What if this friend of mine pisses me off so damn bad?
What if this is what i get for trying to be a friend, he uses me as a punching bag?
What if goddammit all, THIS punching bag punches back?
What if I can be the biggest bitch on wheels and actually get respect, but if I'm farking NICE I get sh*t on? Go figure.
What if maybe I will become a major bitch it might just give me some peace and quiet.
What if hmmmm?
What if somehow that idea cheers me up very greatly?
What if ok off to school to do something productive with me life?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
23 September 2004, 01:18 PM
What if I was wondering who was treating my airhead like a punching bag? What if I wanted to make them sorry they ever messed with her?
Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system. And while this may not seem big, it can be. It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes. You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
23 September 2004, 03:27 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if carpet burn, heheheheh?
What if one wonders what Sara was doing to get carpet burns?
What if it probably isn't that interesting?
What if maybe it is though?
What if I've been stood up again?
What if that may not be a bad thing?
What if the OC for this client apparently is litigation happy?
What if that's okay, but in family law situations sometimes you just exacerbate problems and really make life harder for your client in the long run by running to court for everything?
What if god, I don't want to do this family law stuff for a living?
What if people are at their worst?
What if they won't even act in their own self-interest because they are so intent on inflicting pain on another?
What if I'm too old for that shit?
23 September 2004, 03:34 PM
What if I was moving rolls of carpet, freak?
What if and counter tops?
What if I only wish I was doing something better that involved carpet burn?
What if but eh, I'm not a big fan of carpet burn on any day, in any situation?
What if my hands are feeling better now?
What if god I need to go home and shower, cause I'm all dusty and gritty and dirty?
What if ?
What if kill 'em all Nora?
What if shoot the offending family member and the problem is solved?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
23 September 2004, 04:47 PM
what if Nora needs to hurry up & get jaded so she doesn't mind making her living off other people's pain, greif, regret & anger?
what if somebody's gotta do it?
what if life ain't all pasta & carpet burn ya know... ?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
23 September 2004, 05:41 PM
What if I stop coming to the scrolls until i beat leaf green?
What if, even Salem didn't what if last night, just made his one post in the new pokemon thread, then sat staring at his GBA?
What if, Argy was meant to come up today, but she had to cancel?
What if *sniff*
23 September 2004, 05:56 PM
What if gah, another wave of Pokemon fever has struck?
What if truer words zoom, truer words?
What if heheheheheh, Inuyasha and Kagome avatar, sweet?
What if I FINALLY found a site with Megas XLR avatars that are pretty clear and halfway decent?
What if sweet?
What if works over, time for home?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
23 September 2004, 08:52 PM
Free Madness
What if yay tiki's back, my lil xena in shining armor?
What if but i'd do the same for you in a heartbeat mate?
What if for now the problem is solved thank GOD?
What if i've officially decided if this person treats me like a punching bag again i will just delete him for a month and let him chase after me with an apology?
what if and hey--if he doesn't? HIS LOSS! MUAHAHAHHAAHH!
What if being evil is fun sometimes?
What if tee friggin hee, cya later for now?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
23 September 2004, 09:40 PM
What if being evil is most fun when you get to bury bodies in the back yard?
What if Nora skipped over the lawyer stuff & got herself made a judge with her own tv show?
What if Judge Nora was even more cranky than Judge Judy?
What if xc was being sued for selling bad eggnog, and Judge Nora said xc was guilty even before xc had a chance to speak?
What if Judge Nora tells xc he's outta order an- hey, i ain't outta order, you're outta order, and you can't handle the truth na na na na na na!?
23 September 2004, 11:27 PM
Free Madness
What if lol, been there, done that, xc?
what if ehhhh enuff said?
What if my friend officially apologized and now all is right with my world?
What if it's nice to not need much to make me happy at this stage in my life?
What if with that said i got a webcam?
What if i'll be hookin it up tomorrow or saturday?
What if i'm lookin forward to seeing what i can do with it?
What if I've started downloading music?
What if mmmm pearl jam's black, Audioslave's Show Me How To Live?
What if i'd gotten out of the habit of listening to music much, just singin the stuff?
What if jeez that's limiting!
What if SHOW ME HOW TO LIVE!!!!!
What if laters?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
24 September 2004, 10:43 AM
What if last night I was way too tired and fell asleep before Teen Titans?
What if suckage?
What if I have been shamed people?
What if and with good reason?
What if this author put out a 52 chapter plus epilogue Inuyasha story in 22 days?
What if holy crap?
What if and we're talking quality chapters, not stupid ones?
What if it took me six months to get my X&G "T" trilogy stories wrote, edited, and put on the web?
What if suckage?
What if someone is eating all my freaking cereal?
What if that slut KC?
What if next time she comes in my office to steal some, I'm going cut her hand off?
What if punk?
What if thank god it's Friday?
What if and that's all folks?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
24 September 2004, 10:17 PM
What if I appear to be quite hungry?
What if sigh?
What if it's Lazy Saturday though, so yay?
What if it must almost be time for Kath & Kim to be on for Heitie?
What if I forget which date she said?
What if I wonder what time it is on?
What if series three is almost on here??
What if I wonder if Heitie will be taping Kath & Kim?
What if so she can watch it again and again and pick up on things she may have missed?
What if I often miss things?
What if my stomach has started to digest itself?
What if this is not good?
What if I digest myself and disappear?
25 September 2004, 12:32 AM
what if my back is all sunbunred and itchy?
what if i expect this to become a real problem over the next few days or so?
what if that's what you get for spending all day in the sun, wearing something resembling langerie, which i'm told is actually a "really nice top"?
what if, the things we do for fashion ?
what if i've played 7 hours into fire red ?
what if i made my roomate drive me down to k-mart at 9am on thursday morning to get it ^_^?
what if salem has no fear of being the one left behind in all this - i'm lazy AND have tonnes of uni crap to do, so i'm not going anywhere in a hurry?
what if i almost cried when i saw brock again?
what if, why the HELL isn't the first pokemon movie out on dvd, or if it is, why the HELL can't i find it???
what if moving on in the interest of community sanity...?
what if i'm sort of on a study break?
what if i handed in an assignment yesterday afternoon, which is 2000 words longer than it should be, still incomplete, and not at all referenced?
what if i think i'm abusing the draft system
what if the computer just made a noise that sounded like dying o.o?
what if i worry?
what if things at home are tense after some drunken rambling?
what if i learned my lesson about these things the last time, so i managed to stay out of it?
what if everyone seems to be pretending to like each other again now, so i guess that's ok?
what if tina (the subject of controversy) left for QLD today, so all should be well until she gets back?
what if vanessa is never home anyway, so she's not a problem?
what if that only leaves sarah, and like i said, i stayed out of everything, so all is well there?
what if i'm feeling very wise indeed about my decision?
what if salem said: "rub-rub, rub-rub, i just visited the captain" o_O?
what if i should probaby clarify that he's carrying out a mission in pokemon, but still?
what if it's 2.30 on a saturday and i'm here what iffing instead of at home doing nothing?
what if i had to wake up at 7 am as well - people should not be allowed to air tv shows containing incredibly hot people it half-naked situations when i should be sleeping?
what if i think that show is drawing to a close though, so not much more of that nonsense?
what if i will miss the semi-nakedness, but if all goes well, there'll be full nakedness next week on home and away to even things out for a while ?
what if think that henry's bully is the gay character to rival neighbours, so i'm dissapointed ?
what if robbie did express a keen interest in going camping with kim, alone in the woods, for some quality male bondage - oops, i mean "bonding" (heh heh heh)?
what if robbie: "last time i checked, i was a male"?
what if kim: *looks down at robbie's crotch* ?
what if kim is still pressuring robbie to have sex, which is leading to all kinds of fun?
what if i was watching the two of them "wrestling" again, and when i actually tuned out from them for a second, i'm pretty sure i was literally doing some heavy breathing at the sight of it?
what if *sigh*, one day they'll give into their throbbing biological urges for one another, one day?
what if i'm hungry and should be playing games/ finding songs from the last unicorn?
what if i also have to go to the bathroom ?
what if this is not the afternoon i envisioned?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis,
25 September 2004, 12:57 AM
What if I liked that Josie pulled the bully's ear?
What if go Josie!
What if I have the first Pokèmon movie on DVD?
What if Target at Erina had an abundance of them a while ago?
What if I already forget everything I was going to reply to?
What if I thought Maddie would have gotten enjoyment from Robbie wanting to bond with Kim?
What if I wonder if she enjoyed the concert?
What if Irene is so mean to Josie?
What if this is turning out to be a pretty pointless post?
25 September 2004, 01:42 AM
What if I'm 85% through the Prince of Persia now?
What if I've spent the evening hell bent on getting close to finishing?
What if I was going to finish tonight, but I changed my mind?
What if I have to leave something to do tomorrow?
What if cause for once, I have nothing, aside from tidying up my apartment?
What if and that won't take too long?
What if I suppose I could finish Prince tonight and get to work on the BTVS game?
What if nah, I'll save that for Sunday just until my block of tv watching comes on?
What if dude, I watch more tv on Sunday than the rest of the week combined!?
What if Farah really is useless?
What if and a discredit to chicks who fight everywhere?
What if bleh, the sand creatures are getting more numerous?
What if ah well, now to do something else?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
25 September 2004, 02:13 AM
What if Kath & Kim is on tomorrow night?
What if I feel like that should be "are on", but it shouldn't?
What if "The Simpsons is on" feels weird as well?
What if I fell asleep on the couch at 11 and here it is almost 2?
What if I'm kind of sleepy but I have dishes and stuff to do before I go to bed, so naturally I'm on the computer?
What if I have a tiny sore spot on my tongue that makes talking very painful?
What if what the hell causes that?
What if my Netflix queue has risen to over 170?
What if well, there are a lot of series involved?
What if I sometimes want to pronounce it "cue-you"?
What if I don't know, because?
What if I want to go to the next Amazing Race finale party thing?
What if I mentioned this to Paco and he just stared at me in disbelief for a minute?
What if I reminded him that I'm 31 years old and should be able to fly to New York by myself if I want to?
What if putting it that way he could naught but agree?
What if it'd be awesome to have a traveling companion, though?
What if it makes me feel like an old wealthy woman saying "traveling companion"?
What if I get a Pekingese and use it for this purpose and this purpose alone?
What if I talk to it like it's people and sometimes it answers?
What if as long as we can agree on things it'll work out fine?
What if I just make friends with someone else's Pekingese so we don't get sick of each other when we're not traveling?
What if I'm glad Joan is back in new episodes, but I feel like I missed about 20 from last season?
What if crazy camp? wha?
What if I want to make silly lamps?
What if Salem frightened me with his strange MSN name?
What if it's better now?
What if that reminds me that I need to complain about The Apprentice this week?
What if what the hell, someone displays eccentric and differing behavior and they just attack her?
What if I agree that Stacie freaked out, but to say that you've never been that scared in your life is friggin' ridiculous?
What if watch The Ring, for Pete's sake?
What if I just freaked myself out a little?
What if in other news, I'd like some donut ice cream, but not just with donuts all mixed in willy-nilly?
What if white chocolate ice cream, waves of raspberry jam, some flakes of glaze, and little non-mushy pieces of donut....there you go?
What if mmmm...raspberry jelly donut ice cream?
What if I should end this post before I give away all my ideas?
--what if it took me so long to post this that now it's after 2 and I look kind of silly?
--what if I'm clearly insane and Mr Trump should fire me?
25 September 2004, 01:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by Heitie: What if I have a tiny sore spot on my tongue that makes talking very painful?
What if that sounds like an inflamed tastebud?
What if it's been a long time since I've had one of those, but I remember them to be painful and to appear for apparently no reason?
What if I'm taking the bus home today?
What if I will be the only one there because my parents have gone to Yellowstone?
What if I'm going to do homework on the bus, fun fun?
25 September 2004, 05:30 PM
What if yes, inflamed tongue papilla thingy, I get maybe 3 or 4 a year, dunno why?
What if it's better today, thank goodness?
What if it's not the pain in itself, what with having had two children, one with no medication but a Tylenol afterwards, but the not being able to eat or speak that gets me?
What if I resume my regular vitamin intake and see what happens?
What if I start keeping a chart of maladies vs. nutrient consumption?
What if we all do?
What if that becomes the board theme?
What if 6 episodes of Kath & Kim starting in just over 3 hours?
What if I'll probably tape it though, so Paco and I can watch my rented dvd of Alias?
What if you can do both, it seems?
What if ah, these new contraptions?
What if I just realized I haven't eaten yet today?
What if not that I forgot, just other things got in the way, childcare, naps and such?
What if some peppermint tea and a fruit-and-cereal bar sounds nice?
25 September 2004, 05:59 PM
What if, after all this Heitie can't understand the strange Australian accent?
What if, on top of that, she doesn't like the show, and doesn't have the heart to tell Salem, so keeps watching, so she is able to discuss episodes with him?
What if i have bacon?
What if YUM
25 September 2004, 06:04 PM
What if I've been working on lowering my expectations all day so I won't be disappointed?
What if I don't post for several days and Salem thinks I'm avoiding him?
What if I totally wouldn't be, though...
What if Ame hands over the bacon?
25 September 2004, 07:09 PM
What if I'd understand if Heitie doesn't like the show?
What if I'd be horribly crushed and never share my favourite things again though?
What if Heitie doesn't like the first episode and decides not to watch the rest?
What if I hope she doesn't do that though?
What if, not that the first episode is bad or anything, you just shouldn't judge a show on it's..cover o.o?
What if Heitie will catch a glimpse of Bert Newton, because it's on Kaths TV in the first episode?
What if and Tonia Todman!?
What Bert says her name funny?
What if Toe-knee-ah?
What if just like he says "Mar-see-ah" when everyone else says "Marsha" in regards to Marcia Hines?
What if that's enough Tiny Teddy's please?
25 September 2004, 08:21 PM
What if i was a good boy today, would the Blueberry Scroller leave me some blueberry pancakes 'neath the blueberry tree?
What if i'm never good, though?
25 September 2004, 10:14 PM
What if I'm watching Sabrina, to calm my nerves after all this news about a movie?
What if I'm watching season 2?
What if one of the best seasons in my opinion, alongside 3?
What if I'm watching the episode with Merlin?
What if Attica Attica Attica!?
What if ?
26 September 2004, 02:25 AM
What if I just installed a fire extinguisher in my home?
What if I did that so that I can insure my home business?
What if I never really wanted a home business?
What if I bowed to public pressure?
What if my insurance costs more than my income?
What if it's better than being sued for millions?
What if I have my first customers?
What if it's all turning out to be quite a lot of work?
What if it's kinda exciting, though?
What if my business is called 'bingoze'?
What if it actually is, no lie?
What if I have proper tax invoices and everything?
What if I have my own cards, letterhead, pamphlet, and compliments slips as well?
What if I have an ABN, but I'm GST exempt?
What if that's coz I don't make enough?
What if that's actually better than it sounds, because I don't have to submit a BAS?