06 October 2020, 11:45 PM
Brucy BralessWhat If?
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if I wonder if there will ever be just one solid cure for everything?
What if...one can dream, can't they?
What if Hay I wish!! That 'Cure Disease' Potion in Skyrim is slowly driving me Nuts with Envy..LoL What if by 1 solid cure you mean 1 thing to cure everything..its Impossible unfortunately...? What if some disease is caused by genetics, some by infection,
some by poisons, some by our DNA falling apart as we age....
Seems like a Magic Potionwould be the only way..? 06 October 2020, 11:56 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if your state's supposedly a battleground state in the election?
what if how could anyone there support Trumpenstein?
what if my state, Indhickiana, have too many low IQ hicks who'll vote for the orange haired baboon?
What if theres a joke that Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh & Philadelphia with indiana* in between..? What if it applies to New York too...NYC, ALbany & Buffalo with mostly Hicks in between..? What if remember criminal Republican congressman Chris Collins hes was my daughter's rep...mostly Amherst NY.... "Safest town in AMerica" What if I think almost all states are closer than 40/60 Majority party Minority Party..? What if but that just a guess..?? * in truth you can stick any solid red state in there..it mite have been mississippi in the joke I dont remember
07 October 2020, 12:01 AM
Brucy Braless What if the reason poor xc cant sleep is the nite time sounds
of alla them Indi-Hicks dreamin of suckin tRumps Cock all nite long..? What if must be a NOISY State indeed..?? What if 1 of the funniest nastys I have ever heard is that Republican Teabaggers Hate gays because they all fear they are 1 deep inside..? What if this is all meant as a joke.....I hope ya know? What if I havent had a good laff in a while ..I needed that post..?07 October 2020, 12:36 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if some social media sites are Banning QAnon & removing disinformation posts..??
What if do you 2 remember when we all thought that the internet would allow the common man to share their personal truths with all of us..??
What if I wonder if lame duck senators will vote to help America after they are defeated ..?
17 white house staffers etc & many military leaders are down with Covid..?
What if this tRump admin is like a really sad evil dangerous bad bad bad Joke..?07 October 2020, 11:14 AM
Free Madnessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if I don't want to think about that, but this gal is getting her ass to the polls themselves, none of this mailing in shite.
what if your state's supposedly a battleground state in the election?
what if how could anyone there support Trumpenstein?
what if my state, Indhickiana, have too many low IQ hicks who'll vote for the orange haired baboon?
What if yeah I don't pay attention to these things all the time but there are maybe two Trumpoid supporters on my street. We don't talk to them much because they live farther down than the other neighbors, which we don't particularly mind.
What if...I have no idea how ANYONE can vote for the Trump Monster now but there are still losers in the world after all?
What if...and many people who just don't make any sense. Like Trump! Lol.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
07 October 2020, 03:49 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if a Brand new Battery in the Van..?
What if I thought I'll go to Walmart maybe $75 w Tax....
What if Holy Fuck only 1 choice the mid-tier one $130 all told..?
WHat if thats still me puttin it in at home..?
What if 2 Rotors & brake pads {parts ONLY!} $145.... them Caravan Rotors used to be $25..!!!
What if i see the guy tomorrow to put them in & probably a front exhaust section for inspection...maybe $200-300 more..?
What if luckily I have the money for a change..??
What if thanks Covid relief..?
07 October 2020, 03:50 PM
xenacrazedwhat if ha ha ha ha ha ha ha?
Lincoln Project Trumpenstein07 October 2020, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if yeah, RIP Eddie Van Halen?
What if cancer is evil?
what if i had though EVH beat his cancer?
what if he sure mastered the guitar?
what if prefer the David Lee Roth years as i don't think much of Sammy Hagar the Horrible's singing?
what if DLR was born in Indhickiana but escaped?
07 October 2020, 03:55 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if more Doctor nonsese..?
What if that Infectious Disease doctor they referred me to
'Doesnt do that any more'.... WTF????
What if not only cant I get a doc to do what I need..I cant even get appointments to work out..?
What if tryin to see the doctor who put me on disability in 1993..?
What if his receptionist & office is obstructing me as best they can..Fuckers..??
07 October 2020, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if luckily I have the money for a change..??
What if thanks Covid relief..?
what if i wonder if we'll ever see more covid relief?
what if in my dreams?
what if wouldn't it be nice to transfer money from dreams over to reality?
what if i used to dream about records I'd find in record stores, buy them & set 'em on my nightstand, hoping they'd be there when i woke up?
what if i so stoopid?
07 October 2020, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if more Doctor nonsese..?
What if that Infectious Disease doctor they referred me to
'Doesnt do that any more'.... WTF????
What if not only cant I get a doc to do what I need..I cant even get appointments to work out..?
What if tryin to see the doctor who put me on disability in 1993..?
What if his receptionist & office is obstructing me as best they can..Fuckers..??
what if that sucks?
what if hope you can find a good doctor somewhere?
what if maybe if another town, if you can get there?
07 October 2020, 08:45 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if ha ha ha ha ha ha ha?
Lincoln Project Trumpenstein
What if How did you sneak ths one past me..??
What if thats pretty good.....?
07 October 2020, 09:09 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if Stupid tRump may have shot himself rite in the Electoral College..??
What if as of late september 9/10 Americans Supported a New Covid Relief package?
WHat if The Poo-Flinging Orangutan is Goin Down..LoL
08 October 2020, 05:43 PM
xenacrazedwhat if Trumpenstein said his getting covid was a blessing?
what if funny, i thought the same thing!?
what if the coward said he wouldn't join a virtual
what if who'd want to be on stage with him- a walking virus?
08 October 2020, 05:47 PM
xenacrazedwhat if hadn't has much rain in two months?
what if but still the lawn grows enough i gotta mow it?
what if i hope less rain equals less snow this winter?
what if i my car will need better tires if the winter weather is bad?
what if last winter was pretty mild here?
08 October 2020, 07:35 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if Trumpenstein said his getting covid was a blessing?
what if funny, i thought the same thing!?
what if the coward said he wouldn't join a virtual
what if who'd want to be on stage with him- a walking virus?
What if blessing....Yes Yes ... precious..? What if I fully expect him to TRY to Infect your Hero 'D0pey J0e'.?What if D0pey J0e Should refuse to be in the same room a s POTUShithead..?What if Only tRump-tards would blame him & who cares about those traitors anyways..?What if on NPR I heard that Pence treated K Harris with respect & congratulated her on her achievements..& today tRump launched a blistering & savage attack on her..??What if the Poo-Flinging ORANGE-rangutan NEEDs to be REMOVED from Office now !!..he is Clearly mentally deranged...no?08 October 2020, 07:43 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if hadn't has much rain in two months?
what if i my car will need better tires if the winter weather is bad?
What if its cooled & is cloudy here ALL THE time ..like...
2 sunny days in the last 3 weeks..??What if not alotta rain but some..??What if too bad your so far away I got Tires up the ass..???What if 3 vehicles with mostly good tires all around...What if 4 or 5 tires in the basement from older dodge mini-vans..??What if me & my Prices are IiinnnnnSSSAAAAANNNEEEE..?!?!!!?08 October 2020, 07:50 PM
Brucy Braless What if I finally took the old Post Office minivan down to get the brakes fixed..??What if hr thinks the Computer is Bad, the Tranny is Bad,...the exhausted is rotted out..?What if it was the ABS on the brakes that are makin me craxxy..not the pads..?What if if I were to fix everything it might be $3-4K...so not worth it on a 2003 minivan.?What if *bomp* *bomp* *Bomp* another 1 bites the dust..??What if Imma gonna use it too move my 10 tons of pack-rat garbage & just junk it...What if I may save the 6000 mi newer tires on it & replace it with some older ones from the basement..? What if Im gonna see if I can find a used battery on EggsList & return the $130 fiasco to Valmart..??08 October 2020, 08:26 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if the far -right Tea-Baggin Boogaloo Boys,Wolverine Watchmen anti-govt. were gonna kidnap Gov Witmer of Michagan...?
What if Private Militias are ILLEGAL in all 50 States..{PBS news}What if God Save us from his followers..LoL08 October 2020, 10:08 PM
Brucy Braless What if I like it when Mother Nature uses the Gulf of Mexico as a Hurricane Bowling Alley..?What if I really hope while they are swimming in 50 Mi/Hour winds buffeting them about they will LEARN Global Warming is REAL????What if K Harris is a loud mouth like tRump she humanized Pence....in the clips I saw..?09 October 2020, 08:23 AM
Free Madnessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if ha ha ha ha ha ha ha?
Lincoln Project Trumpenstein
What if that is HYSTERICAL????

What if, so true too!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
09 October 2020, 03:27 PM
xenacrazedwhat if TGIF?
what if l-o-n-g work week?
what if weekend always flies by too fast?
what if i don't like Mondays?
09 October 2020, 03:29 PM
xenacrazedwhat if RIP Johnny Nash?
what if he had some great songs?
what if 'i can see clearly now'?
what if 'stir it up'?
what if love dat reggae beat?
09 October 2020, 06:08 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if K Harris is a loud mouth like tRump she humanized Pence....in the clips I saw..?
What if what I saw was the end of the debate...apparently it was reversed in the beginning?
What if ...I STILL Cant stand ANY of THEM..???
What if Everything I try to do is just me spinning my wheels..??
09 October 2020, 06:09 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if RIP Johnny Nash?
WHat if damn....People be droppin like flies lately...??