What if sounds like fun, wish i were getting drunk right now?
What if i get drunk tonite after i sing?
What if Brucy, after i round up victims for season 1, I play a siren person who kills with her voice??
What if LOL?
What if I've never seen finding nemo, but will prolly see it next week now that i have some real TIME?
What if cool?
What if my cat is meowing again?
What if she wants to what if too?
What if i let her? Okay here goes...
What if MEOWWWW?
What if she actually typed that herself??
What if KIDDING? hehe
What if my ferret is having a good time throwing food around the cage?
What if I'm just rambling, take no notice of me?
What if later guys, catch ya on a rebound??
What if heheheee?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
02 May 2004, 12:12 AM
What if, ok, finally we are home?
What if for 3 people drinking Margaritas, i don't know how the hell we *cough* basically got through a whole bottle of tequila?
What if, no seriously, a whole bottle except for about 3 inches or so at the bottom?
What if Argy forgot her tequila?
What if we took pics but not many?
What if I post one?
What if, not right now, but soon?
What if i am still hung over from last night and i NEVER get hang overs?
What if, now i will have to change it to.. HARDLY EVER hehe
02 May 2004, 12:22 AM
What if, i also need to mention the fact Argy used real limes?
What if, she made every pitcher with skill and care?
What if I took a photo of Argy while she was making said Margaritas?
What if i need to instal the copy of Photoshop Argy gave me last night?
What if, YAY, finally after 11 months, i can make sig pics again?
What if no one even noticed i wasn't making new sig pics?
What if, ok, of to install and reboot, back soon?
What if I love Monopoly too, and used to make my toys play against me also?
02 May 2004, 01:16 AM
What if Ame and I started a No Friends To Play Monopoly With club?
What if we had to disband after more people joined?
What if I offended Bailey by saying hi to Nora and not her?
What if Big Brother 4 starts tonight?
What if I'll probably watch, just to see who the new victims are, and also, Gretel, because she's always fun?
What if I doubt it, but I'm wondering if Madogis saw the Mr G segment on Hamish & Andy last week?
What if, because he had a poster of Robbie on his wall?
What if hehe?
What if I got Fast Forward on DVD today?
What if only one store had it, and it wasn't one that specialised in DVDs?
What if not even the store who's website claims they have it had it?
What if thank the gods for Big W?
What if I'm waiting til tonight to watch it though?
What if I mustn't have a soul?
What if, because the stupid automatic doors wouldn't open when I tried to go through?
What if I had to follow these other people through the other automatic doors?
What if I just assumed they must have been broken until other people went through them just fine? >.<
What if, also, I walked into a palm tree?
02 May 2004, 03:33 AM
What if we drunk again tonight?
What if hehe and burning cd's for me?
what if this is sara?
what if yeah well, thanks for nothing too zoom? hehe
what if ye gods, i'm driving tomorrow for 20 hours, god help me?
what if i shoudl be asleep?
what if okie, someone else's turn now?
what if, i hi, bailey now?
what if, and here all this time , salem, i thought i offended you?
what if, nora now?
What if we drank St. Andrew's Ale in honor of le?
What if drank Wee Heavy beer by the same brewer?
What if it was goddamn awful?
What if it tasted like cigarette smoke in skanky bar?
What if we chased it with Jagermeister to take the foul taste away?
What if that was pretty damned good?
What if we drank Cooper's Sparkling Ale in honor of our favorite Aussie scrollers?
What if there was sediment in the bottle, but we made sure we were really drunk so we didn't care?
What if bailey wants to what if again?
What if that chick thinks she's so special that she gets to what if TWICE in a post by the drunken three belles?
what if, because i have MAJOR dirt onsara. please pm, if you need this dirt? (hi, bailey again?)
what if, i've kidnapped sara and she'll be driving with me to utah?
what if, hi, we drink lots of stuff?
what if, i made sexy alligator shot?
what if, mmmm, hmmmmm, good?
what if, sleepy time, long drive?
what if, goodnight kids?
what if, see ya on the flip side?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
02 May 2004, 03:55 AM
What if i showed Slem a pix of us with our margaritas and the first thing he asked was 'SalemXWP: ooh is that a charmed necklace?'
What if hehe, sinxe we xommented on it?
What if my xertain 3rd letter of the alphabet key is playing up again?
What if, therefore why i keep typing x, xause it';s next to it?
What if i have three drunken ho's talking to me?
02 May 2004, 08:31 AM
What if I'm already annoyed at pretty much everyone on Big Brother?
What if, that was quick?
What if there's someone in it named Aphrodite?
What if, if only it was Alex Tydings in the house?
What if not that I'm going to be able to watch the show, what with it being on at the same time as Home & Away?
What if I'm watching Fast Forward?
What if it was worth the $26 just to see the SBS viewing highlights program again?
What if, especially the serbocroatian 'The Not Home Show' ?
What if I just remembered a dream I had last night?
What if there were aliens invading?
What if they had really long fingers that were made up of marbles?
What if I had to fight them off by singing the Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge, with some one else, who unfortunatley was not Nicole Kidman, just some creation of my subconscious mind?
What if I have very strange dreams?
02 May 2004, 10:04 AM
What if Salem has the funniest dreams?
What if they're not really funny at all?
What if he's now terrified of marbles?
What if Paco's thinking of buying a car in Texas?
What if partly because of the no salt on the roads thing?
What if I'm fine with it, except that he wants to take Paco Jr. along to pick it up?
What if...my baby?
What if I understand letting them grow up, etc., but Texas...2 or 3 days...I don't know about that?
What if Paco doesn't understand at all and thinks I'm being unreasonable?
What if yeah, I'm not?
What if he's only 9 and I've never been away from him overnight, let alone from several states away?
What if I feel very panicky about it?
What if we have to move to a smaller country because of that?
What if Paco has taken the kids out for breakfast in a car the exhaust of which smells like gasoline?
What if I'm not sure why I'm allowing this, other than that Paco lays on the guilt and the pressure?
What if I think we should talk about that?
What if plus they're not going far and they've been looking forward to it all week and it's not their fault the regular vehicles are all being fixed?
What if yes, keep telling yourself that, Heitie?
What if it seems I'm having a mommy crisis this morning?
What if it's possibly the proximity of Mother's Day and Heitie Jr.'s birthday, all added to the Texas thing?
What if for some reason I get antsy when there are very special occasions abounding?
What if I don't see why we can't just have the thing shipped?
What if I imagine it's less than two plane tickets, a hotel room, and the gas to drive it here?
What if maybe it's only cost effective if Paco goes alone?
What if ooo, I'll look that up right now?
02 May 2004, 10:24 AM
what if i started gong to week-long summer camps aways from home the summer i turned 9 and not only was i unscarred by it, i couldn't have benn happier about it?
what if and Paco, Jr. is still gonna have his dad with him, as oppopsed to throwing him to the mercies of 6 or 8 unknown peers and a camp counselor?
what if there's alot of interesting territory betweeen Michigan and Texas so it could be considered an extended home schooling field trip?
what if history, geography, math (lots of mileage, speed, distance, etc. to calculte...), social studies, cartography, meterology, etc?
what if i'm pulling for ya, lil Paco?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 May 2004, 10:54 AM
What if yes, I was 9 as well?
What if I agree that, objectively, it would probably be fine and lots of fun for them both?
What if I'm not objective, so it's still very scary?
What if it would help if Paco would try to understand my fears and we could discuss it without the sighing at me and the rolling of the eyes?
What if it doesn't help that yesterday he got Heitie Jr.'s seatbelt ready for her, but neglected to notice that it couldn't be tightened without removing the carseat clip?
What if she rode all the way to the store with it too loose to be of any value?
What if she's new to seatbelts without carseats in them so she apparently didn't realize herself that something was amiss, or at least she didn't mention it if she did?
What if he's a sweet, sweet man and a wonderful father, but I'd feel better if there were more detailed attention paid to safety issues before any cross country trips take place?
02 May 2004, 10:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by yella dawg Dem: what if there's alot of interesting territory betweeen Michigan and Texas so it could be considered an extended home schooling field trip?
what if history, geography, math (lots of mileage, speed, distance, etc. to calculte...), social studies, cartography, meterology, etc?
What if see, that just makes me want to go along?
02 May 2004, 11:09 AM
What if Paco just called for the grocery list and we talked about the possible trip?
What if I brought up the seatbelt thing and he said I was right, he should pay more attention to these things, and he'll be more careful?
What if sure, after I've already posted about it three times?
What if I told him zoom was on his side and he said they should stop in and say hi?
What if I guess we'll see what happens *takes tranquilizer*?
02 May 2004, 03:51 PM
What if while I understand Heitie's apprehension, I can't help but smile when I read about it?
What if you just loves your kiddies soooooo much and don't wants anything to happen to them?
What if but wow what an experience they would have!?
What if I'm just trying to get ya'll to stop in Iowa on the way?
What if hehe?
02 May 2004, 04:50 PM
What if, Salem, i agree, i wasn't fussed on anyone?
What if, i liked least Bree (sp), Aphrodite and crystal?
What if i think that was their names?
What if i was too suprised they put older people in, and some not so *pretty* people too?
What if, well at least, 1 not so pretty..lol
What if i am counting the days till the school year starts next year in Feb (or early Jan, dunno actually), for when Jess starts school
02 May 2004, 09:00 PM
what if i'd be going for merlin, ryan, and wesley?
what if but home and away does not allow?
what if i've been absent for AGES ('cept for a few tinsy posts) and no one seems to care?
what if whenever i'm not on screen, all the other scrollers should be asking "where's maddie?"?
what if ok, leaving the self absobtion alone for now?
what if i just skimmed about 5 pages of what if?
what if the gist of it seemed to be monopoly and margaritas?
what if "wasted away in a margaritaville, searching for my last shaker of salt"?
what if how do those parker brothers sleep at night?
what if i didn't see hamish and andy but i'm glad to know that robbie posters exist somewhere in the world ?
what if i have autographs too?
what if mai from yugi and trunks from dbz?
what if sadly i didn't get to meet them, but mother went on my behalf and said that they were both very nice and that trunks was cute?
what if she seemed quite smitten with him ?
what if i hope to get her a shannon noll autograph for mother's day in return?
what if here's hopin'?
what if my wallpaper keeps changing and i'm confused as to why?
what if computer, not actual walls?
what if "the walls are melting again"?
what if i think it's coming up to quiet time soon so no more typing for a bit?
what if it's good to catch up with yall in the middle of uni ruining my life again?
what if make a date to watch fast forward and pokemon with salem?
what if i look forward to it greatly?
what if harry potter also, although i still haven;t finished rereading the book on the grounds that it's to scary for me ?
what if i'll get there though?
what if i try to get back onto msn sometime later today?
what if but there is alot of stupid work to be done?
what if maybe i'll get it finished with time to spare before robbie and kim?
What if I did & Jubs life looks like its more fun than mine..???
-------- What if Argy Wrote:
What if I'm glad that Brucy found the virus on his comp?
What if it's frustrating to have one of those suckers around?
What if it now appears I have something WAY WAY nastier than worm swen a...?? what if I have got 2 comps down now..???
what if Ive lost the video on 1 & on the other one the Virus is trying to destroy my brand new 7200 RPM Hard Drive,,,??
What If Ive decided I have to research before I just try something else...??
What if...Because this python of a Virus seems to have a death grip on my 2 best-est comps..???
What if I have trouble with getting online with my ISP even with this comp..?? What if it has only shared the monitor & the phone line with the others..??
What if alla this nonsense is making me INSANELY cranky..??
what if I havent been able to get online for over 2 days..so im just readin page 6 now..???
What if AME wrote?? What if ti's freaking 9 degrees outide???
WHat if she should be glad its not 9 Farenheit outside..?? what if thats cold enough to freeze ones breath in ones beard if 1 should happen to have lotsa face hairs..???
What if sometimes Im too Laxy to wash the Laundry .. so..I just pick up 2 weeek old dirty clothes & wear em Again & again & again..???
What If I just grossed out the "Clean Freak Squad"..??
What if, ok, I Lied about the laundry..???
What if Im now finished reading Pg 6..???This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless,
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
03 May 2004, 02:47 AM
What if I have no favourites in the house?
What if, the house is too colourful also?
What if they should've had everything in various shades of grey?
What if that would've been nice and peaceful?
What if I had a haircut today?
What if it's really short?
What if, I mean really, really short?
What if, though not as short as you're probably imagining?
What if I have an old friend coming to visit?
What if not actually old, just from a long time ago?
What if I'm not suited to handle guests?
What if, also, if it IS this weekend he's coming, Survivor seems to be on on Saturday this week as well as Tuesday, so I'm going to have to demand we stop whatever is happening so I can watch?
What if he'll want to watch DVDs and I can tell he'll bring some and then my DVD player will probably do that brief pause thing and I'll feel really awkward?
What if ooh, Peter Pan comes out on DVD here on Wednesday?
What if I can't wait?
What if it'll be great?
What if I'm hungry now?
What if I was made for lovin you baby, you were made for lovin me?
What if the only way of lovin me baby is to pay a lovely fee?
03 May 2004, 03:50 AM
What if Ryan seemed ok?
What if i go look at the BB website then start an Aussie BB thread?
What if someone already has o.O
03 May 2004, 04:16 AM
what if f***ing eve?
what if my computer is freezing AHgain?
what if i've been here for about 8hrs today and done nothing?
what if i lie, i did one thing but then i deleted it?
what if i just sneezed what sounded like a very phlegmy sneeze?
what if solid, projectable phlegm also?
what if it wasn't, but it sounded like it?
what if i'm quite glad that no one was around to hear it?
what if *faint sound of the servailance camera guy losing his lunch*?
what if i've been talking aaaaaaall day?
what if part of me is not proud of what i've done, but part of me..is?
what if i feel i've had somewhat of an emotional breakthrough?
what if i haven't, but the promise of a new day, and the promise of that day not containing uni, is all i need to sustain me?
what if i have a twinge of guilt about that, after telling 2 or more people that i WILL be here tomorrow?
what if the twinge is far outweighed by the relief of the prospect of NOT being here tomorrow?
what if i call them sick days regarding my emotional health?
what if who knew the relative "death" of a friend would affect me so much?
what if i say "death" because she's gone, she's not coming back, and chances are i'll never see her again?
what if i'm grieving and i need to take time to do so?
what if it's all very "it could have been me" right now?
what if, as such, no uni for maddie for a while?
what if hope you can all get along without me?
04 May 2004, 12:43 AM
Free Madness
What if the world is a strange place?
What if I'm slowly letting it go?
What if sheyaaaa right??
What if I WISH??
What if codependency is like an ALBATROSS around my neck?
What if "ALBATROSS!" lol
What if i just gave it up completely went cold turkey like cigarettes?
What if i became a hermit like i once did before?
What if, lol, where's the fun in that??
What if at least i got a few people who are relatively normal??
What if....DUH that's all that matters????
What if la de da de daaaa?
What if laters?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
04 May 2004, 03:43 AM
What if, hey where are all the what ifs?
What if my friend's mum died today?
What if she was given 12 months to live, 5 yrs ago?
What if, cancer of the almost everything, but the time she finished?
What if, i haven't known many people who have died, so even at my age, death is relatively new to me
04 May 2004, 07:44 AM
What if sorry to hear about Ame's friends Mum?
What if, not that it'll mean much, but at least she doesn't have to suffer any more?
What if I never know what to say when people die?
What if I felt the need to put a little seperator there, so I don't look so heartless by just going straight into wacky posts?
What if, not that I have an wacky posts in mind, but it's good just incase?
What if I've forgotten everything I was going to say?
What if I have a horrible feeling I was supposed to have done something?
What if it's the feeling where I know I have to tape Angel later in the night and fear I will forget?
What if, Angel isn't on tonight, but that's what it feels like?
What if I just got an urge to watch Xena?
What if 'Many Happy Returns' to be precise?
What if 'precise' looks wrong?
What if I offer no explanation for my new sig pic?
04 May 2004, 08:08 AM
what if i've experieinced death?
what if, well...not personally?
what if of beloved pets, my dad, grandparents, le's dad, a close friend...?
what if every time is different?
what if but not ever very easy?
what if it sounds like your friend's mum was probably really suffering, which does make it a little easier knowing she's at peace now?
what if just let your friend know you're there for her, Ame?
what if ?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
04 May 2004, 01:19 PM
Free Madness
What if I've experienced death too and it sucks, but when someone suffers for a long time, I'm just as glad they're out of pain?
What if but i know your friend will miss her ame, as will you and I totally hear ya?
What if cancer SUCKS?
What if i wish someone would just cure it?
What if being idealistic again?
What if oh well?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
04 May 2004, 03:03 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if Mom's cousin died on Sunday?
What if he'd been in the hospital for a month?
What if it was his liver?
What if then his kidneys?
What if I went and sat with him last week for a few hours?
What if he spent the whole time alternating between moaning and hollering?
What if he wasn't too aware of what was going on?
Wht if he was really only aware of his pain?
What if I'm glad that the pain is over for him?
What if I'm glad that aspect of pain is over for his sibs?
What if the hardest thing for me about that day was watching his brother try not to cry?
What if this has gotten rather depressing?
What if it doesn't feel quite right to go all flippiant now?