18 July 2013, 10:42 AM
xenacrazedWhat If?
what if laundry day?
what if washin machine still havin issues?
what if rinse cycle not emptyin all the water?
what if have to go thru cycle a few times?
what if may need Maytag repair person?
19 July 2013, 12:05 AM
xenacrazedwhat if Natalie is attacking a sack!?
what if she's biting & fightin a paper sack!?
what if she's talkin to the sack, too!?
what if silly kitty!?
19 July 2013, 07:50 AM
SalemWhat if hello Scrollers, I missed you during my uneventful absence?
What if well I did cut my head open at work?
What if that was mildly eventful?
What if let's pretend that's where I have been, healing my head wound?
What if, seriously though, it was only a 'superficial abrasion'?
What if still a lotta blood though?
What if anyway I hope y'all are well..?
19 July 2013, 11:14 AM
xenacrazedwhat if howdy
what if sorry to hear about yer head wound?
what if but good thing you work at hospital, eh?
what if hope you feel all better soon?
what if also hope to see ya postin more?
what if just BrucE & me as Ame has flown the coop or so it seems?
what if maybe Ame hit her head too?
what if maybe Ame got amnesia & forgot us?
20 July 2013, 11:58 AM
xenacrazedwhat if mama xc & me went to farmers market today?
what if she bought some blueberries?
what if she gonna make a blueberry pie for me?
what if

what if blueberries yummers!?
21 July 2013, 10:57 AM
xenacrazedwhat if oldest bro went home today?
what if yay!?
what if we didn't argue this time?
what if still he didn't take much interest in fam matters?
what if would like to see middle bro come home for visit?
what if he's in bad health tho?
what if i still think he could make it home by plane for a few days?
21 July 2013, 09:15 PM
AmethystWhat if i have just woken up from a 25 year sleep as i accidentally got frozen? :P
21 July 2013, 10:50 PM
ThersitesHey Hey Haaaayyyyy!!!!
What if no single what if posts are A-Loud...??????
WHat if 4 What-ifs minimum..???
What if XC will delete the entire thread if you dont Shape up..????
What if Xenacrazed has turned into a Scroll Nazi..??????
22 July 2013, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Amethyst:
What if i have just woken up from a 25 year sleep as i accidentally got frozen? :P
what if and you are who?
what if pleeeze delete yr post til you have at least 4 what ifs?
what if we have rules here ya know?
what if not sure i remember you anyhoo ha ha?
22 July 2013, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Thersites:
Hey Hey Haaaayyyyy!!!!
what if there's no what if in front of that?
What if no single what if posts are A-Loud...??????
what if ya got that that right bub?
WHat if 4 What-ifs minimum..???
what if ya got 2 right! hot streak!?
What if XC will delete the entire thread if you dont Shape up..????
what if that's "xc" small caps to you bub?
What if Xenacrazed has turned into a Scroll Nazi..??????
what if don't be a drama queen, i ain't a no nazi, i don't support Bushit or Obombya?
22 July 2013, 05:42 PM
xenacrazedwhat if tired of hearing bout Trayvon Martin?
what if tired of hearing bout George Zimmerman?
what if tired of hearing bout the royal baby?
what if sick & tired of Obombya?
22 July 2013, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Originally posted by Thersites:
Hey Hey Haaaayyyyy!!!!
what if there's no what if in front of that?
What if no single what if posts are A-Loud...??????
what if ya got that that right bub?
WHat if 4 What-ifs minimum..???
what if ya got 2 right! hot streak!?
What if XC will delete the entire thread if you dont Shape up..????
what if that's "xc" small caps to you bub?
What if Xenacrazed has turned into a Scroll Nazi..??????
what if don't be a drama queen, i ain't a no nazi, i don't support Bushit or Obombya?
What if Hey hey Hayyyyy!!!! is way more dramatic without what if in front of it...??
What if thats one example of where what if deflates the intensity of the original rhought...??
What if my computer is Polish & doesnt have Small Caps lock...?
What if its an old Communist block laptop that contains all of America's National secuirty secrets but no Small Caps,..?
What if its a
Hewlittowiak Packardinski ......or an HP-ski for short....?
What if I couldnt afford ..."Its a Dellski,dude"..???
22 July 2013, 07:09 PM
what if don't be a drama queen, i ain't a no nazi, i don't support Bushit or Obombya?
What if its my party & I'll Cry if I want to......?
What if being a drama queen is as close to royalty as I will ever get...?
What if I'm watching PBS Newshour & Im sick of Ray Suarez...?
What if It seems their covering a news story on LA Gangs getting a 'makeover'..
see we are not as bad as alla that...?
What if Ok .....thats not what its about exactly...?
22 July 2013, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Thersites:
What if my computer is Polish & doesnt have Small Caps lock...?
what if can't ya unlock the caps lock anyhoo?
What if its an old Communist block laptop that contains all of America's National secuirty secrets but no Small Caps,..?
what if ya better head to Chile be4 Homewhine Insecurity tracks yer commie traitor PC down?
What if its a Hewlittowiak Packardinski ......or an HP-ski for short....?
what if my PC not a polack but may be Kenfunkian?
What if I couldnt afford ..."Its a Dellski,dude"..???
what if got my Dellski on discount from ex-job & swiped monitor from work during final days?
22 July 2013, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Thersites:
What if I'm watching PBS Newshour & Im sick of Ray Suarez...?
what if only watch local news anymore?
what if national news too doom & gloom?
what if local news too doom & gloom during sweeps months?
what if i do read CNN & BBC news online as well as local?
23 July 2013, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if got my Dellski on discount from ex-job & swiped monitor from work during final days?
What if holy shit the final days must have been real Sodom & Gomorah stuff..???
What if I dont think I spelled those right because Im an atheist & rarely encounter those locations written down..???
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if i do read CNN & BBC news online as well as local?
WHat if Geeze the BBC does your local news..??
What if 'xc' is part of the English Royal family & is keepin it a royal secret..????
23 July 2013, 02:20 PM
xenacrazedwhat if i'm the Duke of Indhickiana?
what if or maybe that's Laughing Stock of Indhickiana?
what if or maybe that's Royal Pain in the Butt of Indhickiana?
what if whatever it is there's no chicks or mullah that comes with the title?
23 July 2013, 07:33 PM
xenacrazedwhat if new sig pic worked?
what if yay?
what if hadn't had Camilla Belle in sig pic for long time?
what if hope pic stays w/o changing to red x?
24 July 2013, 12:29 AM
xenacrazedwhat if new sig pic is bright & shiney?
what if and bit bigger?
what if oh well will change again someday soon?
what if gotta show off wives that don't get shown off as much?
24 July 2013, 04:01 PM
xenacrazedwhat if mama xc & i went to Greenwood today?
what if Greenwood is southern suburb of Indy?
what if mama xc wanted to shop at huge mall there?
what if i got some shirts for when i start work?
what if nice sunny day for travel?
what if upper 70's cool for July?
24 July 2013, 08:14 PM
lila997What if I'm back?
What if I have no excuse for my absence except the usual?
What if ...work?
What if mergers and acquisitions on July 1 makes
Lila a very busy girl?
What if there are entirely too many pages of missed scroll stuff to go back and read?
What if someone catches me up via the Cliff Notes version?
What if I don't know if CliffNotes are even a thing anymore?
Why if since google maybe not?
What if I just super-aged myself?
What if I just ask WHAT'S NEW SCROLLERS?!?!?

25 July 2013, 12:36 AM
What if I just super-aged myself?
What if I dont think so..??
What if when I was a Kid I used to get/have/spend silver coins..??
What if Buffalo nickels were around occasionally
What if also Mercury Dimes....a bit rare but not unseen..Silver Kennedy half dollars...Common?
What if even uncommonly a Sliver Certifcate $1 bill..?
What if ....Whoa ...I trained my hair with Brylcreem...?
25 July 2013, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by lila997:
What if I'm back?
What if someone catches me up via the Cliff Notes version?
What if I just ask WHAT'S NEW SCROLLERS?!?!?
what if welcome back
cuz lila?
what if xc notes version catch-up: same ol same ol?
what if i have pt time temp job startin Aug 14?
what if hope i still have it...?
what if they were supposed to have me come in & fill out forms & stuff by now?
what if i been fired before i was hired?
what if glad yer back, cuz, hope ya get to post more often?
25 July 2013, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Thersites:
What if I just super-aged myself?
What if I dont think so..??
What if when I was a Kid I used to get/have/spend silver coins..??
What if Buffalo nickels were around occasionally
What if also Mercury Dimes....a bit rare but not unseen..Silver Kennedy half dollars...Common?
What if even uncommonly a Sliver Certifcate $1 bill..?
What if ....Whoa ...I trained my hair with Brylcreem...?
What if you win?

25 July 2013, 08:35 AM
lila997What if yay for xc's job?
What if try to stay around a bit more?