22 May 2013, 12:39 AM
ThersitesWhat If?
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if notes on xc not all together?
what if i did mention i am not original xc?
what if no one believes me?
what if i sell my xc id like has been done 3 times before?
what if i tell next xc to not keep xc story secret?
What if I believe there must be at least 3 nekkid typing XCs.?
What if you type as fast as Linxi..??
What if you dance like Gabbys..?
What if poor Natalie Adele must be Grossed out & stuff..???
22 May 2013, 12:41 AM
ThersitesWhat if I started the new Page 21..?
What if Im the Mahster now ..??
What if thats supposed to sound like Gollum..?
What if as I have aged I have started to Look like Gollum..??
22 May 2013, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if i was watching movie?
what if i'm not here 24/7 ha ha?
What if I know because I am...Bwahahahahhaha
What if what didja watch...???
What if I was gonna watch something to clear HD Space but instead typed here all day..??
What if I make that Typo-ed here all day..??
22 May 2013, 12:46 AM
ThersitesWhat if I be ownin his page rite here rite now..??
What if XCs probably listening to some silly music & ignoring me fer afew mins..?
What if Im truly the Annoying one tonite..??
What if Ame & salem thow up tryin to read alla this nonsense..?
Wgat if how many pages back was there last feeble postings..??
22 May 2013, 12:50 AM
ThersitesWhat if its a new 5 in a row..?
What if I work harder to make my what ifs more what iffyer..?
WHat if lil
Brucifer is meowing because I have ignored him nearly all day..?
What if
Grayelzebub really couldnt give a shit what I do...??
22 May 2013, 12:52 AM
ThersitesWhat if plants are outside against empty building across the way..?
What if thats bad as they get only setting sun
there ..?
WHat if I gotta go get em & put em near my door..for morning sun..?
What if also need a shower... am too sticky..?
22 May 2013, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if i got along fine with Buccy, AP & Mo?
what if i had no run ins with Joxerfan & barely remember him?
what if i was in a different crowd in them days?
What if I dig up this lil nugget & chaw on it a bit..??
What if I find it IMPOSSIBLE that you didnt find Buccy ANNOYING ..he went out of his way like NO Other scroller to be ANNOYING..LOL
What if maybe XCs just such a nice guy he gave him a pass...?
What if he didnt bother me personally but what he did to everyone else was truly annoying..??
22 May 2013, 01:02 AM
ThersitesWhat if he was the globally closest scroller to me..?
What if that was disappointing to say the least ..?
What if was probably less than 20 miles away ..??
What if I wasnt eager to meet him ..nor he I ?
22 May 2013, 01:09 AM
ThersitesWhat if I change the subject ..?
What if I have already mentioned some of the scrollers I really miss..?
What if for all of Ame's 'desperately looking' for me

she seems determined to ignore the HELL outta me..??
What if I had IM'd her a few times but it appears she never turns it on any more..??
22 May 2013, 01:13 AM
ThersitesWhat if I checked the last page & i finished it ..?
What if that makes this 11 posts in a row..?
What if I also have to check another truly nasty stupid evil message board..??
What if I dont even post there any more just read..?
22 May 2013, 10:58 AM
xenacrazedwhat if too many BrucE posts to read?
what if going to video store soon?
what if not that ugly me got a chance with the clerkette?
what if just rent flick & be over her?
22 May 2013, 11:00 AM
xenacrazedwhat if Natalie Adele was acting strange last nite?
what if looking upwards & wanting to stay downstairs?
what if she psychic & saw sky was fallin?
what if she saw aliens hoverin above?
what if she saw me & was scared?
22 May 2013, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Thersites:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if i got along fine with Buccy, AP & Mo?
what if i had no run ins with Joxerfan & barely remember him?
what if i was in a different crowd in them days?
What if I dig up this lil nugget & chaw on it a bit..??
What if I find it IMPOSSIBLE that you didnt find Buccy ANNOYING ..he went out of his way like NO Other scroller to be ANNOYING..LOL
What if maybe XCs just such a nice guy he gave him a pass...?
What if he didnt bother me personally but what he did to everyone else was truly annoying..??
what if i thought Buccy sometimes went out of his way to be a character?
what if he was funny, sarcastic, said some things he should not have at times (like we all do) but i got along with him pretty good?
what if i posted on his board back in the day?
what if i tried to get along with everyone, cept those spammers of the last few years?
22 May 2013, 01:20 PM
xenacrazedwhat if has probs postin earlier?
what if scrolls spat back my post?
what if what gives?
what if dontcha spit on me, scrolls?
what if i spit hocker rights back on ya?
22 May 2013, 01:24 PM
xenacrazedwhat if 2 cute college girls were in my driveway when i was leavin earlier?
what if one said she wanted to talk about family!?
what if i thought they were volunteering to be xc wives!!!???
what if how lucky could i get!?
what if they were conductin survey?
what if i shoulda said
YoU CaN'T HiDe FRoM a GOd oF SUrvEyS!? what if they wanted survey with a daddy?
what if i'm not a daddy (that i know about)?
what if i pointed them to a fam with a daddy & kids closeby?
what if they still coulda joined the harem?
22 May 2013, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if Natalie Adele was acting strange last nite?
what if looking upwards & wanting to stay downstairs?
what if she psychic & saw sky was fallin?
what if she saw aliens hoverin above?
what if she saw me & was scared?
What if she was just tryin to freak you out..?
What if some cats have a sense of humor like that ..??
What if I don't like using IE its just doesn't do stuff the way I want..?
WHat if that what I get for starting with COmmdore computers...
A sense of whats good..LOL
22 May 2013, 05:10 PM
xenacrazedwhat if Natalie is more serious than all the cats i had?
what if the vet & i think maybe she was abused by her former owners who abandoned her at a animal shelter way out in the country in the winter?
what if i kill her ex-owners if i find them?
what if she owns me now & we're both happy that way?
22 May 2013, 05:11 PM
Thersites[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if 2 cute college girls were in my driveway when i was leavin earlier?
what if i shoulda said
YoU CaN'T HiDe FRoM a GOd oF SUrvEyS!? [QUOTE]
WHat if You are so lucky....I always get an older doddering black couple trying to get me to join Jehovah's Witnesses..??
What if ...ME?!?!?!?!
What if other than that I get some stupid door to door sales peeps trying to sign me up for an energy ripoff scam company..??
What if they have come here more than 15 x in 3 1/2 years..!?!?!?!?!?
22 May 2013, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if Natalie is more serious than all the cats i had?
what if she owns me now & we're both happy that way?
What if Cats personalitys seem to be largely genetic,IMO..??
I had a cat that was so skittish I could barely rouch her..
What if her kitten is partly the same..?
What if her daddy is super friendly kitty ..so shes ok if im in bed but often runs from me anywhere else..?
22 May 2013, 05:29 PM
ThersitesWhat if to continue Grayelzebub's maternal granma js rail thin & a very fussy eater..?
What if she's really skittish too..?
What if one of gray's wacko auntie kittys died of starvation because she would eat nothing & no one could get within 20 feet of her..??
What if its all so strange..??
22 May 2013, 05:43 PM
ThersitesWhat if NYs Gov Cuomo is a total retard..??
What if he wants to create Totally Tax fee zone around ALl SUNY college Campuses..?
WHat if no property tax,No state tax No Sales Tax...No state income tax on employees..?
What if that s THE Stupidest idea I have ever heard in ALL my LIFE..??
Why not just cut ACROSS THE BOARD instead of creating a Mad rush to develop these zones..?
What if I can see the beautiful historic Gold Course next to University of Buffalo being trashed for strip malls & office buildings.
What if all the small roads in the area will not be able to handle the congestion it will become a nasty smog pit of inequity & stuff..??
22 May 2013, 06:19 PM
ThersitesWhat if XC's posts that got sent out to limbo all land at the scroll at once with a loud SMACK..?
What if it knocks me outta my comp chair at 3am tonite..?/
what if it throws the fear of GODDESS into me..??
What if my typin has totally deteriorated since I opened this in IE today..??
What if I blame Bill Gates..??
22 May 2013, 06:23 PM
ThersitesWhat if I fear a really hot summer for me here ..this year.?
What if its been 15+ degrees above average for most of a week.?
What if its too hot already & its not even summer yet..?
What if it will cool for a coupla daze & right back above average tho not brutally...?
22 May 2013, 06:31 PM
ThersitesWhat if the local news has so many nutty stories lately you would swear this is Florida or Texas or some place that's totally Bonkers..?
What if New York has developed an inferiority complex after all the weirdness elsewhere..?
What if we pretty much are never 'in play' in Presidential Elections..?
What if there is Still a nutty tea-baggers/gun-nut presence in Western New York..tho?
22 May 2013, 06:48 PM
ThersitesWhat if it happened again..?
What if it poured for a few minutes 7 then Stopped & heated up all steamy & nasty..?
What if it cools tomorrow thank the Goddesses..?
What if Cant wait..?