What if we went to a small Renaissance faire today?
What if lots of merchant tents, some sword fighting, etc?
What if at one point a woman in period dress was loudly singing the Pokemon theme to great applause?
What if it made me think of several scrollers?
What if then at home I gave myself a nasty cut on my thumb?
What if not on purpose?
What if Paco was very nice about it and did the dishes, offered to get me water and pain killers and things, etc?
What if that was nice?
What if he also had a little too much to drink which makes him behave like someone else?
What if I really don't like that, but he's not particularly receptive to hearing that his behavior is any different under any circumstances, I don't know why?
What if he did say he wouldn't drink at all tomorrow, though, so I'm totally looking forward to a day with the real Paco, not sloshy, obnoxious drunk Paco who thinks everything that's appropriate and funny to him is appropriate and funny to everyone else?
What if yeah, it's not?
10 October 2004, 03:41 AM
What if we also met the lady who made Alyssa Milano's snoods?
What if I'd almost certainly stumbled into the middle of a recreation of a battle too?
What if, if the Snood fits?
What if I'm playing Eternal Darkness again?
What if it hasn't been that long since I played, but I already forgot how to do everything?
What if *kisses recover spell*?
10 October 2004, 03:56 AM
What if everyone heard me shriek because I just entered a room with a big enemy in it lurking just out of sight of the door?
What if, see, this is why I'm no good at 'realistic' games where you need to reload weapons?
What if Monster: Rargh!?
What if Salem: Argh! BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM click click?
What if and on top of everything, the ceiling and walls are bleeding?
10 October 2004, 04:43 AM
what if i'm dissapointed to hear that i woudn't have liked salem's harry/ draco dream?
what if i just endevour to have a dream of my own ?
what if home and away was rediculously traumatic on friday night?
what if i had my eyes averted for almost the entire thing?
what if i went to the beach today?
what if the guy i was with was teasing the seagulls, and i was sure that it was all going to end up like a scene from the birds ?
what if "your provoking the alpha male!>.<"?
what if one of them had no feet, only stumps ?
what if we made sure all the crippled ones got fed?
what if i came to uni on a sunday night PACIFICALLY to talk to salem, but he's not here?
what if SIGH!?
what if, on the upside, i just ran into a very interesting pokemon in fire red?
what if i go to the designated thread to elaborate?
10 October 2004, 05:47 AM
What if I was here the whole time?
What if Maddie is the third person to have some problems reaching me on MSN today?
What if my MSN screens people for me?
What if a friend just told me they were bored and asked me to send them to a site they won't have been to before?
What if I sent them to a site alright?
What if Restricted Section anyone?
What if aaahahaha!?
10 October 2004, 11:30 AM
what if i came here yesterday with the express purpose of changing my name, but decided it could wait til today?
what if most years i come to expect it, but this year we really could've won this thing and yes, ouch?
what if also i have a serious bone to pick with OU as well as Arknasas & Texas Tech (the world's worst...) and a few other teams' fans (oddly enough, not A&M...maybe because they have enough of their own traditions that they don't have to coopt & vilify someone else's...) with their need to do the inverted Hook 'em sign, as opposed to any positive representation of their own team affiliation (i kid you not when i tell you that i have seen OU fans do the inverted Hook 'em sign even when they weren't playing Texas!! and they even market merchandise with the upside-down Longhorn logo. sheesh!)?
what if last year during basketball season, at the featured ESPN game of the week, the Tech fans were all in the camera doing inverted Hook'em with one hand and the "one-finger salute" with the other?
what if nice, huh?
what if i find it sad and disrespectful that schools don't actively discourage that kind of behavior?
what if i, being a far better sportswoman than that, have changed my name?
what if *%! ?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
10 October 2004, 02:16 PM
what if i swear i just saw some idiots doing upside-down Hook 'em at the Dallas COwboys/NY Ginats game?
what if okay, that's just retarded?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
10 October 2004, 02:58 PM
What if *snicker* *snicker* I take way too much pleasure in zoom's name change?
What if even though I loathe BOTH Texas and OU?
What if but still, it's funny?
What if I'd take just as much pleasure if Nora had had to change her name?
What if and you're right zoom, A & M has enough traditions that we don't really bother with that inverted Hook 'Em Horns thing?
What if and it's Texas Tech, the lowliest of low?
What if and bleh, Arkansas too, what'd you expect?
What if it is sad that the schools don't discourage that in students?
What if you and Nora have another bet going on for the first weekend in November?
What if oh, I can't wait?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
10 October 2004, 04:48 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if I too am thoroughly amused at zoom's name change?
What if I like her addition?
What if, yes, Sara, we do have a similar bet on for the next game?
What if I share Zoom's pain at the obnoxiousness of of OU fans?
What if I only bet on OU against Texas for grins?
What if the only other time I want OU to win is when they are playing one of the media annointed coastal schools and the press goes on and on about how noone can really expect to beat Florida State, USC, etc, etc?
What if that's just to wipe the smirk off those biased East and West coast sports reporters?
What if, yes, I'd even pull for Texas over Florida?
What if I don't know about Texas A&M though?
10 October 2004, 07:34 PM
what if i feel like i'm beating the system whenever i what if from the library?
what if these computers are meant specifically for research purposes only - they don't even allow email?
what if i'm such a rebel *types extra quietly so as not to get shushed*?
what if i checked my werewolf story?
what if i thank salem for editing the topic lead from D+ to Distinction+ ?
what if we both felt there may have been some confusion as to my competence?
what if "D+? and it's HOW many pages? i'm not reading that shnit!"?
what if i haven't used that word in such a long time ?
what if i entice more interest by saying there's some subtext in it, and a few implied sexual scenes ?
what if, also murder and carnage - who could resist!?
what if i wonder if salem is online yet or if he will be at all today?
what if, if he was, i could skip my next class to talk to him?
what if such a sacrifice - you all know how much i love ceramics ?
what if i wonder if it's at all possible for me to pass that subject, either now or any time in the future?
what if, uh oh, i forgot about the cd i was supposed to bring today o_o?
what if all concerned parties should just ignore the cd ever existing?
what if i hope that was cryptic enough for you all to understand ?
what if i want to go home damn it!?
what if hate this place and everything in it?
what if, except my writing class - they seem pretty cool?
what if i just realised that one of the guys that i rather dislike from that course hasn't been showing up lately?
what if, what a happy coincidence ?
what if idol kinda sucked?
what if, if you don't sing hey jude and/or let it be, it's just not a beatles concert?
what if anthony and hailey sang the only songs i like?
what if i'd say i liked the song that ricky lee was singing, but i barely recognised it by the end of that atrocity?
what if i had to listen to lucy lawless and friend, very very loudly, to get the whole sordid ordeal out of my head?
what if it just made me feel so dirty >_<?
what if i should go see if salem's around?
what if it took me three attempts to spell his name just then o_o?
what if 9.30am - i've been awake too long already ?
what if i wish there was a scanner in here so i could post the picture i drew yesterday (and which i was photocopying today - hence the being in the library)?
what if i feel like i should go try to make it darker, even though i've wasted a fair amount of ink on it already?
what if i'm paying $5000 a year in fees, and 10c extra for evey photocpy i make - i think i'm entitled to all the bloody ink i want?
what if i feel sick and weak all of a sudden?
what if, but i took my vitamins!?
what if cold, shivery, light-headed, weak, feel like i want to throw up...so this is how i'm going to die?
what if *yawn* what else is new?
10 October 2004, 07:53 PM
What if I wonder if Maddie went to see if I was around?
What if MSN claims I'm not again?
What if Cosima's album comes out today?
What if I left monies for my mother to buy it because she's gone shopping with my sister?
What if I almost certainly won't like it, but I feel it's the right thing to do?
What if I was up til 2am last night and I couldn't sleep in any later than 8:30?
What if I want to know what the hell is up with that?
What if I wonder if Sara was able to find a solution to her problem in Prince of Persia?
What if he was the Prince of Persian, the evolution of Meowth?
What if apparently I just told Aurora in my village to go fly a kite?
What if she told me it's to wet for that and what if lightning strikes?
What if I dreamt I was in my village last night?
What if there were no animals though?
What if I was with someone I have no idea who they were, and we were hunting for mushrooms, because Mushroom Season is almost upon us?
What if my dreams have to create new people for me, because I don't meet any new people in the real world?
What if Tom Nook is buying turnips for 81 bells?
What if 3 more than I spent?
What if I won't sell, so lets all watch the price plummet?
10 October 2004, 07:57 PM
what if i should definitely be in class right now?
what if, but that's not going to happen?
what if i just rock up to the afternoon bit instead?
what if i don't?
what if should probably leave the library at some point regardless?
what if i do that right now and go harrass salem?
what if i help him to jump off a building when his stocks bomb out?
what if i'm such a good friend ?
10 October 2004, 08:07 PM
What if I don't think Maddie is getting my MSN messages?
What if I'm going to have to jump off a building on my own?
What if oh bloody hell, I tried signing out and now I can't get back in?
10 October 2004, 08:22 PM
what if msn is f***ed?
what if i really appolpgise for the language but there's no other way of saying it?
what if i'm not getting any of salem's messages and i keep getting signed out for no reason?
what if, feel free to delete or edit this post if you must - i couldn't possibly be any more pissed off than i am right now?
[Edited for swearing.]This message has been edited. Last edited by: Argeaux,
10 October 2004, 08:35 PM
what if ok, well msn seems to be working for now?
what if i'm hungry and sickly and still pretty pissed, so yeah?
what if tired as well and contemplating going home for lunch?
what if bah, this is not at ALL the day i had planned?
10 October 2004, 10:56 PM
what if ate?
what if i now feel bloated, as well as all the things listed above?
what if salem isn't online again and he's left me no explanation of his absence?
what if his computer better have exploded or something?
what if, not even the diet vanilla coke caffine has woken me up ?
what if it's far too hot outside?
what if i have andrew denton's theme song from tripple j in my head?
what if *to the tune of baby elephant walk* deeenton denton denton denton denton, deeenton denton denton denton denton, dentooon, dentooon...?
what if it can be quite insane-making, but also fun, so i don't think i mind?
what if a certain other andrew had better have sent me an email by the time i send this post?
what if i knew i should have stayed at home today?
10 October 2004, 11:45 PM
What if I don't know why MSN keeps screwing up?
What if it doesn't like my Prue icon?
What if now I feel all hot?
What if I'm taking a break from Eternal Darkness?
What if I dislike that the zombie things come in different sizes now?
What if the child size ones are creepy?
What if it doesn't help that at the start of this chapter I found a dead monk named 'Brother Andrew'?
11 October 2004, 12:53 AM
Free Madness
What if testing 1-2-3?
What if just found all these awesome pics of Ann Wilson and i must share at least one in my sig pic--if it ain't too big?
What if me and all my msn buddies feel yer pain salem, msn is BONKERS!
What if toodles, i'll be back if i have to edit the pic?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
11 October 2004, 12:57 AM
Free Madness
What if AAAAA!
What if ok hope this one is smaller?
What if bloody hell that's what happens when i don't have an image composer on my comp! pooey.
What if ok le's try this again?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
11 October 2004, 01:01 AM
Free Madness
What if ok i compromised, hope it ain't too huge?
What if oh well i'll find out sooner or later.
What if but omg that pic is so hot, she looks so sexy in red!
What if mmmmm nice dreams tonite!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
11 October 2004, 01:12 AM
What if we should all somehow burn MSN at the stake?
What if MSN burnt us at the stake?
What if I'm hungry now?
What if my uncle finally gave me back my three playstation Spyro games?
What if so now I have them all sitting together?
What if 8 Spyro games!!?
What if with another coming in November!?
What if Spyro overload! *blows up*?
11 October 2004, 01:13 AM
what if i just got startled?
what if someone called my name while i was in the middle of a very colourful rant in fight club?
what it made me jump ?
what if not only msn not work, but it's screwing with my hotmail?
what if, see rant for details?
what if i'm hoping that someone will come and take me home soon, seeing as how any hope i had of staying here to chat has been shat on by stupid msn?
what if i really really REALLY hate the entire internet right now, and it's making my loathing for university (particualrly the crapppy freezy computers) all the more unbarable?
what if i definitely need a drink?
11 October 2004, 01:44 AM
what if that's it, i'm leaving - i couldn't be screwed waiting around here anymore?
what if i'm far too pissed off to be around computers right now?
what if have a nice life everyone, and i'll see you all later?
11 October 2004, 03:49 AM
What if the new episodes of Friends return tonight?
What if that was for Ame's benefit, if she shows up?
What if I'm not sure if I'll tape, because I don't think I have anywhere?