09 November 2021, 11:08 AM
Brucy BralessWhat If?
What if its @ 58F & sunny so I have some windows open..
Zero wind what a diff that makes...
10 November 2021, 03:09 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if I hadda clean up 2 dead rats in the yard today...
I dont think the cats are killin them..
12 November 2021, 09:15 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if signed the papers today to inherit the house..?
What if I need to ask xc if I hafta start hating
taxes & Democraps now..??
What if aint nobody told me any of the Rules...dontcha see..?
What if I sure hope I dont hafta pay for NO doggy piss park..?
13 November 2021, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if signed the papers today to inherit the house..?
What if I need to ask xc if I hafta start hating
taxes & Democraps now..??
What if aint nobody told me any of the Rules...dontcha see..?
What if I sure hope I dont hafta pay for NO doggy piss park..?
what if the rules:
all politicians, dumbocrats and repooplicans, are anti-home owners, anti-american, anti-freedom.
this means evil hilarious cliton, devilish bernE sanders, gruesome al bore, all of them
all they want is for you to suffer & when you've suffered to the point of death,
they want dogs in the piss park to tear your skin open & poop inside the wounds.
Then they will tax you as you die because you're dying on the property that they taxed you to death to create!
Best gov't = no gov't
13 November 2021, 09:53 PM
xenacrazedwhat if worn out from working OT?
what if need mullah to pay for more car repairs?
what if this is conspiracy by Trumpenstein & evil Hilarious Cliton to make sure i don't save money for retirement?
what if i know i saw Al Bore & Lindsey Graham Cracker tampering with my car?
13 November 2021, 09:54 PM
xenacrazedwhat if very slow scrolls?
what if posting my posts crashed?
what if it is proof of a conspiracy!
what if down with the gov't!?
13 November 2021, 11:03 PM
Brucy Bralesswhat if I think you sneaked in here while I was watch Dune..Lol
17 November 2021, 12:41 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if things be moving rite along..?
What if I seem to have caught a cold.....
Theres a walk in COVID test place not far...
Im 7 months from my last booster rite now..
What if Im scheduled for my 3rd shot Tomorrow..goddam it..?
What if there is a Beautiful cloud leopard-y lookin kitten
outside with aMangled tail wit 1/2" of bone stickin out..
Ive been worried he would get frost bit& die of gangrene..?
What if he is totally feral but almost trusts me..?
What if I was puttin food outside on the porch & He WALKED RITE INTO THE HOUSE...!!!!!
What if I have wanted to get him indoors since the day I saw him...
I hope I can get him to calm down & stay indoors..??

17 November 2021, 07:12 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if 'Stubbs' Has Vanished.....
he was bouncin around the place like a Superball
fired outta cannon.
Its been totally silent in here since I got back from
my failed attempt to get a walk-in Covid test.
What if I hope he is not some kinda wee spotted escape artist..?
19 November 2021, 05:06 AM
xenacrazedwhat if hope your cat's okay?
what if maybe out cattin' around?
19 November 2021, 05:07 AM
xenacrazedwhat if saw the lunar eclipse this morning?
what if 'howl' am i supposed to change into a werewolf with the full moon blocked?
19 November 2021, 09:40 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if I slept thru the eclipse was really cloudy here anyways.
What if lil Stubby is hangin out in the back room...
What if he is totally feral.....& terrified of Everything.....
I think he will be fine eventually....
What if now I gotta get Ghost to come in..LoL
20 November 2021, 09:41 PM
xenacrazedwhat if got me the OT blues?
what if need the mullah but also need the sleep?
what if weird dreams when me do sleep?
what if break from OT this week with silly holiday?
20 November 2021, 09:51 PM
xenacrazedwhat if bought a pastrami sandwich today?
what if really hot black woman works at the place?
what if i go back next weekend & buy me food there just to get a look at her?
22 November 2021, 11:17 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if Pastrami is Good!
What if lil Sir Stubbs isnt gettin anymore comfortable inside..?
What if little does he know there is Ice outside
on the things that were rained on yesterday..?
What if it looks like the monster lake effect snow isnt gonna happen here ..
at least not today..?
24 November 2021, 10:00 AM
xenacrazedwhat if my car needs $1500 repairs?
what if i'd hoped to build my savings thru overtime?
what if... not now?
what if this seems to happen every time there's OT- something needs fixed with the car, the house, the property- & i can't get ahead?
what if can't win for losing?
25 November 2021, 08:20 AM
xenacrazedwhat if got my covid booster shot yesterday?
what if Mod-ur-nah?
what if got slight headache?
what if oh well it's a day off work?
25 November 2021, 11:13 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if sorry about-chur car..?
What if got my Pfizer 3rd booster on the 18th....
So Im fully up on resistance now..YaY!
What if Happy Thanksgiving.....
Weather is better than its been recently... today
What if thats good cause I wanna wear nicer dressy-ish
pants & they are too thin for cold weather..
What if I dont wanna look like a homeless dude while Im in a Indian restaurant....
What if I have a REALLY SNOTTY cold goin on..Goddam!!!!
THis is day 12 of that......Fugggg...!
30 November 2021, 10:31 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if the cold seems to be starting to retreat today ...
day 16....?
What if Im gettin the same old stuff over & over on Youtube
so Ive been watchin other things?
What if there is a 30,000 year orbit comet
Binocular visible at my southern horizon for the next few dusks still...
What if its been very cloudy since forever & prob will remain so....
I think it will round the sun & become visible in the southern hemisphere really soon..?
02 December 2021, 10:18 AM
Brucy Bralesswhat if Comet is visible in the very early morning...
so that leaves me out..?
What if Vinney is not doing real well..?
What if the really shy kitty I call Ghost has
ALMOST come into the house.
WHat if she insists on living under the front porch
which is gonna be impossible when it gets really cold & nasty later?
What if Stubbs is Still totally freaked out hiding in the back room?
03 December 2021, 12:14 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if Alec Baldwin is in denial about pulling the trigger..?
What if Im sure he could pass a polygraph rite now on that..?
What if I suspect its his brain trying to save his 'Soul'
from going insane over this..?
What if we all need to be able to understand thats what this is
& give him a break.
He accidentally murdered a friend & colleague at work..?
What if ..unless there was foul play to cause this tragedy
no one should not be punished any more than they already are over this.
What if well, thats my opinion on this.
04 December 2021, 01:23 PM
xenacrazedwhat if hope Vinney does better?
what if glad Thankstaking is over?
what if hate holidays?
what if still workin' OT?
05 December 2021, 10:02 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if Vinney hopes your overtime gets better..
What if I found 2 kombuchas that might benefit me..?
What if they both disappeared after I bought the 1st bottle..?
What if I guess I'll never find out..LoL
05 December 2021, 10:22 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if havin 4 cats in the house is really givin the ltterboxes a workout..?
What if Im hopin the new Omicron variant is 10x more contagious & 10x milder..??
What if snotty cold seems to finally be gone ..still a biy run down.... but..?
What if bought the high fat hamburger to keep Vinney healthy but he isnt too interested
the pate canned catfood is givin him some nasty shits...Whoa!!1
06 December 2021, 12:27 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if got calico Ghost kitty/big kitten in the house
its rainy so momma is in too...
What if I cant believe how quiet & calm it is in here..?