What If?

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27 July 2020, 09:06 AM
Free Madness
What If?
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if last night i dreamed Kate drove to my house from Philly?

what if when she drove up, she crawled on the ground beneath a shrub in my yard?

what if why'd you do that, Kate?

what if it was all wet neath the shrub & you got all wet & then got mad at me!?

what if you didn't come to visit me, you wanted to see Natalie Adele?

what if i told you that her highness wasn't receiving guests?

what if that's when the dream ended?

what if that's my first scroller dream in a long time?

what if the last one featured Ame working at a swimming pool as a lifeguard who refused to rescue anyone drowning?

What if that's hysterical? Big Grin

What if, crawling beneath a shrub and hiding there then getting all wet and getting mad...sounds like something a cat would do actually lol.

What if, and I wanted to see Natalie Adele? I'm starting to wonder if Julius has anything to do with this. He can project into people's dreams and make himself look like whoever he wants to.(Just Kidding, but that would be cool.)

What if, I can think of a couple good reasons he'd want to see Natalie Adele too, since he was her running mate when she ran for prez in 2016 lol.

What if, maybe he wanted to talk her into running again if it's not too late and bring SOME sanity to the mix.

What if, or maybe he just wanted to chat about old times lol.

What if, 2016...will we ever see that kind of thing again? Life was so DIFFERENT. There was no coronavirus, people still hugged each other hello, and everything was just like...normal. Compared to now of course.

What if, that's depressing?

What if...I was watching a video where Johnny Depp was meeting his fans and hugging and kissing them...and now what'll it be...a fist bump? A salute?

What if, this world is slowly turning into all those futuristic scifi film plots I used to smile at when young?

What if, humans not interacting much, not talking, not touching...just using telepathy and whatnot.

What if that's fun to watch in the movies but I don't want it in real life.

What if...can't do anything about it tho until I've had my coffee! Big Grin Wink

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"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

28 July 2020, 09:14 AM
Free Madness
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if Natalie Adele gets her annual shots Friday?

what if she gonna be pouting & mad when she gets home?

what if she gonna take it out on me?

what if at least she doesn't have to be the one paying the vet bill?

What if, tomorrow my new cat Sophie gets to go to the vet again...if she'll cooperate lol.

What if, she isn't the sort of cat you can just pick up and put in the cat carrier lmao, not without her taking off one of your fingers...or more.

What if, I have a sedative for her that I'll have to try to administer tomorrow morning before the Fun starts.

What if, we gotta make sure she's good and hungry too, so we're picking up the cat food tonight after she eats and not letting her have any til tomorrow. That way we can be sure she EATS the sedative lol.

What other cats don't have this much trouble, just get 'em by the scruff of their necks and shove them in the carrier quickly. Sophie is not only unhappy about the carrier, she doesn't like vets either.

What if the last vet we took her to wouldn't even DEAL with her bc she was combative and they were afraid of getting bitten?

What if I get it but they could have just jabbed a sedative into her after putting a towel over her head...but they couldn't be bothered.

What if so tomorrow it's to a different vet...and then at some point after that we introduce Sophie to the rest of the cats. Hopefully she won't eat them or anything LOL.

What if I don't think she'll do that tho...but they won't want to mess with her. She'll probably take over the whole house and they'll all have to bow to her.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

28 July 2020, 09:24 AM
Free Madness
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by Free Madness:

What if I was watching a Joe Rogan podcast about UFO's and stuffage like that?

What if I always wanted to know if we were alone in space?

What if, could it be true that an alien race out there could possibly help us get back on track with our world, if they don't want to kill us first?

What if...nahhh maybe they don't care enough to do either of those things.

What if, but it could be interesting if they were out there at least!!!

What if I watched 2 Joe Rogan yap fests & it was more intersting than I would have guessed ..?

What if Im quite interested in alien life myself..?

What if These are 2 Youtube Channels I enjoy for my Science fix...?

What if John Michael Godier has maybe the most relaxing voice on youtube..?

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Radio

What if I LOVE PBS Space Time but it easily gets into stuff that goes way over my head...

What if I'm Just a Science fan not a Scientist..?

PBS Space Time

What if I hope you enjoy this well presented type of information...2 people spit-balling in a conversation can often give un-intended inaccurate info as both are working quickly from memory which can be faulty sometimes.

What if, thanks Brucy, those sound intriguing?

What if, I am a YouTube addict, everything I watch is on YouTube.

What if there's always something for everyone there?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

31 July 2020, 05:54 AM
Phone call came in at 2 AM from my niece

My middle brother in California died

31 July 2020, 09:47 AM
Free Madness
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Phone call came in at 2 AM from my niece

My middle brother in California died


I'm so sorry, xc. Frown

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

31 July 2020, 05:29 PM
Brucy Braless
xc ,

I am Saddened by your loss...

thats mighty unfair....

Peace & strength be with you...
01 August 2020, 09:30 AM
Thanks, Kate and BrucE

This was my good brother who passed- a brother who I could trust as a friend.

He had heart problems, something that runs in my dad's side of the family.

He lived up in the northern California mountains, had worked with the forestry service. He collected chainsaws (old and new), loved movies of the Marvel Universe and was an aficionado of Dylan's music.

Death is a cruel thing for the victims and the survivors. i do believe in an afterlife. i may not like all the rules & rituals surrounding it but i believe i'll see mama & papa xc and my brother Steve on the Other Side. If it turns out i'm wrong, which i don't believe, i hope there's cosmic matter out there allowing me to dream a paradise that is certainly not this crummy world. i won't debate these points- it's too exhausting to argue and takes away from the time which should be spent celebrating the people we care about while we're on this planet.
01 August 2020, 10:32 AM
Free Madness
He sounds like a really cool guy, xc. I'm really sorry this happened.

No debates from me about the afterlife, I believe wholeheartedly that it exists. And I like that cosmic matter that allows you to dream a paradise, that sounds pretty good to me too. I do also feel that our loved ones who leave us sometimes come to visit us in spirit during tough times, particularly when they first leave the world. I felt my dad hanging around a lot when he first died and I still feel him sometimes. Dreams too, I think they can be glimpses of other dimensions. If we dream about a lost loved one, who's to say you're not really communicating with them...just on a different plane of existence where people from the Other Side and those of us still here on Earth can meet for a little bit? It may sound strange, but I've dreamed of my dad several times and I feel like those were real conversations.

Anyway xc, hang in there. Thinking of you.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

02 August 2020, 03:26 PM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by xenacrazed:

Death is a cruel thing for the victims and the survivors. i do believe in an afterlife. i may not like all the rules & rituals surrounding it but i believe i'll see mama & papa xc and my brother Steve on the Other Side. If it turns out i'm wrong, which i don't believe, i hope there's cosmic matter out there allowing me to dream a paradise that is certainly not this crummy world. i won't debate these points - it's too exhausting to argue and takes away from the time which should be spent celebrating the people we care about while we're on this planet.

HAY you'll get no argument from me..
I wish things were better/more/different than what we see too..

As I said atheism feels like a total fail in the face of unbearable loss...

but then Im only designed to believe as I do...

You take care of yourself...OK?
03 August 2020, 04:48 PM
Brucy Braless
What if we have not been what iffing..?

What if I realize its hard to keep going in the light of whats been happening..?

What if X-Specially for our buddy xc..??

What if I wish I could just distract him for a wee lil bit from his dispair..?

What if but I has No Idea how to & havent really got much to say..??

What if ..But I will keep trying to post anyways..?

What if bye for now..?
03 August 2020, 07:09 PM
Brucy Braless
What If I found great reply to a common problem..?

If I'm stuck in traffic and switch lanes because the other lane looks like it will move faster,
the lane I just switched from will automatically go faster.


However, if you don't switch lanes your lane will still go slow.
So go ahead and switch lanes.
Even though it doesn't change your commute time it speeds it up for the rest of us.
04 August 2020, 03:56 PM
what if my brother will be cremated soon?

His daughter-in-law works with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. Now she had to self-quarantine & be tested. If she turns out positive, then my sister-in-law, niece and others have to quarantine & be tested.

It was a heart attack that killed him.

what if i wrote some words to be recited at a memorial service when they spread his ashes in the mountains?
04 August 2020, 06:36 PM
Brucy Braless
What if god ..I wish you could be there..??

What if this might sound strange but Im more upset with what youre dealing with than I am with my family's loss...?

What if no upbeat posts from me for now..?
05 August 2020, 09:17 AM
Free Madness
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if my brother will be cremated soon?

His daughter-in-law works with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. Now she had to self-quarantine & be tested. If she turns out positive, then my sister-in-law, niece and others have to quarantine & be tested.

It was a heart attack that killed him.

what if i wrote some words to be recited at a memorial service when they spread his ashes in the mountains?

What if that's cool you wrote something for him and that it'll be read at his cremation?

What if that sucks about his daughter in law and her family though, and that you can't be there.

What if when it rains it pours sometimes jeez!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

06 August 2020, 08:51 AM
what if niece contacted oldest "brother" (use that term lightly) who hadn't spoken to Steve in many years?

He acted shocked at the news. Had he been in contact, he would know Steve had health problems, almost died last year.

i think Steve might've lived 4 more years had he lived life easier. But we do what we feel we like & don't always take precautions, much to the grief of those we leave behind.

Still, oldest "brother" is an asshole.
06 August 2020, 09:17 AM
what if there won't be a funeral for my brother, just a memorial service at some point?

That seems to be a trend. No funeral, no viewing

My uncles who died last year had no obit in the paper

i want to do that, too. Get it done, get it over with, no need to pay $$$$ for death cost, the greedy lawyers will eat that up on their own
06 August 2020, 10:08 AM
Free Madness
What if yeah, xc that is the trend at the moment thanks to all the nonsense...

What if my brother in law has been talking to John about a memorial for my father in law at some point.

What if, John suggested Zoom or Skype to meet with everyone instead of us meeting in person, since a lot of my father in law's friends are of course up there in years, 80's or maybe even 90's and there's just too high a risk.

What if it's weird to think about a memorial service on a video chat but hey at least people are getting together to honor someone!

What if, I won't have a lot of fuss and muss either when my time comes...I'm an organ donor so no burial, no cremation, no costs in that department.

They can have a memorial if they want, it doesn't cost a ton of money for people to just get together...either on Zoom or in person.

My dad donated his body to science so the biggest cost my mom dealt with was the caterers for the memorial we had for him.

Even that wasn't as bad as it could have been.

What if, I know this stuff is aggravating...something no one needs while they're grieving. Hopefully it all goes smoothly for you all and you're able to honor Steve the way he deserves to be honored.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

06 August 2020, 05:25 PM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if niece contacted oldest "brother" (use that term lightly) who hadn't spoken to Steve in many years?

Still, oldest "brother" is an asshole.

What if the similarities between your family & mine are a bit weird.

What if my oldest brother who was an asshole was named Steve..?
what if 3 boys no sisters..?

What if my youngest brother lives at home & looks after Granni Braless..his name begins with a K.?
What if in Some ways the nicest of us?
What if HE also denies having ever seen the Number 23..
Claims that was my Imaginary other brother..?

what if I as the middle brother am quite sickly & have been for over 35 years ?

what if my dad passed away first.?

What if I truly HOPE your A-Hole Bro is NOT NAMED BRUCE !?!?!?!?!

what if Stay Strong my friend..?

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless,
07 August 2020, 08:23 AM
what if my niece-in-law doesn't have the virus?

The cremation will take time. i still won't be going out there, too many personal complications.

i like Kate's idea on zoom or skype for the ceremony, i'm not sure about reception up in the mountains.

no, my asshole brother isn't named Bruce. As far as i know, there are no relatives named Bruce.

Sometimes i have an imaginary sister. i always wanted a sister. i think i'd be less crazed if i had a sister, one who was caring & lived close-by.
07 August 2020, 09:58 AM
Free Madness
What if I'm so glad your niece in law is safe, xc!!!

What if, I hope everything works out the way it's meant to. If they could get the zoom or skype thing working over there, you could at least be there without all the fuss and muss of traveling.

What if, I don't really miss traveling. I remember horrible lines and lots of stress, running around like a maniac and just overall, having a hard time. I like being on planes and trains and stuffage, it's just the preliminaries before I can board that are the trouble.

What if, I remember leaving my mandolin on a train, that was horrible but the good news is, they found it there and I was able to get it back.

What if, yeah, those were the days!

What if I had an imaginary older brother when I was a kid...I hated being the oldest, too much responsibility dumped on. I always wanted a brother though. I have one awesome younger sister, that's it. I have a cousin who's like a brother in a way, but he's far away as well.

What if I remember talking to some people years ago who considered themselves spiritual or whatnot...and they said that before we're born we're all in this huge conference room and we literally pick our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins...

What if I don't necessarily believe that...I believe it's all fate, you get the family you get and no picking and choosing.

What if, it keeps things simple in my mind?

What if, I just had breakfast and realized I forgot to get coffee...gotta rectify that lol.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

07 August 2020, 03:06 PM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if my niece-in-law doesn't have the virus? YaY!

no, my asshole brother isn't named Bruce. As far as i know, there are no relatives named Bruce.

What if... my bad..I keep forgetting that indiana isnt in Australia...silly me..?

Sometimes i have an imaginary sister. i always wanted a sister. i think i'd be less crazed if i had a sister, one who was caring & lived close-by.

What if my dad ALWAYS wanted a daughter... if I had been a girl I woulda been named Cheryl & would have been his pride & joy...insteada the neglected bother I was treated as.

What if tho that mighta made granni narcissist angry...she would NOT have liked anyone getting any attention besides herself.
I have no idea what mighta happened if either of the other 2 had been female..

07 August 2020, 03:34 PM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by Free Madness:

What if I had an imaginary older brother when I was a kid...I hated being the oldest, too much responsibility dumped on. I always wanted a brother though. I have one awesome younger sister, that's it. I have a cousin who's like a brother in a way, but he's far away as well.

What if I kinda do have a rich fantasy life in my imagination...When I cant fall asleep I often imagine I somehow get transported to a village of awesome LotR elven QTs who heal me & teach me magic.they usually end up being magical duplicates of some of my favorite actresses..LoL

What if SKYRIM has potions of Cure disease {any!} & temples where 2 seconds of prayer accomplishes the same thing...Damn would I love to visit there for a week or fact after 2-3 months ther I would have Comic book superhero level abilities..

What if I remember talking to some people years ago who considered themselves spiritual or whatnot...and they said that before we're born we're all in this huge conference room and we literally pick our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins...

What if HOLY FUCK Ive always been late getting to umm....EVERYTHING....I musta been the last in line..LoL Id betcha alla the other baby souls were pointin & laffin at me..?

What if I don't necessarily believe that...I believe it's all fate, you get the family you get and no picking and choosing.

What if I agree... you get no more choice than any parents get in their child.
07 August 2020, 03:50 PM
Free Madness
What if that's a cool fantasy life, Brucy!

What if I've never heard of SKYRIM but it sounds fantastic?

What if I have a pretty wild fantasy life but then again I always did. Usually it involves Johnny Depp in some form or another lol.

What if I have to watch those LotR movies again?

What if I have a lot of movies to catch up on tho?

What if, I loved the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe too...Cait Blanchette was fantastic in that!

What if, in other news, I went for a 40 minute walk today and am blown away by that?

What if I didn't have one bit of pain, and about several months ago I would've been in agony if I tried to walk half a block???

What if, I've lost 53 pounds so far on Weight Watchers and I think that really made a difference.

What if, I have about 20 pounds to go before I hit a good normal for me?

What if YAY!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

08 August 2020, 06:13 PM
Brucy Braless
What if 'Way to go" Joe who has been 'WINNING'<--use coked up Charlie Sheen voice here

What if Joe Bonehead has PROVED he is the left-wing GWB....a dopey jerk-off of EPIC proportions..??

What if he commented something to the effect of:

"Hispanics are all different ... not like black people.... "

What if Shut the FUCK up Joe if you want to win....Goddam retard ..

What if just right for a Retarded American public...

What if Thanks Liberals.....this time even if we win we lose....

What if Meanwhile unchecked global warming & over-population are destroying the Earth..?!?!?!

Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
08 August 2020, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Free Madness:

What if, in other news, I went for a 40 minute walk today and am blown away by that?

What if I didn't have one bit of pain, and about several months ago I would've been in agony if I tried to walk half a block???

What if, I've lost 53 pounds so far on Weight Watchers and I think that really made a difference.

What if, I have about 20 pounds to go before I hit a good normal for me?

What if YAY!

what if congrats on that, Kate?

i have knee arthritis after working on a concrete floor warehouse for way too many years.

But i still do a lot of walking, i love walking in parks, gazing at pretty women *sigh*

Maybe one of them will say, "ah, poor lonely xc,
i'll take him home & adopt him."
