18 September 2004, 02:51 AM
AmethystWhat if ...??
What if.. Broome eh? the middle of no where actually.
What if for some reason it conjures up a vision of a hot desert like place, even though it's not?
What if, you do come, and you come in summer.. it is WAY hot up there?
What if Broome is hours and hours away from where all us scrollers live?
What if like i think around a 10 hour drive, even though it is the same state?
What if i could be wrong?
18 September 2004, 03:01 AM
SalemWhat if I thought Broome was in Western Australia, so on the complete opposite side?
What if I wonder if she'd be going as an exchange thing?
What if she's going to be set loose in the desert?
What if I never get to start new pages anymore?
What if the Prince has been shedding clothes as the game goes on?
What if he just lost his shirt?
What if I expect the final battle to take place nude the way things are going? O.o
18 September 2004, 03:43 AM
SaraWhat if I'm home from playing F A B L E?
What if and yes
Salem, you must refer to it as F A B L E?
What if because it's that good of a game, you need to give the spaces?
What if dude, my hero is the pimp?
What if he's got girls in several towns?
What if the bitches are all whining about a wedding ring now?
What if my hero does the dirty with 'em but doesn't marry them?
What if hehehehehehehehe?

What if I never said my hero was completely good?
What if he does evil things sometimes?
What if I got a beautiful obsidian longsword that just slices right through things?
What if and a oak longbow with lightening auxilaried to my arrows?
What if knocks 'em out with one shot?
What if and I upped my accuracy so I'm dead on?
What if I hate f*ckin' fairies?
What if just one of those stupid sprites gave me a ton of trouble?
What if she kept conjuring up Hobbes' and Balverines and was merrily laughing?
What if bitch, guess who laughed last?

What if I need an Xbox, I really really do?
What if specifically so I can play F A B L E?
What if it's worth it?
What if I really need to pay attention to the Prince as Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within is coming out in two months?
What if crap, too many games, not enough time?
What if and now, I'm going to check my mail, see if my stories have been updated, then go to bed?
What if sweet F A B L E dreams?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 18 September 2004, 04:55 AM
EmessisWhat if it'd be in June and July, so not summer?
What if...a desert w/ beaches and pearls??...
What if I know, it's very far away from where you all are, but there are supposed to be 'excursions'?
What if excursions hopefully means thousands of miles away?
What if but I'd settle for a birding trip?...

18 September 2004, 05:06 AM
AmethystI must have been thinking of somwhere else then?
What if
http://www.broomevisitorcentre.com.au/What if, yes W.A?
What if, that's western australia?
What if we are all over on the east coast?
What if it's cheaper for us to fly to NZ than WA.. hehe
18 September 2004, 05:14 AM
SalemWhat if I'm reading about that Morrowind game on XBox?
What if it sounds interesting?
What if I'd probably get that too if I were to get an Xbox?
What if I can't think of any other games I'm desperate for on it though?
What if I'm not terribly into realistic games?
What if I don't know if there are any car racing games like this on it, but I don't like racing games where if you run into walls your car gets damaged and drives badly?
What if I'll take good old Mario Kart thankyou very much, where crashing into walls won't make my kart bad?
What if not to mention firing turtle shells at others?

What if, but if someone were to
give me an Xbox, I wouldn't complain?
What if it just won't give me the same amount of lovin that Nintendo does?
What if, erm..?
What if I'm playing Prince of Persia still?
What if I'll get through something difficult and save the game and say to myself "Okay, that's it for now, that was hard"?
What if I find myself picking up the controller 10 minutes later?
What if I find myself saying 'F*ckers' out loud a lot during this game?
What if

18 September 2004, 05:18 AM
AmethystWhat if now everyone will wonder if your control pad is one of them vibrating one.. since it gives you all that lovin'
18 September 2004, 05:34 AM
SalemWhat if it does vibrate

What if woo, go me, I just got through a tough battle!?
What if I f*cking rock?
What if there was so many enemies?
What if big ones too?
What if both kinds of big enemies that I'd fought previously, instead of a big kind of enemy and then a smaller kind?
What if I didn't even die once!

What if I managed to heal up at a Fountain in the middle of the battle?
What if, there was no time to be fully healed, but it was enough to keep me alive?
What if Farrah died though, first time it has happened to me, but I was able to rewind time and get there in time to save her from the killing blow?
What if wheeeeee, I rock?
18 September 2004, 07:48 PM
SalemWhat if I just lost my what if?
18 September 2004, 08:06 PM
AmethystWhat if, were you what iffing about the fact that no one what iffed since you did last night?
What if, you were also what iffing about the dvd you hired last night?
What if Granny May's sells t-shirts that say 'Not Happy Jan' on them

18 September 2004, 08:21 PM
AmethystWhat if Salem just left me?
What if, well i assume he is still online?
What if i said something to him and he up and logged off?
What if he must have his periods?

What if, now waits patiently tapping my foot for him to log back on?
What if.. twiddles thumbs?
What if... whistles...
18 September 2004, 08:38 PM
Free MadnessWhat if i have just gotten rid of ao-hell?
What if i like this new dsl?
What if it's fast and cool?

What if i had a great concert last nite?
What if life is generally pretty damn good right now?

What if it's nice to be happy?

what if laters for now gators?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
19 September 2004, 01:18 AM
SaraWhat if I curse quite a bit when I play video games
What if dude...tonight has been a weird night?
What if yes, I'm home exceptionally early from Ryan and KC's?
What if I was stuck at a certain point in Fable and I had tried several times?
What if usually I'll take a short break and go back to it?
What if but instead I decided to come home?
What if I was driving along on this really dark patch of back road when I saw this lady walking by herself?
What if dude, in the freakin' dark?
What if and when I got closer I could tell she looked like hell?
What if so I stopped and offered her a ride?
What if she started to cry (I hate it when girls do that

) so I gave her a tissue and took her to her dad's shop?
What if apparently her boyfriend was too drunk to drive but was doing so anyways and she wasn't going to ride with him?
What if so I took her to her dad's shop and then I came home?
What if,...weird dude?
What if no, seriously, I never stop playing video games, especially F A B L E which I'm hooked on so early?
What if it's almost enough to make me believe in that whole 'things happen for a reason' crap?
What if almost?

What if I'm going to take a shower, maybe I'll play Prince of Persia or read or something?
What if hmm?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 19 September 2004, 01:23 AM
Madogiswhat if i'm what iffing on a sunday?
what if that hasn't happened in a while?
what if my room mate wanted to play that game where you can only answer people by asking another question, so i just started what iffing at her, and she said i was stupid and that she didn't want to play with me anymore?
what if she then tried to say something and said "what if" by accident

what if it's a blessing, and a curse?
what if i've been burning cds again?
what if i take care of the burning needs of 4 human people?
what if i role in society, slightly illegal though it might be

what if i should really be working, but seeing as how i'm doomed to failure anyway, i'm really struggling to find a point?
what if i think i want to go home and get a job?
what if i go work with salem and hinder his progress till we both get fired?
what if that should be fun

what if if i spend the last few weeks of this lonely uni existence, locked in my room with the lights off and the music up loud, writing the end of my story?
what if, and then i'll publish it and sell it and be the richest writer that ever there was?
what if i have to go o.o?
19 September 2004, 02:29 AM
SalemWhat if that was nice of Sara to offer the girl a ride?
What if Ame came over so we could breed?
What if, Pokèmon that is?

What if I got her an egg of Chikorita and Totodile, from Pokèmon Colosseum?
What if too bad there won't be a record of them in her Pokèdex though, until she has traded between ruby/sapphire and fire/leaf and gotten the National Pokèdex? o.o
What if before Ame came over, I finished Prince of Persia?
What if it was a game where I HAD to finish it as soon as possible?
What if I feel lost now with no Prince to play even though I have other games to play?
What if I got really angry at the story at one point?
What if that's a good thing though, because it means it sucked me into its world?
What if bring on PoP2?

What if I should get back to Eternal Darkness now?
What if I'll miss being agile though?

What if I watched 'House of Sand and Fog' last night?
What if, what a horribly depressing film?

What if I watched it late at night and I couldn't get to sleep after it had finished?
What if I was just lying in bed wide awake?
What if I wasn't lost in thought or anything, just..numb? O.o
What if strange?
What if I should be depressed about going bacxk to work tomorrow, but I don't care because the sooner I go back the sooner it will be Thursday so I can go late night shopping for Leaf Green?

19 September 2004, 06:34 AM
SalemWhat if Shadow is back from his vacation?
What if he brought a friend?
What if Blaziken needed exposure?
What if my little Iydomi?

What if Maddie has such good names for her characters in her story?
What if I steal them all and make them my own, aahahaha?
What if it looks like I was unsure about that laugh?
--What if, hehe, Blaziken looks silly next to giant Shadow?

19 September 2004, 10:58 AM
zoomwhat if i had an sapphire egg from Watdumunga and i bred it to Tookykofuk's ruby?
what if Watdufuk?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
19 September 2004, 04:49 PM
AmethystWhat if.. ARGH it's monday already?
What if, when i woke up i got sad, because i swore i thought it was only sunday?
What if, between it being that time of the month, MAJOR raining, and Mondayitis, i feel today is gunna be shitty?
What if, oh, and the lack of what ifs by you people..

What if, well at least our new plants won't need watering, Mick moved the pots so they'd get rained on instead?
19 September 2004, 05:25 PM
EmessisWhat if I have a bio quiz tomorrow?
What if but I think it should be alright, the textbook is the same one I had for adv. bio last year?
What if, handy!?

What if I just scanned in some hands that will be covered in slugs before Thursday?
What if that creates some interesting, if gross, mental images? >_o
What if I must go buy two nalgene-type bottles for a bio lab experiment?
What if one for chocolate milk and one for skim?

20 September 2004, 12:13 AM
Free MadnessWhat if, well finally the scrolls are letting me back on?
What if that was weird, i typed in the addy earlier and it kept saying it couldn't find the website?
What if hmmmm what happened, did it lose it's way?
What if servers have pms?
What if oh well, it's good to be back anyway?

What if I wanna set up my scanner but I don't have the software on me?

What if my desk done ate it?

What if desks do that kinda thing?
What if jeez louise, is nothin sacred?

What if bye for now?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
20 September 2004, 01:23 AM
GabberWhat if today has not gone as planned by any means?
What if da neck is stressed out with good reason?
What if what is it with emotionally taxing stuff lately?
What if a break already?

What if...what do you say to your best friend when she's seriously on the verge of filing for a divorce?
What if it's one thing when it's a relationship, it's a whole 'nother thing when it's a marriage?
What if she asked me to talk to her husband?
What if good Lord, help me?
What if I'm going to...'cause well...I feel like I need to?
What if I can relate to him quite a bit because I've realized recently that I was like him only a short while ago?
What if it makes me understand the things he does, but at the point I'm at now, I don't agree with those actions anymore?
What if I'm hoping maybe, just maybe, the things I've learned can actually bring some good?
What if god...I feel like her decision is resting on what happens between him and I?
What if that's a lot on one's shoulders?
What if but...a girl's still gotta do her homework and figure out how in the world she's going to approach this situation?
What if God help me?
20 September 2004, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Kim Jugger:
What if SKitty... but he's a boy! (and I'd have to name him SKat?)
What if Skitty is both male and female in Pokemon?
20 September 2004, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if I just lost my what if?
What if somebody needs a hug?
20 September 2004, 04:03 AM
SaraWhat if I should be asleep now?
What if but not tired?
What if I went to our neat recycled book store and got some favorites?
What if I actually got about 10 books for under $30.00?
What if Call of the Wild, Lord of the Flies, Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Grapes of Wrath, Hatchet, The River and two other books?
What if one was on the making of Dune?
What if cause I am obsessed, I admit it?
What if I'm almost done with baby Cole's present?
What if a Pooh Bear movie poster puzzle that I'm going to frame?
What if Cole is now 9 months?
What if Ryan and KC are home and I have a present waiting for me from Las Vegas?
What if sweeeet?

What if I think I'll go start on Grapes of Wrath?
What if that's one of my favorite all time novels?
What if maybe I'll go back to the book store and get some other classics I love but just don't have in my library anymore?
What if I learned "Island in the Sun" by Weezer?
What if it's just a great mellow song I just love?
What if

What if I think the intro sounds better on acoustic guitar but the solo sounds better with the heavy distortion of the electric?
What if yay Weezer, their new album is coming out soon?

What if going now for real?
What if okay, laters?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 20 September 2004, 04:12 AM
Madogiswhat if i'm what iffing - what are the odds?
what if i don't really have anything to say, except that i finished building one of my ceramic thigns today, so yay

what if that's about it?
what if i wouldn't have bothered, but if i don't what if, ame will hit me?
what if, but if i do it, then maybe gifts

what if three more days til fire red
