What If?

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12 March 2022, 03:58 PM
What If?
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:

what if Stew-fart is skinny enough to slip by ruskie guards unseen?

What if Yeah & shes so plain & no-talent she could sneam in like she was Invisible....

WHat if YES !!!

The New Invisible woman must be ...

K r i s t e n - S t e w r a t Yay!

what if ahh but Ass-putin's blood will give her away as she sneaks out?

what if ahh but she'll face a firing squad?

what if ahh or else a gulag where she'll starve?

what if ahh she already looks like she's starved!
13 March 2022, 11:34 AM
Brucy Braless
What if...:

You forget she ALREADY has talents as a super-spy/agent
from starring in Charlie's Angels & Ultra

Unmatched charm from playing Princess Diana.

Great leadership skills from Snow White & the Huntsman

Military Skills from Camp X-Ray

AND Most Important she has Super-Heroine levels of VAMPIRE skills
from 4 Twilight movies.

OOoooHHhhhh YEAH!!!!

She will be able to clean her Perfect Perfect Lips with a single Napkin...!!!!

Im pretty sure she will be Russia's new "FEARLESS LEADER" on the 1st day
13 March 2022, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if...:

You forget she ALREADY has talents as a super-spy/agent
from starring in Charlie's Angels & Ultra

Unmatched charm from playing Princess Diana.

Great leadership skills from Snow White & the Huntsman

Military Skills from Camp X-Ray

AND Most Important she has Super-Heroine levels of VAMPIRE skills
from 4 Twilight movies.

OOoooHHhhhh YEAH!!!!

She will be able to clean her Perfect Perfect Lips with a single Napkin...!!!!

Im pretty sure she will be Russia's new "FEARLESS LEADER" on the 1st day

what if please seek clear thinking, mental health soon? Eek
14 March 2022, 11:08 AM
Brucy Braless
WHat if YOUR Hero Joe Blow Biden is the 1
tryin to install her..

Keep up old man..!!!

14 March 2022, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
WHat if YOUR Hero Joe Blow Biden is the 1
tryin to install her..

Keep up old man..!!!


what if ???
14 March 2022, 11:33 AM
what if RIP William Hurt?

what if great actor?

what if Altered States, Mr Brooks, Big Chill, Dark City, etc?

what if in Marvel movies, too?
14 March 2022, 05:05 PM
Brucy Braless
OUCH !!!!

That is sad..

He will be missed.
16 March 2022, 04:01 PM
what if spring almost here?

what if got outdoor work to do?

what if add more rocks atop French drain, put down bug poison, clip big shrub by driveway, clean out gutters from stuffage left over last fall & pick up sticks in yard & all this before dreaded mowing season begins?

what if yuck?
17 March 2022, 11:33 AM
what if here comes the ba2 covid variant?

what if time for another booster shot?

what if they could put in pill form & we just have our docs write a prescription every 6 months?

what if will it never end?
18 March 2022, 05:18 AM
what if cheapest gas here is at Sam's Club?

what if i joined the club yesterday?

what if guess it also pays to buy in bulk?

what if just need room for storing that kinda stuff?
18 March 2022, 02:19 PM
Brucy Braless
What if :

I would never join a club that would have ME as a member....

Did you buy the 500 gal Bulk Gas .... how did you get it home..?

I've only seen a very few things there that were such a deal
that I really wanted em.

Im not sure I would go there if was open to everyone......
18 March 2022, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if :

I would never join a club that would have ME as a member....

what if you joined the socialist commie tree huggin gender bending club?

Did you buy the 500 gal Bulk Gas .... how did you get it home..?

what if in 1 gallon cans i make 500 trips to the store?

I've only seen a very few things there that were such a deal
that I really wanted em.

what if i figured you'd buy the blow up Kristen Stew-fart dolls in bulk?

Im not sure I would go there if was open to everyone......

what if ok, so i doubt they'd let Ass-putin in, is that good enough for ya now?

18 March 2022, 04:59 PM
Brucy Braless
[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Did you buy the 500 gal Bulk Gas .... how did you get it home..?
what if in 1 gallon cans i make 500 trips to the store?

Well isnt that Special...?

what if i figured you'd buy the blow up Kristen Stew-fart dolls in bulk?

What if you DONT NEVER EVER use the Words ~ Kristen StewRat ~ & Bulk in the same sentence again..!?!?!?


What if ..gotta go my world has been shaken.....not stirred..
20 March 2022, 11:54 AM
Brucy Braless
What If :

the fake gas shortage scare is over & prices will slowly drop...
Big Oil needs to rob us all for as long as possible.

Did no one else notice that during EVERY 'shortage' price spike ... there never is a shortage....
I was there during the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo when some gas stations
really did run out of gas.
SOooo I know when Im being lied to.

this shit is as Fake as Republican patriotism has been ever since Nixon was elected.
As fake as Bitch McConnell's humanity.

We needed to do this list more than 20 Years ago:

Nationalize our fossil fuel resources. All Americans Own them.
Make all fossil fuel systems Utilities.....with a set reasonable profit margin

If the price needs to go up to discourage overuse in a short term situation
ALL additional money would be levied as a tax.

look at it this way....during the Covid shut down when oil had a negative $ value

All Americans should have been told to fill their tanks & keep them full to
ease the logjam in the system to prevent the inevitable Free market price hikes
we experienced when the economy opened up recently.

Also this fake shortage hike due to Russia/Ukraine situation was an
Obvious short term speed bump that could easily have been leveled out
without the price gouging we are now being forced to endure.
20 March 2022, 12:00 PM
Brucy Braless
Gotta take a break will get back to my 'List' as soon as possible.
20 March 2022, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Gotta take a break will get back to my 'List' as soon as possible.

what if bulky Stew-fart will clobber ya for not 'what if'n?
20 March 2022, 02:32 PM
what if Sam's Club was disappointing?

what if cept for chicken & lower priced gas & stuff i don't normally buy?

what if no Coke Zero in bottles, no Life cereal, no toothpaste brand i prefer?

what if doubtful i renew?
20 March 2022, 05:44 PM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Gotta take a break will get back to my 'List' as soon as possible.

what if bulky Stew-fart will clobber ya for not 'what if'n?

What if i changed my mind & Im not even gonna bother..LoL

MMmmm....chubby K-Stew..sounds like Good EATIN !!!!
23 March 2022, 12:17 AM
Brucy Braless
What if.. the good old SuperFlea market is set to return...?

Its been 8 years since I was there last.....

They took down a ratty old leaky GEX Building & put ih a Walmart...

I hope they can get back those 2-3 Asian vendors
that had all sorts of insane stuff for $1

No new location has been determined yet but
alotta vendors are in line awready...

YaY !
23 March 2022, 06:46 AM
what if i like flea markets?

what if there ain't any in my city?

what if 20 some mile south or north, there are?

what if mama xc & me used to go to Traders World north of Cincinnati as it is the largest flea market in the Great Lakes region?

what if i haven't been there in 7 yrs and doubt if i ever go back?
24 March 2022, 12:07 PM
Brucy Braless
What if :

There is a remnant just down the street....

less than 20 peeps sellin most junk...

And 2 larger ones way out in the sticks....
They are just not the same..

not even combined...

BtW Im Really enjoying the 15-20 degrees warmer that its been lately...
26 March 2022, 10:15 AM
Brucy Braless
What if I shoulda shut my mouth
its cold Snowing now.LoL

Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
26 March 2022, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if I shoulda shut my mouth
its cold Snowing now.LoL

what if YEAH, keep yer big mouth shut, BrucE, cause it's cold here, too?

what if bought gas for $4 a gallon, cheapest it is round here at Sam's Club?

what if got more dvd's of relatives?

what if seen my great-uncle at a 1993 reunion talking about fam history?

what if glad someone recorded that?
27 March 2022, 10:30 AM
Brucy Braless
What if:

Yeah around the 22nd I noted that there was ONE cold day almost a week away....

Well now that the cold has arrived it was/will be 4 days..WTF??

Thats not even close....Nuh Uh ...
28 March 2022, 01:22 PM
Brucy Braless
What if :

its 20F outside rite now..LoL

The called for high is 23F....Damm !

Today's Average is 47 - 30F...
So its a bit cool.....
theres snow sitin on the ground not melting..
Its supposed tp peek up above freezing tomorrow..

Then it gets better...

What if it seems Buffalo Gasoline prices have made it
down to the national average...

so I guess thats good...