22 May 2013, 06:49 PM
ThersitesWhat If?
What if Brucifer was really glad to have the windows open..?
What if only for a bit..?
What if he wants to be in several windows at once..??
What if he's like XC & doesn't unnerstand the impossible..??
22 May 2013, 06:52 PM
ThersitesWhat if top of page 22..??
what if only 78 pages to go..?
What if maybe next month it will be finished..?
What if with XC's Super quotes it could be ALOT sooner..???
22 May 2013, 07:10 PM
ThersitesWhat if poor XC has been left in the postin DUST..??
What if Ame & Salem will cry when they come back..??
What if when they see alla the posts..
What if Val called me goin to a movee..??
22 May 2013, 07:40 PM
xenacrazedwhat if BrucE's diarrhea posts are causin the scrolls to go berserk?
what if the diarrhea posts are upsettin the space-time continuum?
what if the universe or the scrollerverse collapses in on itself cuz of BrucE's diarrhea posts?
what if it's the end of the world (and i feel spat upon by the scrolls)?
22 May 2013, 07:58 PM
xenacrazedwhat if i got an email from my favorite band?
what if they emailed me a lyric sheet to their latest album?
what if the lyric sheet only came with the vinyl version which is too expensive?
what if cool i like lyric sheets & readin along after the 2nd listen?
22 May 2013, 08:00 PM
xenacrazedwhat if the scrolls spat at me again?
what if its not the scrolls but my PC?
what if hey its a newer PC (from Oct '12)?
what if i can't afford a new one so be the scrolls goin haywire not my PC?
what if i need it more for finding a job than postin here?
22 May 2013, 08:08 PM
xenacrazedwhat if Natalie don't know it but she gets flea meds tonite?
what if i aint gonna tell her beforehand else she hides?
what if sssshhhhh don't tell her?
what if she lookin at me type this so i best post n run?
23 May 2013, 12:08 AM
xenacrazedwhat if i hope the next scroller postin is an Aussie?
what if whoever posts, i hope no 11 nonsensical posts in a row lol?
what if the scrolls space-time continuum needs a fricken rest?
what if Argy has to come in & set the forums back to all new posts?
23 May 2013, 12:10 AM
xenacrazedwhat if liked the movie "Side Effects"?
what if Rooney Mara is a cutie?
what if she reminded me of Zooey Deschannel a little in the film?
what if Rooney Mara is nominated for an xc wife?
what if she has to pass the physical first?

23 May 2013, 07:10 AM
SalemWhat if what the bloody hell has gone on here?
What if you guys are nuts, nuts I say!
What if I don't think
Ame is ever coming back?
What if she took one look at the what ifs and went screaming into the night?
What if I watched the first episode of Beauty and the Beast last night?
What if, not bad?
What if I'll probably check it out again next week?
What if, although it IS going to get confusing, since I'm currently working my way through Smallville?
What if I don't think Kristin Kreuk is aging?
What if she's a witch

23 May 2013, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if what the bloody hell has gone on here?
What if you guys are nuts, nuts I say!
What if I don't think Ame is ever coming back?
What if she took one look at the what ifs and went screaming into the night?
what if BrucE had diarrhea & i got spat at by scrolls?
what if Ame doesn't come back, can i be a mod?
what if some of us have too much time on our hands?
what if at least Ame could post her screams before running into the nite?
23 May 2013, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if I watched the first episode of Beauty and the Beast last night?
What if, not bad?
What if I'll probably check it out again next week?
what if the 1st ep of B&B is on here tonite?
what if i haven't seen it yet?
what if i plan to watch old B&B series soon?
what if after i finish Xena season 4?
23 May 2013, 12:37 PM
xenacrazedwhat if applied for another job at university?
what if it's a part time, temporary job?
what if it's the 2nd part time, temporary job i applied for there?
what if would rather have full time job?
what if get what i can i suppose?
23 May 2013, 12:41 PM
xenacrazedwhat if road construction everywhere?
what if too many roundabouts?
what if too many bicyclists?
what if too much traffic?
what if move out to the boonies?
23 May 2013, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if BrucE's diarrhea posts are causin the scrolls to go berserk?
what if the diarrhea posts are upsettin the space-time continuum?
what if the universe or the scrollerverse collapses in on itself cuz of BrucE's diarrhea posts?
what if it's the end of the world (and i feel spat upon by the scrolls)?
What if Xc seems to have worser diarrhea..?
What if Maybe he broke hissow post in ability...
What if I have not had any probs at all..?
What if maybe he should try a different browser if it happens again..?
23 May 2013, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if the scrolls spat at me again?
what if its not the scrolls but my PC?
what if hey its a newer PC (from Oct '12)?
what if i can't afford a new one so be the scrolls goin haywire not my PC?
what if i need it more for finding a job than postin here?
What if now that I think of it maybe theres a bad spot on the Internet thats not allowing you to complete your posts..?
What if maybe its send the info there but to garbled to be received properly..?
what if the internet realizes its just nonsense to keep your post count 4000+ aheaad of that smelly fat dude in Barfalo..?
WHat if maybe Barfalo should have 2 Fs to be correct ...like..Barffalo..?
23 May 2013, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if Natalie don't know it but she gets flea meds tonite?
WHat if I hafta wait till the end of the month to buy flea stuff..?
what if this has been such a tight month that I need to be close to the next check in order to not risk being broke..?
what if I hate when that happens..?
What if I had over $400 in cash& checks @ 10 months ago & then life got REAL expensive..?
23 May 2013, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if what the bloody hell has gone on here?
What if you guys are nuts, nuts I say!
What if I don't think
Ame is ever coming back?
What if she took one look at the what ifs and went screaming into the night?
What if I watched the first episode of Beauty and the Beast last night?
What if I don't think Kristin Kreuk is aging?
What if she's a witch

What if
"Hi Salem" ?
What if I think youre right @
What if she always was a lite-weight..??
What if KK can bewitch me all she wants..?
23 May 2013, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if BrucE had diarrhea & i got spat at by scrolls?
what if Ame doesn't come back, can i be a mod?
what if some of us have too much time on our hands?
what if at least Ame could post her screams before running into the nite?
What if NO No Nooooo Xc will secretly delete my oldest posts as fast as I add new one just to drive me Craxxy..??
What if I m sure Linxi is probably payin him to do so as we speak..?
What if spell-chex has no idea what to do with letters ----> Craxxy...?
WHat if I caught diarrhea from hangin at the scrolls with XC..?
23 May 2013, 03:25 PM
xenacrazedwhat if you-know-who is post countin again?
what if barfalo is best as it barfed out the other f?
what if my posts got eradicated by BrucE's sets of 11 diarrhea posts lol?
what if all this has Ame scared?
what if i thought nuthin could scare Ame, even me?
23 May 2013, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if i hope the next scroller postin is an Aussie?
what if whoever posts, i hope no 11 nonsensical posts in a row lol?
what if the scrolls space-time continuum needs a fricken rest?
what if Argy has to come in & set the forums back to all new posts?
What if i have to make 47 nonsensical posts today just to keep up with alla your
INVISIBLE posts that you made..?
WHat if no rest for the wicked wicked XC..?
what if did he ferget I came from the WHHICKED board..???
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if liked the movie "Side Effects"?
Why is it that this isnt in the movie forum..??
23 May 2013, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if applied for another job at university?
what if it's a part time, temporary job?
what if it's the 2nd part time, temporary job i applied for there?
what if would rather have full time job?
What if My younger bro works at a 2year college as a Librarian..?
What if he started out part time $15 an hour..?
What if hes makin $25 an hour now...but he still not 40 hours..?
what if my Y bro went to college from mid 80s till after 2000..?

23 May 2013, 03:32 PM
ThersitesWhat if I have 2 brothers.?
what if older bro is very very odd..?
what if now hes certifiably nuts..?
what if onmeds & everything..?
23 May 2013, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if road construction everywhere?
what if too many roundabouts?
What if lots here too..?
What if I love roundabouts..?
what if I live in an area where alot of intersections are too close to each other..?
what if either Super long complicated lights or Roundabouts..?
What if we call em {traffic} circles here..?
23 May 2013, 03:38 PM
ThersitesWhat if OMG I ran out of schtuff-age to reply to..?
what if it barely made a dent in my post deficit..?
what if I still cant figure out where XC is hidin alla his posts..??
What if sunshine & breatfast time..?