07 May 2004, 05:21 AM
AmethystWhat if ...??
What if i ask what movie you are eyeing, while eyeing your DVD at the same time, making you go cross eyed?
07 May 2004, 05:21 AM
AmethystWhat if, we are almost 1/10th our way through this thread being locked?
07 May 2004, 05:24 AM
SalemWhat if 'Lucky Numbers'?
What if everyone misses my clever comparison pictures because they are at the bottom of the previous page and everyone just clicks onto this page without bothering to check the last page?
What if I DEMAND everyone who skipped the last page go back and look NOW?
What if

07 May 2004, 05:30 AM
AmethystWhat if, regarless of the actors in it, Lucky Numbers is a relatively stupid, and bad acted movie?
What if, in maternal instincts, xena says 'don't you even speak his name'.. so jess says 'solan, solan, solan, solan'
What if I just told Salem i was cooking a lamb roast, but i typoed and said
i'm coocking a lamb roastWhat if he replied with
lucky there were two o'sWhat if he is so dirty minded?
07 May 2004, 05:37 AM
SalemWhat if Jess is a little rebel?
What if Scott is apparently dead on Home & Away?
What if I'm still skeptical though, because they always say someone "won't survive" or something like that, but then everyone does?
What if they're just saying it because of Big Brother, so it is a dirty ploy to get more viewers?
What if I don't remember any articles in TV Week about the person playing Scott leaving?
What if but then, I don't remember a lot of things?
What if it could be for real this time?
What if, also, I think Morag has left already?
What if SIGH?
07 May 2004, 05:40 AM
AmethystWhat if no one has commented on my wonderous avatar?
07 May 2004, 05:42 AM
AmethystWhat if, for those who watch buffy, they know the song, 'i've got a theory'
What if, in Bitter Suite, when Gab goes, 'so much for the elysian fields theory'. jess says... 'mummy, Gabrielle has a theory too'!!!!
07 May 2004, 05:47 AM
SalemWhat if I want to know if Ame's avatar in question IS the Jess one?
What if, because I don't want to say "it's cute

" and discover that she has changed it and it didn't change on my computer, so it looks as though I'm saying something entirely non cute is cute?
What if I worry about things too much?
07 May 2004, 06:02 AM
AmethystWhat if, yes the Jess one, although you can;t really tell in that pic, i'll go upload the full version, just for the heck of it?
07 May 2004, 06:16 AM
AmethystWhat if?
07 May 2004, 06:24 AM
SalemWhat if now I can say it?
What if it's cute

What if Ame runs and changes her avatar now that I've said it?
07 May 2004, 12:03 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I think it's cute as well?
What if the coocking thing made me laugh?
What if as did the comparison pictures, and I'm not even familiar with those people?
What if I think I know who they are, just...not familiar?
What if I wonder if Salem watched the dvd or the tv?
What if it gnaws at me until he tells?
What if he already said and I just missed that part due to the coocking incident?
What if my Ad-Aware found 44 things today?
What if my son was looking for computer game cheats and I think that's what did it?
What if those computer game cheat people are just a bunch of cheaters?
What if stupid Sah Agent?
What if I don't remember what the 100th Angel was?
What if I have to look it up because it's also gnawing at me?
What if one can tolerate the double-gnaw only so long?
What if that sounded dirty for some reason?
07 May 2004, 05:55 PM
AmethystWhat if it was the ep that had quite a bit of charisma about it..*S*
07 May 2004, 08:03 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if it cost me $25 to fill up my gas tank yesterday?
What if I shouldn't bitch too much though seeing as it probably costs everybody else ('cept maybe Sara) a lot more?
What if, screw it, bitch, bitch, bitch?
What if I'm supposed to write a friend of mine a letter of recommendation?
What if I have do problem doing it?
What if it's just about sitting down and doing it?
What if he graduates from the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine tomorrow?
What if I'm so proud of him?
What if he gets a "backup" copy of Franz Ferdinand?
What if you never know when that CD you just invested in is gonna get scratched all to hell?
What if you don't want to risk your precious investment by having it in your car or taking it to a friends' place?
What if so it makes sense to have "backups" at various places you might spend time?
What if my personal allergy season has started?
What if there's something that blooms in May that just makes my eyes itch like crazy?
What if it gets so bad sometimes my eyes are too swollen for my contact lens?
What if the only bright side is my eyes being bloodshot *really* brings out the green in them?
What if I think it's the kataka (sp?) tree?
What if the tree that makes those huge, long bean pod looking things?
What if my eyes were always really bad until the tree in my parents' backyard croaked?
What if, there are still plenty of those trees around?
What if Ame makes me a new sig pic with that really cool picture I showed her many moons ago?
07 May 2004, 08:39 PM
SalemWhat if from left to right in my comparison pictures was Magda Szubanski, Gina Riley and Jane Turner?

What if, hee, I watched the DVD?

What if and afterwards, I watched all the special features?
What if there was a cool thng on there, "Through the eyes of Captain Hook" which was Jason Isaacs wandering about sets with a video camera, filming what he see's?

What if it was funny at the start, he was outside dressed as Hook, with an umbrella because he wasn't allowed to get a tan, and he went to go back inside and saw the sign that said 'Filming, do not enter when red light is flashing' and it was, so he rolled his eyes in disgust?

What if it made me laugh but I can't really explain in words why?
What if there's an alternate ending scene also?
What if it was nice, but I don't know if I would have liked it, not that it would have replaced the official ending, it was more like a scene to come after that sorta?
What if that made no sense?
What if it did?
What if it would have been nice if there was a commentary on there?
What if they release a special edition DVD with that on there?
What if I was thinking about that last night and actually dreamt there was one, but it looked like two copies of the DVD glued together for some reason?
What if Nora walks around glaring at people with her bloodshot eyes?
What if her bloodshot eyes walked around glaring at people?
08 May 2004, 01:54 AM
AmethystWhat if, for slem and all neopets players?
What if
Well we told you we were planning something extra-special for this summer, and we can finally announce what it is! Yes, Neopets are going to be appearing in McDonalds® Happy Meals® starting on the 28th of May!What if we don't get them in Oz?
What if, never ever?
What if we have to get our Americcan friends to collect us the whole set?
What if, ok, at least one?
WHat if, eheh they start on jess' birthday?
08 May 2004, 04:15 AM
AmethystWhat if no one is on?
What if i want to play literati, so i can get some ironing done while its not my go?
WHat if everyone is on MSN since they know i never turn it on?
What if i go turn MSN on and check?
08 May 2004, 05:58 PM
AmethystWhat if it is 12 hours later, still no one else is on, and there has been no new posts since?
What if, by the gods people you are boring!
What if there is a scroller party, and i wasn't invited, and that's where everyone else it?
What if FINE, i'll just have some weet bix
08 May 2004, 07:31 PM
AmethystWhat if it is time for me to what if to myself again?
What if i might be going to ettalong markets?
What if i what if here and say to salem, if you turn icq on, and txt me on my phone, and tell me if you are going to be home?
What if, so then i can reply?
What if, then i can bring the rest of your games back, and your video cover?
What if, and i think 1 charmed tape too?
What if he doesn't see this?
What if, oh well?
09 May 2004, 01:13 AM
AmethystWhat if, come on people this is getting ridiculous?
What if, i have been gone for several hours and still zilch?
What if, looks like i'll be a top of scroll mountain all by myself soon?
What if even Salem has 'social obligations'?
What if hehe
09 May 2004, 01:15 AM
AmethystWhat if, i shall go download trillian, even though no one is online?
09 May 2004, 02:31 AM
SalemWhat if *staggers in after mega scroller party*?
What if wow, what a great weekend?
What if and everyone was there?

What if heheheeeeeeeeeeee?
What if I wasn't invited to the mega Scroller party either, I just had a friend over?
What if they didn't leave until today?
What if we went and saw Van Helsing yesterday?
What if I liked it, but again, movies with quiet scenes and then sudden loudness >.<?
What if it's mothers day today?
What if the Kath & Kim CD I got mum has been on all day? :P
What if it's full of old grogan music?
What if, hehe, Madogis the song is on there with "and I never had that recipe again, oh noooo"??
What if

What if it's very fun, especially the Wine Time after it?
What if I'm watching Fast Forward?
What if Marg Downey is really good in "Hospitals"?
What if eeeee, SBS Viewing Highlights!!?
09 May 2004, 02:48 AM
AmethystWhat if, i assume the song you mean is McArthur Park?
What if, i can't believe it, someone else what iffed?
What if i force Rellik to what if too?
WHat if, ok, i have tried my hardest?
What if I'm pushing her around?
What if, i am actually enjoying it?
What if, i mean REALLy enjoying it?
What if Emessis's name keeps going off and on, but she never talks to me on AIm unless in a chat room anyways?
What if they were all at the mega scroll party that i wasn;t invited to?
What if i have lost 10kg now?
What if i go convert that?
09 May 2004, 02:50 AM
AmethystWhat if 22 pounds, and i can't see it?
What if, no seriously, i can't see it?
What if, cause my ass was so huge 22 pounds is nothing compared to the rest of me?
09 May 2004, 02:51 AM
AmethystWhat if i slim down so much, i can fit into Argy's ring trlogy wedding dress!