what if i would have posted, but i forgot to watch it ?
what if me and my roomies went on a family outing to k-mart cause it was late-night shopping and we had to pick someone up at the end of her shift?
what if i ran off to the toy section to look at the yugi things, and then to the dvd section where i found the $22 buffy/angel dvds ?
what if i'm not allowed to buy anything like that though so i just rang mum to mention it to her instead?
what if yugi can't help it if he's little >.<?
what if he does sorta have schizofrenia though ?
what if the deep voice personality is actually a 5000 year old spirit, which lives in the pyramid puzzle that yugi wears around his neck, who occasionally decides to possess yugi for his own good?
what if there has been many a fan-fic witten on the subject ?
what if, not only does that show rip off D&D (if you say so - i have no idea) but it quite blatently rips off labyrinth for several episodes in the first season ?
what if at least they show good taste in their plagerisms?
what if, on an almost identical topic, i watched "duel masters" or some such today?
what if it's like the light-hearted comedy version of yugi?
what if "wait a minute, are describing the battle i had in the first episode?" "yes." "well what the heck does that have to do with my father?" "othing, i was just stalling for time until i could remember what it was that he used to say."?
what if heh, you kinda had to be there ?
what if also watched an episode of pokemon that i've never seen before?
what if it was so sad i almost cried ?
what if everyone was going their seperate ways?
what if i actually did have tears in my eyes by the end of it?
what if, that's how i am with a pokemon episode where i know the eventual outcome will be ok, how the hell am i going to be able to keep it together for home and away during the coming weeks ?
what if i'd better just stock up on the tissues?
08 October 2004, 04:30 AM
What if I'm never eating Ice Cream again?
What if I felt like I was about to die after what I just ate?
What if I felt sick, my heart rate increased and my head felt numb?
What if, no it wasn't brain freeze?
What if I don't have to go to work on Monday?
What if this is their way of saying I'm not wanted anymore?
What if it's probably a good thing I have Monday off because I get the feeling I'm going to get really sick over the weekend?
What if I get to vote for the Prime Minister tomorrow?
What if that means I get to go back to my old high school?
What if it's all an elaborate trap and I get roped into classes, even though it's a saturday?
What if I still feel sick and throw up all over the voting booth?
What if I throw up over the people handing out pamphlets telling me who to vote for?
What if I do like Kate from The Panel and laugh in the faces of the people who's party I'm not voting for?
What if I vote for the Party Party?
What if their motto is Party?
08 October 2004, 05:49 AM
What if i am still undecided who to vote for, but i am almost decided?
What if Salem doesn;t seem to be online?
What if he is off having a life?
What if my internet wouldn;t connect for a few hours?
What if he thought i was ignoring him, so he got offline?
What if Jess is trying to force me to play my HP 2 PC game that i never seem to have time to play anymore?
What if when ever i play any of my PC games, she ALWAYS has to sit next to me and tell me what i should be doing, and where i should go... and no don't go up there, you;ve already been there?
What if i'd just let her play, but she's hopeless at casting spells, and always calls me to help?
What if we have pork chops for dinner and a huge salad?
What if, and i mean HUGE?
08 October 2004, 06:46 AM
what if i felt like being cute?
what if i'm always cute ?
what if i got a distinction PLUSS for my werewolf story ?
what if i'm trying to email to salem right now, but it's taking FOR-EVER to attatch?
what if i'm going to get forced out of here before it attatches ?
what if i just screw email and post it at the scrolls, incomplete and poorly edited as it is?
what if this sounds like a plan?
08 October 2004, 09:49 AM
What if the Dr gave you 3 months off work?
What if it was with full pay?
What if yesterday I thought....ACE!!!
What if today after raiding the fridge for the 100th time & having weighed myself i`m 3lbs heavier than yesterday....*GULP*
What if this is a trend for the whole 90 days? (I can`t go there...again)
What if i`ve channel hopped for the 1000th time in the last hour wearing my fingers down to the nub, needing a change of batteries in the remote & still there`s nothing worth watching?
What if after only 24 hours i`m going out of my frickin mind !!!!!
quote:Originally posted by Ditie: What if today after raiding the fridge for the 100th time & having weighed myself i`m 3lbs heavier than yesterday....*GULP*
what if ithought you brits were metric?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
08 October 2004, 01:05 PM
What if someone actually had the temerity to ask me if I wanted to go to the Texas/OU tail gate party they were throwing?
What if...fortunately for him, he was unaware of my absolute loathing of both institutions?
What if so I let him live?
What if psh, as if!?
What if I have resolved this weekend, to finish Prince of Persia, damnit?
What if I'm now deciding whether to buy a new X Box or wait for X Box 2?
What if decisions, decisions?
What if Ryan and I went to Best Buy (which is evil) and saw some really nice tvs on sale?
What if temptation is everywhere!?
What if thank god today is Friday?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
08 October 2004, 03:13 PM
What if a lot of Brits still use "stone" to measure weight, so I imagine "pounds" sometimes comes into use as a weightage?
What if but then I imagine a lot of things?
What if at first I read "What if i am still undecided who to vote for, but i am almost decided?" as being posted by an American, and I couldn't think of who here isn't yet decided?
What if then, ooooh?
What if it's raining here, which has no significance for anything I'm posting, I just wanted to add it?
What if also we haven't had a good rain in weeks?
What if the grass was brown and crispy on my awesome! cemetery! tour!?
What if there was a mausoleum being demolished and I called today to ask if I could get the awesome iron door?
What if alas, they're putting it into storage instead of selling it, because the family might eventually turn up?
What if psh, they've had their chance, gimme the door?
What if oh hey, this is one of the ones I saw on my tour?
What if they had it open for us to look into, and there was a whole story about a head being stolen a few years ago?
What if there's still a broken vault with the coffin exposed, but at least the head's back where it belongs?
What if there were cooler ones, but none with a story like that, and with nothing between us and a body but the wall of a weathered wooden coffin?
What if on the one hand it was kind of neat, the exposed coffin, but really I wish they'd fix the wall because the lady inside doesn't deserve to be left open like that, I feel?
What if it seems they'd tried to take her head first, but couldn't open the round topped coffin?
What if they had to crawl into another one to get the man's head?
What if they used arsenic to embalm bodies back in the day?
What if that's not something you want to mess around with?
What if at any rate, I'm totally taking the kids next time?
What if oooo, I should watch some graveyard-heavy Buffy later?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Fahrenheit,
08 October 2004, 04:20 PM
what if Sara sets aside her affiliations to lesser educational institutions to join Nora on a road trip to Austin the first weekend in November when 2 schools with real football programs---Texas & OSU---play?
what if for no other reason than Nora might not be able to find her way without you?
what if the Basford Arms are always open?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
08 October 2004, 04:47 PM
What if zoom was rather subtle in her A&M slamming?
What if but I'll afford her no such courtesy if I do drag Nora down there?
What if it depends on her lawyership and what she's got going on?
What if otherwise I'm free?
What if and then I shall slam both lesser vehicles of education into the ground along with their supporters?
What if *snicker* you're right though, I seriously doubt Nora could make it down there?
What if though I was awfully proud when she made it to my house twice in a row?
What if even ol' Okies can learn new tricks?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
08 October 2004, 04:47 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if someone asked me if I was going to Dallas for that game Sara referenced?
What if I said no, but that I was planning to go to the game Zoom referenced?
What if Saturday afternoon I edit this post to change zoom's handle to reflect a certain bet we have on the game of the first part?
What if Sara should come if only for the joy of bashing both teams and making herself unpopular with all fans in Austin?
What if with the exception of those wacky Scrollers?
What if I pro'lly would get lost without at least one Evil Genius as back-up?
What if I was hanging out in the law library today and noticed that they had acquired the freshly published ABA Guide to Estate Planning for same-sex couples?
What if I'm amazed that it was on the shelf?
What if I did a quick skim through on the off chance that it disappears?
What if it'll have an interesting impact in light of proposed amendments to the state constitution on the ballot in November?
What if--evil money-grubber that I am-- I'm wondering how to market my practice to what might be a very large market?
What if I know where most of the gay bars/clubs in town are, but I'm not aware of any media targeting that community specifically?
What if I guess that's what search engines are for?
08 October 2004, 04:54 PM
What if bring it on, I ain't scared?
What if depending on how the election goes, we can either drink in celebration or in mourning?
What if but really, it's just an excuse to get schnockered?
What if the Dallas branch of the Evil Genius Conglomerate is ready to assist the lesser fortunate Okie contingency?
What if heh heh heh?
What if zoom you may just have to reserve us some space at the Basford yet?
What if snap, what better way to spend a weekend, than watching two sucky ass teams suck and tormenting the people who like them?
What if ahhhh, now that's what it's all about?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
08 October 2004, 05:12 PM
What if you all also go on a fascinating! tour! of a ceme....no?
08 October 2004, 09:57 PM
What if Heitie takes a tour of the cemetery in my backyard where i've buried various neighbors?
What if Heitie takes a tour of The Cemetery of Them That Have Been Bored to Death by Stoopid xc?
What if by Heitie buys a hearse for visiting cemeteries?
08 October 2004, 10:43 PM
What if that was a cool mausoleum picture?
What if I want a mausoleum?
What if I get a giant statue of myself built on to of it?
What if I also get a feral looking cat statue the size of a horse at the feet of the statue of me?
What if speaking of cats I saw the two cutest burmese kittens at a pet store today?
What if I wanted to buy them both?
What if one of them looked like it would scratch a lot?
What if it was trying to scratch it's way through the glass?
What if my old high school is all different?
What if there were sheltered tables and benches outside the science block?
What if that square garden with the big tree's that was in the place I can't spell that starts with a Q was gone also?
What if I didn't laugh at anyone who gave me pamphlets?
What if I just took them all and smiled politely?
08 October 2004, 11:03 PM
What if..nothing..
08 October 2004, 11:15 PM
quote:Originally posted by xenacrazed: What if by _Heitie_ buys a hearse for visiting cemeteries?
What if ooooooo!?
What if that's a fantastic idea?
What if they get crap mileage, though, so instead I get a Volkswagen and shape it to look like a tiny hearse?
What if someone gave me a political pamphlet yesterday, but it really doesn't tell me anything about where he stands on...anything?
What if the fellow was going door to door passing out fliers about himself, but they just said that he cares about the community?
What if yeah, ok, so do you wanna be more specific, please?
What if I should have asked him some questions, but I guess I assumed his literature would have some information in it...of any kind?
What if it does say that he pledges "to make decisions that benefit individuals, families, and business first..."?
What if as opposed to....?
What if politicians are so concerned with not alienating anyone that they refuse to take a stand on any issues at all?
What if it's County Commission, though, so maybe there aren't any issues, I really don't know?
What if, in other news, I've been enjoying "the debates" very much?
09 October 2004, 04:19 AM
What if, i wonder where Salem went, he was online when i Jess, Josie and I left his house
What if, i'll be back on around 7 .. 7.30 ish
What if i need to fix one of my pokemon in my sig.. its the wrong pic but the right number.
09 October 2004, 07:25 AM
What if I went and had dinner after a while?
What if we watched the best of 2003 footy show dvd?
What if then the Reg Regan one after that?
What if I didn't know we were going to watch both of them?
What if so now I've OD'd on the Footy Show?
09 October 2004, 11:19 AM
what if the Texas State Cemetary is close to my house and chock full of interesting, historic dead people?
what if my fave is Barbara Jordan?
what if Tom Landry, longtime coach of that NFL team in Dallas is also there, for whatever reason...?
what if also heros of the Texas War for Independence like Travis & Austin & Houston?
what if also a kick ass 9-11 memorial with actual beams from the WTC that the company le works for had a hand in erecting?
what if Argy can vouch for all of this as i took her there when she was here?
what if Heitei would really trip on the cemetaries in New Orleans where some of my family memebrs are buried?
what if i'm thinking i better schedule a complete blood transfusion for the Monday after the first weekend in November?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom,
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
09 October 2004, 11:21 AM
what if i hook Nora up with my gay family law attorney who did le & my wills when she's here so she can pick his brain about market-targeting?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
09 October 2004, 04:54 PM
Free Madness
What if i'm wondering if my sister will call and we'll go out to dinner?
What if i hope i find out soon cuz i need to make dinner plans?
What if i am thinking of moving to Oz if Bush wins this election?
What if hmmmmm?
What if my pell grant came to me today?
What if i'm listening to the first song i ever heard my husband sing on the radio now?
What if it's from that operetta Desert Song?
What if it's called "the Desert Song?"
What if it brings back lurvely memories?
What if romance is in the air?
What if hmmm laters for now?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
09 October 2004, 08:54 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if I went to the state fair today?
What if only one mullet counted?
What if that's unbelievable?
What if I had to have a corn dog?
What if it's the only time of the year I really get one?
What if when you only get one once a year it's mighty good?
What if I'm wondering if when zoom will change her name?
What if two words?
What if SHUT OUT?
What if make that three words?
What if add an OUCH?
What if OSU totally kicked Colorado's ass today?
What if I'm happy when anybody beats Colorado?
What if the football coach there is a prick so it's nice to see karma in action?
What if I can't wait to go to Austin and see my Pokes kick some Tex-ass?
What if Texas is already fallen to one school north of the Red River?
What if do I hear two?
What if there's always Baylor?
What if--um..that was last week, wasn't it?
What if well...Texas A&M?
10 October 2004, 12:43 AM
What if I've been dabbling in the Stalk Market in Animal Crossing again?
What if Sow Joan was selling at 78 bells per turnip?
What if now I shall hopefully be able to sell them to Nook at a higher price at some point during the week?
What if I hope there is a price spike?
What if I have nothing but bad luck and end up selling for 50 bells a turnip?
What if oh well, such is life?
What if, or something?
What if I feel good after selling most of my things?
What if my basement is full of clothes though?
What if I should sell all of them and run around nude?
What if, if that was possible, which it's not?
What if Halloween is almost upon us in Salem?
What if the villagers keep threatening me that I should watch out?
What if I'll show them...?
What if I had a dream about Harry and Draco last night?
What if o.o?
What if everyone had swords instead wands, except Voldemort?
What if, and I do mean swords, not something else?