my GBA is hers?
What if mick said maybe we'll get her one for xmas?
What if i told him she still can't play my games because they save on the game, not on the system.. hehe
What if, yay to foxtel digital?
What if my rash is supposedly an allergic reaction?
What if i was told to try and remember something new that might have only touched more forearms?
What if since i slept in long sleeves, its not leah's washing powder?
What if i am thinking maybe the shampoo she shampoos her dog in, since i cuddled him when i had a t-shirt on?
What if and her cat sat on my lap too (and kept headbutting me) but leah said thats his way of saying he respects you?
What if i used to be allergic to cats, so maybe my cat allergy has evolved?
What if i think salem has died?
What if he said BRB like 39 and a half hours ago?
What if just took my night time sudafed?
What if i hope it says what the packet says and unblocks my nose, gives sinus pain relief, helps you sleep AND is fast acting?
30 August 2004, 06:56 AM
AmethystWhat if when Mick is in Singapore in November, Argy might come up and spend a day or 2 with me?
What if someone else gets Salem's parcel i mailed today?
What if his mum doesn't recognise who it is addressed to, so keeps it for herself?
What if i love aloe vera tissues?
What if i want to go play pokemon, but jess wants to play it, so i told her i didn;t know where my GBA was?
What if hehehe?
What if i Do want to go to bed though when i finish neopetting, so i can try and have a good nights sleep?
What if Salem didn;t die?
What if but maybe he got paralysed by a pokemon?
30 August 2004, 07:13 AM
SalemWhat if well now I see in the Game thread?
What if Ame sends Jess to bed early so she can play?
What if Leaf Green will be out soon?

What if I forgot to say before that I cut my face cleaning the truck?
What if I walked into a windscreen wiper?

What if I'm tired now and watching Futurama?
What if all this Futurama talking made me hunger for Futurama?
What if, also food?
30 August 2004, 08:10 AM
zoomwhat if
Ame's rash is a lovely diversion from the great lot of transglobal what iffing about sinus affliction we've experienced recently?
what if i too was bruisd if not bloodied by this weekend's activities?
what if dropping a kayak on your knees will do that?
what if don't ask...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
30 August 2004, 01:02 PM
GabberWhat if owww...I have the cramps from hell?
What if I wanted to sleep in on my day off, but that was thrown to hell when I kept waking up 'cause of cramps?
What if especially when the last time it was the cramps from hell and I couldn't lay still for the life of me?
What if my medicine needs to kick in already but apparently I'm going to be stuck with now the cramps from semi-hell?

What if poor
Sara, and
Ame because they're all sick in some way shape or form?

What if I start school today?
What if joy?
What if I'm going to go read all my class materials (because they're online classes) after this to see what damage needs to be done?
What if even though I feel like being in the fetal position at the moment?
What if owww?
30 August 2004, 02:43 PM
FahrenheitWhat if one time I was awakened by bad cramps but they were labor pains?
What if my son was born 13 hours later?
What if awww?

What if a cat's head butting being a sign of respect made me laugh?
What if not because it is or isn't true but because cat respect is funny?
What if I had a dream about Madogis last night?
What if I don't really remember it, just that sense of oh, I've just had a dream about Madogis?
What if I've been listening to an awful lot of Amos & Andy lately?
What if oh my, that crazy Kingfish?
What if it made me buy an old full page Rinso ad from the ebay?
What if it was only like $5 and it's awesome?
What if I just typed $5 like $%?
What if I got a little dizzy and thought I was Buck Rogers for a second because it looks all futurey and space?
What if the other day the professor on Futurama had some sex with Mom and then said "...oh yes...."?
What if....heh?
30 August 2004, 02:45 PM
SaraWhat if you can ignore that comment
Salem but it only confirms what we already knew?

What if there's no shame in being a teenage boy with tissues everywhere so long as you clean them up quickly?
What if I didn't go to work today?
What if cause while I can breathe a bit better, I still felt like stomped on shit?
What if so I took a sick day cause I can?
What if I actually have over 35 days in sick time accrued so taking one ain't gonna be no thang?
What if I just had some toast and some pink lemonade which was very watered down?
What if it was good?
What if I've been going around the house and picking up said tissues to clean the joint up a bit?
What if bleh on not feeling well?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 30 August 2004, 02:59 PM
FahrenheitWhat if some young men use a sock, from what I understand?
What if now you'll be talking about something else entirely?
What if it's all right, I'm embarrassed either way?
30 August 2004, 04:42 PM
SaraWhat if I knew that about the sock as I've been privy to way too much information from some of my guy friends?
What if ewwwww, a sock is dirty, it's been on your feet, gross!?

What if tissue seems more hygenic?
What if oh god, why the hell am I talking about this still?
What if I blame the medicine and that's all there is to it?
What if I blame
Heitie also cause she brought up the whole sock thing?
What if I'm going to go watch some tv now?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 30 August 2004, 05:21 PM
zoomwhat if boys are disgusting?
what if i say that with the utmost affection, but still...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
30 August 2004, 07:32 PM
EmessisWhat if I had my first three college classes today?
What if, not as scary as I thought!?
What if I have a little bit of hw, none of which I can do at the moment, because we ordered the books online and they're late? >_<
What if, but no class tomorrow, chem lab starts
next week?

What if I think I'll borrow books while ppl are off in other classes?
What if, asking them first, of course...? :P
30 August 2004, 10:34 PM
SaraWhat if yes
zoom, boys are dirty?
What if but that's something I can live with as some of my good friends are boys?
What if oh god, my head...I think it exploded and I just haven't realized yet?
What if bloody hell, I'm running a fever too?
What if this is really really starting to piss me off?
What if no seriously, it is?
What if bleh and my stomach is rumbling alot?
What if I dunno if I've got anything that I should eat right now?
What if off to go check?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 31 August 2004, 04:49 AM
SalemWhat if my bedroom is actually quite clean?

What if I was trying to type another related what if, but it kept coming out as really dirty sounding?
What if I'll just leave it at that?
What if the street my workplace is on was on the NBN news today?
What if a truck spilt dangerous chemicals right outside?
What if there were three police cars forming a barricade, a fire engine and two ambulances as well as hazardous chemical trucks?

What if excitement?
What if it's getting dangeorusly close to Magpie nesting season?
What if I'm not looking forward to the walks home every day down that street which is notorious for it's Magpie nesting?
What if, for the uninformed, Magpies tend to swoop and attack when you get to close, or just walk under their tree?
What if "she must think you're after her eggs!"?
What if "I only ate one! >.<!"?
What if I got a package from Argy today, care of Ame?

What if it had mynew Zelda game AND an unexpected bonus?
What if, a Hamtaro GBA game? O.o
What if 'Ham-Ham Heartbreak'? O.o
What if I fell into a bucket of water and ruined my Ham Dictionary, so now I have to travel around learning Ham-Chat?
What if Hamha!?
What if I'm going to play Zelda soon?

What if thanks Argy and Ame?

31 August 2004, 06:09 AM
SalemWhat if I'm watching the Deal or No Deal Psychic Special?
What if a witch just guessed she had $750 in her case, but it was already gone so she said $2000, but there wasn't a $2000 on the board?
What if the host pointed out the $2500 so she said she'll go with that then?
What if she DID have the $2500 in her case?

What if she seemed so shocked she had it?

What if this is fun?

What if I hope Sara had a cry free night because of the Scrolls not being up when she was online?
01 September 2004, 03:35 AM
SalemWhat if what the hell do you all call this?
What if I come home from work and expect to be entertained by what ifs dammit!?
01 September 2004, 04:30 AM
SaraWhat if the Scrolls weren't working earlier?
What if I was IMing
Argy about it and talking about Oz stuff?

What if I didn't cry last night
What if I was blowing my nose though, does that count?

What if I feel much better today?
What if that means work tomorrow then?
What if actually, work in a few hours?
What if off to bed then?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 September 2004, 12:43 PM
xenacrazedWhat if hay
Argy, sent ya a PM, hope it went through?
What if xc's hard drive died a lonesome death?
What if the dead dell tower gets buried in the back yard amongst the dead neighbors?
01 September 2004, 01:47 PM
zoomwhat if we toll a bell for the Dell's death-knell?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 September 2004, 01:58 PM
SaraWhat if
zoom, I need to talk to you?
What if I can never catch you on AIM and I just can't be bothered to email you?
What if you need to make yourself available to me 24/7?

What if everyone does, actually?
What if cause I say so?
What if oh god, I wish I hadn't come in to work today?
What if only a few more hours though?
What if bleh?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 September 2004, 02:08 PM
zoomwhat if i was online when you just posted that?
what if apparently, i stil am?
what if, but not for long?
what if i possibly can be available for catching perhaps later this evening, if you give me a time?
what if my interst is piqued?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 September 2004, 03:33 PM
SaraWhat if okay, how does 8:30ish sound?
What if mwahahahahaha, curiousity got something killed, or was it skinned?
What if but no bodily harm will come to you from having this knowledge?
What if it's actually quite good?
What if lemme know if that works?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness